The Santino Uber Push Begins


Two characters that the WWE isn't taking seriously, after possibly some agreement, are Carlito and Santino. I applaud the WWE for making such a huge debut for the two, but considering the fact that Carlito has such wrestling history with his ancesty, maybe it would be time to give the guy a second chance.

Also, going for Santino, when Santino first was brought into the WWE, he was an automatic face when he "defeated" Umaga for the IC belt. A fluke to say the least, but he still debuted as a face. I would actually like to see what would have become of Santino and his character then, with a serious heel turn. And without the goofy "shutta yo' face" stereotype Italian crap.

But for more of a better issue, how 'bout Carlito and Santino team up, create a stable, and go after the WWE Tag belts on RAW? I mean, these two work better as a team, and they make more sense than Rhodes and Holly. A veteran and a rookie, together? I thought that Cade and Murdouche (whoops... MurDOCK) would never have lost the belts to Rhodes/Holly, but then again, I was proven wrong.

Carlito and Santino should have a better look and a character overhaul than just for parodies and cheap comebacks for WWE Legends who are past their prime and training individuals who just aren't meant for the WWE ring. Maybe get a heel Diva valet and have a bit of dominance on RAW and spice the tag division up. I mean, is it worth a shot? What is your opinion?
A little while ago, I would have agreed, but now creative seems to have moven away from that direction. Now Ted Jr. and his tag partner look poised to be the next tag team champions. Carlitio/Santino seem to be lost in the shuffle again.

I would have liked to see Santino still be the "Milan Miracle" I know he is really funny now, but they should have made him a more dominent face instead of jobbing to Umaga a million times before his heel turn
SCREW THAT FRIGGIN IDEA!!!I don't even know how you guys find Santino funny.He has nothing funny in his personality.I think he makes a fool of himself every time he steps in front of that camera.And for his in-ring skills?He has as many moves as Khali knows English words.He is a terrible wrestler and personality and I would like to see him leave.

And Carlito.The man has great ring skills and great mic skills.He should'nt be paired with Santino in a comedy act.This young man is very talented and should be competing for a mid-card or World Title.

So basically,Santino doesn't deserve a title(no,not even one as low as this one) and Carlito deserves a better title than a tag title.So we can get rid of this idea right now.
Santino hasn't developed the in-ring skills (or at least, shown them) yet to warrant him being a legitimate contender for any type of belt outside of a tag team championship. However, Santino's character works the way it is right now, so he would be better suited in a tag team where his partner is really strong (like Festus, but not him, since he's face). The "Italian bodyguard" idea would work perfectly. He brings over a friend of his from Italy, sort of a "strong man" for the mafia, and he does most of the work with Santino as the mouthpiece.

Carlito, though, he should and probably will be either thrown into IC contention soon or be drafted over to Smackdown/ECW and be fighting for the ECW title or US title. He's clearly not suited for the WWE championship or the World Heavyweight championship, but he could have a nice feud with Matt Hardy and such.
I used to be all for Santino because of his mic skills (as a heel) alone. But the fact is, hes single handedly proving that you can have superior mic skills, and still not get over worth a crap. His below average wrestling talent make me wanna turn back to watching the Spirit Squad as Tag Team Champions.

Don't get me wrong, Santino being in wrestling as a manager, or a talk-show host would be the best thing for him. Anything to keep him from actually wrestling. If anything, let him become Carlito's manager, or someone else's manager. But just get him the hell away from Carlito as a partner.. because all he's doing, is dragging himself and Carlito down.

For that matter, Carlito is a good talented athlete. He has above average mic skills and he truly has the athlete ability inside the ring to be something decent. Hes on par to Shelton Benjamin for talent (maybe slightly below) but hes got the mic skills that Benjamin doesn't. For that, Carlito should be contending with Jericho for the Intercontinental title.. not being Santino's partner during comedy hour.

I wasn't up for seeing these two as Tag Team Champions when they were getting a push, and that push has since been destroyed, so I definately don't wanna see it come back now. Santino just does NOT have what it takes to be a Champion in wrestling. He should become this generation's Brawler. He has the mic skills to contend with anyone, but when it comes to wrestling, he should be jobbing to Colin Delaney.
Santino Marella recently told SLAM! Wrestling that there are plans for him to have a new on-air girlfriend and stable.

