The State of TNA Wrestling


Pre-Show Stalwart
There is currently 65 talents signed to Total Nonstop Action. These 65 don't include the prior five releases within the last week/TNA creative team/Referees/Announcers/Road Agents...

To help the thread out were not going to include female talents for the reason for both companies usually only spend 10-20 min on the diva/knock division and they take up some numbers.

TNA has currently 53 males under contracts and 2 males competing in dark matches. A total of 55 guys to work with within 2 hours. By the way.. I'm not counting Eazy E, Hulkster, and Flair within the 55 and they take up a good 30 min per show. So back to 55 guys with 90 min to work with.

Let's compare this to WWE.

WWE Smackdown - 28 Males with two hours to work with.
WWE RAW- 22 Males
WWE NXT- 8 Males (60 min)
WWE Superstars- Varies :shrug:

In Summary if you combine the two flagship shows of the WWE, they still have 3-5 less paid talents than TNA. Not to mention 4 hours to TNA's 2 hours.

Individuals like Daniels stood no chance IMO. The biggest problem in TNA right now is re-introducing the original talent. E claims he's going to take the X division to new heights.. yet within 50 days two of the best in the division are gone and 50% of the remaining X division talents aren't being used, or jobbing to Kazarian who is the only guy in the X division who's been given a push since the take over. I'm not putting the blame on Hogan/E just yet.. but I am saying... we went from watching Daniels main eventing less than 3 months ago.. to him jobbing to Sean Morley.

Lets remember.. Daniels was just rumored to be wrestling a couple shows in ROH and now his release has been confirmed. MCMG's are rumored to wrestling a couple shows as well... should we expect more of the homegrown talent to be dropped?

Things i feel are working right now.

A- The A.J Styles Storyline: It wasn't predictable and no body if honest saw it coming. We've seen AJ heel before, but this is by far his biggest push. He's always been one of the faces of TNA, but this storyline has made him THE FACE of TNA. The cocky persona in my mind has worked well and great angles can work of this.

B- Possible Horsemen like Stable: Websites can't confirm it, but a lot of speculation going around has TNA creating such stable led by AJ Styles with Ric Flair playing the JJ role. Desmond Wolfe is clearly going to be a member and I love it. Wolfe has the charisma to go with the in ring work and he'll work well with the story. My money is on Matt Morgan being a member. Morgan has recently turned heel again and i feel it just fits. I don't know how they'll introduce him, but I'm calling it. I can't predict the fourth member, but i hope it's not sting. I don't think Sting needs the faction and he really wouldn't benefit in a stable like the likes of a morgan/wolfe.

C- Beer Money: There gimmick comes off as they sold out to impress E and in my mind its working. I feel its getting them exposure and they are the best tag team in wrestling today IMO. I hope TNA continues to re-introduce them to the new fans so people aren't confused.

Things I think need scrapped/adjusted

A- Abyss: Haven't been a fan of this angle since Hogan gave him the ring. His chokeslam to Flair worked for me, but I'm still wondering why he was given this and not some1 else.

B- Orlando Jordan: The guys in the back don't like it, the fans clearly don't like it (lost 123,000 viewers during this segment) Good luck getting this angle over.. don't see it happening in this age.

C- Missing Talent: I know earlier I complained about having way to much talent... but when i say this... I mean.. why in the hell do the beautiful people and Orlando Jordan get 10-20 min's a week when Samoa Joe/Raven/Rhyno continue to be MIA.

D- X Division: E.. you claimed to be taking it to new heights.. I want to know how this is going to happen with the results in previous weeks. The X division has never been this predictable... I remember the X Division being the match where you honestly didn't know who was going to win. Seriously whats Kendricks record in TNA 0-12?

Place your thoughts on some of the angles you think are working and the angles you think need scrapped or adjusted. Also feel free to argue with my points.

