The start of Cesaro's push


Occasional Pre-Show
I think tonight was the beginning of something good for cesaro. He had an awesome match tonight and i think all signs point to him n Owens after cena n Owens. There a possibility that their match could end up a triple threat if they build on tonight and Owens interference. The kicker to that three way fued is that cesaro or cena can be who or what cost Owens the nxt title in Tokyo. I hope they have a triple threat match at battleground and cesaro be the one to leave with the title. It's highly unlikely but who knows. At least I hope he gets a good fued with Owens which I believe is what will happen if he's not inserted and become Owens first challenger after he defeats cena at battleground. That match and the ending I think is the beginning of wwe realizing they may have no choice but to push the Swiss superman. Maybe I'm getting overly excited, then again maybe I'm not. A possible fued could give him some proper mic time and a chance to show the charisma everyone thinks he lacks. If reigns can come around on the mic,I believe someone as intelligent and well versed in various languages could become better as well but that's not possible when you don't have the opportunity. I also like the reversal into the sharp shooter and him having a submission move to use now. Maybe he could incorporate a new submission move from time to time which just makes what's good better. This could be the beginning of something overdue or just us lucky to get that quality of a match on raw. Only time will tell.
Oh I wish it were true man..I wish this were the start of some push for Cesaro.

Sadly, it isn't. The last time I remember Cena and Cesaro facing off on RAW reports came flying in that Vince was very impressed with him and it was evident as Cesaro had started to get a push. Then Vince was like..wait never mind.

This was just a quality RAW match which we have been getting consistently with John Cenas open challenge matches.

I'd like to believe that Cesaro may challenge for the title later in the year due to Kidd being out for a whole year or so but I honestly don't know what they are planning with the dude.
Yes yes, the "start" of his "push". Sure thing.

Cesaro having an amazing match with Cena which then leads to absolutely nothing is almost an annual tradition at this point. Nothing ever comes of it, and most likely, nothing ever will.
It was probably a way of adding him to the match at Battleground so that Cena can pin him, and the huge Owens US Title win can be put off for Summerslam. Lol, who am I kidding? Cesaro in the US Title match? I don't think so.
WWE wasted too many talents... name it, Drew Galloway, Jack Swagger, BNB, Damien Sandow, Cesaro, Kofi Kingston, John Morrison.....
Yes yes, the "start" of his "push". Sure thing.

What's the name of the form of entertainment we've been watching? I can't seem to remember.....:shrug:

Oh,'s wrestling, right?

Yeah, that's what it's called.

You'd figure a guy/gal who is superior at ring wrestling would become a favored performer within WWE. Maybe not the #1 top banana, but you would think someone who can wrestle better than just about anyone else would make it big, rather than having the boss of the company say openly that: "He doesn't quite have the charisma, doesn't quite have the verbal skills as well" and that "There's something missing" with him.

What Cesaro and John Cena did on Raw last night was put on a match that needed no commentary by the announcers, no interference from outside sources, no gimmicks to put over their efforts. You would think this match might be the springboard to a true push for Cesaro.

Yet, if Cesaro's history in WWE is a guide, it will lead to nothing.....except possibly another negative remark from the boss.

Face it, Cesaro will never make it to the top. All he can do is.............what's that word again?

Oh, yes..........wrestle.
What's the name of the form of entertainment we've been watching? I can't seem to remember.....:shrug:

Oh,'s wrestling, right?

Yeah, that's what it's called.

You'd figure a guy/gal who is superior at ring wrestling would become a favored performer within WWE. Maybe not the #1 top banana, but you would think someone who can wrestle better than just about anyone else would make it big, rather than having the boss of the company say openly that: "He doesn't quite have the charisma, doesn't quite have the verbal skills as well" and that "There's something missing" with him.

What Cesaro and John Cena did on Raw last night was put on a match that needed no commentary by the announcers, no interference from outside sources, no gimmicks to put over their efforts. You would think this match might be the springboard to a true push for Cesaro.

Yet, if Cesaro's history in WWE is a guide, it will lead to nothing.....except possibly another negative remark from the boss.

