The Spirit Squad: together or apart?



should the spirit squad be done and finally let kenny get the chance at title opportunities and a better career that he so very much deserves? hes the only talented one and i think they should keep him and get rid of the other 4. what do you guys think?
They've been together for less than a year they should stay together. There wont be any really succesfull tag teams like The Hart Foundation or Road Warriors if WWE continue to brake up teams before they've outstayed there welcome. London and Kidman, M.N.M. and The Mexicools were broken up before they had time to really excell as a team. I say keep them together for another year, and then have the one's who dont need the team go solo and the one's who are'nt very popular maintain the team.
They are going to break up soon... Some of them go to SmackDown and Mickie Jame's boyfriend (Forgot his name something Doane...) is going to win the Intercontinental Championship!!!
MeMeMe-x said:
They are going to break up soon... Some of them go to SmackDown and Mickie Jame's boyfriend (Forgot his name something Doane...) is going to win the Intercontinental Championship!!!

i actually see that happening too.
The Spirit Squad overstayed their welcome the minute they burst onto the scene on Raw. Kenny and possibly Johnny have the possibility to go far...and I heard good things about Mike Mondo (Mikey) from his run in OVW. Whenever they split, mark my words, at least two of these names will make a mark in WWE in either Raw, SD! or ECW
Ken Doane (Kenny)
Johnny Jeter
Mike Mondo
Nick Nemeth (Nicky)
Nick Mitchell (Mitch)
My money is still on Doane
I propose them being broken into 2 tag teams that fued with one another while Ken Doane does his thing. I have been saying that forever, I am a mark for Ken, I think he will do big things in his career and I hope he gets out of the Spirit Squad. I think he is the only one that a lot of people can identify right now, so to me that means the rest are not ready for solo careers, and they work well as a unit so make 2 tag teams out of them and give them something new. I do not agree they over stayed their welcome the minute they showed up, they were very entertaining for a while, some of the cheers they did were funny and I think the guys play the roles perfectly. In fact, if I wasn't so keen on a solo career for Kenny, I don't think I would even mind them sticking together for a while.
tha420dgnr8 said:
The Spirit Squad overstayed their welcome the minute they burst onto the scene on Raw. Kenny and possibly Johnny have the possibility to go far...and I heard good things about Mike Mondo (Mikey) from his run in OVW. Whenever they split, mark my words, at least two of these names will make a mark in WWE in either Raw, SD! or ECW
Ken Doane (Kenny)
Johnny Jeter
Mike Mondo
Nick Nemeth (Nicky)
Nick Mitchell (Mitch)
My money is still on Doane

