The Television & X Division Championships


The King Of Chaos
Television Championship​
There is obviously a lack of credible stars in TNA, that are able to make the Television championship look any good. This may be my opinion, but I would also think that quite a bit of the IWC, and TNA fans hate the television championship itself. The only time I actually had decent feeling for the belt, was when it was called the "Legends" title, and Booker and AJ were fighting for it... In my opinion, this is the only time the title was used right...

X-Division Championship​
The X-Division has really decreased in prestige the past few months... I think that the high flying stars should be the ones in the X-Division, not some major powerhouse who can slam someone through a ring (Abyss...:suspic:). Why not have real feuds, that make the fans sit on the edge of their seats, watching the moves that they do...

How will there be a result?
Now, how can TNA, mix the X-Division, (after it is restored) and the horrible television division? I would say, mix the two titles together. Do away with them both, (keep the X-Division with respect, not another Eric Young screwup) and form one new championship. With a mix of high flying action, and powerhouses as well... Giving new interesting feuds, of "Big vs. Small"... "evil vs. good" and even "high flying star vs. high flying star"... This also could give more spotlight for the other divisions who are lacking as well, the tag team division especially...

What stars for the division?
TNA, currently has quite a few stars who are not in a feud, or are in such a small feud nobody pays attention.... These are some of the current stars in the TNA roster, who could help this new division...
Abyss, Alex Shelly, Amazing red, Brother Devon, Brian Kendrick, Bully Ray, Chris Sabin, Crimson, Douglas William, Eric Young, Generation me, (If they split up), Gunner, Murphy, Hernandez, James Storm, Jay Lethal, Jesse Neal, Kazarian, Matt Hardy, Matt Morgan, Orlando Jordan, Rob Van Dam, Samoa Joe, Scott Steiner, Shanon Moore, and Suicide...
These are all stars who could elevate the new division, and help make it a good one to...

Now I have presented a logical option, that could benefit TNA with ratings, and interesting possibilities. I would like to know what you guys think of this possible idea of a new division.

If you are going to complain that it would never happen, I have given you a list of possible stars who can make it happen... Please, think before you post about me not making my ideas clear enough for you.
I've heard that there's a plan to sort of revamp the X Division. I'll believe it when I see it because TNA has too much of a history in making bold statements, predictions and promises of surprises or whatnot that's going to change the company forever.

The Television Championship is probably not gonna go anywhere. The title is worthless and I think it's always been worthless. It's at rock bottom right now being carried by Gunner, it probably can't be brought any lower than it currently is and TNA still has it on the roster. Even though Gunner is technically part of Immortal, he has zero credibility in TNA. He's a jobber carrying a meaningless title.

The X Division Championship is in overall better shape simply because Kazarian happens to be part of Immortal. Even still, Kazarian is mostly a background character with Immortal. Still, Kazarian has much more credibility in TNA than Gunner and he's at least seen on television on a weekly basis. So, if anything, at least Kazarian is visible as champion. If the X Division champ happened to be someone that wasn't part of the Immortal/Fortune situation, it'd be languishing as much as the TV title at the moment.

Merging the titles it one new sort of division is probably not a realistic prospect at this point in time. As I said, if TNA was going to scrap the TV title, they'd have probably done so already. What you're proposing really sounds like what the X Division has claimed to be but, in actuallity, really hasn't been. The catchphrase about the X Division has been "It's not about weight limits, it's about no limits". That's all well and good but the simple fact is that, for the most part, the X Division has been a Cruiserweight/Light Heavyweight division with a flashier name attached to it. Aside from Samoa Joe, I can't really recall any serious X Division competitor being legitimately over the 220-230 pound mark. Not that there hasn't been some great stuff in the X Division in the past. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to put down the fact that the X Division has been primarily a glorified Cruiserweight division, it's just how it's been.
I've heard that there's a plan to sort of revamp the X Division. I'll believe it when I see it because TNA has too much of a history in making bold statements, predictions and promises of surprises or whatnot that's going to change the company forever.

