The UK Christmas Number 1


Turn Bayley heel
Christmas Number 1 has been ruined in recent years by the winner of the X Factor getting it every single time. This year, a load of people have decided to hit back and made a Facebook group for Killing in the Name to get to Christmas No 1 Amazingly, as we stand on Tuesday, it is winning. I think it is a good thing that the monoploy may get broken, but it is a shame that people blanketly buying something they've seen on TV can only be beaten by people buying an obscure song for absolutely no reason other than to beat it. What do you think? Is it goof that people are Raging Against The Machine, as it were, or should they just let it be and let people buy the X-Factor song.
Last time I checked Killing in the Name was not an obscure song by an obscure band. But frankly I like the idea of a group of people pushing for a song that shows anger at, for lack of a better term, the man. I want to see people take down the record companies ideal music crap and replace them with talented individuals that produce interesting music that people can get into on a cerebral level.
I don't know how a big of a deal the Christmas Number 1 is in the United States but in The United Kingdom, it generally consedered to quite a big deal. Now, over the last few years we have seen a rise in the number of talent shows that have come out in Great Britain. The X-Factor is undoubedly the worst of them and every year, it seems as though Simon Cowell and the X-Factor winner realistically buy the Christmas number 1 spot. Let me illustrate this point. Over the last 5 years, Simon Cowell has owned the Vhristmas number 1 spot. Here are the list of winners:

2005: Shane Ward - "That's My Goal"
2006: Leona Lewis - "A Moment Like This"
2007: Leon Jackson - "When You Believe"
2008: Alexandra Burke - "Hallelujah"

Now, that is all well and good for those people that captured the Christmas number 1. For the longest time, they did routine jobs working 9 to 5 and thanks to a talent show, they were idols to many. However, none of them have lasted the distance. The only one with appeal is Leona Lewis and even she is dropping off from her initial success. I could not tell you the names of half of these people and had to look up Wikipedia, truth be told. However, it seems as though Cowell has a monopoly on the Christmas number one and he has released another song this year through X-Factor winner, Joe something or other.

It doesn't matter what his name is to be honest because he is in a very tight spot and it looks as though e is not going to enjoy the same luxury as some of the other winners did. You see, his version of "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus is in the number two position with only a couple of days to go. You see, for half a decade Simon Cowell has been anticipating a lot of people buying his Christmas release of good songs in poor quality and now it seems to have biten him in the ass. People are pissed off and a FaceBook group was recently set up to get this fine tune to number one:



Now, as Joe whomever is second to this song, Simon Cowell has branded the campaign as "disgusting" and slammed it for robbing a young man of his dream. Is he justified? Or is it about time that he took his brand of talent show pop elsewhere?
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If RATM are the Christmas number 1 I may go and kill myself. I LOVE watching the music channels when a 'Christmas number 1s' hour is on. I love listening to the likes of Wham, Slade, Wizzard, Band Aid, Mariah Carey, The Pogues etc. I know the X-factor winners aren't in that league either, but RATM are a horrible band and I do NOT want to be watching the same show in 10 years to have them in the middle of it. It shouldn't be allowed, eugh.
Why should it not be allowed?

Is Joe whomever's version of "The Climb" any more or any less related to Christmas? I don't think so. You see, for people like Simon Cowell, the Christmas number 1 has been about everything other than Christmas and the seasonal music that it brings. I too love hearing the songs from yesteryear like Wizard, Slade and Mariah Carey but now it seems as though the Christmas Number One s just a hurdle and a formality in the greater plan for Cowell and whoever the hell he is backing on a yearly basis. I think that it is a great song that RATM have released tears ago and the lyrics are what it is all about. Never before has lyrics been as prevalent in my mind.
Rage Against the Machine is a very influential and talented band. Many people are sick of the same old sappy ballads and commercial made songs getting the recognition. It's been a fun campaign. Here's a recent radio interview and performance that has to be cut at the end as RATM decided to not censor their song :)

Dave just too let you know you got the years wrong, you've got to add a year onto each one.

On topic though I would hate for them to be number 1, they too me don't fit in with christmas number ones at all, now its not like the X Factor fit the christmas number one bill but when they are going through christmas number ones I don't want to listen to that shit blasting through my tv, I would much prefer to listen to Joe even though its a terrible song for him to sing.
Why should it not be allowed?