EDIT: Let's add something to to the things that aren't working. You have a 1 hour head start on WWE this week to portray why we should keep it on this channel once the start of Raw comes on and you just had another Rob Terry Sqaush match, Orlando Jordan puttion lotion on his face, and a Knockouts Lock Box/Out match :shrug: :wtf:
While you make valid points, I have to tell you what I've been telling many others. People are burying TNA before they can even get going! Give them a few months to get things going. Yes, the talent pools is probably too large, but as you read here on wrestlezone there have been several talents released. I think TNA is trying to get an idea of who they want to keep and who needs to go. You need to remember that Hogan has only been in charge for about 4 months and they've been on Monday's for less than a month. TNA is trying to find themselves. Too me, this is expected. I'm by no means a TNA mark. I don't agree with everything they do. But I'm going to save a lot of gripes for the time being (probably till Bound for Glory). Yes, people have a right to disagree, but at the same time they need to give it a chance. It seems that a lot of people have already given up on TNA.
I agree with wrestlingfan2...TNA is just getting the ball rolling...there has to be a learning curve given somewhere...I give them props for having the balls to fire the first shot and go head to head just weeks before Wrestlemania...hell if they can turn Vince's head and make him acknoweldge that they exist then that's a win in my book...give them some time to get their feet wet and weed out who they want to weed out. Do I agree with them releasing Daniels? no...but it's to be expected that they are going to get rid of people that we don't necessarily agree with...will they survive without Daniels? absolutely. they have the likes of Kazarian (who you obviously aren't a fan of) and Amazing Red to step in his place. Besides, you can't honestly tell me that you weren't as excited as I was when they got rid of the Nasty Boys. Let's revisit this in 3 months and see how we feel then...
I agree with wrestlingfan2...TNA is just getting the ball rolling...there has to be a learning curve given somewhere...I give them props for having the balls to fire the first shot and go head to head just weeks before Wrestlemania...hell if they can turn Vince's head and make him acknoweldge that they exist then that's a win in my book...give them some time to get their feet wet and weed out who they want to weed out. Do I agree with them releasing Daniels? no...but it's to be expected that they are going to get rid of people that we don't necessarily agree with...will they survive without Daniels? absolutely. they have the likes of Kazarian (who you obviously aren't a fan of) and Amazing Red to step in his place. Besides, you can't honestly tell me that you weren't as excited as I was when they got rid of the Nasty Boys. Let's revisit this in 3 months and see how we feel then...

Don't have a problem with Kazarian at all. I just states he's the only guy in the X division it seems like they are pushing. When in the passed it was always interesting to see 3-4 guys be right there at the top of the X division and not knowing how long a reign would be.

And yes i was thrilled to see the Nasty's go.. Read my signature bro..

I agree a lot with the first reply as well. I can see how reading that thread would make you believe i'm not give them a chance to get the ball rolling... I'm not going to disagree with any of your point. Both of you made great points but I would just like to let you boys know that I did give them compliments with the some of the new direction. And some of it was constructive criticism.
I can only guess that TNA is still going through an adjustment phase. Ever since Hulk Hogan and Bischoff came in they have been experimenting. They are supposedly moving their venue too and that actually might help them recruit more talent.

Yes, the Orlando Jordan bit isn't going over with the fans. Honestly I do not know what they were thinking since professional wrestling has always had more of a hetrosexual crowd then anything else. Let's hope they don't continue to lose views because of this.

Ever since Hogan started teaming with Abyss I just shook my head no. I have always thought Abyss as a one-man monster, you know? A TNA Original that might be cut because honestly I know they are putting him over...but it so doesnt fit him. Kind of reminds me of Eugene back when he was in WWE teaming up with prolific stars. Sure it's hot right now to most, but it just feels like a match ready to burn out. I'm afraid Abyss will get lost in the mix when this angle gets stale.

Styles is in his prime and has become the figurehead of champions in the company. There is no denying he stays.

The release of Christopher Daniels kind of struck me. This guy was in the main event months ago, has teamed and rivaled with AJ Styles in major feuds..and now he's gone?? I'm expecting Samoa Joe to go now...
I was definitely surprised to hear about Daniels' releasing. With the 4 Horsemen rumors, I was thinking maybe that's a way TNA could give Daniels another chance at exposure. Isn't him & AJ supposed to be tight? Speak up for ya boy Styles! You're the name of the game! But since that doesn't work, I could definitely see the Horsemen looking like Styles/Wolfe/Beer Money. 4 Horsemen always had a tag team in the group. And with Flair shaking Bischoff's hand while Eric says "You owe me" really makes me think that those two are gonna collab against Hogan soon. Since Beer Money is in Bischoff's pocket, it all goes together.