The Television Championship is probably not gonna go anywhere. The title is worthless and I think it's always been worthless. It's at rock bottom right now being carried by Gunner, it probably can't be brought any lower than it currently is and TNA still has it on the roster. Even though Gunner is technically part of Immortal, he has zero credibility in TNA. He's a jobber carrying a meaningless title.

The X Division Championship is in overall better shape simply because Kazarian happens to be part of Immortal. Even still, Kazarian is mostly a background character with Immortal. Still, Kazarian has much more credibility in TNA than Gunner and he's at least seen on television on a weekly basis. So, if anything, at least Kazarian is visible as champion. If the X Division champ happened to be someone that wasn't part of the Immortal/Fortune situation, it'd be languishing as much as the TV title at the moment.

Merging the titles it one new sort of division is probably not a realistic prospect at this point in time. As I said, if TNA was going to scrap the TV title, they'd have probably done so already. What you're proposing really sounds like what the X Division has claimed to be but, in actuallity, really hasn't been. The catchphrase about the X Division has been "It's not about weight limits, it's about no limits". That's all well and good but the simple fact is that, for the most part, the X Division has been a Cruiserweight/Light Heavyweight division with a flashier name attached to it. Aside from Samoa Joe, I can't really recall any serious X Division competitor being legitimately over the 220-230 pound mark. Not that there hasn't been some great stuff in the X Division in the past. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to put down the fact that the X Division has been primarily a glorified Cruiserweight division, it's just how it's been.

Jack Hammer, you are undoubtedly one of my favorite solid posters on the forum. In the TNA section, there are a few in specifics I look for posts in the forum to read... Killjoy, Joes gonna kill u, IDR, and you. Most time, I agree with your point of view. However, on this occasion, I would have to disagree, just a bit.

I think you are right, about TNA not scrapping the Television title. It is a waste of time on the show, which could make another decent match for the x division. However, you say how it is not realistic right now about a new division? I feel that in one or two years time, this new division could form. I am not saying in two or three WEEKS, never. I am saying in a few YEARS...

I do agree about the X division being a cruiser-weight division, or something near it... But I feel that so much more can be done with the smaller stars, getting some in ring time with the giants, or veterans who could really establish a young superstar and help establish the division itself.
Television Championship

There is obviously a lack of credible stars in TNA, that are able to make the Television championship look any good. This may be my opinion, but I would also think that quite a bit of the IWC, and TNA fans hate the television championship itself. The only time I actually had decent feeling for the belt, was when it was called the "Legends" title, and Booker and AJ were fighting for it... In my opinion, this is the only time the title was used right...=Kaelthes;2974083]
The TNA Television Championship is a belt in NEED of serious help. When it debuted i thought wow, what a pretty championship and hope they use it right and they havent used it right. it was best when AJ Styles held the title and could've been used great if they had him defend it more and make it seem like a wanted championship. HOWEVER, giving the title to Gunner was a way of hurting the title. I know they likely wanted a heel holding it, but it should've been someone like Hernandez or Bully Ray or Matt Hardy instead of a guy whose more known (right now) as a security guard. in order to get the title respectable, it needs to be held by a guy who the fans know about and it needs to be defended more and needs to be seemed to be wanted like the IC title was in WWE when Stone Cold and The Rock battled over it.

X-Division Championship

The X-Division has really decreased in prestige the past few months... I think that the high flying stars should be the ones in the X-Division, not some major powerhouse who can slam someone through a ring (Abyss...:suspic:). Why not have real feuds, that make the fans sit on the edge of their seats, watching the moves that they do...
The X-Division title isnt what it was, but unlike the Television title, the X-Division title is on the right guy, i just think it needs to be seen and defended and wanted more. Kazarian is the right guy to hold the title, he's not bad in the ring and his mic skills arent bad either. So i have hope for this title, the Television title needs to have more midcard feuds than it does.
ok first of all chillax on the colors it really takes away from what your saying.

