The song that got you into...Linkin Park


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens

I was in middle school hanging out with some friends in an after school program we had and I had just gotten this CD. There was a CD player there and I decided to put in this D to listen to it. Needless to say i was hooked. i bought Meteora and Loved it I could listen to both of them straight through and have on numerous occasions. I also have minutes ot midnight and that album was not good at all. I listened to it once and haven't had the desire to listen to it again. I wanna get the 4th one but I'm worried i may waste my money (Which is something I usually try to avoid).​
Another good choice Milenko!

For me it was either "One Step Closer" or "Crawling". I was a big fan of rap metal at that time (Limp Bizkit/Rage Against The Machine/Papa Roach etc) and when I heard Linkin Park I was into them right away.

I can remember sitting with a 2 mates in a science lesson at school, one of which liked all sorts of music and the other who only liked rap and hated most "mosh" music, as people called it where I lived. During the lesson the lad who liked anything brought up "Crawling" and I said I loved it and he agreed...and after a mouthful of abuse from the other changed his opinion to "it's ok" and then to "it's mosh..I hate it!" Shows how people can be influenced by others I guess.

Anyway, I just laughed and kept liking it. Its a good song even now, but it isnt my favourite any more, that honour belongs to "In The End". Looking back, Hybrid Theory was a fucking great album, so many great songs on it.

So, I am going to say "Crawling" as the song that got me into Linkin Park

I, like everyone else, heard In the End on the radio and loved it back when it came out. For the moment, that was the extent of my relationship with Linkin Park. But soon after, my neighbor got Hybrid Theory and burned me a copy. I had never heard anything quite like LP before and I loved it. The power of One Step Closer, the story of In the End, the flow of Papercut, it was all incredible and I've been a fan ever since. The shit sandwich that was Minutes to Midnight being the only exception, I have gotten and loved every LP CD and consider them one of, if not my favorite band.

In The End

I got introduced to Linkin Park through a friend when this song was hitting on the charts. It had been a whopping 9 weeks on number 1 in Denmark on it's primary hit chart. The very first time I heard it I was practically blown away. Before Linkin Park surfaced I had already grown to be a rap fan due to Eminem, so the mixture of something like Mike's rapping and an awesome voice by Chester just had me dragged along incredibly easy.

In The End still remains my favorite Linkin Park song, and it's all due to the awesomeness of it. I'm sure a lot of the other songs could've easily dragged me into becoming a fan of Linkin Park. But I doubt they would've been able to do it in the same manner that In The End did it for me.
For me it was One Step Closer. I have been a fan ever since Hybrid Theory. I was at school one day back in the day and a classmate was listening to some music on his disc man (yeah, totally just dated myself there lol) and I asked him what he was listening to. He said "It's Linkin Park, you HAVE to hear this!" so he let me listen to the track One Step Closer. I was hooked from that moment on because after hearing that song I wanted to hear more. I went on to purchase Hybrid Theory and every other album they have ever released, including the remixes. Ironically enough, I'm listening to them as I type this post as well. (Faint from Meteora!) They are one of my favorite bands, and I don't see that changing anytime soon.
Im really going to date myself here by saying that I was in college when In the End came out. I didn't have alot of money at the time so I was introduced to most music through the magic of the radio.

Anyway, I remember it being winter and I was driving with my girlfriend and best friend and In the End came on the radio. It was unlike anything i had ever heard before, as I thought they did the rap/rock genre better then any other band, with ease. I felt so instantly after hearing the song once. I heard alot of that song for the next year, no matter the station, and Hybrid Theory was one of the first albums I purchased as a result. I know it wasn't the first single off the album, but it was the one I liked best until it was oversaturated on the radio. Still, it was a great introduction to what has turned into an epic band.
Probably a couple, but i'm preatty sure it was New Divide. When I heard it, it caught my attenten
What actually caught my attention to Linkin Park, at least liking them, wasn't entirely their work. I remember there was a point when Hybrid Theory came out that everyone loved them, and I wanted to avoid them. I'm contrarian like that. So I really did try and go out of my way to hear them. I was/kinda am a fan of Staind, and they actually did a collaboration with Linkin Park, and I realized this wasn't just some angsty band that everyone loved because they couldn't get laid, and was having trouble understanding that their father was a cuckold. This was actually a pretty good band who wasn't afraid to experiment. The song comes from their "Re-Animation" album.


I must confess, when I first heard it, I was stunnedc that the intro had actually strings beside a guitar. It was different. It actually tried to incorporate musical talent into it's song. I was frankly awestruck. Sure, it was a remix album, and I quickly fell out of the loop soon enough, but I promise, for a while, they really were not shit. Bravo, Linkin Park
What I really like about these "The song that got you into....." threads are the varied ways that people discover a band, be it through different songs or hearing X song in different places (such as on the radio, through friends, TV etc).

