The TNA Roster - In Need of Some Cuts?

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Brilliance In Supremacy

Getting Noticed By Management
It is mystery that TNA has some of the world's greatest wrestling talent (Angle, Joe, Styles, Daniels, etc.). Unfortunately, they only have an hour of TV time a week and their roster looks to be almost the size of RAW and SD's combined. There are a lot of guys that we just don't see and thus probably don't care too much for seeing. It seems as if a lot of the less popular guys can be cut and have that money used toward a bigger name guy that might be opened to the idea of joining TNA.

Which guys do you think it is in TNA's interest to trim off the roster? Give a little input as to why you think they need to go.

Here's who I think:
A1 - I really don't remember the last time I've seen him and he never impressed me much
The James Gang - This might be a controversial choice, but many people are just tired of them. They were great at one point, but they just don't captivate people anymore
David Young - Is it just me or is his presence holding back what Elix Skipper could be?
Johnny Devine & Shark Boy - As of this moment, there are about ten guys that consistently compete in X-Division matches. As there's only one televised X-Division match a week. The quantity of X-Division guys lowers the quality of X-Division matches. These two, despite talented (well, I never really liked Shark Boy's gimmick), are the least popular of the division.
Norman Smiley - Everytime we see him we know it's gonna be a squash match. It's just not entertaining.
Raven - He was amazing at one point, but he looks almost as crippled as Terry Funk does in the ring. Retire and get in the commentary booth, buddy.

There...cut those guys out and TNA just might improve. Maybe...
I don't think they would get rid out The James Gang or Raven -- they'll keep them around for recognition. I actually like Norman Smiley, I think he's funny but I could see how people could get bored of him.

I don't really think cutting anyone would improve TNA. They desperately need 2 hours to help develop characters and storylines. I'm a big believer that you need both wrestling and entertainment.
I think their is a lot of dead weight in T.N.A. with only having an hour a week there's a lot of wrestlers who will never get a chance to get properly over. With the quality of the stars they have ie. Joe, Angle, Styles etc. it's in T.N.A. best intrest to get them on T.V. as much as possible because they put on great matches. Given the ammount of time they have per week they have to concentrate on getting all their main stars over so the likes of Shark Boy, A1 and Norman Smiley are alway's going to be seen as second best. But every roster needs jobbers because their an important part of getting people over.
I don't know about roster cuts. Personally, the James gang I hate them. Entertaining in the WWE on the mic, but I have always hated their wrestling abilities. But TNA doesn't have enough "charecters" that makes a wrestler, and the James Gang has charecter that prevents them from dieing which is a good thing.

For me.... no cuts are needed. They have the right guys with the right abilities, but give exposer of some charecters and push different guys like Samoa Joe and AJ Styles should be TNA's top 2 with Abyss as a runner up top carder.
i dont think they need cuts as much as they need the 2 hours to develop the amazing roster they have. Personally i think we need Simon Diamond back on TV, he is a great talent on the mic and his Simon has a problem speeches are always entertaining.
There are a few guys I would cut, namely Lance Hoyt, A1, and Norman Smiley. I can't stand Hoyt as he's the poor man's diesel and his whole "ticked-off Texan" routine gives me the dry-heaves. He works decent, but when you have Abyss on the roster, you damn sure don't need Hoyt. A1 could leave and nobody would know the difference. Norman Smiley needs to stay away from wrestling rings altogether unless he just wants to manage someone else. For the most part, I like TNA's roster and think it's fine. I'd just tweak a few things with regards to some of the pushes. Namely Ron Killings. He needs to be one of the top heavyweights while he can still work his amazing style. But like DJmartyn said: "they need the 2 hours to develop the amazing roster they have." Couldn't be closer to the truth.
Kasey said:
I can't stand Hoyt as he's the poor man's diesel .

He does things Nash jokes being able to do. He's not great, but better than Nash.