As for AJ Style's being a heel, I enjoy it. IMO, I want AJ to hold onto the belt for the year while he takes on all comers. That'll give different wrestlers a chance to shine in the main event for whatever reasons. Style's isn't the best talker, but maybe Flair will complement him with that as time goes by. Hopefully, Flair will rein it in though.

I definitely don't dig Da Band. I dig Nash, but he handles his. Other than Waltman with his kicks & Bronco Buster, those two fogie need to sit on some of that old money they always bragging about making back in the day. Not interested in slow motion kicks at all.

Guys like Matt Morgan & Hernandez are too "Prime Time" to have to team up with each other. Hernandez & Homicide made sense because they complimented each other, but two 300 pounders shouldn't be randomly put together. I know this is a waste because they'll probably break up soon(& Super Mex's hurt), but when I started watching TNA I was really impressed with their Tag Team division. They have MCMG , Generation Me, and plenty of teams I can't think of because they haven't received run in awhile. Giving me 4 wrestlers in the ring gives me Total Nonstop Action! Easy math!

I dig Abyss to an extent with Hogan. I just don't want him Hulking up. No sir. But he's better on the mic than I expected. I never know what his character is gonna do so it keeps me interested.

I dig The Pope, but I also digged Elijah Burke. With tha said, I was surprised to see him pushed to the front of the list. I always enjoy his matches, but I do want him to change his finisher. That's a move that warms you up for your finisher. But do me a favor and stop having him JUST wrestle Desmond Wolfe!!

Angle may be the best all around in the whole business(I look at Jericho the same way), so no matter who you put on the other side of the ring it will be interesting.

I don't think Kaz is doing anything to really prove he deserves the biggest push in the X division, therefore, making the division look weak. Amazing Red is definitely the best flyer while Doug Williams has the biggest finisher and can wrestle every style. I enjoy a lot of their talent in the division but would hope they would devote another match an episode to it. I hope this "Royal Rumble" type match shows well.

Its a great company with a lot of talent and they get the most out of their wrestlers compared to the other company. But Eric, Hogan, Flair are dominating too much air time. You only have 30 minutes! Let the young boys shine so you can build for the future!
Lets remember.. Daniels was just rumored to be wrestling a couple shows in ROH and now his release has been confirmed. MCMG's are rumored to wrestling a couple shows as well... should we expect more of the homegrown talent to be dropped?

Yes we should expect more cuts, I'm not sure if they will be originals, but fully expect cuts. To be completely fair, we don't know if Daniels asked for his own release or if TNA cut him the way they did Creed.

A- The A.J Styles Storyline: It wasn't predictable and no body if honest saw it coming. We've seen AJ heel before, but this is by far his biggest push. He's always been one of the faces of TNA, but this storyline has made him THE FACE of TNA. The cocky persona in my mind has worked well and great angles can work of this.

Agreed. He is the most credible champion in the last 2 years. I've got no issues with the current main even scene.

B- Possible Horsemen like Stable: Websites can't confirm it, but a lot of speculation going around has TNA creating such stable led by AJ Styles with Ric Flair playing the JJ role. Desmond Wolfe is clearly going to be a member and I love it. Wolfe has the charisma to go with the in ring work and he'll work well with the story. My money is on Matt Morgan being a member. Morgan has recently turned heel again and i feel it just fits. I don't know how they'll introduce him, but I'm calling it. I can't predict the fourth member, but i hope it's not sting. I don't think Sting needs the faction and he really wouldn't benefit in a stable like the likes of a morgan/wolfe.

Not sure if that's the correct way to title it, but I am semi-enjoying sting and Flair working together.

C- Beer Money: There gimmick comes off as they sold out to impress E and in my mind its working. I feel its getting them exposure and they are the best tag team in wrestling today IMO. I hope TNA continues to re-introduce them to the new fans so people aren't confused.

Yes, absolutely agree, they are giving these two serious exposure, for gods sake, they were just the main event two weeks ago against RVD and Hardy. That's a serious push.

A- Abyss: Haven't been a fan of this angle since Hogan gave him the ring. His chokeslam to Flair worked for me, but I'm still wondering why he was given this and not some1 else.

Never was a fan. Preferred if they got rid of him altogether. Highly unlikely however.

