The TNA Knockouts Tag-Team Championships... What an Epic FAIL!


i mean lets look at who has held this title:
sarita and taylor wilde
awesome kong and hamada
the BP
hamada and taylor wilde
and now its vacant

i mean i havent seen these title defended(when hamada and taylor wilde were champs) defedned for at least 6 months...FAIL
i mean tna wasted money indesigneing those belts what do you guys think did you like it should they destroy it or what
Throw it in the trash with the TNA Heavyweight belt. But unlike the HW belt, don't pull these ones back out. How many Knockouts are there, 5? That's obviously not enough to defend a tag title for the division. Just burn the belts so we can continue repressing their memory.
Throw it in the trash with the TNA Heavyweight belt. But unlike the HW belt, don't pull these ones back out. How many Knockouts are there, 5? That's obviously not enough to defend a tag title for the division. Just burn the belts so we can continue repressing their memory.

Amend to that. One of the worst division in TNA. I feel that TNA is really wasting there time and energy on this division. The K.O. division should stay, but the K.O. Tag and X division should be dissolve like sugar in hot water.
Throw it in the trash with the TNA Heavyweight belt. But unlike the HW belt, don't pull these ones back out. How many Knockouts are there, 5? That's obviously not enough to defend a tag title for the division. Just burn the belts so we can continue repressing their memory.

there's sarita, velvet, angelina, tara, mickie, I guess cookie but she's more of a valet, they're still building up wyinter (i hope) and wasn't miss tesch...whatever her name is suppose to wrestle...and then there is daffney. so technically that's 9. Yes i know that it still isn't enough for both a ko title and ko tag...they should just scrap the ko tag and keep th ko title
I figure TNA hoped to sell those belts to little girls (or sisters). Most of these belts these days, other than being props, are just marketable merchandise.

We all know TNA is a mess, and having a tag division in the knockouts is stupid as anything. WCW + 14 years - High Ratings = TNA.
there's sarita, velvet, angelina, tara, mickie, I guess cookie but she's more of a valet, they're still building up wyinter (i hope) and wasn't miss tesch...whatever her name is suppose to wrestle...and then there is daffney. so technically that's 9. Yes i know that it still isn't enough for both a ko title and ko tag...they should just scrap the ko tag and keep th ko title

10 if you include the ko champ madison. but yes they need to scrap the titles. waste of x division space. they should rebuild that divison instead the ko tag titles because thats been done even before they were made. eveyone knew they were going to be a fail and they were.
Bottom line: The KO roster is not deep enough to support tag titles. It wasn't necessarily a bad idea when it was created because the roster had some depth to it back then. But now, they just don't have the a large enough roster coupled with the fact that the KO's tv time has been reduced from what it was before. They should do away with those titles.
The problem with the title is that the Knockouts Division simply isn't deep enough and rich enough with natural tag-team talent to support them, nor is it even deep enough to support a tag-team division on it's own, so the belts are constantly being held by makeshift tag teams.

Frankly, I'd love for them to dissolve, but I understand that TNA really likes to push their Knockouts division as well.

If the choice were mine, they'd disappear, but I doubt management feels the same (just yet).
While they haven't been used for much of anything on TV I think I have heard before they use them for house shows quite a bit. Makes sense since a plus wrestling duo usually has had them even if they might lack personality. Maybe this is an effort to recharge the belts for tv use and boost the knockout presence on tv. The KOs tag division is at last as deep as the WWE tag division. Although that might be a bad example ...

Can I get an amend?
As others have said, TNA or any major wrestling company, do not have the depth in their womens division to justify a womens tag team title.

The KO title is fine as it is, and with 9 or 10 women to fight for it, can produce some good feuds, as we are seeing with Mickie v Tara. Angelina and Velvet are decent, as is Winter so I dont have any worries about the KO division, they just need to scrap the tag titles as they are utterly worthless. fucking hot is Tara right now? Wow
Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't Kong and Hamada lose them for not defending them for one month? (I know the reason is that Kong was released) But I thought that would enforce the rule. But anyway, they weren't successful at any point, and I wouldn't be surprised if they are defunct by the end of this year.
It's hardly surprising. It's women's wrestling and it's tag team wrestling on top of that. The women's division of wrestling is more or less boring already, and will be boring by default for a long time to come. I always thought tag team championships for the women's division wasn't anywhere near needed. But they introduced them either way, and it was bound to fail.

It failed for WWE back in the days, so obviously it wasn't gonna last long now where the women's divisions are far from as interesting as they have ever been.

Besides, women wrestlers are mostly only around for the sake of eye candy, and attracting a few female viewers here and there. Nothing else. So hopefully with time TNA will realize that there's no need for the women's tag team championships to be kept around.
I think the only reason the knockout tag team belts were created was to give the beautiful people something to shiny to wear around their waist. Is it really a accomplishment to be a knockout tag team champion? Especially when the majority of former title holders have either been released from the company or stripped of the titles. There are too many titles to showcase on a 2 hour show. They can have knockout tag matches without championship titles.
They should be used more for house shows and other off-air activities, like WWE did with the Light-Heavyweight Championship. The occasional report about the titles changing hands on house shows would do TNA some good to boost their house show revenue.
Yeah, the Knockout tag titles have been a failure. As others have said, the Knockout Division really isn't deep enough to justify the existence of a tag team championship. In all honesty, it's never really had the depth to legitimately pull it off at anytime while the titles have been around.

The Knockout title in and of itself is pretty close to worthless at this point in time but there's still hope for it and it's really all they need for their women's division.
They should just let TBP win the titles in this tournament then retire them. That way Angelina & Velvet can finally have won the KO tag titles together.
Just retire the damn belts already. It's a nice idea but it can't possibly play out. There's just no time for TNA Tag-Team KO titles and matches. The KO's division is getting better again but it's not big enough to have a relevant Tag-Team KO's division. Not good.

Screw the belts, slap them on The Beautiful People and maybe if they split again [I believe that Winter will somehow make Velvet look like a third wheel and this will cause Angelina to turn heel on Velvet, or something] they can just make the damn things vanish. They're so useless.
I think the K.O. Tag Titles would be a great addition to TNA if they had enough depth in the roster but until they kill off some story lines and release some people they just aren't working. Plus Awesome Kong should return because she's very entertaining to watch.
I think they should stay just for the fun of it and the KO's division will build up again soon.( I hope).

But TNA did waste there time for the Knockouts Tag Titles for like Taylor,Sarita, Hamada, Awesome Kong , TBP

Well the KO's current roster are:

Angelina Love
Velvet Sky
Mickie James
Christy Hemme(I included her because I think she will be a KO again)
Miss Tessmacher
Madison Rayne
Cookie(More of a Valet)
and future knockouts. :P

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