The Steve Austin Show


Cody Rhodes is an excellant
I recently heard about this after seeing Lance Storm tweet about how fucking hilarious it was, & decided to to check it out. So far their are nine episodes, I downloaded all of them & listened to the first 7 at work yesterday, this shit is fucking awesome, it's basically an uncensored Austin taking about whatever is on his mind, occasionally he has guest (so far he's had HBK, & Cheal Sonnen on), but most of the time it's just him speaking his mind on whatever. The episode where he talks about his wife dragging him to get a mani-pedi is my personal favorite so far.

You can either get it on iTunes-

or you can listen/download it from PodcastOne-
I listened to the one with Shawn Michaels, I think it's much better than Art of Wrestling. Instead of it being a question and answer your basically listening in on two friends having a conversation. He announced on Twitter some of the upcoming guests and the line up is pretty awesome. Jim Ross, Terry Funk, Bret Hart (really looking forward to Bret's) and he plans on getting The Rock.
In the process of downloading a few episodes now, cant wait for this. Austin is one funny guy, I expect this to be awesome
I like the ones with guests, but wish the people he'd interview were in the room with him instead of talking to them over the phone. It's really my only minor pet peeve about the show so far.
Thought I'd check it outon your recommendation, pleasantly surprised. And I imagine it improves after the first too. We'll see. Cheers man!

He's a decent guy who I'm more than used to listening to. Looking forward to the Chael Sonnen episode.
Just started listening and well, its pretty good.

I am more inclined to listening to him talking to wrestlers. But Austin vs The Fly has me intrigued.
Anyone having trouble listening to this on TuneIn Radio?

I get Joe Rogans and other podcasts but Austins says its not supported. I updated the app and still not working.

It makes me hope that someday Austin and perhaps Sandow can be a broadcast team, with a WWE non wrestler in the midde of them, Matthews perhaps.

Love this thing.
I wish more people would get interested in listening to wrestling podcasts! It can easily be more entertaining than wrestling shows nowadays.
Good lord that Zeb interview was amazing. Seriously some of the stories told by Zeb (especially of his time in Puerto Rico) hilarious.

The Wrestler's court was giggles too.

Man them discussing Brody was something else and I could feel Mantel's voice cracking up.

One of the best indeed.

CAN NOT WAIT to hear the Regal one.
The Regal one was great. A lot of information about european wrestling as expected, really enjoyed his thoughts on his favorite wrestling matches and his take on the business as a whole. He talked about how he came up to America as well. They didn't get into his personal problems, but one thing intrigued me - Regal said he loved the match between Savage and Steamboat, but after hearing Steamboat's take on the match he doesn't put it in his list and I don't know why. If anybody does, please feel free.

Can't wait for part 2.
I think he maybe alluding to the fact that Steamboat later said how painfully meticulous Randy was scripting that match spot for spot. Randy could be quite anal like that.

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