B- Orlando Jordan: The guys in the back don't like it, the fans clearly don't like it (lost 123,000 viewers during this segment) Good luck getting this angle over.. don't see it happening in this age.

Yes, the way the gimmick is working out isn't very smooth at all. Needs to be repacked while taken off tv.

C- Missing Talent: I know earlier I complained about having way to much talent... but when i say this... I mean.. why in the hell do the beautiful people and Orlando Jordan get 10-20 min's a week when Samoa Joe/Raven/Rhyno continue to be MIA.

Actually, TBP often bring in the most ratings, were they even on the last Impact? I doubt it. O.J., yeah, he is now a ratings killer (or his gimmick is, not sure which to blame).

D- X Division: E.. you claimed to be taking it to new heights.. I want to know how this is going to happen with the results in previous weeks. The X division has never been this predictable... I remember the X Division being the match where you honestly didn't know who was going to win. Seriously whats Kendricks record in TNA 0-12?

I know it was a hyperbole, but Kendrick has only had two singles matches so far, if that, he is however being booked to look fairly weak. Any way, they are trying to build the prestige of the X-division title since prior to Doug Williams, it was a pretty worthless belt for some time. Not only is Kaz getting pushed, so is the current champion, Doug Williams, and trying to make Shannon Moore look like he can go too.
While you make valid points, I have to tell you what I've been telling many others. People are burying TNA before they can even get going! Give them a few months to get things going. Yes, the talent pools is probably too large, but as you read here on wrestlezone there have been several talents released. I think TNA is trying to get an idea of who they want to keep and who needs to go. You need to remember that Hogan has only been in charge for about 4 months and they've been on Monday's for less than a month. TNA is trying to find themselves. Too me, this is expected. I'm by no means a TNA mark. I don't agree with everything they do. But I'm going to save a lot of gripes for the time being (probably till Bound for Glory). Yes, people have a right to disagree, but at the same time they need to give it a chance. It seems that a lot of people have already given up on TNA.

people said a couple of months ago to give TNA a couple of months. They are still doing the same crap they did when Hogan started and i dont think they are going to change.
I think everyone has very valid points in this thread. I'd like to take "middle of the road" approach though.

True, TNA is barely getting the ball rolling, so patience is needed.

Also true, people have been saying for a couple of months to give TNA a couple of months.

I think some good and some bad has come out of TNA since Hogan took over. The problem is that "bad" is easier and faster to watch unfold, whereas "good" usually takes a long, tedious time to reap results from.

The biggest mistake TNA made was move to Monday Nights. Starting Monday Night Wars (if we can even call it that) now is not the same as it was back in the 90's. History doesn't always repeat itself and jumping the gun the way TNA did is going to take some time to see positive come out of it.

Too many wrestlers in the roster is an issue, like wrestlingfan2 said, that can get resolved over time. I don't think that's the problem. The problem is that they try to use as many people as they can in a two-hour show, which gives no real focus to the audience watching. They need to make those roster cuts more frequently and more aggressive and TNA will be alright in that department.

And is it just me or does it feel like TNA is really shoving some wrestlers down our throats?? Abyss, Orlando Jordan, the Nasty Boys until they got (finally) released are a few that come to mind.

I don't want to sound like I'm just bashing TNA. I truly want to watch them succeed, but I think pointing out the problems is the best way to get them resolved. Anyone agree?
I can only guess that TNA is still going through an adjustment phase. Ever since Hulk Hogan and Bischoff came in they have been experimenting. They are supposedly moving their venue too and that actually might help them recruit more talent.

Yes, the Orlando Jordan bit isn't going over with the fans. Honestly I do not know what they were thinking since professional wrestling has always had more of a hetrosexual crowd then anything else. Let's hope they don't continue to lose views because of this.

Ever since Hogan started teaming with Abyss I just shook my head no. I have always thought Abyss as a one-man monster, you know? A TNA Original that might be cut because honestly I know they are putting him over...but it so doesnt fit him. Kind of reminds me of Eugene back when he was in WWE teaming up with prolific stars. Sure it's hot right now to most, but it just feels like a match ready to burn out. I'm afraid Abyss will get lost in the mix when this angle gets stale.

Styles is in his prime and has become the figurehead of champions in the company. There is no denying he stays.