Awesome news. Not for the guys who have to be below a jobber in a stable. But for Santino himself. His profile will increase with a nice new stable, and a new girlfriend. Maria was ugly anyway. He can do so much better. Please. Please. Please be Jillian. I said it in the Santino Fan Club thread. Santino + Jillian would be comedy gold.

Other suggestions for the stable have to be Charlie Haas. Straight man to the comedy guy.
i'm a bit suprised when people say "santino hasn't shown as any skills or improvement" ... ummm when was the last time, or ANY time, since his debut that he's had more than say 5 minutes in the ring. i just think he could be better used if he at least shows he's capable of winning here and there, and he'll be more over in the long term. i like his character, i find him really funny and a very good comedy heel, but him losing every week to the likes of hornswaggle is not good for him in the long term, imo.

+ personally i'd love to see this new stable of 2nd generation wrestlers, + with carlito already bein over for the last 3 years added to that group, it would be pretty cool to see. so hopefully they do that
This is horrible. Santino is ghastly. I consider him on a par with Hornswoggle. If not worse. At least Horny never says much. Santino spews reams of never-ending crap that invariably send me changing channel. It's just not funny - it's more of the crappy kiddy marketing. Horny has no wrestling skills: Santino has negative wrestling skills, if that's possible. He's painful in and out of the ring. Plus, he's not that muscular and he's overweight. Him being pushed will make RAW even worse than it already is. Particularly if he has an accompanying stable. This has got to be one the worst ideas creative has come up with for months.
Nobody considers Santino to be some golden god of wrestling. But he's far more amusing that anything else in wrestling at the moment. Is Jay Lethal supposed to be funny? If he was is then he's not going a good job. D-X 2006 were supposed to be funny, as are Cryme Tyme. That's your typical WWE humour, so Santino is different if anything.

But in no way does he spew never ending crap. It's 10 minutes on Raw, if they have time. He's not talking every week. When he wrestles it's for a maximum of 2 minutes. And nobody faces Santino and comes of any worse than they went in. If anything Santino makes all the bland WWE undercarders look better by association.
Santino Marella should be given a lengthy run with the Intercontinental Title.

Here's why.

1.) He's over. Whether you love him or hate him, you're going to care about him. Judging from the responses in this thread, he's beloved or hated, by people who say he isn't funny. If he gets an Intercontinental Title reign, people are going to be excited, due to the fact that he's hysterical on the mic and in the ring, or excited over the fact that it could be the week his reign ends.

2.)He plays the cowardly heel well. When was the last time we had a cowardly heel that was actually over with the fans? The Honky Tonk Man. The Honky Tonk Man had a lengthy Intercontinental Title reign, and it could be said that Santino is this generation's Honky Tonk Man. Started off as a face that went nowhere quick, and soon enough turned into a good comedy heel.

3.) The matches/segments would be entertaining. Raw has been severely lacking in the entertainment department. If Santino gets his manager and gets his stable that's been rumored about, the possibilities are endless. Santino can talk tough and have his stablemates do his actual dirty work. He can use his manager as a distraction. He could say that he's not feeling well and have one of his stablemates defend the title on his behalf. Then he can have the classic heel tactics that got The Honky Tonk Man's reign over. Cheating, and purposely getting himself DQ'ed and counted out.

When you watch a Santino match, it's not to watch him wrestle, as he could be the worst wrestler, at least on the Raw roster. You watch him to be entertained by whatever shenanigans go on during the segments. The Intercontinental Title is a joke at this point... if they kept this running as a segment, strictly for midcarders/people on the cusp of being an upper-midcarder, the moment when he finally got defeated, just like HTM/Warrior, would be huge, and get both the title and the wrestler over.
Santino Marella should be given a lengthy run with the Intercontinental Title.

Here's why.

1.) He's over. Whether you love him or hate him, you're going to care about him. Judging from the responses in this thread, he's beloved or hated, by people who say he isn't funny. If he gets an Intercontinental Title reign, people are going to be excited, due to the fact that he's hysterical on the mic and in the ring, or excited over the fact that it could be the week his reign ends.

No, he's not hated in the sense "Damn I must watch to see the bastard get beat!!" - he's hated in the sense of "Oh please. Not this shit again? Why do I have to watch this boring nonsense? Let's go change channel". That's not heel heat, that's apathy. That's what Santino inspires. At least for me.

