The true face of WWE


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Allot of wrestling fans feel that John Cena is the face of WWE, and with good reason. He is a big draw, though I really dont understand why. In my opinion there is a much better candidate for the face of WWE then John Cena. That man would be The Undertaker. Undertaker has been in WWE 20 years this Survivor Series. He has done more for wrestling then half of the WWE roster combined. Sure Taker is getting old, and is not what he used to be, that is not the point. John Cena may have earned his spot in WWE as Vince's new golden boy...but The Undertaker has more then earned his spot as the true face of WWE.
So you want a man, who is supposedly a dead man, zombie, creepy spirit, whatever you want to think of, as the face of a company in his winding years? Look, Taker is great, love him, but his character is that of a dead man. How do you market that on television shows, hell even sports shows? "And here from the crypt in Death Valley, the UNDERTAKER!!!!!!!! AHHH SHIT WE HAVE PISSED HIM OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The Phenom is just not a personable type character.

Cena may be boring to you, or whatever your hatred of Cena is, but he appeals to kids, and sends a good ass message to them that parents like. Hustle= Working hard. Can't get anywhere in life without working your ass off. Cena works his ass off to give people a good show, no matter what. Respect= well, Respect. Simple as that, respect fellow people, and you in turn will be shown respect back. Loyalty= I'm not entirely sure what that message is, probably being loyal to your close friends and family. It is a good message to send out to kids. Plus he is a personable kind of guy. Makes great for talk shows, movies, anything. That is why he is the face of the company.
Cena is the true face of the WWE, not taker, HHH, orton, or anyone else. It's him, and honestly it should be him. Cena is a very likable guy. He's funny, charismatic, and the kids love him. He's got a good look, he's got a good work ethic, the character he plays is an ideal role model for children, and he is just a very easy guy to market.
Just because Taker has been around a long time does not make him the face of the company. Like it or not, Cena is the face of the company because that's who people associate WWE with currently.

He's the very definition of face of the company, actually.
Well I don't really like him that much but really John Cena is the face of WWE. He basically promotes WWE every where he goes. He does commercials, he does talkshows, and he does movies (Boy I sound alot like Batista). He is truly the face of the WWE.
I gotta agree with Ch davis..stop trying to take something from cena when he desreves it..not saying taker doesnt.but hes not marketable..can you see him on talk shows, movies, commericals, albums, dont think dont get to be the face of the biggest wrestling company by half assing it....Vinni mac saw something in him and pushed him..even if you watch cenas dvd youll hear jim ross say when he signed cena he went to vince and said.."i just signed your main event for wrestlemania in 5 years"..took him four but besides the fact cena is the modern day hogan..hate him..doesnt matter..he still wrestles like he has something to prove..i dont get how people was sack slidding and dick riding for cena but as soon as he stops rapping and changes his gimmick nobody wants him to be the face of the wwe...when its all said and done for cena in 10 to 15 years... when they make that list of greatest wwe stars ever..he may not be at the top of the list but it wont take long for him to hear his name called...
I agree with other repliers these days the face of WWE should be a really good guy, with mic skills and nothing negative about him. At this moment Cena probably fits best. But shouldn't a face of the company appeal to people in all segments of fans, and not mostly to children and mothers?
Maybe I exaggerate a bit, but when Cena has a match you hear children cheer for him and grown-ups booing him.
If anyone symbolizes the WWE, it is The Undertaker.

That same line has been used on for The Deadman pretty much since started. The Undertaker has been, in a way, the face of WWE for a very long time. Way back in the day even, around the time Hogan left for WCW Taker was still a big name.

So with your logic the oldest person on the WWE Roster should be the New face? How does that make sense? In the Attitude Era who was the face then? It can be argued The Rock or Austin, both who weren't around as long as The Phenom was.

John Cena is the face of The PG Era. Undertaker is a zombie-like character that is meant to scare. So with that, think about this business-wise: Will you go for the young, kid-appealing guy or the guy that will more likely give children nightmares? It's a no-brainer.
Cena really isn't that much of a draw. Look at the 3's the WWE is getting in the ratings. I mean that is way more than anything TNA draws, but it's half of what they drew in the attitude era. What that means is Cena as the face isn't as big of a draw as Steve Austin. And I don't think he could sell out the Pontiac Silverdome, so he's no hulk hogan.