Man your so right ! I think the jack off squad (as HHH called them) are you c&%p and the fact they have held the world tag team championships so long baffles me ! there are so many better tag teams out there. Personally i'd like to see cryme time as the champs next having a run with the highlanders. When (not if) the spirit squad dis-band i can only see Kenny having a good singles future.
The wwe should give a push to kenny and released the other members. It should be a great idea...
i think they should put all the member exept Kenny and the leader what ever his name is have a fued on raw and then the others go to ecw and SD
tha420dgnr8 said:
The Spirit Squad overstayed their welcome the minute they burst onto the scene on Raw. Kenny and possibly Johnny have the possibility to go far...and I heard good things about Mike Mondo (Mikey) from his run in OVW. Whenever they split, mark my words, at least two of these names will make a mark in WWE in either Raw, SD! or ECW
Ken Doane (Kenny)
Johnny Jeter
Mike Mondo
Nick Nemeth (Nicky)
Nick Mitchell (Mitch)
My money is still on Doane
i hope they break up, it sure looks like they have,i also see kenny and johnny making an impact on the singles path but the other members don't impress me mikey,nicky,and mitch haven't showed me anything i'm kind of disapointed i also heard good things about mikey and he's not that good.
i see kenny as a very good intercontinental champion. a good 4 to 5 months with the title. he obviously has the most talent. and next in talent is mikey. with his weight he can go 2 smackdown and go to the cruiserweight division. he reminds me of jamie noble.. a ground attacking cruiserweight. all the rest need 2 just quit.
I think they are all very talented in the ring, but need to be repackaged. Obviously a couple aren't ready just yet to be singles competitors, but a little while as true tag teams could prepare them for eventual singles careers.
Yes Its Finally Happening The spirit Squad are going to break up and i agree with all of you The Spirit Squad where holden Kenny Back.
Did my dream came true..Yes it is..Finally the sprit squal is broken. And this is the good part because i can't stand their gimicks..Male Cheerleaders?? Thats is the worst gimick in WWE history..Like everyone said..after they are all broken..i hope Kenny stays and release the other 4 members..Kenny can be good competior for the CW division at SmackDown and to help its rating..since Ray is gonna be out for sugery. This may also help keep the CW divison alive too because smackdown is lower on CW wrestlers and the CW is hardy defended.
Spirit Squad has 3 good performers: mikey, kenny and johnny. Mikey is probavly better than kenny but as we all know Vince prefers big guys, so he has put kenny in front of mikey. Johnny is good too but he still needs to learn a little (i think in about 4 to 6 months he will be ready). As for the other 2 they don't seem to be anything special, but we don't see them fight much. I think the ideia of them forming the stable is good (even if it is a stupid gimnick), but i think it's too big. They need to kick out at least one guy for the stable to produce right. And they need to stop that crap of 5 champs. There are only 2. If the others want to interfere then ok, but release the others for other type of matches.
I feel that the WWE should keep Kenny, Mikey and Johnny. Get rid of Mitch and Nicky, they can't do a damn thing in the ring! Kenny could be IC champ in a few years, and I think if they get the right gimmick that Johnny and Mikey could be tag champs. However, they will always have the taint of being Vince's cheerleaders on them, no matter where they go or what they do.

Just wondering, does anyone know what gimmicks any of them had in OVW or DSW? If so, please let me know, I am curious.

The Spirit Squad has pretty much run it's course, and it's definitely time for them to break up. At their peak, they had the most heat in all of WWE but they are just a joke now.
I think they did there job well. Ok when you think of it male cheerleaders does sound lame but i think the gimmick did work.
Problem is now you are left with 5 talented guys who all got the same gimmick.
I think you need to take advantage of the hype around Kenny with a singles run and maybe keep 2 others as a tag team and then take 2 off tv to repackage them
i think two of the guys should be sent to smackdown with the spirit squad gimmick as a tag team, it wont be as old over there. then i think the other 3 should get some new gimmicks, johnny and kenny can stay on raw, and mikey can go wherever his talent would work best... someone mentioned the cruiserweight division. however, none of them should turn face yet... they just wouldnt be over, not even kenny
I'm so pissed off. Kenny, tonight on RAW gave the promo about how was going to fight Flair alone, and when he came out with the Squad for his match anyways, I thought for sure he would turn on them and ally with Flair. That would have been very good for him. Maybe this will happen in the future.
Wasn't there one SS member that wasn't out there, there was only 4 out there. Probably the one who wasn't at ringside is the one who is leaving the SS. Like I said in the discussion forum I think it's going to be the SS vs. the legends, and we have to pick the legends in the match, (although some can't even wrestle anymore, like Arn)
The one who wasnt out there when they were gettin whipped by the legends was Kenny, he ran off after underwear pinning Flair. Clearly building the turn... the question is when. I mean I have a pretty strong guess I just wouldn't want to put it here... it goes in spoilers.
Unrelated topic, does anyone notice that kenny looks and sound a bit like owen hart. His rant on the spirit squad sorta reminds me of the owen/bret feud where hes fed up
I've hated the gimmick since its inception. I've loved the ability of the wrestlers since then, though. The gimmick is one of the best ideas this side of Beaver Cleavage, if you ask me. These guys could have been shuffled either into fresh tag teams (with decent gimmicks) or into the midcard as individuals. Instead, they were lumped into a unified gimmick that is pathetically stupid and insignificant. These boys could have helped to patch holes in a couple of the divisions (specifically on Smackdown). They're young and athletic and really have a bright future if their careers are steered correctly.

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