The Three Main Gimmicks

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Dark Match Jobber
Now that I see the WWE I notice that there are three main gimmick types. If you know more please reply.

Zing gimmick: These gimmicks are immediately propelled to the main event. They are high impact and are great for the moment, but after a while go down. The most immediate gimmick to fame is JBL. JBL was a rough texan for years and was almost never in the main event. But almost right after he went heel and started wearing suits and mouthing off as a rich man, he was in the main event and ratained the title for almost one year.

Fun Filled Gimmicks: Fun filled gimmicks are gimmicks that are good and fun. There not really main event status, but they are certainly entertaining. Snitsky and his obssesion with feet, is a great example, but mostly the example is Scotty 2 hotty, who is fun and is a good gimmick for a jobber.
Evolving Gimmick: An evolving gimmick is a gimmick that can change and has levels. You could have the gimmick and be a face and you will probably be mid or jobber status, but if you turn heel the gimmick will get you to the main event. It could also mean that you can add things to the gimmick that will make it better, or it could be a gimmick that you could do alot with. The examples are

Kane: He is a face and when he is, he is mid card status. But turning heel has always propelled him to the main event.

Kurt Angle: Angle is still the gold medal guy that repersents the three "I"s but he can add stuff like the "wrestling machine" name.

John Cena: Cena was a heel then turned face and he had alot of support as both face and heel. John Cena evolves his character and can do anything with his gimmick since it's played so well and has alot of support even though he has lost alot of it.

If there are any more please add.

Thank You ALL!:wwf:
Oh said something positive about John Cena. Let me give you a warning, those Cena haters are never going to leave you alone now...hopefully they will leave you alone, but I doubt it. By the way, good details on those gimmicks, I had never though of certain gimmicks like that.
Personally the things you just gave arn't Gimmicks, they're classifications. I can honestly say that there are a large diversity of gimmicks within the WWE and ect, for example the rapping hero of John Cena and the stuck-up rich racist white guy in your signature there.
Good way to look at it. Even though those arent gimmicks, just groups
axl924 said:
Oh said something positive about John Cena. Let me give you a warning, those Cena haters are never going to leave you alone now...hopefully they will leave you alone, but I doubt it. By the way, good details on those gimmicks, I had never though of certain gimmicks like that.
Not this time actually. I think he is 100% right about Cena. As a heel, we all loved him, and as he went face, we started to show less suport for him. And the example with Kane is perfect, every time he is a face, he fights people like Rene Dupree and Lance Caid in a handicap match. But as soon as he goes heel, he is in the ranks of Bautista, Edge, Cena, Triple H, and Shawn Michaels.
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