The Superior's War On Stupidity III- Prostitution


of the Le'beau family
"I don’t understand why prostitution is illegal. Selling is legal, fucking is legal. So why isn’t selling fucking legal!?"- George Carlin

This is a thread about the legal status of prostitution. So many people consider prostitution bad in the United States for the same reasons the consider Marajuna or other drugs bad. Not to say plenty of drugs aren't bad, but people often look at the wrong reasons. When something is criminalized, even if it's not bad, it creates criminals and usually a plethera of problems.

A person should have the right to sit on his couch and smoke pot, and a person should have the right to sell their time and service.

The oldest proffesion in the world's problems often stem from the fact that they're illegal.
Making prostitution legal would likely cut out the middle man in pimps, who are used to make "safe" connections to customers. Also one of the main reason abuse occurs so often and easy in prostitution is because women cannot report it to police because their proffesion is illegal.

Prostitution is completely different from Porn. You are selling your body for sex. The difference is that you're getting paid to do someone you.......OH THAT'S RIGHT!

There isn't a difference. You're getting paid to have sex. The only difference is that the person you're fucking is getting paid too, and they're filming it. That's more of an "add-on" then a difference.

Anyways, on to "let's ask the viewers".

What is your stance on prostitution?
Prostitution should ABSOLUTELY be legalized. Nevada, Germany, Japan, and the Netherlands have all proven that prostitution can work when regulated. Everyone wants sex, and I'm pretty sure almost everyone thinks that they need it. If someone doesn't have the means and/or desire to enter into a committed, intimate relationship, why should they criminalized for paying another consenting adult for sexual favors?
Morally speaking, I don't think anyone should have to lower themselves into prostitution. But the reality is that some have almost no other options.I think that instead of legalizing prostitution governments should just find ways of helping people who really need it.

Do I think it should be illegal? I honestly don't care. If a person is willing to sell themselves for cash than that's their problem, I don't see why it would be considered illegal. It is similar to gay marriage; you might not agree with it, but to actually consider it illegal is silly.As long as their are still age restrictions in place for those who decide to become prostitues.
My dear Xemnas, as usual you and I share a common view with all of these topics. As always, I agree with you. There isn't a point in saying that prostitution is illegal. As always it's a personal choice and just like illegal drugs it has serious consequences on society. Rape, violence, AIDS (amongs many sexual diseases), links to mafia, gangs etc..

I didn't thought on that one Xemnas, but there isn't kind of logic if porn is legal and prostitution isn't. I mean they are selling sex right?

As I said before, the consequences on illegal prostitution are too many: rape, violence, child abuse, child trafficking, trafficking in general etc. If prostitution becomes legal it has it's own regulation in order to avoid this kind of horrorific things.

Morally speaking, I don't think anyone should have to lower themselves into prostitution. But the reality is that some have almost no other options.I think that instead of legalizing prostitution governments should just find ways of helping people who really need it.

Obviously most of the cases occur because these people have the need or they are forced (child abuse/child trafficking). However, just like in porn, many CHOOSE to be in that position. Not where they are being abused or getting hit by their pimp but rather the idea of sex. I remember watching a Penn & Teller's Bullshit episode where they interview a prostitute and she says something like "well I like having sex alot, and if I can get pay by doing something I like then it's right for me". Not every single prostitue is that crak junkie girl in an alley. Some of her/he are very classy people and for them they aren't lowering themselves at all, because is something they like.

Yes, prostitution should be legal.
When things are legal the criminal ring aspect of it is taken away, for the most part people won't mind paying an extra few dollars for something legal and a lot more safe (some brothels require a test before you can buy) than be a bit cheap for something that can get you a pair of matching silver bracelets and a hefty collection of diesease.

I remember watching a documentary where there was interviews with prostitues in a Nevada brothel and one thing they had in common was they were proud of there jobs for the same reason I love being in construction, they get to do something they love and get payed for it.

What legalizing prositution means is loads of benefits to society: The goverment makes money, the lonely are getting lucky and happy so suicide rates go down slightly, and the girls are off the streets and safe. it's really a win win win situation
Most people seem to hold their mind as more sacred than their body. Yet they don't mind "selling" their mind in their jobs to earn a living. So if you don't mind selling your mind and your intelligence, what's so wrong about selling your body which is considered superficial?