2nd i dont wanna see this happen because the x divison CAN BE SAVED! take robbie e out of the x division and move him to like the tv title divison or just fire him :shrug: but gen me,kazarian,mcmg,suicide/daniels,and other guys being moved to the x divison SHOULD save it but the question is would TNA do this? personally i doubt it :disappointed:

but as far as the TV title goes....i gotta say just get rid of it its pointless and right now fucking gunner is holding it! :banghead:
1/ The TV Title should be seen as the Secondary Heavyweight Divison title. It should be given to the guy who is showing the most promise in moving towards the World title. In this case Matt morgan and Hernandez should be feuding over it at the moment. Since we have a face World Champion in Sting, to balance I would give the nod to Hernandez. He needs a win and with his power/high flying style would really dominate and make the TV title worth winning off him.

2/ The X Division title.. now I actually think at the moment it isn't too bad for one reason.. Kazarian. He has bought stability to the Championship and has set himsefl up as the face of the division, which is what it needs right now. Him against a heel Shannon Moore, would be a good way to keep the momentum going. He's a great ambassador for the Div and needs to put in some great defences. Maybe get some overs eas guys from NJPW, Dragon Gate or AAA to take him on to add to that great "world x cup" feel the X Div had going...
I think if TNA really wants the TV Title to not be a worthless Belt just to pass around other than to Jobbers like Gunner (really?) Then they should let RVD run with it for awhile like he did in ECW. RVD had almost a 2 year run with the TV Title in ECW and made that Belt almost as pretigous as the ECW World Title. Just my thoughts on that.
It seems like you've found a very complicated (and visually unpleasant) way of saying one very simple thing:

Get rid of the X-Division. (his idea, not mine)

When you think about it, there really is no "Television Title Division" as you put it. It's simply a lower-ranking title without any specific weight-class or wrestling style attached. The belt may be on Gunner now, but it was very recently around the waists of Doug Williams and even AJ Styles. I actually think TNA did a good thing by moving it further down the roster, and I think you may be surprised by what Gunner (aka Phil Shatter) actually does as champion. He's better than TNA's allowed him to show.

Your idea is really nothing more than dumping the X-Division as a specialized group and making TNA's entire singles division just an open mix of sizes and styles. That's not a "new division;" it's just a roster. I don't see anything wrong with that, but anyone who's been a TNA fan for a while can attest to the fact that something special happens when two (or more) great X-Division guys are in the ring together. The novelty of "big vs. small" is great when it's the Big Show vs Rey Mysterio, but would you really want to see that on a semi-weekly basis?

Three things have always been true about TNA: better tag wrestling, better women's wrestling, and the X-Division owning anything the WWE put in the ring. Considering how much people bash TNA when they try to be more like Team Titan, I think eliminating one of the distinguishing characteristics of their company is a mistake. I haven't been one to go off on rants about the six-sided ring or the lack of focus on the X-Division as of late, but to just erase it completely would only have downside.
I get the point of what they did with the tv title, they had an all Immortal match to keep the title in house, but at the same time it was pointless since Abyss returned the next week. Now I am interested to see if Gunner can make anything of himself by getting this push since he is considered a home grown talent and TNA always gets accused of not pushing their own home grown talents.

I think what they should have done is keep the title on Abyss, and when he returned have him jump right into a fued with Crimson because of how Crimson put him out and have Abyss drop the title to him since he is a virtual unknown and could be considered home grown as well, then push him to the moon, because I think he has the look and the talent to be a major player in TNA eventually. They can set up fueds with Hernandez, Bully Ray, Matt Hardy, Matt Morgan, RVD, Samoa Joe and the Pope.

As for the x division Kaz is a good choice to have carry the title for now, noway they should even think about getting rid of that title, they have alot of talent that fits into that catagory it just needs to be utilized properly.
I think what they should have done is keep the title on Abyss, and when he returned have him jump right into a fued with Crimson because of how Crimson put him out and have Abyss drop the title to him since he is a virtual unknown and could be considered home grown as well, then push him to the moon, because I think he has the look and the talent to be a major player in TNA eventually.