What Cena is, is the face of the WWE while they're transitioning in to the next big era. To be honest, they could've got the same result pushing anybody as their company face. Cena's mic skills are annoying and his wrestling is about as great as any hulk hogan match. He is proof that kids are idiots and will buy in to anything the wwe pushes.
Undertaker shouldn't be the face, he is my favourate, but his gimmick and his style in wrestling will get ruined if he is shown on TV shows and commercials. But one thing I will have to say, John Cena shouldn't have been the face just because little kids love him, if you notice, John Cena can't provide a great technical match up, hes not a good wrestler but a good entertainer, I personally think it should be Randy Orton, he has everything John Cena has except John Cena isn't a talented wrestler like Randy Orton is, Randy Orton just turned thirty and he's already a future hall of famer, amazing. John Cena is just a good segment hoster and an entertainer, not really that talented at wrestling, which is why he shouldn't be the face, it makes WWE look kind of bad.
The Undertaker takes too much time off to be a full time face of the company. Plus...he's the deadman. Kids would shit themselves lol. Sure he's earned the spot, but I honestly don't think he wants it. Kane is the same way. He's happy doing what he's doing now. Taker hardly wrestles save for PPVs. He makes random appearances, talks, maybe chokeslams some one, then leaves. And he's earned that laid back schedule.

As for Cena. Yeah, he's the face. Kids love him. And WWE is FOR kids now. That's why I don't watch WWE much and I hate Cena. He's just fucking annoying to me. I hate the good guy, especially one THIS ''good''
Cena is the face. Undertaker is the token. I think part of the reason why Undertaker is a little more over now than in certain parts of his career is because he's one of the last guys from the previous generation's era, who after all these years later still haven't come to terms that John Cena is the face of the WWE.
Undertaker is more of an "attraction" or "patriarch" rather than face of the company. Undertaker has really never been "THE MAN" even though he's been in the main event for 20 years. He is very smart and works a great schedule, always is made to look good, and is kept fresh by making infrequent appearances. When he was a "regular" his gimmick started getting old and he transitioned to the "evil holy" Undertaker and then the "biker".
Cena really isn't that much of a draw. Look at the 3's the WWE is getting in the ratings. I mean that is way more than anything TNA draws, but it's half of what they drew in the attitude era.
This has nothing to do with being the face of the company. Wrestling has just lost its place in pop culture.

While he's boring, Cena is the current face of the company, and ratings are irrelevant to the discussion.
CenaSux4Life78 said:
Allot of wrestling fans feel that John Cena is the face of WWE, and with good reason. He is a big draw, though I really dont understand why. In my opinion there is a much better candidate for the face of WWE then John Cena. That man would be The Undertaker. Undertaker has been in WWE 20 years this Survivor Series. He has done more for wrestling then half of the WWE roster combined. Sure Taker is getting old, and is not what he used to be, that is not the point. John Cena may have earned his spot in WWE as Vince's new golden boy...but The Undertaker has more then earned his spot as the true face of WWE.

Dude, I'm a fan of the Undertaker beyond the shadow of a doubt, in fact he's the only reason I ever watch WWE these days. I am personally not a fan of John Cena, and I don't think I could ever get into his act. But god damn, I respect the guy's ability there's no one that can do what he's doing now, he's the guy that is carrying the company and is the one that people identify with when you bring up WWE in today's day and age. I can respect a difference of opinion on any day but I am not sure if your WrestleZone handle is the best choice to have in your presenting your case. Even though I am not a fan of Cena, I hardly think he sucks, I'm just not a fan. But nonetheless I am a fan of the Taker and prefer him more but it'd be be less than objective for me to say that The Undertaker is the face of the WWE when sadly he really isn't, despite how awesome he truly is.

Just because Taker has been around a long time does not make him the face of the company. Like it or not, Cena is the face of the company because that's who people associate WWE with currently.

He's the very definition of face of the company, actually.

Looking at some of my older forums posts, I know I haven't seen eye to eye with you StopFantasyBooking, but this time man I am with you on the point you're making in presenting a counterpoint to this thread. To echo your point about Cena being associated with today's WWE, it's simple. Just walk into any major place that sells WWE products and you will see an abundance of John Cena merchandise and so on. The other guys including The Undertaker still have their presence but no one matches up to John Cena in today's WWE, he is the man plain and simple.

Good point, StopFantasyBooking, sorry about the last time we were debating on wrestling related stuff.

In summation, it's close minded to actually deny John Cena's drying power. It's one thing to not like the guy and no one says you have to, but it's very short sighted to not acknowledge his name recognition and superstardom. And that takes a lot to say from a guy like me who I can tell you is not a member of the Cen-Ation.
Not sure if anyone has mentioned him or not (and if so, I apologize) but Rey Mysterio should be the face of the's why.

I don't really like Rey personally. I mean, he comes across as if he's like this mini-spider man at times, which I know is his gimmick, but to someone in the 30s or older, the sight of a half pint guy in a mask is somewhat unnerving. Notwithstanding, Rey SHOULD be the face of the WWE NOW due to the fact that the WWE can capliatized greatly on the current immigration law dispute.