Is Joe whomever's version of "The Climb" any more or any less related to Christmas? I don't think so. You see, for people like Simon Cowell, the Christmas number 1 has been about everything other than Christmas and the seasonal music that it brings. I too love hearing the songs from yesteryear like Wizard, Slade and Mariah Carey but now it seems as though the Christmas Number One s just a hurdle and a formality in the greater plan for Cowell and whoever the hell he is backing on a yearly basis. I think that it is a great song that RATM have released tears ago and the lyrics are what it is all about. Never before has lyrics been as prevalent in my mind.

It shouldn't 'officially' not be allowed, I just don't think it should happen. The song is horrible. If it did get Number 1, it'd have NOTHING to do with the quality of the music, but rather the desire to beat Cowell and the X-factor, which also annoys me. The Christmas number 1 doesn't have to be solely about Christmas, but it shouldn't be a screaming, horrible piece of shit. From Mariah Carey to that..eugh, can you imagine?
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I can imagine that I would much rather listen to Rage Against The Machine than Joe Whomever. At the risk of sounding like an advert for the group that has been set up, I am really sick of the stranglehold that Simon Cowell has over the Christmas Chart. The covers have been shit at best and not a patch on the originals. Take this year for example. Joe Whomever's version of "The Climb" is not that special. In fact, I would say that Miley Cyrus' version of the song is fantastically better. Even though the original was better and was only released a few months ago, people will pick up a copy of the latest mush have song and be quite content that they are killing the British music scene and demolishing the competition for this time of year. Iam not entirely thrilled with RATM being number one but if this is what it takes to get the picture into Cowell's fucking thick skull, so be it.
It shouldn't 'officially' not be allowed, I just don't think it should happen. The song is horrible. If it did get Number 1, it'd have NOTHING to do with the quality of the music, but rather the desire to beat Cowell and the X-factor, which also annoys me. The Christmas number 1 doesn't have to be solely about Christmas, but it shouldn't be a screaming, horrible piece of shit. From Mariah Carey to that..eugh, can you imagine?

Yet we already have that crap from X-Factor ruining Christmas No. 1s since X-Factor and Pop Idol all existed. Since Bob the Builder became Christmas Number One, it has truly gone downhill. You say RATM is a horrible song that shouldn't be Christmas Number One? Think about all the crap that has been Number One, officially no song in this decade was Christmas related! You had Bob The Builder, Girls Aloud and the X Factor crap. This is why I hate X Factor, because a one hit wonder is going to take the Christmas spot and be forgotten the next month and all that leaves in the history book is the fact that some talentless wannabe won a rigged contest "earnt" the Number One spot with plenty of endorsements for Simon Cowell.

There have been plenty of decent Christmas songs that came out, yet did any one of them get to the main spot because they were more Christmassy? No! They didn't because the crap that is constantly shoved down our throats each year is getting. So I welcome Rage Against The Machine as Christmas Number One, I'm sick and tired of seeing/hearing complete talentless nobodies getting the spot with a number we'll forget or completely murdering a classic with their cover. But then it's against X Factor, anything is better in terms of quality, I could release a karoke single and that would be 10 times better!
Frankly both are turgid pieces of shit and I've no desire to listen to either. However, I, and pretty much every other genuine music fan out there, fucking hate Simon Cowell guts and I'd rather listen to Alvin & The Chipmunks singing the Nazi anthem than have Cowell on top again.
Yet we already have that crap from X-Factor ruining Christmas No. 1s since X-Factor and Pop Idol all existed. Since Bob the Builder became Christmas Number One, it has truly gone downhill. You say RATM is a horrible song that shouldn't be Christmas Number One? Think about all the crap that has been Number One, officially no song in this decade was Christmas related! You had Bob The Builder, Girls Aloud and the X Factor crap. This is why I hate X Factor, because a one hit wonder is going to take the Christmas spot and be forgotten the next month and all that leaves in the history book is the fact that some talentless wannabe won a rigged contest "earnt" the Number One spot with plenty of endorsements for Simon Cowell.

There have been plenty of decent Christmas songs that came out, yet did any one of them get to the main spot because they were more Christmassy? No! They didn't because the crap that is constantly shoved down our throats each year is getting. So I welcome Rage Against The Machine as Christmas Number One, I'm sick and tired of seeing/hearing complete talentless nobodies getting the spot with a number we'll forget or completely murdering a classic with their cover. But then it's against X Factor, anything is better in terms of quality, I could release a karoke single and that would be 10 times better!