I really don't see the need for cuts. If they cut Devine, Riley and Sharkboy, who will be the jobbers of the X-Division? Kazarian, Bentely, and Sonjay are above jobbing so they need them. Same with Normal and A1. As long as neither of the two get pushes, they aren't hurting the company. Cutting Raven would be mistake. His best days are behind him, but he's a familier name that will bring fans in. And he's still a very interesting character.
carson08 said:
He does things Nash jokes being able to do. He's not great, but better than Nash.

I really don't see the need for cuts. If they cut Devine, Riley and Sharkboy, who will be the jobbers of the X-Division? Kazarian, Bentely, and Sonjay are above jobbing so they need them. Same with Normal and A1. As long as neither of the two get pushes, they aren't hurting the company. Cutting Raven would be mistake. His best days are behind him, but he's a familier name that will bring fans in. And he's still a very interesting character.
My only problem with Hoyt is that his personality is as stock and mundane as it gets. He's TNA's version of Charlie Haas. Decent in the ring, but has the personality of a cinder block. Not that personality means everything, but in defense of Nash, Kevin has enough personality to be able to even out his shortcomings in the ring. The way I see it, Hoyt would be best put into a tag team as I really don't feel he can support a serious singles push. The only reason I can't stand Norman is that he's too immobile to work correctly and he focuses strictly on his super body-slam and dry humping others from behind. People knock Sharkboy constantly, but at least that weirdo can work, regardless of his cartoon-land gimmick. I too don't want to see Raven go, but I think serious effort should be made to get him his healthiest and to get him back into his pre-WWF working shape that he was in back in the 90's. Back in those days he could sell like it was nobody's business, and he had more snap and crispness to his offense.
There is a whole bunch of people that TNA should cut. But only coz there is so much better talent out there. Get rid of the dead weight and bring in guys that can really go.

i.e. why the fuck is Bryan Danielson and Nigel McGuiness not in TNA. Why is Davey Richards and the Briscoes not in TNA. Why is Jack Evans not in TNA. Why is Super Dragon not in TNA? Why is KENTA not in TNA? Why is Jimmy Rave not in TNA? Why would TNA pass on Prince Nana (perhaps the best manager on the scene at present)? Why did they let Roderick Strong get away? Where the fuck is Puma, I thought they signed him?

And why am I watching Norman Smiley and Sharkboy while Low-Ki is off the program? Why do I have to watch A1 ever? Why is Elix Skipper being mis-used? Why is Monty Brown being thrown to the curb (I'd rather him as my champ ahead of Sting, he can talk better and go better where it counts)? Why is Chris Daniels not a NWA championship contender (he is so over its ridiculous)?

There is just so so much they need to do. Need new people. Need to get rid of the dead weight. Need to elevate people that have deserved it for years. Need to stop 10 month build-ups for title reigns for wrestlers who are leaving in January. Need to think about the future and hold onto guys like Brown. Need to think about the future and invest in some real talents from the Indys. How about they take that rumoured $1 million they're spending on Sting and use to keep Brown and sign a whole bunch of ROH dudes. Bring in all the guys from AAA they used to have and got rid of without a reason (i.e. Shocker, Abismo, Aguilera). How about using that million to sign the disgruntled WWE guys. I guarantee you go to RVD and Benoit and tell them I'll give you $500,000 a piece to do a Kurt on Vince they would think about it twice.

But no they think about what they can get today instead of the future. Sting has done all he is going to do. He took them from a 0.7 to a 0.9. Thank-you Steve, but thats it, now please fuck off. The money being spent on you is much better spent elsewhere.
I think that when TNA goes primetime it should be an action packed show with the shows name in it as the theme,"A lot of iMPACT". TNA is making a name for themselves and it will be hard for the WWE to overcome that and try to make things better for themselves as TNA is coming in to take over the wrestling world and pretty soon (I hope not) WWE is going to go down the drain.