Face it, Cesaro will never make it to the top. All he can do is.............what's that word again?

Oh, yes..........wrestle.

Yeah but people can go anywhere to see good in ring action. WWE, TNA, ROH, NJPW, etc. It's nothing new. And while the casuals enjoy a good wrestling match, it's the story and the people telling it not only through wrestling, but promos and other outside the ring stuff that keep them hooked.

Cesaro has had several chances at that. He's mostly succeeded at putting people to sleep. That's one reason he's better as a face. He doesn't have to talk nearly as much. People always say that they could give him a mouthpiece, but how well has that worked out so far? Heyman was a disaster (for mostly booking reasons though) and nothing really exciting happened with Zeb except the face turn that should have happened.

Frankly, his best bet would be to receive a push like a Mark Henry or Ryback, where he's built like a monster and talks very little. He might not be as big as they are, but they've always built his character as a very strong person.
NorCal said it best. Cesaro is an amazing in-ring performer. He might just be the best pro wrestling in WWE. I say just give him the gimmick of the best pro wrestler on the planet and NEVER give him a mic. It would work to a certain extent anyway. To answer the question, this is not the start of a push. In just under a week, he'll be wrestling Diego of Los Matadores at the Beast in the East event in Japan.
What's the name of the form of entertainment we've been watching? I can't seem to remember.....:shrug:

Oh,'s wrestling, right?

Yeah, that's what it's called.

You'd figure a guy/gal who is superior at ring wrestling would become a favored performer within WWE. Maybe not the #1 top banana, but you would think someone who can wrestle better than just about anyone else would make it big, rather than having the boss of the company say openly that: "He doesn't quite have the charisma, doesn't quite have the verbal skills as well" and that "There's something missing" with him.

What Cesaro and John Cena did on Raw last night was put on a match that needed no commentary by the announcers, no interference from outside sources, no gimmicks to put over their efforts. You would think this match might be the springboard to a true push for Cesaro.

Yet, if Cesaro's history in WWE is a guide, it will lead to nothing.....except possibly another negative remark from the boss.

Face it, Cesaro will never make it to the top. All he can do is.............what's that word again?

Oh, yes..........wrestle.

WWE isnt a wrestling show, it's Sports Entertainment. ROH is a wrestling show. Lucha Underground is a wrestling show. But a guy that can't talk on the mic isn't very Sports Entertaining.

WWE isnt a wrestling show, it's Sports Entertainment. ROH is a wrestling show. Lucha Underground is a wrestling show. But a guy that can't talk on the mic isn't very Sports Entertaining.


Yes, I see.

On the other hand, a sports entertainment show, especially one that runs three hours on Monday, consists of many forms of entertainment and it takes many aspects to put it all together. In my naivete, I'd like to think the most important one is ring wrestling. If that's what a performer does best....and can really bring it, as I feel Cesaro can, his boss need not be so dismissive of him.

Right now, there are a quite a few threads devoted to Cesaro. There are folks who feel he should be pushed, while others don't. Fair enough.

Of course, if Vince McMahon feels he "doesn't have it," then that's the ball game, isn't it?
I'm reading through here and hearing about people saying Cesaro will never make it and will never get a push. By gosh did anyone even watch Raw last night. They don't just make anyone look that strong in a match with Cena.

Out of all the open challenges, Cesaro came out looking the strongest. Not only was Cena not able to put him away with any move he used including finishers or signatures,not only did Cesaro break the STF twice I believe and once even countered it,but they was booking it as if Cesaro was gonna make Cena tap.

Yeah, of course Cena wasn't going to tap. But that was the way they book the finish that if Owens didn't interfere that Cena would have tapped for the first time in over a decade. That's saying something, Cena had his hand out about to smack the mat and boom Owens hits Cesaro.

People just want to stay critical at every little thing WWE does that they can't even give them credit when their trying to do right.

It makes perfect sense that Cesaro is about to get a push. He was about to be the man to take the title off Cena until Owens interfered. This could lead to Owens defeating Cena and Cesaro becoming his next challenger while Cena takes some time out to sell the loss. Cesaro wouldn't win the title of course. Maybe, they have Cesaro win by DQ at Summerslam,at NOC a double count out. AT HIAC, Owens retains clean and takes Cesaro out. Cesaro returns a few months later, maybe at Mania to take him out and be the one to take the title off Owens.

