The Shield should stay together.


Occasional Pre-Show
As far back as a few weeks ago it was apparent that WWE was splitting up the Shield and that RR would be their breakout star. It's been quite a while since a stable has remained together. DX wasn't really a stable but a subsidiary of "The Clique" but before them we had the Horsemen. They remained an entity even as they rotated members. I may be aging myself but I remember the 'Stud's Stable" as the most vicious in the land.

With all of that being said I have to admit to not wanting the Shield to disband just yet. They are more powerful as three individuals and a band of personalities and techniques. Dean Ambrose has always reminded me of a villian from a James Bond movie. Roman Reigns is the powerhouse of the group but he's still quite green. If Seth Rollins isn't careful he will find himself as the Marty Janette of the group. I think it they wait until each member is more established in their craft each of the guys have a chance at a successful career.

Anyway, I like them together. The Shield makes the other talent up their game.
I would like to see them stay together as well. I hope they stay together for a long time. Same with the Wyatts, I hope they last as a group for a long time.

I really never understood why WWE has to break up groups or tag teams and have them fued for the sake of moving to a singles carrier. Can't they just stay together, be friends, hang out, watch each others backs, whatever even though they are going into singles fueds. That way if they aren't doing anthing a couple of them could get back together to go for tag titles, or they could have the occasional 3 man vs another faction etc.

There are not a lot of tag teams or factions that mean squat these days. We have a few now, and I hope they stay together.

PS. Even though Bray is fueding with Cena, Rowan and Harper should be built up to fued for the tag titles. Is it too much work for WWE to handle two storylines at a time? I thing Cena and Uso's vs the Wyatts in a few 6 man tags would be fun.
I'd like to see the shield stay together as well, don't I don't think we have to worry about them splitting up in the immediate future. The most worried I've been about them disbanding was the Sheild summit a few weeks ago but that's exactly what they wanted us all to think but really they made themselves even more united that night.

I do think that the three of them will be big on their own at some point but their star power as a team right now is undeniable. They have such a chemistry and each guy plays an important role in the squad, and when they do end up going their own ways they'll be well off. But what I keep hearing is the Sheild is expected to feud with Evolution in the coming weeks and their programs with the Wyatts are wonderful so we can sit comfortably and enjoy them for a while longer.
I think they will remain together for this Authority storyline, but beyond that, I don't see much more that they can do going forward as a group.

What do they do after that??
Go Heel again?
Wouldn't make sense as they've become babyfaces because they had virtually exhausted their heel run as a group.

The only viable feud would have been to revisit the Stable feud with the Wyatt family but that has been done on Main Event just this week again, meaning that there is no plan for that in the long term as its own feud.
Maybe we might get a couple more matches between the groups as part of this current Authority vs Shield and Bryan Storyline, but that's about it.

My call is that Roman Reigns will either be turned on or split from the Shield by the time SummerSlam 2014 happens, and this face turn was done to get the crowd behind all 3 members as Babyfaces before they go into Singles competition, especially Roman Reigns, who seems to have a fast-growing fanbase.
The problem with the Shield is that they have been so focused on tag and 6 man wrestling in a time where singles wrestling is the thing. If these individuals are planning to stay around for a long time, they have to eventually break up and go at it as singles wrestlers. 6 man wrestling is filler for tv and ppv's, and tag teams just don't have the cache they did years ago. Look at the Wyatt family...WWE started booking them like the Shield but now that they are established, anything important is with Bray as a singles competitor, with the other 2 guys as goons.

It looks like we have Shield/Authority on tap. Maybe there will be a full blown Shield/Wyatt program. We've been getting the teases for that for awhile now. If that happens, I'd break the Shield immediately after or as a result of the Wyatt feud.
I see them sticking together for a face run for the next couple of months, it'll add to their longevity for a while eventually leading to a heel turn & split between The Shield around SummerSlam.
Turning them face was a good move. I'll admit I was ready to see them split but it is clear they should remain a stable. They are still so impressive and being face opens up so many doors. A feud with The Authority has peaked my interests and I can't what to see they can do.

