The Second to win....


Getting Noticed By Management
This is talking bout who will be the second to win all three brands championships.....Big show was the first (ok yes its was the wcw title but its the same as the world title.) He has won also the wwe and ecw titles too....the question is who will be second? Here is a list of some guys one away from this feat.

Edge - WWE, World Champion, (missing ECW title)
John Cena - WWE, World Champ, (also missing ECW title)
HHH - WWE, World...missing ecw
CM Punk - World, ECW....missing wwe title
Shawn Michaels - wwe and world champ...missing ecw title
Rob Van Dam - WWE, ECW missing world title
Undertaker - WWE, World, missing ecw
Chris Jericho - WWE, World (im considering the undisputed as wwe and world combined) missing ecw
Randy Orton - WWE and World missing ecw title
Kane - WWE and ECW missing world title

And the are many other ones wit one that could do it too....but who do u think will be next? Personally i see cm punk since i really dont see edge, cena, hhh, hbk, taker, orton, or jericho (but if any i see him) going to the minor leagues to get the ecw title. So it pretty much leaves cm punk and kane since rvd is gone.....and cm punk is younger and the bigger star than kane. I know im missing people so feel free to add people.
I am with you on this one. I say CM Punk out of the ones who are one away. But it could be someone also who is three or two away also. I mean Christian might could do it. Jeff Hardy could end up winning the World Title or ECW Title also. I do think the next to do it is someone in the WWE right now thought. Not in FCW but on WWE TV right now.
Im gonna have to go with CM Punk, as he's still very young and def has the potential to one day become the WWE Champion. Guys like HBK, HHH, Undertaker, and the others, as you said, are just too advanced for the ECW Title, so I dont see them ever winning it. The only other feasible (yet extremely unlikely) possibility could be Kane winning the world heavyweight title... but, let's get real, thats probably not going to happen... Theres also those wild cards that you didn't account for, such as Swagger and Morrison, that could blow up over the next year or so, and maybe even win one of the bigger titles.

Another possibility, as you mentioned, could be RVD if he were to ever return to the WWE. I could def see him winning the WHW Title, as it would be a perfect fit for him if he were to rejoin the WWE.
i have to agree with playthegame. i dont see hhh, hbk, taker, edge etc winning the ecw title whereas punk has a great chance of getting the wwe title some time in the future. maybe not soon but at some point in his career.
I'm going to go against the grain and say Jericho. He tows the company line and wouldn't have a problem slumming it in ECW for a while. Heck, Jericho has made a career out of fighting for and winning title belts that are well below the level he should be at. Heel Jericho could cry for months about how he's not being treated like a star since he's on ECW and once he gets sick of that he can transition right over to SD! since ECW guys can compete on all three shows.
apart from cm punk, i could see evan bourne winning the major titles as he is also young and has a lot of potential in the wwe:007:
The WHC and WCW title are not the same thing really. but that's another argument. I believe the next person to be triple champ is Edge. He and Vickie could possibly have some storyline where she wants to make Edge so dominant to make up for cheating on him with Show, that she orders a match between him and whoever is ECW champ. I believe this could set up a GREAT feud between him and Christian, that could be about more than just the title.
I think the next person to hold all 3 titles over their career will be Jericho or CM Punk. Actually I see Jericho doing it more than CM Punk because Jericho could get shipped to ECW in the draft and win the ECW Title within a few months. CM Punk on the other hand had a horrible title run when he was World Champion so, I don't see them putting a major title on him any time soon.
CM Punk, tho for some reason I could see Edge winning the ECW title at some point.. maybe it's the characters desire for a world belt.
CM Punk or Jeff Hardy i think. Punk could win the WWE title within the next 2yrs or so. Jeff could def win the WHC and ECW inside the next 12 months if they push him. Also Jericho could be a guy WWE could throw to ECW to build ratings, he could then be champ, he'd have a good chance.
Thats why i said if any of those i saw it would be would just to hiss character too.....saying im the first undisputed champion i have held every title.
It's either going to be Kane, which is still really unlikely, or CM Punk. The Undertaker will be so super over as long as he lives, that he will never ever have to touch ECW Silver. Everyone else you mentioned is also so far above the ECW belt that there's no conceivable way they'd ever give it to them, unless the WWE slaps Jericho in the face and moves him to ECW, which would be ridiculously stupid.

My choice is CM Punk because he already has the ECW belt, and had a short reign with the WHC. I think it would be wise to move CM Punk to Smackdown and get him involved with a feud for the WWE championship. Either way, if he is able to stay as over as he is, he'll definitely pick up the strap somewhere down the road.
i think kane has a good chance because i could see him getting one last good run before he retires and he deserves it. give em the world title.
You know I was thinking CM Punk, down the road like a few years from now, and also thought that Jericho would be a good idea. He would bring some respect to the ECW title. I'd prefer if it was the prior version of the title, this silver thing means crap to me. Jericho would have no problem beating the crap of the ECW guys but he would have to defeat someone better than Swagger. I think Benoit was headed to be on this list because I'm sure he would have won the ECW title after he switched over. Kurt Angle is another possibility as I see him returning to the WWE and he would probably be forced to go to ECW for a while. I honestly see the next one to be RVD. I think RVD is going to return sometime, and he will quickly work his way to the top of the ladder, and he will contend for the WHC.
The WHC and WCW title are not the same thing really. but that's another argument. I believe the next person to be triple champ is Edge. He and Vickie could possibly have some storyline where she wants to make Edge so dominant to make up for cheating on him with Show, that she orders a match between him and whoever is ECW champ. I believe this could set up a GREAT feud between him and Christian, that could be about more than just the title.

damn clever idea! and I could actually see this happening!!

and to put on that list..

CM Punk for the WWE Championship (Very Likely)

Jericho for the ECW Championship (As A Means To Garner Interest in the brand)

Rob Van Dam for the WHW Title (Re-debuting and pushing him is very likey)

Edge (As mentioned above, he could also be the second active/defending double-champion)

Kane for the WHW Title (We can always dream can we?)

Jeff Hardy for the ECW/WHW Title (Very Likely to happen within the next 2 years)

Matt Hardy for the WWE/WHW Title (If he gets the right push at the right brand)

JBL for the ECW/WHW Title (They could refresh him in ECW, and afterwards give him the World Heavyweight Championship)

Evan Bourne for All Three World Titles (Vince is bound to actually see how the crowd eats him up and gets a push)

Batista for WWE/ECW Title (Lets admit this, during his last moments in 2008, he has gotten quite stale, though his return can garner interest in him and keep him on Raw)

The Big Show for the World Heavyweight Title (Yes he has one everything, technically, with the WCW Title serving technically as an alternate to the WHW, but he could always also win the WCW Title's successor which is the WHW Title)
With most of them needing the ECW belt, I don't think the majority will end up with this claim. I'd hate to see most of these guys sentenced to ECW, and I think most of them would be too big of draws to be thrown over there so in my mind that leaves three who have already won the ECW belt, CM Punk, a RVD return, and John Morrison. I don't see Kane winning the WHC or Matt Hardy winning both of the big boys.

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