Doubt that's how it would go down, but i'm pretty damn sure Cesaro is in line for a push. Even if he loses the Owens feud, if they make him look strong in defeat he can still bounce back.

I personally would do for Cesaro what was rumored for Dean (except with the IC title) for this summer that didn't happen.

I would have Cesaro after he wins the US title to move on to win MITB as well and hold both at the same time. He could cash in at the same time of being US Champ and vacate the title. Wishful thinking anyways.
As Sally alluded to, Vince McMahon doesn't feel that Cesaro has the It Factor, which pretty much means Cesaro's not going to be a headliner. Off the top of my head, the only thing that springs to mind that MIGHT result in Cesaro getting a push is if Cesaro has enough support among top company officials, is given a genuine opportunity, makes good on that opportunity AND simultaneously impresses Vince McMahon. If Cesaro could get all that going while sustaining fan interest, there'd be a chance but I just don't see it happening; it's just too many mountains to climb but the only one that really matters is the last one as it all ultimately comes down to Vince himself being impressed as there seems to be a general consensus, plus what we know of Vince's history & personality, that Vince believes everyone should fall in line and agree with who he things has "It" and who doesn't.

Cesaro had another classic bout with John Cena on Raw during the build to Elimination Chamber in 2014, a bout that saw Cesaro looking like a superstar that came just days after another strong match, this one a victory for him if I'm not mistaken, on SmackDown! against Randy Orton. Despite an obvious lack of prowess and comfort on the mic, fans rallied around Cesaro because of his excellent in-ring ability along with some impressive displays of athleticism, particularly strength. Cesaro was looking strong right up through WrestleMania and even won the very first Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal at WrestleMania XXX, a match that was genuinely pretty entertaining and was certainly helped by Cesaro winning as he had a good deal of momentum at the time. However, almost immediately after winning the battle royal, Cesaro's momentum was derailed because Vince himself just wasn't digging what was going on.

Also, let's not start with all the "WWE isn't wrestling" bullshit. It's been a while since I've read that sort of claim and it seems to frequently pop up whenever someone points out that a highly talented in-ring performer isn't getting the push they feel he deserves. I get and understand the frustration, but that doesn't override every other wrestling aspect of the product. While it's true that WWE does have its share of "sports entertainment" style segments, characters and storylines, so does just about everyone else; sometimes not as frequent as WWE, but they're still there. Hell, ROH has Truth Martini and the man's a walking, talking incarnation of any number of "sports entertainment" factors.
As Sally alluded to, Vince McMahon doesn't feel that Cesaro has the It Factor, which pretty much means Cesaro's not going to be a headliner. Off the top of my head, the only thing that springs to mind that MIGHT result in Cesaro getting a push is if Cesaro has enough support among top company officials, is given a genuine opportunity, makes good on that opportunity AND simultaneously impresses Vince McMahon. If Cesaro could get all that going while sustaining fan interest, there'd be a chance but I just don't see it happening; it's just too many mountains to climb but the only one that really matters is the last one as it all ultimately comes down to Vince himself being impressed as there seems to be a general consensus, plus what we know of Vince's history & personality, that Vince believes everyone should fall in line and agree with who he things has "It" and who doesn't.

I kind of disagree this. I think what happened on that podcast when Austin brought up Cesaro's name, what that Vince was trying to light a fire under Cesaro's ass. There is no way he can't be impressed with Cesaro's talent, it's on display for everyone to see everytime the guy steps in the ring. He's flat out the best wrestler they have on the roster today. I would even go so far as to say he's on par with Bryan. He's technically sound and the fans loved him.

What does piss me off, is Vince says one thing and then goes and does another. While Cesaro was getting over with the fans, and sort of proving Vince wrong, they go and turn him heel, and take away his most obvious weapons, his moveset. Turning him heel was the worst move they could have done, and it was all done in order to push others. To say that Cesaro hasn't been held back, so the Shield guys could be pushed is the understatement of the century.