They are becoming stronger on promos as well. Each guy is speaking a bit more and they are all developing their individual character. The split is inevitable, there is just too much potential as singles stars. I can't wait for that and it should happen eventually. If I was to put a time on it: maybe just after Summerslam or even the end of the year. I love the stable and there is still plenty they can offer; however, Rollins, Reigns and Ambrose can all shine on their own.
If Seth Rollins isn't careful he will find himself as the Marty Janette of the group. I think it they wait until each member is more established in their craft each of the guys have a chance at a successful career.

I'm not so sure about this. Had you said this even 2-3 months ago, I wouldn't have hesitating in agreeing. Now, I look at Rollins, and see the guy who has been holding something back in the ring as a heel. HBK often said that Jannetty was the more talented of the two, it certainly wasn't that which held Jannetty back. It was drugs, harder then what HBK ever did. It was a poor attitude, worse then HBK ever had. If you believe HBK in his book, it was painkillers that messed HBK up, cocaine and heroin for Jannetty. We haven't seen any of these apparent problems from any of the Shield trio. Thusfar, Rollins has shown himself to be dynamic on the mic as a face, and outstanding in the ring sometimes.

I bring this up because, between the ropes and since turning face, it's become apparent that Rollins was holding back much of his repotoire that he didn't show as a heel. There's a reason JBL and Cole call him the 'achitect of the Shield.' As Rollins goes, so often does the Shield. He's the one who holds the group together when all else fails. And based upon what we've seen of him as a face between the ropes, he's obviously the best in between the ropes of the trio.

No, wrestling isn't all high-flying and acrobatics. However, nobody takes a hot tag better then Seth Rollins today, save for Daniel Bryan. Not only that, but he's has shown himself to be one heck of a face promo. I didn't watch NXT when Rollins was their first champion-as a face-,so I wasn't aware of his promo style as a face. He's still intense, but it's much more focused. Instead of simply stating that they were there for justice, Rollins has stated how and why. While Ambrose still comes across as slightly psychotic-see his promo on Main Event Tuesday, for example-and Reigns is the coolest cat in school, Rollins is the one who truly brings the focus back to the group's purpose.

In the end, I think it's essential right now for the Shield to stay together. We've seen what they can do as heels-and while they're outstanding-but we've seen all they can do as heels. As a face trio, they've just turned a little over a month ago, and they're involved in a main event storyline with the Authority. Before they can handle a break-up and a single's run for each-Reigns as an awesome babyface, Ambrose as a psychotic heel, and Rollins as a face or heel-they need to manage with a run against some main event heels before consideration can even be put into The Shield splitting up or turning on one another.

So much has been invested into the trio as a group. Let that 'storyline' play out first, then break them up.
I would like for them to stay together for awhile too. With the influx of new talent coming in, with the exception of reigns, I could see the other two getting lost in the shuffle. If anything, this can be an opportunity for WWE to develop more 3-4 men factions to feud with the Shield and Wyatts. Shield vs Wyatt, IMO was the hottest thing next to DB before Wrestlemania. It would be cool to see something like Miz, Ziggler, Fandango, etc form another faction. Or maybe have Batista form a group with some younger, bigger wrestlers. I think there can be a group for the smaller, faster wrestlers like Tatsu, Kidd, Bourne, etc. Believe it or not, I still think 3MB can be repackaged into a serious faction.