The release of Christopher Daniels kind of struck me. This guy was in the main event months ago, has teamed and rivaled with AJ Styles in major feuds..and now he's gone?? I'm expecting Samoa Joe to go now...[/

I would have to agree with you on this one,as like myself i've been starting to watch more of TNA iMPACT since the Jan 4 ep......
But what i dont get is why is there so much hate in so many forums about TNA?!In fact i like the WWE & TNA--which are both equal to me as a fan...
Like i said before im like going through just about every TNA AND WWE forums and i gotta say alot of people out there have gone through to alot of trouble just to Bitch and Moan about TNA--which quite honestly i dont get...
Anyway i myself was shocked to hear that Daniels got the "Future Endevoured"from TNA!!!I really hope that Samoa Joe OR MCMG arent the next ones to get the boot =\.....
It's now April 5th, it's been 3 months since Hogan&Bischoff showed up. And I'm really starting to give up hope on "giving them time."

In the last quarter of 2009, TNA started to pick up after a not that great year. We saw great feuds between AJ, Joe & Daniels, and of course Wolfe vs. Kurt.

But then came January 4th, and ever since then, TNA for me, has gone down hill.

To quote Eric Bischoff on commentary a couple of weeks ago "TNA started on January 4th." Well in his mind, this is probably true, even if he was just being his character. Since January 4th, loads of storylines were randomly dropped and wrestlers just dissapeared. Where's Homicide!?

The main problems for me are:

- Hogan & Abyss: This storyline is absoultely terrible, everyone falling in a giant hole to end a PPV was seriously the worst PPV ending I've ever seen.

- The X Division: Shannon Moore isn't talented or over, so why bring him in and have him on iMPACT most weeks instead of talented X-Division wrestlers like Jay Lethal, Homicide or MCMG. And as the OP said, Kaz's push is ridiculous, he wins everything!

- AJ Styles: Now this isn't as bad as when it first started, but I still feel that AJ is so much better as a top baby face. I just hope Flair eventually turns on AJ and AJ can go back to being the top face of TNA. Who is the top face at the moment? Abyss? Hogan?

- Releasing Daniels but keeping nWo, Jordan etc : Daniels was one of the top talents in TNA, he'd been with them for years and was recently feuding with the world champ. But then Hogan shows up, and next thing we know, Daniels is jobbing to Val Venis and has now been released! What a joke.... Yet they keep untalented dead weight like Orlando Jordan (who's gimmick will never work on a program aimed at males) or the Wolfpac.
When they first announced that TNA is partnering with Hogan, TNA is going big, I expected a new show from TNA other than Impact!. Then when Hogan came, he signed tons and tons of wrestlers, I was like 95% sure a new show is coming to house all the talents and give everyone a chance to prove themselves, rather than let the newcomers squeeze out the old guards. Then TNA moved to Mondays, I was 101% sure a new TNA show will take its old slot.

Man, talk about great expectations.
One of the big problem in TNA outside of all the obvious ones is that TNA isn'T creating new characters. A.J. is becoming more like Ric Flair. Desmond Wolfe is becoming more like Tully Blanchard. Abyss is becoming more like Hulk Hogan, Jay LEthal is still in the macho man gimmick and Beer Money is becoming more like Kronik/APA.

All the new talents they brought in like Jeff Hardy and RVD aren't doing anything new and they are releasing guys like Daniels who should been a focus in TNA when guys like Shannon Moore who isn't over is the focus of the x-division.

TNA lose a lot of fans because they don't give the fanbase something new to watch. It's alot of rehashing stuff and it's not interesting. That probably why, when given a choice, the loyal TNA fans who were watching them on thursdays decide to watch something else or WWE Raw instead because TNA doesn'T give them anything interesting to watch outside the knockout division.
Another thing to add on, the "speech" which Doug Williams gave after beating Shannon Moore at Destination X is still in my head. The man might be arrogant, but he spoke the truth, whether if its scripted or not. I have no idea why they let loose Daniels and Creed and bring in Moore. I never saw him as a wrestler since his WWE days.
My only beef wiith TNA at the moment is why oh why aren't they booking and selling out 20,000 seat arenas. They have Jeff Hardy, RVD, AJ, Hogan. etc... Biggest superstars in the world.

that's like 2 million dollars in one night. Why do they persist on staying in the impact zone.
My only beef wiith TNA at the moment is why oh why aren't they booking and selling out 20,000 seat arenas. They have Jeff Hardy, RVD, AJ, Hogan. etc... Biggest superstars in the world.

that's like 2 million dollars in one night. Why do they persist on staying in the impact zone.