I'm with you! If Abyss was ready to come back a week later anyway, why not just keep the belt on him and give Crimson the push? While I'm intrigued by Gunner, Crimson's definitely has more perceivable potential and would be a better investment at this moment. He also has (maybe "had" at this point) momentum from his debut which needs to be capitalized on.
Robbie E as TV Champion would work, to be perfectly honest, considering his character is based on a TV show. A lot of fans' hatred of him comes from him getting TNA's (formerly) prestigious X-Division Title (and/or they hate the gimmick).

The TV Title should be, "Hey, we think this guy could be something. Let's see how he does with a mid-card title." If you're not in a grudge or the main event scene and you don't do X-Division stuff, then the TV Title should be for you. Dudes like Matt Morgan, Matt Hardy, Hernandez, Abyss, Samoa Joe... Folks gifted on the mic, particularly skilled in the ring, or looking for that chance to carry some gold can thrive in the TV Title scene.

And really, bring back the fan voting for the TV Title. If there's a belt where the fans' opinions CAN matter, it should be the TV Title (who do YOU WANT to see on your TV?).
I really had high hopes for the TV Title once they reintroduced it. I was hoping TNA would turn it into their version of the Intercontinental Championship. It seemed to be on the right track with A.J. and Douglas Williams feuding for it. Then, things started to go south once Williams dropped the belt to Abyss.

I agree with the posters saying it makes no sense to vacate the title, then have Gunner of all people become the TV Champ if Abyss is just gonna come back in a week. In reality, Abyss came back just a day after Gunner became TV Champ. I would had Hernandez and Morgan feuding over it. I think making Hernandez the TV Champ would've been a good way to put his new stable over.

As for the X-Division. I just think it needs some New Blood. I'd try to bring in some guys from the Indys like a Adam Cole, Kenny King, Ricochet, TJ Perkins, Kenny Omega. I think those guys fit into what the X-Division represents. If you put those guys with the talent they already have like Kaz, Lethal, Sabin, and Shelley once he gets healthy. I think the X-Division could maybe even be as good as the Cruiserweight Division once was in WCW during its peak.
The TV Title needs to become the stepping stone. The Intercontinental Championship of TNA. That means whoever holds that TV Title should be preparing for a World Title match and/or a step up to main event status.

I cannot see Gunner near a main event in the foreseeable future.

As someone said above, people like Matt Morgan, Hernandez, Douglas Williams, Abyss, Crimson should be fighting for the title. Perhaps throw Matt Hardy in there as well.

It really doesnt need to be defended every single week of Impact, although it should be defended regularly or atleast have a lot of your mid carders fighting for #1 contender spots etc, get the most exposure to a lot of your mid card wrestlers. Start pushing them up.

X Division just needs new blood. Theyre teasing us with a Gen Me split so they can put more people into the division, yet at the same time hurting their tag team division. Apparently Jarrett came to an agreement with a lot of the AAA wrestlers and some of them were supposed to be comming over to do some X Divison... when that is happening god only knows.
IMO, part of the reason the X Divison and TV Titles seem like they have no credibility, is because TNA don't have enough air time to showcase 6 Titles. I would love to see TNA get rid of the Knockouts Tag Team Titles.....but that's off topic. 4 Championships seems like the right amount. But I don't like your idea of combining both titles. The X Divison is what made/makes TNA unique all it needs is some new talent to revitalise the Divison. Guys like Davey Richards, Austin Aries ect. could help do that.

I don't think a fued like Matt Morgan vs Brian Kendrick would be any good. Because although both are very talented in their own ways. Their styles are too far a part and it wouldn't make for great in ring action. Yeah Joe was a big man and managed to pull off good fueds aganist AJ, Daniels ect. But there styles were actualy quite similar, despite Joe being quite big.
The Television Championship