As for the roster it doesnt matter who they take off as long as it does not effect the show a whole lot
attila said:
i.e. why the fuck is Bryan Danielson and Nigel McGuiness not in TNA. Why is Davey Richards and the Briscoes not in TNA. Why is Jack Evans not in TNA. Why is Super Dragon not in TNA? Why is KENTA not in TNA? Why is Jimmy Rave not in TNA? Why would TNA pass on Prince Nana (perhaps the best manager on the scene at present)? Why did they let Roderick Strong get away? Where the fuck is Puma, I thought they signed him?
Amen. American Dragon is the man. I'd pay up to $100 dollars for a PPV to watch him fight Angle. I think Evans was in TNA, but I don't recall what happened to that. Super Dragon would also be a worthy addition and could really help shore up gaps in the character department of the budding X-division. Puma is also one that boggles my mind. That guys agility is frightening and he received amazing pops in all of his TNA encounters, as did Roderick.
attila said:
And why am I watching Norman Smiley and Sharkboy while Low-Ki is off the program? Why do I have to watch A1 ever? Why is Elix Skipper being mis-used? Why is Monty Brown being thrown to the curb (I'd rather him as my champ ahead of Sting, he can talk better and go better where it counts)? Why is Chris Daniels not a NWA championship contender (he is so over its ridiculous)?
I co-sign on all of this with the exception of the Monty Brown issue, but we've talked about that stuff before. I can't stand watching Norman Smiley. He's a running joke that lost its luster when Bill Clinton was still the President.
attila said:
i.e. why the fuck is Bryan Danielson and Nigel McGuiness not in TNA. Why is Davey Richards and the Briscoes not in TNA. Why is Jack Evans not in TNA. Why is Super Dragon not in TNA? Why is KENTA not in TNA? Why is Jimmy Rave not in TNA? Why would TNA pass on Prince Nana (perhaps the best manager on the scene at present)? Why did they let Roderick Strong get away? Where the fuck is Puma, I thought they signed him?

Do you think if they could some of these guys they would? KENTA is the obvious one. He's not going to sign a contract to work in the US. And he's probably to expensive to bring in 3 or 4 times a month. That's basically the same deal with all those guys. American Dragon and McGuinness probably earn more on the independant scene. I'm sure both have been offered deals, but the money just isn't there.

attila said:
And why am I watching Norman Smiley and Sharkboy while Low-Ki is off the program? Why do I have to watch A1 ever? Why is Elix Skipper being mis-used?

Well you see Smiley win matches? How many times have you seen Sharkboy win? They are on the roster to lose. It's not difficult to understand. They are jobbers, say it slowly, jobbers. If Smiley and Sharkboy were cut, then Sonjay, Elix Skipper, etc. would constantly be losing matches. That's their job. It's to lose. Both guys are capable of carrying good matches so they're in the right situation. You keep complaining about guys not getting proper pushs, but it's not like these guys are holding them back. It's these guys that are keeping them at the level they are. Something a lot of wrestling fans need to realize is not everyone can get a push. You have to wait for your time. If everyone got a title then would there be a ton of point to titles then? I just find it funny some people can't grab a simple concept of only so many people can be pushed at a time.
The reason why I'd rather not see guys like Smiley and Shark Boy is because they are jobbers. I really do believe that jobbers are not good for wrestling. In fact, it is why Japanese fans think American wrestling is a huge joke. Whenever you watch a Japanese match, you expect to see two guys go at it and you really don't know who is going to win. There's also not really any interference or "distracted" refs. When Shark Boy or Smiley job to someone, the victory is of no value to the winner. In fact, the match really isn't that entertaining. Jobbing works the first week or two, but beyond that, a wrestler is not being properly pushed unless he's having competitive matches.