Well, I personally think Lockdown is going to be a true test for them. They have a dream roster, with a ton of amazing wrestlers, but no one's watching, or even really giving them a chance. It's because it doesn't have the WWE logo. I think if Lockdown sells out or comes close, they will probably test doing an impact or 2 on the road. For the most part, their live events, including PPVs, have not sold well. A lot of the time they are giving away tickets to put asses in seats so they don't have an empty arena.

I'm more of a TNA fan than a WWE fan, but I do still enjoy SOME of what WWE has to offer. I really don't know why no one is watching Impact or why people keep bashing it. I mean really, the comments that have been made about TNA since I joined this forum have boggled my mind. I mean, so many people make it seem like TNA is the worst wrestling product ever, and they focus on things like production values. How do HD titantrons and huge pyro make the wrestling or promos better? And why do so many people hate the TNA wrestler's themes? They have some of the best ones in my opinion, including Kurt's, Jerret's, MMG's, Pope's, and Anderson's.
While you make valid points, I have to tell you what I've been telling many others. People are burying TNA before they can even get going! Give them a few months to get things going. Yes, the talent pools is probably too large, but as you read here on wrestlezone there have been several talents released. I think TNA is trying to get an idea of who they want to keep and who needs to go. You need to remember that Hogan has only been in charge for about 4 months and they've been on Monday's for less than a month. TNA is trying to find themselves. Too me, this is expected. I'm by no means a TNA mark. I don't agree with everything they do. But I'm going to save a lot of gripes for the time being (probably till Bound for Glory). Yes, people have a right to disagree, but at the same time they need to give it a chance. It seems that a lot of people have already given up on TNA.

I call bullshit. TNA has been around for over 7 years now. If they haven't "gotten going" by now, they aren't likely to. You want to give them a few months? They have had years! If they don't know what direction they want to head in, that speaks more to their incompetence than it does their "newness". Being on Mondays has nothing to do with it, they have had a bloated roster for a long time.
TNA are operating at a loss and in a matter of weeks have halved their viewing audience. Yet apparently people are stating they need more time.
People ARE NOT watching because the product is not good. I started watching TNA because i saw something creative, innovative and different. It was the alternative to WWE and I loved the fact that.

1) They had a faster pace to the action.

2) X Division

3) Knockouts who could wrestles [ Kong vs Kim ]

4) Tag Team Division [ LAX being the greatest Latino Tag Team in recent history..yes we latinos loved the fact that they were there ]

5) The creative matches.

What have I got since Hogan, the same old stuff I did when WCW was around only worse and with less talent to pull it off. There is no reason casual fans should stay around and watch until it gets better. Let's be real. WWE knows how to entertain and keep you watching every week.

For the record, Hogan and Bishoff had been working on the Jan 4 show for 6 months prior to coming to TNA so they had enough time to know the product but it was obvious that they didn't know the product, wrestlers, storylines or fans before they started putting together this new show that fans are tuning out. The ratings speak for themselves.

They need to watch the old TNA DVD's and bring that energy back instead of rehashing old wrestling gimmicks. If i want to see legends I can subscribe to WWE's online service. I want TNA to do what they do best. Produce great action.

At this rate,I don't think TNA has that many months before Spike Puts them back on Thursday. I just hope they turn it around.
Eric and Hulk have the mentality that only marks actually watch Wrestling.

You're right and but i cannot blame everything that'S going on in TNA solely on Hogan and Bischoff because they are just the new kids on the block as far as TNA is concerned. Dixie Carter is to blame for this also, so is Jeff Jarrett and Vince Russo in some way or another. Dixie is to blame because she cleary doesn't know how to run a wrestling company to make it successful. Look at the history of TNA and you'll see that the most captivating years in TNA were the first couple of years before they got their T.V Deal. During that period, Jerry Jarrett was part of the booking comitee and part owner of the company. They would book feud that would last a long time and were well develop. One of my favorite feud was the AMW vs XXX feud, that lasted 2 years but it was well develop and when they finally got to the career match, it was more captivating. Another feud that i loved was the Jeff Jarrett/Raven feud. This was the perfect exemple of how to booked a feud and when they finally had their match, it was the most exciting thing ever because the build-up was done.