The WWE is notorious for bringing real life situations into their storylines, and if MLB has made their stance known (i.e. wanting to remove spring training from Arizona) the WWE should place the title on Rey to show that they are behing immigrants moving into the United States. This would be good for Latinos and also good for someone else (insert C.M. Punk) to take the title from Cena, citing his reasoning that the WWE shouldn't have an illegal alien as their champion. This could go on for about 4-6 months or until we get tired of it, whichever one comes 1st. That way, Rey (the true face of the company) could not only fight for his pride but also the pride of Latinos everywhere in the country. It could garner a great deal of response, if done properly. Also, it could show that the WWE is sensitive to certain real life issues while at the same time keeping storylines fresh, even with 2 men who have already fought.
Undertaker isn't the face of WWE. John Cena is. Undertaker is however a huge icon of the WWE. I think that's what the OP was getting confused with.
What Cena is, is the face of the WWE while they're transitioning in to the next big era. To be honest, they could've got the same result pushing anybody as their company face. Cena's mic skills are annoying and his wrestling is about as great as any hulk hogan match. He is proof that kids are idiots and will buy in to anything the wwe pushes.

I hate very much Cena but man I think that we could have better faces of the company: Rey Mysterio (I hate him) and/or CM Punk(love him) Im lazy and someone already explain why Rey. CM why?cause he is a freakin STRAIGHT EDGE!!!you want a message for kids there you go! just as simple as that. Cena is bs he is nothin out of common :banghead:
I think that everyone can agree that the Undertaker has made huge contributions to the world of professional wrestling. He has been a dominant presence for a very long time. And in a perfect world he would be the face of the WWE. He is dedicated, hardworking, and a stand up guy. He has made many sacrifices for the business (both physically and in his personal life). He is one of the reasons that the WWE is where it is at today. Since HBK's depature, he has the claim on seniority. For all intensive purposes he is the face of the WWE, especially to wrestling purists.

BUT...everyone else has hit the nail on the head! Undertaker is only so marketable. Cena offers much, much more. Can we really see Taker going on Jay Leno and promoting Summer Kayfabe can only work so much. Whoever said it said it well. A Zombie cannot be the face of WWE.
I personally believe that Cena's time as face of the WWE is starting to wind down. He's had this position for the past 5 years straight. And anyone who knows anything about this business knows that wrestling goes through changes. Whether its planned or not.

It was refreshing to not see Super Cena close another Monday night Raw.

Randy Orton seems to be the next one to hold this position as face of the company. And Im happy about that.
For all intensive purposes he is the face of the WWE, especially to wrestling purists.

The phrase is "for all intents and purposes", not "for all intensive purposes", not "for all extensive purposes". FOR ALL INTENTS AND PURPOSES.

By the way, Undertaker is nowhere near marketable enough to be the face of the company. Besides, Mark Calaway is the biggest Undertaker mark there is so I don't think he'd want Undertaker to be the face of the company because he knows it wouldn't work with that character. Rey Mysterio? He's a niche wrestler. He can't even be "the face of Smackdown". Just a big draw there. And that's his place in the company: to be a selling point on Smackdown.

The only other option for face of WWE is Randy Orton at this time. Even he doesn't deserve it nearly as well as Cena. Now in the ring I don't care for Cena. He brings nothing much to the table (alot like Hogan back in the day). But he does deserve the respect that he busts his ass for that company. Thus he has rightfully earned that spot and honestly at this point is the only logical choice.

I take that back. Edge would make a good candidate too if it wasn't for his character doesn't fit into it with him being heel and all.
The Undertaker as the face of the WWE?????? C'mon man really? Taker wasn't even the face of the company back when he was in his prime, now he is getting closer to retirement, although I do think he has become more dominant in recent years, even moreso than he was earlier in his career.

The face of the WWE is Cena, and he will only be surpassed by Randy Orton if Orton's new character gets handled correctly and the kids take to him more, Orton already has alot of the older audience, with his new character and the right type of push, the younger audience might take to him and buy his merch.
Undertaker currently the face of the WWE? No.

He is much more than that, he is a LIVING LEGEND.

If anyone has any doubt in what exactly is being the "face" of the company, just take a look at Cena, its easy to understand. A "face of the company" is someone who has been with the company a certain amount of time and has accomplished and succeed in just about every aspect asked of him. Someone who's reliable, who's consistent, not just in work inside the ring, but outside as well. A representative, a spokesperson. Cena goes to hospitals and visits children who are not as fortunate , later that night he goes to for example a Late Night Talk Show. He goes to sports events. "representing" the WWE. In the past the face of the E has been Hogan, Bret, Shawn, Austin.

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