The Shield: Better as a Team or as Lone Singles??

The Shield: Better as a Team or as Lone Singles?

  • Should remain as a Team for a longer run.

  • Should Break-up, but Post-Wrestlemania

  • Should Break-up, but Pre-Wrestlemania.

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R.I.P Mustang Sally :( :( :(
I think all of us have/should have realized by now that the Shield as a group are on their last legs(unless WWE is trolling us Big-Time).
However, it is quite clear that everyone isn't quite happy with the idea of the group breaking up as yet, whilst some of us are happy that they are breaking up and looking forward to seeing how the individuals will carry themselves in singles action.

My thoughts on the matter regarding the Shield are;
First of all, I am FOR the break-up and had hoped that it will be done quickly by Royal Rumble possibly, leading to a separate feud involving all 3 members of the Shield. It doesn't necessarily have to end with a Triple-threat match, but having them in a feud all by itself without any other stories intertwined would be a huge help in getting all 3 members over as Singles stars post-Wrestle-mania. The WWE by way of the TLC follow-up has shown that the Shield's break-up will be slower than expected.

I know they are a great tag-team/group and such,but at this point in time, I think WWE has a good number of tag teams on the roster, and also, with the members doing so well as a group, a singles push might not have to be from scratch as it is with some other superstars.
Roman Reigns for instance, looks like he belongs in the Singles scene, he has the look, his trash-talking in the ring is top notch(lMO) and only his mic work hasn't been on show too much, also, that Spear(not Goldberg, but better than Big Show and Edge,again, lMO). All 3 will inevitably bring a different style of Wrestling as Singles;
Reigns(Powerhouse), Ambrose(Sadistic heel), Rollins(High-Flyer)

So, forum members;
Is the Shield break-up a good thing?

Should it have been fast-tracked a bit after TLC, or is it better being done slowly?

Does the WWE need them more as a TEAM, or does the WWE need some fresh faces on the Singles side of things?

Are you looking forward to seeing how their respective Singles runs will go?
Should break up for Wrestlemania in my opinion. I want them together for the Rumble so that they can have an inevitable 6 man showdown in the match with the Wyatts but I could easily see Ambrose throwing Reigns out and protesting that it's every man for himself.

I know everyone is looking to a potential three way match at Wrestlemania but I'd honestly pull the trigger on Reigns and have him take on Ambrose, who I feel is the natural heel of the three, in an one v one match with Rollins in Ambrose's corner. It could be a hot angle to have on a Raw even with Reigns and Ambrose at each others throats only for Rollins to join Ambrose in a beatdown on Reigns. Stacks the deck against Reigns at Wrestlemania as well in what would, hopefully, be a breakout moment for the guy.

After Mania you could establish Reigns more by having him beat Rollins & Ambrose at Backlash before moving on to feud with Orton, Del Rio or whoever. Ambrose will make a nice upper midcard heel on the ADR level I feel so have him turn on Rollins after they fail win the feud against Reigns and use Rollins as a sympathetic babyface to get Ambrose over as a heel.

Rollins has the talent to work himself back from that and get himself over as a face on his own terms, you could even give him the Money In the Bank as a thank you for doing business with Reigns and Ambrose.
Like I said in a previous thread, I realised how difficult it would be to break up the Shield without hurting at least one or maybe two careers. Other then thugs in black they have no real character to branch off to yet. They can't all go off and be dressed in black. Someone has to turn face out of it and that means a tweak to their gimmick, so whoever it is, has to own it. Regardless if they keep two of them together or turn on him/them with new members, when it happens it will be a huge make or break moment for those guys. It will be interesting.
The Shield would probably breakup before 'Mania. As far being singles stars, I'd yes to Roman Reigns and Ambrose but Rollins is always going to be a mid card/tag team star in WWE.
The break-up is imminent, there's no question. As for me, I'd like them to go a little longer. May be have a 3 on 3 tag match against Wyatts which could be the breaking point and then after Mania, a full break-up.

It seems that Reigns would be the first to go singles, keeping Rollins and Ambrose together for little while longer. He has that look which can help him get massively over with the fans as face. Ambrose and Rollins can continue tagging till one turns on the other. Rollins look like a complete package which can land him a nice face role on the roster in the midcard. I have high hopes for all three, though I don't see all three of them climbing the ladder at once or at the same time.
They are a fantastic stable and I love seeing them compete but I do think they will be splitting up in the very near future. It is probably for the best because then we get to see the career of three very talented guys begin.

I think splitting them up before Wrestlemania; allowing for a triple threat at the event would make the most sense. There is only a match with The Wyatt Family that really interests me and once they do that there is very little for them to do. Lets say they have The Shield vs The Wyatt Family at Elimination Chamber and a triple threat at WM. That is how I see it happening.

Alternatively, they could keep the split until after Mania. They could have that 6 man at Wrestelmania or indeed something else. Then they could give us something very interesting over the summer months with these three having some great matches.

I personally think we will see them split up before Mania and this is the best option. However, waiting till after could be just as good because it may give longer to develop.
I do not think there is any reason to split them up, what will they do after the split none of them are ready to be pushed to the main event, its crowded anyways, One of them will get lost in the shuffle, right now being a group there all getting over, let them contiune to build. I think a feud against the Wyatts should happen at Mania, just check out the reaction that got a few weeks back with them going face to face.theres money to be made there.
I'm of two minds on this and I can see both sides of the argument. The Shield have been the most consistently well booked faction WWE has had in a very, very long time. All three of them bring something different to the group and all are very good in the roles they have. Their matches, whether as a standard tag team or six man tag team match, have been some of the best of the year in any promotion. It's easy to understand why some people don't wanna see them break up anytime soon.

The other side is that you could say The Shield have already dominated the tag team & mid-card pictures for the past year as a unit and there's nothing more to be accomplished. Rollins & Reigns were tag champs for 5 months and Ambrose is close to having one of the 15 longest US title runs in history. As a team, they've already beaten, literally, everyone they've been put up against. Cena, Orton, Sheamus, Big Show, Bryan, Kane, Punk, Rhodes, Goldust, Usos, Henry, Ziggler, Jericho, RVD, Miz, Kofi, etc. have all lost cleanly & decisively to The Shield in various matches.

There's no way to really know whether or not Rollins & Reigns will thrive as singles guys because they're not singles guys. They've functioned as a tag team or a triple tag team for the past 13 months or so with very few singles matches between them. The only way to find out one way or the other would be to try them as singles guys.

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