In the end, I'd like the Shield to last a bit longer and open the doors to some new groups in the WWE.
I like the Shield sticking together. They're damn good at beating people up and being a dominant tag team. I just don't want them to stick around too long and ruin their great image. How long is too long, I'm not sure. I think though by WrestleMania 31, it might be a good idea to have them split up. Maybe they split at SummerSlam, where Ambrose and Rollins turn on Reigns. Reigns goes off on his own, and Ambrose and Rollins run in the tag division for a few months. Then they split, and WrestleMania 31 can feature Ambrose vs. Rollins and Reigns vs. Triple H. And one day, we can see a WWE Championship triple threat match. That'd be awesome.
The Shield is great, I would certainly agree with that. However, I do look forward to seeing what they can all accomplish on their own as well. Most would agree that Reigns seems to be the most immediate star of the group but I could see all three in main events at some point. I couldn't disagree any more with an earlier comparison between Jannetty and Rollins. I think Rollins is the most entertaining member of the shield in the ring. He reminds me of Michaels, just in the fact that I never want to miss his matches because it feels like I could see something special. As Punk and DB have proven, that can take you a long way. Originally, I would have said Ambrose had the most star potential because he is good in the ring, great on the mic and just has a natural chemistry and feel for getting over. The progress that they have all made within the past 18 months is incredible. I have loved their run as a group but I think they are ready to separate. Obviously, with the story line progression they will be together for the foreseeable future. I am sure that I will enjoy seeing them work with Evolution and it will go a long way towards elevating them further. However, I don't mind the thought of their solo futures.
I'm not so sure about this. Had you said this even 2-3 months ago, I wouldn't have hesitating in agreeing. Now, I look at Rollins, and see the guy who has been holding something back in the ring as a heel. HBK often said that Jannetty was the more talented of the two, it certainly wasn't that which held Jannetty back. It was drugs, harder then what HBK ever did. It was a poor attitude, worse then HBK ever had. If you believe HBK in his book, it was painkillers that messed HBK up, cocaine and heroin for Jannetty. We haven't seen any of these apparent problems from any of the Shield trio. Thusfar, Rollins has shown himself to be dynamic on the mic as a face, and outstanding in the ring sometimes.

I bring this up because, between the ropes and since turning face, it's become apparent that Rollins was holding back much of his repotoire that he didn't show as a heel. There's a reason JBL and Cole call him the 'achitect of the Shield.' As Rollins goes, so often does the Shield. He's the one who holds the group together when all else fails. And based upon what we've seen of him as a face between the ropes, he's obviously the best in between the ropes of the trio.

No, wrestling isn't all high-flying and acrobatics. However, nobody takes a hot tag better then Seth Rollins today, save for Daniel Bryan. Not only that, but he's has shown himself to be one heck of a face promo. I didn't watch NXT when Rollins was their first champion-as a face-,so I wasn't aware of his promo style as a face. He's still intense, but it's much more focused. Instead of simply stating that they were there for justice, Rollins has stated how and why. While Ambrose still comes across as slightly psychotic-see his promo on Main Event Tuesday, for example-and Reigns is the coolest cat in school, Rollins is the one who truly brings the focus back to the group's purpose.

In the end, I think it's essential right now for the Shield to stay together. We've seen what they can do as heels-and while they're outstanding-but we've seen all they can do as heels. As a face trio, they've just turned a little over a month ago, and they're involved in a main event storyline with the Authority. Before they can handle a break-up and a single's run for each-Reigns as an awesome babyface, Ambrose as a psychotic heel, and Rollins as a face or heel-they need to manage with a run against some main event heels before consideration can even be put into The Shield splitting up or turning on one another.

So much has been invested into the trio as a group. Let that 'storyline' play out first, then break them up.

+1. Couldn't agree more.

I have to admit, I was ready, and I guess in a way I'm still ready for the breakup. It got to the point where I was sure it was going to happen at the Elimination Chamber, or just after, but this surprise face turn has been nothing short of fantastic so far, and I'm extremely excited about the upcoming program against the Authority. Another great thing about it is, that it probably doesn't need Daniel Bryan involved for it to still be huge, and still be meaningful. I don't doubt for a second that DB will still be involved, and may even be part of tag team matches with them. But if they decide to put DB in a program with Lesnar or something along those lines, the Authority can focus their attention on The Shield, and for me that won't lose any sort of luster or importance.

I'm also very happy to see each member of The Shield have been able to grow as individuals, while still working together as well as they ever have. We've got Reigns cutting more cool cat promos now than he did before, and the crowd are starting to eat it up, which I personally love as a Reigns mark. We've got Ambrose adding some slight comedy at times to partner his crazy characteristics. We've got Rollins doing amazing stuff in the ring, and has almost become 'the' mouthpiece for the faction now since turning face. What I'm trying to say is I'm happy they don't hold each other back from being their own character, and happy that WWE are allowing that too. Of course, we need to know more about them as individuals, as we know the breakup will eventually happen. Whether it's at Summerslam like some are saying remains to be seen, but either way all three guys are shining bright right now. This is an exciting time for all Shield fans like myself. :D
I think together the shield could become legendary. I think individually they will be footnotes in history. Even if they receive individual pushes these three need to stay together. Hell, Dean Ambrose can work heel while the other two work face but I'd still keep them together. That would be different. It's kind of like that friend everybody has that friend others think is an asshole but you grew up with him so you still hang out. Any way it works out the Shield has more gas in the tank as a group.
For the short term keep The Shield together,BUT we all can see Reigns is gonna be SUPER huge on his own eventually!!
But what to do with Rollins and Ambrose
I think keep Ambrose as a heel,he works better as a loose cannon anyways.
Rollins would be a good tweener..not knowing which way he''l go.
Ideally I'd keep the Shield together for at least another year. Doesn't mean they can't start the Roman Reigns single push yet, though I'd argue that he has the potential to be important for years, so there's no rush.