I find it really interesting to read peoples differing opinions on these bands and which songs they prefer. It seems that most people on here are of a similar age in that they first discovered Linkin Park through the Hybrid Theory album (which was their debut release) but I think its cool how everyone found out about LP through different means.

Really good series of threads man, keep it up! :) Maybe do more than one a week?
Could have sworn I posted in this one...Guess not! and a shame as I did an album review on A Thousand Suns a few pages back. But anyway the song that got me into linkin park was "Pushing Me Away" which remains to be my favortie song by them to this day. People are usually surprised when I say that was the first song I heard from them, as its usually In The End, Numb, etc.

I remember how young I was shit like maybe middle school when I heard this song, I was in my room late at night watching Tunami on cartoon network and a dragonball z commercial/music video came on with Pushing Me Away playing on it. I was like wow what is this? So I spent about the next week everytime my dad would take me to the store with him i would browse the music section looking for this ONE song (thank god for the internet I cant tell you how much I HATED hearing a song and not being able to find it till like years later). Finally found it and my dad bought Hybrid Theory for me. That Cd would not leave my cd player for about a month i had fallen in love haha.

To what I said earlier about taking a long time to find a song, and this is to The Natural as you are the only one who knows the band more than likely, after I watched the 2003 royal rumble, "Falling Apart" by Trust company was the theme song and I was obsessed with finding that song it was KILLING me lol.
I'm not claiming to be the biggest Linkin Park fan. I've always known about them and such songs like In The End and Numb(as they received almost non stop radio play back then). They were decent songs but it wasn't enough for me to go out and purchase a cd of theirs. Back then I was picky with what I listen to, still kind of I'm but I've opened but my library a bit.

It wasn't till maybe no less than a year and a half ago I started actually listening to them. A buddy and me were on a road trip going to see an old friend and he insisted on listening to his music most of the way. Which was mostly snoop dogg and other rap. which I'm really not to fond of. After about 2 hours I told him. Ok dumbass lol you ether put something in that has a guitar and bassist and a drummer or I'm going to toss your stupid rap cds out the window. So he suggested, linkin parks Meteora I was like fine whatever as long as its heavy enough to drown that other shit out of my head.

It wasn't the CD itself that got me into the band but the song Faint I was instantly hooked after that song and I just had to listen to the CD a few more times before we reached our destination. After this A became a casual Linkin park listener. Bought the first two albums on Itunes, loved them both. the 3rd was more of a hit and miss for me and the 4th a still have yet to listen to. The only song I have off the 4th is the Catalyst.

There still not my favorite band in the world. But good for a listen when ever I'm feeling a bit of rage inside.
If I were to chose a song that made me a fan it would have to be either In The End or Points of Authority. I bought the album Hybrid Theory back in 2002 and played it through and through for days never tiring of it, Linkin Park as a band just gel together and it does come across in there songs.

I used to have a CD with those DBZ music videos that had Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit and other Nu Metal bands. I liked them, but nothing sold me more to how Linkin Park was a totally unique experience until I heard Step Up. The song totally shifts from the stuff heard in "In The End","Crawling" and the other more popular singles from Hybrid Theory. So when I heard this one, I was at doubt at first that it was even Linkin Park at all. A very unique blend of Rap with a Heavy Metal beat that really defined the days of Nu Metal in the early New Millennium.
Linkin Park is probably my favorite band. The song that got me into them was "Pushing me Away". I heard it when my school band played it. I generally like songs with a slow build-up followed by a blast leading upto the catch line of the song. Similar was the case here. The "I lied to you.." is soft, tuneful and easy on the ears. Things really build up heading into "The sacrifice is never knowing" part. The main hook is extremely catchy and zestful without, at the same time, being too noisy. The lyrics are also very meaningful and really deserve more than a mention here. All in all its a combination of a soulful yet fast paced song.

While "Pushing me away" is what really got me into Linkin Park I would say that there best song is Somewhere I Belong.
What I've Done

I'm surprised that no one has posted this one yet. Well, I first heard the actual whole song in Transformers, and I really liked it. I got the song on my iPod and listened to it for quite a long time, until it started to get worn out for me. I decided to look into other Linkin Park music. I was immediately blown away and bought all their albums. I listened to "A Thousand Suns" on YouTube, and to be honest, they sound a little bit different, so I only bought "The Catalyst" and "Waiting For The End."
The song that got me into Linkin Park was "One Step Closer". It was when it was first released. They first major single. I remember being at my dad's house with my sister and girlfriend at the time. We had just gotten back from the store and were hanging out watching MTV2. All of a sudden this cool music video came on with dudes in face paint doing karate while floating around in a tunnel. Two cool looking, colorful spikey haired dudes were singing to a cool ass riff. I was instantly hooked. I went out and bought Hybrid Theory and also researched their past catalog, downloading everything off the Hybrid Theory EP. Been a fan ever since, though I'm not crazy about their latest album.

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