But now, with Dixie in charge, it's all about who the next big name is going to be in TNA. She pretty much like every one of us, a wrestling fan but with money. So since her friend Jeff Jarrett need money for TNA to survive, she bail him out and that's pretty much it.

Jeff Jarrett is pretty much the reason why TNA hasn't become the success it should have been. The first couple of years, everything was center around him, when that didn't work he brought in Kurt Angle to take is place and center everything around Kurt. Everytime a big name star would come into TNA, the company was center around that new star and left everybody else in the shadows and that's Jarrett's fault because he was the lead booker for a long time.

Vince Russo is to blame partly because of his inabilty to write stuff that make sense in this era. He'S still stuck in the attitude era were everything had shock value and you didn'T the titles meant nothing. Russo when control by somebody else is probably the best writer in the buisiness but went he's given carte blanche and suddenly nobody is their to supervise him,then he become a monster and isn'T able to created something appealling.

But most of all, TNA is in the trouble they are in simply because they don'T have patience. For the last 7 and a half years, everytime something didn'T work, they would do a 360 and go a completly different direction. Wrestling doesn'T work, o.k let'S stop showing wrestling matches and let's do comedy. So comedy wrestling doesn'T work, let's go back to wrestling until we find something else to do with are product. TNA doesn't have an identity of it's own because they don't have the patience to go one way and sticking with it until the fan identifies with the product they are doing.

Just look at the WWE for exemple: Raw is the entertainment show, NXT is the rookie show, Superstar is the lower mid-carders show and Smackdoen is the wrestling show. Evey show in the WWE has an identity and the fans know it so if they want to see wrestling, they would go and watch Smackdown. Same goes for ROH, the small fan base they have knows what they are getting when they watch ROH on TV, they are getting Wrestling. When you watch TNA, you don't know exactly what you getting because nobody knows in the company what they want TNA to be and that's the biggest problem, if TNA doesn'T know what they want to be, how are the fan identify themselves with this unknown product. TNA need to pick an identity and stick with it for the long run before nobody cares about them.
People keep asking about shannon Moore...anyone think that maybe part of getting Jeff Hardy to sign a contract with TNA, he kinda ensure Mr. Moore had a decent push and some tv time? Cause lets face it, the dude dosen't cut it wherever he is. Something had to have been arranged, because as stated, Daniels leaves, but Moore is signed...You cannot compare the talent level there.

I think people are turning on TNA as in the past it was known as the place where WWE rejects go...and at first I didn't agree with that analogy because most wrestlers that swapped ships, Kurt Angel, Booker T, etc left at their own will. However with bringing back the band, Orlando Jordan, Val Venis, Nasty Boys (even if they are gone) they were hoping to win fans over? Those wrestlers make the analogy true of washed up wwe rejects working for them. I mean they have Kurt Angle, I think more focus should have been with him back when "TNA STARTED" on Jan 4. Jeff Hardy, RVD, Ken Anderson...great performers that fans love to cheer for and admire...enough to win over WWE? WCW had a slogan once, and i think WWE should start to take it over: "Where The Big Boys Play"

Here is hoping that Daniels is picked up by WWE, i would love to see a feud with him and Jericho.
Here's my outlook on TNA....they are doing some things right and some things wrong. Big surprise huh? Let's look at some:

Hogan/Abyss - AWFUL. Hogan is supposed to be the boss yet Bischoff is the only one making decisions. How does this make sense? Plus Abyss is coming off as a clown instead of a monster. Pretty stupid.

AJ/Flair - Brilliant. It establishes AJ as a main player and uses Flair's drawing power.

Mr. Anderson - How amazing has he been? There hasn't been as good of a heel in wrestling aside from Randy Orton.

The Pope - One of the greatest things in TNA. Extremely entertaining and over....if they will use him....

X Division - Non-existent and please tell me they didn't really let Daniels walk? He's still on their roster page so I'm hoping no...they didn't....

