"The Successful One"


Dark Match Jobber
Hey everyone this is my first post so I would like to say, its great to be on Wrestlezone forums officially.

Now here is the topic I would like to speak on today:

There have been many, many successful tag teams in WWE history, but once they split, it seems like, only one member of the team continues on to success as either a singles competitor or in a new tag team all together.

For Example:

The APA-John Bradshaw Layfield: Now it is obvious who got the success out of this team, and it was JBL. After APA split, Bradshaw went on to become WWE Champ, a long one if I may add, held multiple other titles such as the IC Title and The US Title. He became a color commentator for a while too. Now when you look at Farooq "aka" Ron Simmons. He has not done anything special or held any titles since the APA split but has managed to hang on to a contract.

Worlds Greatest Tag Team-Shelton Benjamin: Shelton Benjamin is still way underated but when WGTT split, its no question who got the good end of the deal. Shelton went on to great things, and still has a long way too go, but he has picked up multiple IC and US Titles, has beaten some big names in singles competition, and has even been in the World Title picture for short periods. Now...Charlie Haas. Haas has had some funny gimmicks since the split, but again...nothing special.

So my questions to you guys here today are:

1. Do you think the right member, if not both, got the good push after any big name team split?

2. What do you think would have happened if the other member had gotten the "Big" push after any teams split (APA, WGTT, MNM, Los Guerreros, etc.).
Well, it could be argued that both Edge and Christian have had success after their split, but, like the ones you mentioned, one of them has had WAY more success than the other. Edge has held a World Title a total of nine times, while Christian has held a World Title in TNA, and held the ECW Title twice since returning to WWE. This does seem to follow the trend of one-sidedness in tag team splits.

On to the hypothetical: I could have seen any of the "other" members of the teams you mentioned getting success, except for maybe Ron Simmons. I beieve he was far past his prime when APA broke up. Though the same could be said for JBL, he had excellent mic skills and came up with a brilliant character (though not an entirely original one). In fact, that was most likely the difference between the two members of these tag teams: mic skills and character development. It seems these two factors may have been what kept the "other" member of a team down.
i see your point. i guess we will see if thats still true in WWE soon. Haas has been impressive, sorta. But my real example would be Miz and Morrison. Looks to me, like this could end up like HBK and Jannetty. I really think Morrison has the most potential, but the Miz needs work. So to answer your questions, i would say just keep an eye on Morrison and Miz. Hope that answered your question well enough for you.

Oh, as for what if the other member..could you imagine DAMN vs Cena WM21? lol NO. Chavo capturing everyone's heart? NO lol so i really wouldn't want to imagine that.
Ron Simmons was a WCW Champ and multiple time Tag Champ in WCW b4 he came to WWE, managed by Teddy Long :p who was Theodore Long back then

but in APA Bradshaw was much younger and was clearly the star of the team, Simmons just went along for ride and the beer along the way turning bradshaw into a huge name.

Simmons could have gone onto a singles title US/IC champ but he stopped talking after the NOD split and talked bugger all during his APA days so that nixed that :) and he was over the hill by then anyway. Now he's a back stage leader so thats hardly doing nothing

Janetty would never have amounted to anything regardless he had little charisma, he had wrestling talent but that only goes so far without HBK he was nothing. HBK was clearly the star of that team and i couldn't see it any other way.

Haas and Shelton, i think they are both boring personalities that is when Hass wasn't impersonating others (that shit was funny) and were the WGTT in name alone not actualy ability lol, Haas is the less serious of the two so the pushes are pretty accurate Shelton has that drive to succeed he just lacks charisma for anyone to give a shit and seems to lack the ability to grow.

Hass is getting a decent makeover now, not the comic relief anymore

Miz and Morrison, tough one, Seems both will get a push but at the moment Morrisons character is in danger of being an afterthaught, i dunno he just doesn't seem right as a face, at best i only see either Miz/Morrison being a IC/US champ nothing more, then again i think the same about Jeff Hardy/CM Punk and yet they are multi-time world champ

Edge and Christian - once again the pushes are correct IMO, sure Christian does seem to be getting the raw end of the dell as he is very charismatic probably moreso than Edge but look at his physique he's too weedy to be a world champ, Edge on the other hand is a total package. I don't think it has anything to do with Christian going to the opposition, hell Jeff Hardy went to TNA and came back and within the year he was main eventing.

Regardless Christian could still be argued as being successfull, that despite the boss seemingly not liking you despite whatever you accomplish, he is still not been truly buried

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