The Screwjob.


Getting Noticed By Management
I'm really starting to think it was a work on both sides to create hype. After reading both Bret and Shawn's books i'm starting to think they've pulled the wool over our eyes. Sometimes the Michaels/Hart feud just seems to ridiculous to be true. If it is a work, they're creative genius'.
Their feud just seems too childish to be true. If it was planned on both sides it worked perfectly. Everybody involved got insane amounts of hype because of it.
Bret Hart will be on his death bed and admitt to the world it was a work. They cant say it was a work now because they can still milk it.
On one edition of the O show ,Kanyon claimed that Bret Hart told him that Hart, Vince McMahon, and Pat Patterson were all in on the Montreal Screwjob
Shawn Michaels claims that Patterson and Hart didnt know about it. But Shawn Michaels didnt even admitt he was in on in untill 2005.

I just have 1 question. Why the hell would they tell Kanyon?
This is a pretty long going rumor online actually.

It worked for all of them in the long run.

However, 'tis the internet.
That's exactly what it is: a rumor. Can anyone show me any evidence of it, or any evidence to possibly support it? Even just a glimmer?
It's not a work, and anyone believe it to be needs to get their head examined. You can't work a feud like Hart and HBK had.
Are there any more famous dead wrestlers to make jokes about?

I mean, there's like...Bam Bam Bigelow, but he's Bam Bam Bigelow.

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