Hence, I don't believe in jobbers. They lower the quality of wrestling
^Good points. I don't mind Shark Boy as a wrestler, but his gimmick almost never has the kind of personality it should have because he's never even on the mic. Instead, he just runs around doing the Jaws sign with his hand and biting people in the ass. The main thing I always like in wrestling i not knowing who is going to win a match. When I watch most American wrestling, I can call out a four-spot sequence in advance for some wrestlers, and it makes it less than interesting if I can do so. This is why I've never been a big Ric Flair fan. He used to carry matches that went for an hour, but most of the signature spots were irritating as hell to me to have to sit through because of the obvious level of predictability. My ideal wrestling company would be one where the belt could change hands to almost anyone at any time. For my money, competitve wrestling beat the s*** out of squash matches. This is why I think Bill Goldberg is the anti-christ.
carson08 said:
Do you think if they could some of these guys they would? KENTA is the obvious one. He's not going to sign a contract to work in the US. And he's probably to expensive to bring in 3 or 4 times a month. That's basically the same deal with all those guys. American Dragon and McGuinness probably earn more on the independant scene. I'm sure both have been offered deals, but the money just isn't there.

ROH has brought him over to the US for up to 2 or 3 appearnaces in a single month. I'm sure it wouldn't kill the TNA checkbook. And signing with TNA does not limit you in terms of working the independents like in the WWE they can still do that too. If TNA did not make wrestlers any money, why in the hell would Samoa Joe have signed with them to begin with. He was in the same situation as Dragon and McGuinness are in at present, a highly in-demand indy worker who made a tonne load of money on the circuit and who continues to do so even today.

There is only one reason these guys havn't been broght in as of yet. TNA has one hour of TV, and if they are gonna sign someone, as far as TNA is concerned they are only worth it, if they can bring name value with them. But this thinking is wrong. You cannot take a back seat and watch idely as the WWE start raiding the indies (which face it they have already started doing) taking the future of wrestling with them. TNA needs to become more proactive with its acquisition of indy guys. And the only way they can do that is by letting go of the dead weight.

carson08 said:
Well you see Smiley win matches? How many times have you seen Sharkboy win? They are on the roster to lose. It's not difficult to understand. They are jobbers, say it slowly, jobbers. If Smiley and Sharkboy were cut, then Sonjay, Elix Skipper, etc. would constantly be losing matches. That's their job. It's to lose. Both guys are capable of carrying good matches so they're in the right situation. You keep complaining about guys not getting proper pushs, but it's not like these guys are holding them back. It's these guys that are keeping them at the level they are. Something a lot of wrestling fans need to realize is not everyone can get a push. You have to wait for your time. If everyone got a title then would there be a ton of point to titles then? I just find it funny some people can't grab a simple concept of only so many people can be pushed at a time.

Jobbers are pointless. They serve no motherfucking purpose whatsoever. And yes I have seen Sharkboy win matches and over credible opponents - Petey Williams and Chris Sabin spring to mind over the last year. If TNA wants to use jobbers, its simple, bring in someone from the Orlando indies, they don't have to be TNA contracted workers to come in and lose a match evry now and then. Or even use the opportunity as a tryout or exhibition for prospects from the indies. It seemed to work for Jay Lethal who was put in this exact situation in a match against Abyss where he was jobbed out, and now look at him. But this still doesn't explain using Sharkboy and Smiley in the X-Division 4-ways or tag-teams. Nobody wants to see this. The X-Division is about strong competitive matchups. That means putting the absolute best that they have in the ring all at the same time. Jobbers in an XD match is a spit in the face of its fans.

But besides all that, why do we need squashes anyway. I myself find them pointless. They serve absolutely no purpose. "They build people up". That's bullshit. Winning competitive matches is what builds someone up. I know he had a few along the way in TNA, but I ask, what made you believe that Joe is a monster? His amazing bouts with AJ, Daniels, Sabin and Dutt in mid to late 2005. That's what. Or if you go back to his early ROH days, again it was through his defeat of credible opponents in good, long, competetive bouts. This whole squash thing is finished. It belongs in a different era of wrestling. It doesn't work anymore.