The Band - Only marks are really caring for being one of them...but it's still pathetic to watch them. Isn't it time for Nash to be a manager?

Global Title - What a waste. Make it a credible belt please?

Beer Money/Jarrett - I lumped these together because they've been semi-feuding....I love Beer Money and somehow through all this I find myself rooting for Jarrett....and I can't stand him. It's amazing.

Overall, TNA like every other product has it's ups and downs. I think overall TNA has better characters in WWE. I noticed this during Wrestlemania that all of the wrestlers in WWE are the same....that's why I get bored with WWE. What separates Kane and Sheamus? They're both monsters that don't talk, beat up people, and try to scare them. What separates The Miz from Drew McIntyre? Same character. Randy Orton and Jericho stand out, HBK, Triple H and Undertaker stand out, Edge and Rey, CM Punk has established himself....even Kofi gets lost sometimes. I think TNA is doing a great job establishing characters and gimmicks, moreso than WWE. Am I way off base?
wwe this wwe that, blah blah, blah, FUCK WWE!!!!!!!!! hell!!! if you all love it so DAMN much then see if you all can get a fucking job there in the front office of titan towers, how can you compare a company that's been around 50 years, to company that's only been around for eight years? instead of all the negative BULLSHIT!! this site and others like it (411 put's out why not give them credit and be appreciative that there's an alternative to wwe instead having to watch cena flop his way into every damn main event.

:lol: Love posts like this apparently if you have any criticism legitmate or not against TNA you are a WWE mark. candy girl you need learn the difference between negative and normative. People are concerned that the alternative to wwe is failing in a timeslot they have wanted since at least 2005. :banghead:
wwe this wwe that, blah blah, blah, FUCK WWE!!!!!!!!! hell!!! if you all love it so DAMN much then see if you all can get a fucking job there in the front office of titan towers, how can you compare a company that's been around 50 years, to company that's only been around for eight years? instead of all the negative BULLSHIT!! this site and others like it (411 put's out why not give them credit and be appreciative that there's an alternative to wwe instead having to watch cena flop his way into every damn main event.

I just love post like this one, it prove that TNA still have some fan defending them no matter what. So i get your point, you want people to stop comparing TNA to WWE, does that means that you want TNA official to stop to compare themselves to WWE because that what they are doing right now.

I'm going to throw in a exemple of to explain why TNA sucks right now.

I don't know if you were watching wrestling during the first monday night wars, it was the giant company WWE vs the then 6 years old company WCW. Sure WCW had the money behind them but they also had a better product then the WWE and were someweek they were beating WWE in the ratings some weeks the WWE was beating them but at less there was competition between these 2. TNA is 7 years old, that's 1 year older then WCW was when they were starting to beating WWE in the ratings, yet, they are still at Universal studios taping a show in front of non paying fans and don'T have another show to promote Impact. That's why TNA suck because they thing they are in the WWE's league when they are barely in ROH's league. Sure they have the best talents but without any direction or coherent storytelling you not going to attract fans.

People would rather watch 24 or whatever is on t.v. at 9 p.m then watch TNA or WWE right now. The WWE are keeping their fans while TNA are losing theirs, so don't tell me TNA doesn'T deserve all those negative comments they've been getting lately. They had 7 years to find what TNA stood for and start building a fondation for themselves, instead they throw stuff on the wall, if it doesn'T work they go on to something else. TNA is were WWE rejects goes when the WWE doesn'T want them anymore and if that's what TNA is, no wonder people are not tuning in.
I spend more time in the TNA posts criticizing them for one reason: it bothers me when a show has so much potential, I want to watch the be successful against the WWE, and it seems as if they purposely don't want to right wrongs in the wrestling business today.

Does anyone have an idea as to why The Pope has become so popular at such a fast pace?? I don't have the exact answer, but I can predict it's because he's NEW, INNOVATIVE, and FRESH. He's not a carbon copy of a former wrestler OR a gimmick from the WWE. He's bringing something new to the table.

Hogan and his cronies can only be blamed for so much, just as they can get so much credit if/when something good happens in TNA. But there's no denying that ever since the "takeover," we've seen less wrestling, more WWE references, more bad booking/match endings, and more talent we don't care to see shoved down our throats. Oh, and of course, more Hulk Hogan.

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