They've only just turned face. This gives them a plethora of heel options to face. Fresh feuds and matches, starting with Evolution at Extreme Rules (hopefully).

There are two other reasons I hope they stay together for a while. Firstly is the recent lazy booking by WWE of splitting up many of the tag teams on the roster; secondly is that the longer they remain a top line faction, the more likely they ALL grow into important top line singles players when the inevitable happens.

Please WWE, for the foreseeable future, Believe in the Shield
It's professional wrestling so we know they will eventually be disbanded. I was just remembering that they're still rookies. They've only been in WWE for a year. Reign's is just appearing to get his bearings. It was only a few months ago when he was clumsy, tripping entering the ring. He wasn't that good with his promos; playing the silent but deadly role. In their own respects they can have great careers in front of them. I don't want to see Reign's succeed because he's related to the Rock.

When I refer to Rollins becoming the Marty Janette of the group I don't mean it in aspect o HBK's explanation. Before there was a book there was a tag team where one of the members became a mega star and the other became a reference for failure.

As far as the Shield and the Wyatt's are concerned I think they can have singles careers without totally disbanding. Much like Kane and Taker had great individual careers but whenever they connected as the Brothers of Destruction you knew no one could beat them.
I was all for the split a couple of months ago. I didn't expect that they would face. I also would like to see them be a face group for a while. It brings a new dynamic. They could really redefine what it means to be monster faces.

Oh, and kudos to the OP for the Stud Stable reference. That really brings back some memories from when I first started following wrestling. Now can you remember who the leader was? People might be surprised when they find out.
The thing about the Shield is that they have the potential to be the best full time"badass face" since Stone Cold. We have a boy scout face in Cena, a goofy face with a lot of heart and skill in Bryan, and we had the rebel with a ton of skill in Punk, but no face who really screams "don't mess with me". Henry could have been that guy, barring injuries and with better booking. But the Shield have something other faces in WWE don't currently have, and that's an aura of... badassitude.

As *heels*, they were booked into an 11-3 handicap match, and instead of whining like every other heel, Reigns growled "I'm going to spear them all". In an era where nearly every heel is portrayed as a coward, do you know how rare that is? If their incredible in ring performances and personas have not won their respect from hardcore and casual fans, I'm not sure what could do it. The face turn, booked right, is turning out to be awesome. Let's hope it's enough for the viewers to keep tuning in.
Pretty sure we will see Rollins and Ambrose turn on Reigns eventually. Maybe even at Extreme Rules and join The Authority.

I think The Shield will stick together for a while after this and probably introduce a new member to replace to Reigns who will go it alone. I heard Mason Ryan was mentioned but don't think he would be a good fit.

I would love to see an already established star who needs something to progress replace Roman Reigns. I think Alex Riley, who is a great talker, a big dude and no slouch in the ring would be great in this role.

Drew Mcintrye would be another that could be considered.
Pretty sure we will see Rollins and Ambrose turn on Reigns eventually. Maybe even at Extreme Rules and join The Authority.

I think The Shield will stick together for a while after this and probably introduce a new member to replace to Reigns who will go it alone. I heard Mason Ryan was mentioned but don't think he would be a good fit.

I would love to see an already established star who needs something to progress replace Roman Reigns. I think Alex Riley, who is a great talker, a big dude and no slouch in the ring would be great in this role.

Drew Mcintrye would be another that could be considered.

No thanks to adding a new member to replace Reigns.