Again, I never said that a Christmas song has to be Christmassey, but I'm much more likely to get into the Christmas spirit listening to the X-factor than I am listening to RATM. Who are a HORRIBLE horrible band with a horrible song. 10 million people voted in the Xfactor final - more than those who voted for our current government - so clearly a lot of people care. If RATM win this, it'll only because they're the only real option against Cowell and NOT because they're a good band.
Who are a HORRIBLE horrible band with a horrible song.

I doubt that X-Factor song will make a return in 15 years and chart near the top again.

If RATM win this, it'll only because they're the only real option against Cowell and NOT because they're a good band.

I'm pretty sure the chart has 40 song, all of which could've made it to number on if people cared enough to buy them.

It's no worse than Mr. Blobby or Bob The Builder.
It's bullshit to suggest that Christmas Number 1 was some sort of saintly ode to music before the X-Factor came along, but it used to be fun to see what would make it in the run up to Christmas. The last time it was remotely close was in 2003 and that is where the fun has been sapped out of it. As much as I love RATM and the fact that someone is doing something about the X-Factor monopoly, it does sadden me that it has to be an artificial race to the top, rather than an actual song being able to stand up to scrutiny.

To be honest though, when all is said and done, I don't care if Joe does win, because at least it would have been close. RATM have had no publicity from their label and don't even have a CD or a music video out, and there's something in the people power that has sent it to the top that is quite, inspirational.

Don't worry about RATM ruining the likes of Mr Blobby as past Christmas number ones, a song that says "Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me" for 2 minutes is unlikely to get on VH1 very often.
If RATM win this, it'll only because they're the only real option against Cowell and NOT because they're a good band.

I would not say that RATM were the only real option besides the X Factor winner. The problem has been that so dominant has Cowell's bland, manufactured pop been over the past 5 years at Xmas that no one else has really tried to become Xmas No.1.

The fact that the public have resorted to a band and a song that is so anti-X Factor and is making a real fight of it demonstrates how disenchanted a lot of people have become with popular music in general.

If this was just about stopping X Factor having another Xmas No.1 then a more popular song would have been chosen to dethrone Cowell. Something like Sex On Fire by Kings of Leon or Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen would likely have wiped the floor with McElderry had they received the media coverage and support that RATM has.

Whether RATM win or lose, I am just happy that Cowell (who let's not forget is likely making more money now than he would have had McElderry run unopposed) will actually have to listen in to find out if he actually has won rather than take it for granted.

RATM guitarist, Tom Morello, summed it up perfectly as a "wonderful dose of anarchy."
Yeah I'm all for this, I can't stand any of the Xfactor ''contestants'' and for them to dominate what I looked forward to back in the 90's (as a youngling) The Christmas Number 1 is insulting. Granted popular music hasnt been good since.....maybe the the 90's so I reallly couldn't give too shits about it now. That being said I'd much rather see Rage Against The Machine top the chart. Is it good its awful as is most metal to me, but its ten times better than the shite each Xfactor winner comes out with.

It wont matter though, RATM will be forgotten about in the next couple of weeks and unfortunatly we will be hearing about that Xfactor cuntstain for at least the next few months.
Again, I never said that a Christmas song has to be Christmassey, but I'm much more likely to get into the Christmas spirit listening to the X-factor than I am listening to RATM. Who are a HORRIBLE horrible band with a horrible song. 10 million people voted in the Xfactor final - more than those who voted for our current government - so clearly a lot of people care. If RATM win this, it'll only because they're the only real option against Cowell and NOT because they're a good band.

Are you saying RATM are horrible because you don't like that type of music? How much music have you heard from them? They are very talented and make inspirational music that matters.....a far cry from most of the shit that's released today. They inspired a new subsegment of music when they hit the scene in 1992 and all of their cds are exceptional. Tom Morello is a highly respected guitarist. Their 2 grammy awards and five other nominations say otherwise that they are far from being a horrible band.
10 million people voted in the Xfactor final - more than those who voted for our current governmentQUOTE]

Sigh...yet another example of the idiotic proportion of this country that would rather vote for a semi-fixed talent show than have a say on who governs them.
As for RATM being a terrible band with a terrible song, I'd much rather listen to killing in the name than have my ears bleed and brain melt at the hands of another fucking X-factor cover!
Seriously I don't think I'd protest if everyone who voted in the X-factor final and buy's the single were put up against a wall and shot!
I know I downloaded my copy!
I think it's amazing that a song this powerful has been chosen, I think it's obvious that the song's main message and repeated line makes it the perfect anti-X factor theme. There may have been plenty of people voting for the X factor and RATM may win as its the "not-X factor" vote but that wont make it any less a sign of people banding together and showing some rebellious attitude that they wont be spoon fed the predictable Christmas number one. Even if Joe whatever does win in the end then at least he got a run for his money!
The chart show's up now. I'd like to point out to those of you that have said we are buying RATM's 'Killing in the Name' because:

It's the best option to beat the X Factor single

Most people are doing this because it's a good song.