Re King Jake: I know Cryme Tyme et al aren't funny either, but the solution to shit like that is to not to say "Hey, this excrement smells a bit less": it's to replace the shit with something genuinely amusing. Which Santino just isn't, no matter which way you look at it. What's the point in pushing an unamusing comic heel?
Santino is definitely one of the most charismatic guys on Raw. The IC belt has been tainted as late by not having a mid-carder hold it. Giving it to Santino would restore some of that mid-card luster that the belt has lacked for years. Remember when guys like Road Dogg, Val Venis, Goldust, Mr. Ass, and Shamrock were fighting for the IC belt? The belt MEANT something back then.

Someone once told me that any kind of heat is still heat, and like PRH said, Santino plays the "weak heel" role better than anyone today. Weak heel is a very classic role that is not seen much today, but Santino is definitely the poster child to bring it back. I hope this mid-card stable works well for Santino...something like the J.O.B. Squad.
I can't wait to see what wwe puts in with santino. Hopefully they can get some good heel's in with him and possibly a comedy guy to go along with him. And possibly Jillian hall because like jake said that would be gold.

As far as everyone saying santino is shit, He's not actually that bad. If you wanna take a look at santino I sugguest you look back to his russian gimmic in ovw. He wasent the best in ovw but he deffinatly wasent brooklen brawler jobber type. He's and overall ok wrestler and his mike skills draw solid heat allmost all the time. And some of the shit he does is really funny.

But overall I don't ever see santino being more than a mid carder, Possibly , And I mean possibly High mid card. But thats streaching it. I see a nice ic title run and a few Tag belts in his future.
Re King Jake: I know Cryme Tyme et al aren't funny either, but the solution to shit like that is to not to say "Hey, this excrement smells a bit less": it's to replace the shit with something genuinely amusing. Which Santino just isn't, no matter which way you look at it. What's the point in pushing an unamusing comic heel?

I think you're in the minority there son. Most people find him amusing, as do WWE staff from what I hear. So his push should continue.

Also what Pete Rose said. He's over. He's super over. The comparisons between him and Honkey Tonk Man are evident. Him getting the IC title could be great. If he get's his stable you could have him wrestling the same style he does now. About to lose, when he's saved. Even better if he's saved by a women. Him holding the title would do more for the belt than a 10th reign from either Jericho or Jeff Hardy. At least Santino could act proud of holding the belt.
I agree'ed with alot of what Pete Rose's Haircut.

People here are not giving Santino the credit he deserves for his in ring ability, not im not saying he's a Triple H, but in the time he's given he puts on a good solid match, he can sell better than anyone that doesnt over sell, and with the right finisher he could be a great assest to RAW.

but if he is given a stable he needs a tag team that can dominate, he shouldnt do what La Familla is doing (having a cowidly leader and a tag team that couldnt buy a win), he would need a team like (not them but a team like them) Cade & Murdoch, two guy that are formidable but could lose and not lose their heat.

As long as Santino got a woman behind him that could mix it up as well as complimenting him on the mic, the stable wouldnt need anyone, but WWE would have to have him as a solid player in the ring.
Santino is terrible in the ring, let's face it. But his charisma covers all of that up. Santino may not be the best in-ring talent, but he is the best on the mic on RAW. I totally agree with Jake on the fact that his new on-screen girlfriend should be Jillian, that would be pure comedy gold. That's what Santino needs. He's over with the fans, and all he needs now is something to do, due to Carlito going to Smackdown, a new faction can do that. So yes I want to see an "uber push" for Santino.
Well, what I want to see is Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase jr form a 5 or 6 man stable. I would have liked to seen Carlito, Y2J, Lance Cade possible MArella join it. Y2J as leader. Then HBK could have formed a stable, I think it would make things a bit more interesting on RAW. Carlito definately needs to get a push and he has a history on winning titles on his debut so we could see something happen there on smackdown like bring the US title back too smackdown. We will see
A santino uber-push, that would be great, the Honky Tonk man idea never occured to me before but since people bought it up I cant see anything better for Santino, its like people said he could act really proud holding it and make people believe that its a prestigious title again, especially if he goes to the trouble of cheating every week to keep it.

Also that would set up perfectly for a Santino vs Kofi fued, whatever Santino lacks in the ring Kofi would make up for, and Santino could carry the mic segments and keep them hilarious, WWE cant go wrong. . . . . . . can they?

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