Her is the problem with this title and it may just be me that views it this way. When i hear the term T.V. Title it makes me think of on thing only, WCW. In WCW the T.V. Title was treated as a lower card title as there was The U.S. Title and World Heavyweight Championship Title. So the name of it alone makes me think it was meant for the lower card wrestlers. Not low as in guys who can never make it up to the top but guys who are just starting out and trying to get a name for themselves around here examples being Robbie E., Crimson, Douglas Williams, Magnus, and so on. It should be the first move to make. TNA likes to consider it their equivalent of the Intercontinental Title and I feel this is a huge mistake on their part. If They wanted to consider it their second top tiltle their are 3 feuds it could have been used in right now to make it look more legit, Jarrett/Angle, Pope/Joe, or Morgan/Hernadez, any of these feuds could of been better if the title was involved. IMO and I'll probably get a lot of heat for this one but TNA needs to introduce one more title. One that is for guys that are almost at the top. If I remember correctly back a few months ago a picture of the proposed TNA U.S. Title made its way online but has never been introduced. This should be the title for the upper midcard for guys like Pope, Joe, Morgan, Hernandez, Matt Hardy, Rob Terry, Bully Ray, as well as guys when they drop out of the world title scene such as Anderson, Van Dam, Styles and so on it would really organize the top of the roster out.

The X-Division

The X-Division is an easy save for TNA and all they have to do is put some time into it. Kaz is currently the champ which is great for this division but feuding with Robbie E is not gonna make any fan from the heyday of the X-Division like whats going on there. The talent is there for the division Kaz, Eric Young, Jay Lethal, Amazing Red, Brian Kendrick, Suicide(Daniels) as well as Gen Me and MCMG who can always bounce between this and the tag division plus you have guys like Douglas Williams and Desmond Wolfe who can be involved as times. Even A.J. Styles, Samoa Joe, and RVD could be used at times in the division as their moveset works well with what the X-Division has been based on and 2 of them are former champs in the division. If TNA brought in maybe 2 or 3 young guys or brought in some wrestlers from Japan and Mexico and gave the division 1 or 2 matches a week on Impact that is all that would be needed to revive what once was the shining light of TNA.

As far as combining the Titles, well thats completely pointless the X-Division catchphrase is already "Its not about weight limits, its about no limits" and the roster is to big not to have a third title. The TNA Roster has almost 50 male superstars can you imagine 50 guys fighting over 2 titles? If you count the tag titles it would be 50 guys to 4 belts. At least the way it is now you have 5 belts,counting the tag as 2 belts, to go around which means 1 out every 10 has a belt those numbers aren't bad but to cut that down would mean cut out 15 to 20 guys from the roster too and while there are guys that I think are a waste I can't come up with 15 guys that should be canned maybe 5 or so. If Tna booking could get their heads out of each other's asses and utilize what they have each title and division would mean something and be fantastic
The problem to every single championship in TNA is pretty obvious. The lack of air time. What keeps Crimson from being presented weekly on camera? Well the lack of airtime. On several occasions, episodes of Impact have gone without guys in main stories. Think back to the first Impact in Fayetteville. RVD was nowhere in sight. Anderson never appeared in the ring. And that's the top tier alone. Now adding to the problem is the fact that TNA also has 3 singles titles and 2 tag team titles to deal with as well as the World Heavyweight Championship. When one belt rises, you can bet your ass the others are gonna suffer for it because of that lack of airtime.
The problem to every single championship in TNA is pretty obvious. The lack of air time. What keeps Crimson from being presented weekly on camera? Well the lack of airtime. On several occasions, episodes of Impact have gone without guys in main stories. Think back to the first Impact in Fayetteville. RVD was nowhere in sight. Anderson never appeared in the ring. And that's the top tier alone. Now adding to the problem is the fact that TNA also has 3 singles titles and 2 tag team titles to deal with as well as the World Heavyweight Championship. When one belt rises, you can bet your ass the others are gonna suffer for it because of that lack of airtime.

Agreed... Usually, you can have one horrible match involving the television title, correct? Sometimes one with the x division title? Although most times, Kazarian is fighting with Immortal...

Allowing a new division to open would actually give more time for the stars, and title to be in the spotlight... I think it would act more as a WWE title... The WWE, has a World Heavyweight title, and a WWE title... The WWE title is obviously the biggest title there. For TNA, this is the opposite... The TNA heavyweight title is the biggest title in the company. If this new division would happen, don't you think it could become to second biggest title? Right now it is the X division title...