No matter who it is and no matter how good they might be, it simply won't have that same allure the current three provide, and I find it incredibly hard to believe a new member would be able to fit in and have the same chemistry we see between each member right now. I'm not saying it couldn't work, but they simply won't be the same anymore. I think by that point, all three will be ready to breakout and be singles competitors anyway. I think whether through blind luck or excellent judgement, the WWE have stumbled upon something great with The Shield turning face and going up against the Authority. I really hope they keep them all together for as long as possible, and trust me, a few months ago I was so ready for the split.
the Shield have something other faces in WWE don't currently have, and that's an aura of... badassitude.

Completely agree with this! I joined this site not long ago, but before that as I would watch WWE I had a couple people I would text back and forth with .... week after week after week I would repeat myself with a few thoughts 1.) this is unrelated to the thread, but damn, AJ is hot, I'd love to spend a weekend with her; 2.) I can't wait for The Shield to turn face, I'm having tough time not cheering for them; 3.) Rollins (in the ring - at that point, and even still, I haven't heard enough from him on the microphone) reminds me of HBK a lot...

... Now I've gotten that face turn I wanted, and Rollins, IMO, is blossoming, as is the group as a whole. I was disappointed somewhat with their booking at WM, I had hoped for more for them, but I do feel like they did a pretty darn good job, considering the circumstances. This feud coming up with a reforming Evolution looks like it could be awesome! I'd be all for it continuing to SummerSlam, have The Shield go over at that point and then if they want to split them up go ahead. I do like the idea of putting together more three-man teams to feud with them and possibly having them continue as a group beyond SummerSlam, while simultaneously getting their singles careers going. As I'm typing this I just had a new thought that popped into my head --- have Ambrose keep the US Title and find a way for Rollins to get the IC belt. Have Reigns win the Rumble, have Rollins and Ambrose eliminate each other at the Rumble - I say Rollins accidentally eliminates Ambrose, I don't know how that would work off the top of my head, then Ambrose pulls Rollins out or goes back in the ring and eliminates him.... leading to a US-IC unification match at Wrestlemania.

have Ambrose keep the US Title and find a way for Rollins to get the IC belt. Have Reigns win the Rumble, have Rollins and Ambrose eliminate each other at the Rumble - I say Rollins accidentally eliminates Ambrose, I don't know how that would work off the top of my head, then Ambrose pulls Rollins out or goes back in the ring and eliminates him.... leading to a US-IC unification match at Wrestlemania.


Exactly what I want after they split and Roman Reigns move off.

Have Rollins win the IC title,with Ambrose keeping the US title. Make them fall out at some point around the Rumble as you said, and then build the feud around the MidCard title unification for Wrestlemania 31.

I am sure based on their prior matches before WWE, it will be a great starting feud for their respective Singles careers, going forward.
Exactly what I want after they split and Roman Reigns move off.

Have Rollins win the IC title,with Ambrose keeping the US title. Make them fall out at some point around the Rumble as you said, and then build the feud around the MidCard title unification for Wrestlemania 31.

I am sure based on their prior matches before WWE, it will be a great starting feud for their respective Singles careers, going forward.

oh for sure! And you've got to make it a ladder match, right? Rollins.... in a ladder match! Match of the year candidate and I don't even need to see it to know that! I wouldn't involve him in the Rollins-Ambrose feud (that I think we all anticipate happening at some point), but I'd love to see Ziggler work with either one or both of those guys at some point (of course by work with, I mean feud with)
oh for sure! And you've got to make it a ladder match, right? Rollins.... in a ladder match! Match of the year candidate and I don't even need to see it to know that! I wouldn't involve him in the Rollins-Ambrose feud (that I think we all anticipate happening at some point), but I'd love to see Ziggler work with either one or both of those guys at some point (of course by work with, I mean feud with)

Actually I'd look forward to a Rollins vs Cesaro feud or Rollins vs Bryan...

As for Ambrose; I do hope he becomes a top Heel for years to come. Probably have him alternate with Bray Wyatt in the Main Heel role on the roster going forward, whilst the likes of Bryan, Cesaro, Reigns and Rollins work the Babyface roles.

I'll also hold out for the Cena Heel run, because I am sure it will come at some point within the next 2 years based on the New Stars coming out at present. And then Orton will still be there as well, and maybe, Lesnar even(still in his 30s)

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