Prostitution is a trade of money for services in the same way as any other human enterprise. Cave women probably traded sex for the food that the hunters brought back to the cave ...I mean, she didn't go out hunting, but she still needed food, so she traded sex for food. Is that really any different?

But please don't forget that there's lots more to prostitution than just the two people who engage in the act. Also don't forget that it's actually a form of prostitution when a man buys a few drinks or dinner for his date in the hopes of getting laid!

However, we all like to pretend that we're upstanding and moral ...and that we have some right to tell others how to act and what to think and how to conduct their lives.

People say that prostitution is a "dangerous" profession. Its a dangerous job because its illegal. If it were legal in the US it would be regulated and with regulation comes at least a bit of a cleaning up of the whole scene. Everybody would be forced to use condoms, prostitutes themselves would be subject to probably weekly AIDS/STD testing (like some pornstars) in order to avoid the spread of disease. Without a doubt they would also be regularly tested for drug use and would not be able to work if they failed a drug test.

In turn, the prostitutes would then probably receive proper pay and benefits and the government would extract tax revenue from an entirely new and undoubtedly popular source. The emotional devestation brought on by working as a prostitute in a country where it is illegal is like the damage inflicted on nearly anyone who lives in a criminal underground subculture.

That being said, Xemnas, you have to know that despite the way I can rationalize the benefit of prostituion, Im fully against it. I think it destroys the sanctity of one's body, and what left do we have left to "give" to others(such as a future spouse) if we "sell" ourselves? Morally speaking, I have a problem with prostitution, but thats due to my personal religious beliefs. I don't condemn or look down on anyone who engages in prostitution, and I think I made a decent case for it's legalization. I just wouldn't personally engage in it. As much as I enjoy playing devil's advocate, I can't here, because my only argument against it would be due to my religious beliefs, and I won't bring them in here.
Most people seem to hold their mind as more sacred than their body. Yet they don't mind "selling" their mind in their jobs to earn a living. So if you don't mind selling your mind and your intelligence, what's so wrong about selling your body which is considered superficial?

I have never even thought about that before.:scratchchin:

To me, sex is the physical way of expressing love with a person. Something that should almost be a gift of sorts. Call me old fashioned (at 19) but I just don't believe in sex being something that should be tossed around to any person for the joy of it. Without trying to sound like I'm contradicating myself, I think that thinking about sex and watching porn is one thing, but I still don't think that people should sell it like a pair of shoes.

I also think that you can compare working in a office as selling your mind to prostitution selling your body. It just isn't the same. Prostitution is commiting a sacred act with a person for money. The equivalant would be something like commiting to a relationship with a person you don't like for money.

That's my opinion anyways.
I think it should be legal granted it's regulated in places. Such as; I wouldn't want a slew of prostitution girls on my street where my kids are waiting for the bus stop. Kind of going off subject here, but, I think if a lot of illegal things were legalized we would see a reduction in whatever was illegal. Such as kids drinking before the age of 21, and the accidents that occur. Obviously accidents and mis-fortunes will still happen, but I think they would happen at a considerably less substantial rate.
Should absolutely be legal, I've never once seen an argument which convincingly says otherwise. Legalising prostitution would, most importantly, make it safer. The amount of deaths and assaults we've had of prostitutes is awful - and they're only the ones reported. Many won't report an assault as what they're doing is illegal. Well, technically.

As well as that, legalising, and therefore regulating, prostitution would make it safer in terms of infections. I'm very sure there'd be strict rules on STI checks as well as contraception. Furthermore, it'd be a lot harder for those under 18 to get into the business, thus protecting younger girls.

Aside from safety, I don't see any problem with people selling their bodies if they want to. Who is it hurting, if it's their choice? It's not something most people would do, but who are we to stop them, really? They can go out and have sex with anyone they like, but can't get money from it? Very silly, really.
It should be legal. If someone wants to make a living that way, then so be it.

As long as they arent forced into prositution due to drugs/poverty then if a woman wants to sell her body then that is her decision. Not saying I agree with it, as it is a very low thing for a person to do, but as long as it is done voluntarily then its no different than selling anything else.

Surely porn stars are prostitutes too, as they are paid to have sex with different men. I dont see anyone saying that is illegal?

Same thing

Also, legalising prostitution would make it safer for the women and protect them

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