- Regarding somebody posting about me just saying scrap the X division title, that is not what I meant in any form. I meant improve the X division with stars and ideas, and then just change the name of the title? Well... that did not come out right... Most of you get my point... The new division could actually be more of a "Hardcore" title... Giving stars who are to big or not credible enough to actually be the X division champion, (Abyss) a chance to shine in a title picture.
Personally, I'd do away with the current Television Title belt. It may look pretty, but everyone identifies it as a makeshift title that has meant so many different things in it's lifespan, it means absolutely nothing. One minute it's a legends belt, then it's a global belt, finally it's a tv belt...*shrugs*...Anyway, change the design to something unique, something that hasn't been passed around the lockerroom like Stephanie McMahon in her formative years (I may have been watching Chris Jericho's dvd last night, so excuse the trashbag ho jokes).

After that is done, I don't know...put the belt on someone who deserves it? Have Gunner summarily defeated, because seriously, who gives a c*** about him. Take a major guy like Kurt Angle, have him make that division his own personal stomping grounds. Week after week he can come out, cut promo after promo about how a Television Title should be defended at every opportunity, how he's a fighting champion, how being champion of the world may be the aspiration of many, but television is the bread and butter of this company, and as long as he's TV Champ, he rules the roost.

Seriously, all any title needs is credibility. If the old look is tainted, get a new one. If the old champ isn't over, put it on someone who is. This is booking 101.
The problem with TNA is they have too many titles and not enough talent. But they could still use all 3 titles effectively. There really isnt a point to the X-Division IMHO - they use it as a CW title but there isnt a weight limit. What I would do is merge the TV & X Title into one title... With the stipulation that the X is unknown. And the X-Division would compete in a gimmick match for every defense.

Then I'd go create a CW Championship with a weight limit so Abyss and Samoa Joe couldnt get there hands on the title.

Television Championship​
There is obviously a lack of credible stars in TNA, that are able to make the Television championship look any good. This may be my opinion, but I would also think that quite a bit of the IWC, and TNA fans hate the television championship itself. The only time I actually had decent feeling for the belt, was when it was called the "Legends" title, and Booker and AJ were fighting for it... In my opinion, this is the only time the title was used right...

X-Division Championship​
The X-Division has really decreased in prestige the past few months... I think that the high flying stars should be the ones in the X-Division, not some major powerhouse who can slam someone through a ring (Abyss...:suspic:). Why not have real feuds, that make the fans sit on the edge of their seats, watching the moves that they do...

How will there be a result?
Now, how can TNA, mix the X-Division, (after it is restored) and the horrible television division? I would say, mix the two titles together. Do away with them both, (keep the X-Division with respect, not another Eric Young screwup) and form one new championship. With a mix of high flying action, and powerhouses as well... Giving new interesting feuds, of "Big vs. Small"... "evil vs. good" and even "high flying star vs. high flying star"... This also could give more spotlight for the other divisions who are lacking as well, the tag team division especially...

What stars for the division?
TNA, currently has quite a few stars who are not in a feud, or are in such a small feud nobody pays attention.... These are some of the current stars in the TNA roster, who could help this new division...
Abyss, Alex Shelly, Amazing red, Brother Devon, Brian Kendrick, Bully Ray, Chris Sabin, Crimson, Douglas William, Eric Young, Generation me, (If they split up), Gunner, Murphy, Hernandez, James Storm, Jay Lethal, Jesse Neal, Kazarian, Matt Hardy, Matt Morgan, Orlando Jordan, Rob Van Dam, Samoa Joe, Scott Steiner, Shanon Moore, and Suicide...
These are all stars who could elevate the new division, and help make it a good one to...

Now I have presented a logical option, that could benefit TNA with ratings, and interesting possibilities. I would like to know what you guys think of this possible idea of a new division.

If you are going to complain that it would never happen, I have given you a list of possible stars who can make it happen... Please, think before you post about me not making my ideas clear enough for you.

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