Even with Abyss, this remains true. Watching Abyss inflict pain and watching him go through pain in those brutal hardcore macthes is what has earned him his reputation and repsect with the fans. Its not running through nobodies in a match where nobody cares. This is why jobbers don't work in 21st century wrestling. Fans know why they havn't seen them before, and why they are there. And they don't give a shit so they tune out. Fans are smarter than they were 20, or even 10 years ago. They have a certain degree of knowledge and they know what to expect to come of particular situations. Abyss against nobody? Wow, who's gonna win this??? An 8 year old could tell you Abyss will kick his ass within the first 30 seconds.

In conclusion, I will quote the guy who posted above me, as what he said best exemplifies how pointless and offensive jobbers and squash matches are.

Brilliance In Supremacy said:
The reason why I'd rather not see guys like Smiley and Shark Boy is because they are jobbers. I really do believe that jobbers are not good for wrestling. In fact, it is why Japanese fans think American wrestling is a huge joke. Whenever you watch a Japanese match, you expect to see two guys go at it and you really don't know who is going to win. There's also not really any interference or "distracted" refs. When Shark Boy or Smiley job to someone, the victory is of no value to the winner. In fact, the match really isn't that entertaining. Jobbing works the first week or two, but beyond that, a wrestler is not being properly pushed unless he's having competitive matches.

Hence, I don't believe in jobbers. They lower the quality of wrestling
Dyren said:
TNA doesnt need to cut anyone at all

Simple, but very true. TNA's roster is too small for them to cut anybody at this moment. If they cut anybody it would be noticed as their roster is kinda small..most of all compared to wwe. If anything they need more talent as they don't have enough people to back a womens title or a mid card title without harming the x division title.
tna needs the time, but most importantly they need veterans. guys who can work with the mid-upper carders. they need more jeff jarretts, stings, steiners, even rhinos. Experience to work with the young guns. They need to begin tagging sting/angle/christian with younger guys like styles/joe/abyss and give them that rub and push them into the upper card. sting is not a champion, hes a transitional champion keeping the belt warm for angle and joe.
Kurt Angle made his WRESTLING name in The World Wrestling Entertainment, and dont you pathetic tna fans forget it
Rated R Superstar316 said:
Kurt Angle made his WRESTLING name in The World Wrestling Entertainment, and dont you pathetic tna fans forget it

Well DUH! Kurt Angle may have made his name in WWE but he wrestles for TNA. Lots of former WWE stars have done it. WWF/E made Christian are you gunna piss and moan about that?

The TNA roster doesn't need cuts at the moment because there isn't enough guys on the roster. When more Indy guys come in e.g. McGinnus, Danielson and Chris Hero, TNA would be able to get rid of guys like Norman Smiley, who bores the hell out of me.
GET RID OF THE ENTIRE PROMOTION, IT SUCKS. WRESTLE IN A NORMAL LOOKING RING, Get better commentators, get better wrestlers.
Rated R Superstar316 said:
Kurt Angle made his WRESTLING name in The World Wrestling Entertainment, and dont you pathetic tna fans forget it
This is where TNA continues to drop the ball. They bring in big name stars, but rather than showing how TNA's "home grown" stars are on the same level as these big names, they have their "home grown" stars job to the big stars. Every. Freaking. Time.

This relates to what you said, because Angle made his name in WWE, but hadn't proven anything in TNA. Yet instantly, Angle comes in and beats TNA's biggest star, making him look like a joke. Some say that Joe losing was just a "continuation of a storyline", but look at the whole picture. Joe is the Samoan Submission Machine, yet he's never made anyone outside of jobbers and men half his size tap out. Now, you put the company guy, Samoa Joe, up against newcomer Kurt Angle, and have Angle beat him by submission. You've just turned an unstoppable machine (and his entire gimmick) into a tame little kitten in the course of a month, and made the rest of the roster look bad because no one else in TNA even came close to beating him (...besides Christian, but he also fits this argument to a T).

TNA doesn't need to fire anyone, they need to stop jobbing all of their talent out to incoming "big names". Then, they can start building their own personalities and offer a product that REALLY IS unique from every other promotion. TNA's roster is fine, maybe a little big, but that's not an overly big problem if they get a two hour program and continue putting on some house shows.
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