The Shockmaster For Admin

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I'm with you. I usually don't get involved in the "backstage politics" of WZF (he he he) but dammit Shock rules!

I say xfear for Admin. Sure I've only been posting regularly again for about 24 hours now....but thats enough isn't it?

If I am elected admin I promise I will let vulgar obscenities fly like they never have before. And the Prison will be completely full of Cenamaniacs. Except for Slyfox, he's too damn funny to stick in Prison.

xfear 4 AdmYn!
I don't know xfear, you once accused me of being a "damn foreigner" and gosh darn it I find that racist. I live in New Jersey - I can only take so many racist politicians, you know? :)

Kidding, of course. I can take LOTS of racist politicians.
I vote he replaces AJ as G-mod.

I actually would endorse Shockmaster 4 admin, well If I wasn't the absolute obvious choice for it. Sorry other mods, but Shockmaster is better than you. He makes the best threads, and doesn't just agree with everyone like some other mod does....
^ Now who in the hell could Luther be talking about? Who agrees with everything everyone says all the time...oh....yeah.......him.

lol I'm not even a mod anymore though so I don't really care who makes Admin or G-Mod, I've only just recently been able to even start posting on here again.
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