Personally, I can't stand the guy. Nor can I stand the song.

It's been said before- it's a "wonderful dose of anarchy". I'm listening and am seriously looking forward to Rage being annouced as No.1
Words cannot express how happy I was to hear that Rage Against The Machine was Christmas number one. However, I really can't think of what we have all accomplished. Sure, we made a group that showed that we were upset with the way music was being ripped off and we got a song to number one in protest. It was an amazing feat of human endeavour and really did show us that we could upset the odds. However, I look at the chart now and Joe McWhomever is number one. He never got the Christmas number one but does that really matter? He is still number one. He has accomplished a number one with his breakthrough single. I can't help but feel it was kinda useless as I generally don't see the great thing about the Christmas number one. It is not that different from the other 51 number ones in a year.

That being said, I am still happy with the result.
Words cannot express how happy I was to hear that Rage Against The Machine was Christmas number one. However, I really can't think of what we have all accomplished. Sure, we made a group that showed that we were upset with the way music was being ripped off and we got a song to number one in protest. It was an amazing feat of human endeavour and really did show us that we could upset the odds. However, I look at the chart now and Joe McWhomever is number one. He never got the Christmas number one but does that really matter? He is still number one. He has accomplished a number one with his breakthrough single. I can't help but feel it was kinda useless as I generally don't see the great thing about the Christmas number one. It is not that different from the other 51 number ones in a year.

That being said, I am still happy with the result.

Think of it like this. Every time a music channel does an 'Every Christmas No.1' show, they have to play this song now. That's how I think of it.

Oh yeah. It's also the last Xmas No.1 of the decade :worship:
''Stick it to the man, buy this song instead''

I didn't really care who went to number one, I haven't listened to the cart since the late 90's when I used to sit there for hours and tape it. Only stopping to cut of ads and pointless jibber jabber.

What amused me about the whole thing was that people were buying the Rage song because they didn't want to be spoon fed some pop rubbish, but instead they happily suckled some Rage Against the Machine from some Facebook groups nipple.
''Stick it to the man, buy this song instead''

I didn't really care who went to number one, I haven't listened to the cart since the late 90's when I used to sit there for hours and tape it. Only stopping to cut of ads and pointless jibber jabber.

What amused me about the whole thing was that people were buying the Rage song because they didn't want to be spoon fed some pop rubbish, but instead they happily suckled some Rage Against the Machine from some Facebook groups nipple.

I think it is completely different.

The fact of the matter was that people were genuinely just going to buy whatever release Simon Cowell put out there. It wouldn't have mattered if they had released The Climb or Don't Stop Believing like they planned to do originally. People would have lapped it up and not because it is a good cover of a good song, mainly because it is part of a trend that is becoming ever more prevalent.

The difference is that we were not told and expected to but Rage Against The Machine. Rather a group of like-minded people picked a song and believed in the message of the song. Isn't that what music is all about?
The difference is that we were not told and expected to but Rage Against The Machine.

People were told to buy Rage Against The Machine, and they did.

Rather a group of like-minded people picked a song and believed in the message of the song. Isn't that what music is all about?

''Hey don't buy the latest X-Factor single, try and get this to number one instead''

''What's that?''

''Range Against The Machine''

''Why should I buy that over the most hyped single of the year?

''Err, because it stops Simon Cowell from world domination''

''But doesn't he own the recors label that produces this album?'' (£4 in all major music retailers - Jake)

''I don't know, but the lyrics say ''fuck you I won't do what you tell me'', isn't that a great message?''

''I guess, but I don't really think it'll work. The chart is now based on airplay as well, we have no way of beating the X-Factor single''

''But you can buy the album for £4 at all major music retaillers''

''A whole album for £4! Wowzers. But I'm still going to have to decline''

''Buy it now bitch''

''Fuck you I'll only buy it if you ask me politely''

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