Cesaro had another classic bout with John Cena on Raw during the build to Elimination Chamber in 2014, a bout that saw Cesaro looking like a superstar that came just days after another strong match, this one a victory for him if I'm not mistaken, on SmackDown! against Randy Orton. Despite an obvious lack of prowess and comfort on the mic, fans rallied around Cesaro because of his excellent in-ring ability along with some impressive displays of athleticism, particularly strength. Cesaro was looking strong right up through WrestleMania and even won the very first Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal at WrestleMania XXX, a match that was genuinely pretty entertaining and was certainly helped by Cesaro winning as he had a good deal of momentum at the time. However, almost immediately after winning the battle royal, Cesaro's momentum was derailed because Vince himself just wasn't digging what was going on.

He would have that comfort and prowess on the mic if given half the chance. As I said on another thread, Reigns was abysmal on the mic, but Vince loves him and gave him more chances than you can shake a stick at. And because of it he's gotten better. Cesaro was put with Heyman, another bad move. Heyman did nothing for him.

If you give someone a shot and they don't deliver, then fine I can see the company giving up on you. Cesaro has never really had the benefit of that doubt. But when you hold them back and don't let them show what they have, then you can't go on TV and complain that the guy isn't delivering.
I completely agree that if he was given half the chance he'd improve as I stated when I posted this thread. He is one of the most talented wrestlers like many others not being utilized correctly
As I've posted on a few other threads, in pro wrestling/sports entertainment/whatever you want to call it you need charisma and personality. Cesaro has very little of that and therefore won't be pushed to the extent that you guys seem to want. If you guys booked WWE every single PPV main event would have over 20 people in it because you all think every single wrestler in WWE should be a main eventer.
BattleGround = Cesaro helps KO win the US Title from Cena

Cena wants one more match with KO at SummerSlam. Leading to SummerSlam, Cesaro will have been KO's right hand man/partner in crime. Realizing that Cesaro will likely interfere, Cena somehow makes the match a Steel Cage Match.

SummerSlam: KO cleanly beats Cena to retain while Cesaro is ringside

Leading up NOC, Cesaro continues to be KO's henchman and is continuously attacking/assaulting whatever new No. 1 contender there is for the US title. Maybe Cody Rhodes? Who I think is going to turn back to Cody soon.

Night of Champions: Cesaro again helps KO retain

Leading to SS, there is a US Championship tournament. KO tells Cesaro to enter to enter to make sure that there is no chance of anybody else winning. Cesaro wins the tournament.

Survivor Series: KO vs. Cesaro. KO expects Cesaro to just lay down for him, but Cesaro actually puts up a fight, but ultimately looses.

After SS, KO tells Cesaro that he actually respects him for not lying down and putting up a fight. They continue there reign of terror and between SS and TLC, Tyson Kidd returns expecting to reunite with Cesaro as a tag team. Cesaro, however, doesn't want to break from KO, but still is friends with Kidd. Kidd realizes that KO corrupted Cesaro's mind and starts a feud with KO.

TLC: KO def. Tyson Kidd. After the match, KO repeatedly gives Kidd PowerBombs and eventually Cesaro has enough and saves his old friend by attacking KO

Now, after Cesaro's face turn, he and Kidd team up against KO. Leading to the Rumble, Cesaro vs. KO for the US Title is advertised. KO finds a new partner in crime, maybe R-Truth/Barrett/Balor?) and KO's team vs. Kidd and Cesaro battle a lot.

Royal Rumble: Cesaro def. KO for the US Title. Kidd will have been involved significantly.

After the Rumble, KO may branch off and feud with someone more important like Randy Orton/Sheamus/Sting/Wyatt-other potential high profile WM opponents. Cesaro will be US Champion with Kidd as his sidekick.

Fast Lane: Rusev wins a No. 1 Contender Match for Cesaro's title

Leading to WM, Rusev and Cesaro, the two top International Stars, are after the US Title. I think Europe vs. Asia is a great feud and I could see Cesaro vs. Rusev being a great WM match.

WreslteMania 32: Cesaro vs. Rusev for the US Championship

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