The Saddest Day In Wrestling History

The Unforgiven

Occasional Pre-Show
What does everybody consider to be the saddest day in wrestling? I don't mean real life sad like Owen or Eddie dying sad. I mean storyline sad. For me personally it was the day Hulk Hogan turned bad and joined the NWO. I remember sitting in my living room and watching Nitro in utter shock and disbeleif. I didn't watch the ppv so i didn't know until monday night. Hogan was every little kids hero. He was always going to save the day and make it right. Almost a super hero(Cena should take notes). After the shock of what happened wore off i was angry they a few i was truly sad for about 3 or 4 days. My hero was the ultimate bad guy who spit in the faces or the kids who worshiped him.

Im interested to hear what everybody thinks of my saddest day in wrestling as well as your saddest days in wrestling.
For me it was either The Rockers Barbershop...or The Mega Powers breaking up...I was so young when they both happened I was totally crushed when they happened.

Also just thought I'd point out I have been reading these forums for about a year or 2 and this is the first time I HAD to post because I really like the thread...I think it has more to do with my feelings on the state of Wrestling nowadays.
Mine would be the send off that the Nature boy got. i'm an old school wrestling fan so seeing the original horseman got to me. i think it was flair's reactions that got to me
Ironically, mine was when Earthquake took out Hogan on the Brother Love Show. I loved Hogan when I was a child, and the sight of seeing him get obliterated by 'Quake and not be in action for a while literally made me cry. (God bless you John Tenta.) I even wrote to the Get Well Hulk gimmick they had going afterward. So needless to say, that got me hyped to watch my first Pay-Per-View I ever watched, SummerSlam 1990, where Hogan would make his return to confront Earthquake.

I miss being a child watching wrestling. I could be a complete mark and get away with it. haha
For me it was when muhhamd hassan had attacked jr and lawler. I was litterally in tears. (but i was young & dumb then).
Also when Kane put the chair around HBK's neck and jumped off the second rope onto it. I was like DAMN!!
Id have to say when they ran that hbk video tell me a lie. I was quite young and hbk was always my favorite guy to watch the thought of him leaving due to injury like that was quite sad plus it is just a sad song in general
i would agree with hardyno.1fan i think Matt screwing Jeff out of the title because that ruined me for shure. I was 20 when this happened but still it was heart breaking when it happened and i was super sad because Jeff deserved this title so much
The saddest day for me (storyline-wise) was No Mercy 2007 because I got SO upset at Orton and the results of the PPV. As a Cena mark, the year long reign of Cena's was so awesome, then he got injured and at the time I thought Orton RKO-ing him through the table caused the injury. He couldn't defend the title at No Mercy and I remembered hoping Triple H could step in and win it because I felt "Orton didn't deserve to win the title because he injured Cena". I didn't go to sites like this one at the time, so I didn't all of what was going on. Then after the PPV, I was so upset because I thought Orton did not deserve the title. The next night on Raw, I was upset the whole time and basically yelled "BULL****!" every time Orton talked during that "one man dynasty" promo. To this day, I think that is the most I have ever yelled out of anger during a wrestling show. However, then HBK made his shocking return, and I was happy.... and Orton would go on to become my 2nd favorite after Cena during that title reign.... so something good came out of what I still consider my "saddest day (storyline-wise) in wrestling".
For me it was when Hogan lost the belt to Andre and he rewarded it to Dibiase. I couldnt handle it. I literally cried. I went to a house show not long after and was convinced that if I could just talk to Andre, I could get him to be Hogans buddy again. That didnt work out to well for me though. Then my wife told me I was being ridiculous, and to grow up.Just kidding I was only 7, and this was by far the worst moment in my life up to that point.
Mine has to be a few days before Survivour Series '92 when Randy Savage was bitten by Jake 'the Snake' Roberts cobra. For an eight year old kid, this actually made me cry to see one of my favourite wrestlers mauld by a deadly animal. Watching it back i still can't believe how they got away with showing the snake nawing on Savage's arm on camera.
Great thread. I was 11 years old when Bret Hart lost the WWF title to Bob Backlund at Survivor Series 94. We couldn't get Pay Per View here at the time, and this was before the days of the internet. That particular PPV was on a Wednesday night, and a local TV station here showed a WWF show every Thursday morning. I remember waking up early before school and running down to turn on the TV just in time to hear Todd Pettengill say, "as many of you know by now, we have a new World Wrestling Federation Champion". I'll never forget those words. By the look on my face, the kids at school that day thought that someone I knew had died. Worst day ever for me in relation to wrestling (story line wise).
For me it was without a doubt when Randy Savage attacked Ricky Steamboat from the top rope withe ring bell... I was 12 years old and would have defended to the death that wrestling was REAL so I went from the exhilarated certainty of knowing my hero was going to finally win the I-C title, to watching him carried out on a stretcher.
It has to be No Way Out 2000 for me. Being young and naive, and completely oblivious to the fact that the word 'retirement' doesn't really exist in wrestling, the image of Cactus Jack being beaten and retired in such a brutal manner, after what seemed like an eternity of humiliation at the hands of the Helmsley/McMahon regime. Wow, I really didn't want to go to school the next day.

Plus, that happened straight after my other favourite wrestler The Rock had been screwed by Shane McMahon against the Big Show!

It was a strong night for heels, and weirdly enough if it was to happen now, i'd probably preffer it that way.
when Taker beat Hogan at Survivor Series for me. i looked like those kids on the tv, thinking "what now?". i would get really sad when Hogan would do his "i got hurt really bad so i'm shaking right now" routine.
A good candidate for one of the saddest days in wrestling history was June 19th of last year, because that was the day that Mitsuharu Misawa died while wrestling a match. Such a god damn shame and a shock to see him pass away like that and still relatively young, the man was one of the greatest to ever do this, and it still upsets me that he died like that.
Mine would have to be Wrestlemania 14. I was a huge Shawn Michaels fan (I still am) and seeing him lose the belt at Wrestlemania nearly drove me to a nervous breakdown. Now, being like, 11, I was totally clueless to the fact that HBK was gone for what was thought to be good through his back problems and when he didn't appear the next night on RAW, when Triple H begun the creation of a new DeGeneration X, I was completely heartbroken by that.

But then Shawn came back. So it's all good.
Mine is when Hulk Hogan lost the title to Yokozuna at KOTR '93. Hogan was my childhood hero growing up and when they had Yoko crush him repeatedly with those banzai drops it's like he crushed me. I hated Yoko so much (cause I was a kid and a complete mark) I wanted him to pay for what he had done. When Hogan wasn't seen anymore after that I thought he was gone for good. I was bummed. But then he returned to WCW!! I was like YEAH!! Lol... To be young again.
My saddest day storyline-wise was when Curt Hennig, one of my all-time favorite bad guys, betrayed the Four Horsemen to the nWo. Seeing the Horsemen one-upped on dirty tricks by the "outside group" was a heck of a blow. I wanted to see our bad guys beat and run off their bad guys, and was really hoping Hennig had found a new home as a loyal WCW heel.
Mine is when Hulk Hogan lost the title to Yokozuna at KOTR '93. Hogan was my childhood hero growing up and when they had Yoko crush him repeatedly with those banzai drops it's like he crushed me. I hated Yoko so much (cause I was a kid and a complete mark) I wanted him to pay for what he had done. When Hogan wasn't seen anymore after that I thought he was gone for good. I was bummed. But then he returned to WCW!! I was like YEAH!! Lol... To be young again.

I was gonna write this exact same thing.. But then i read yours so i just coppied yours lol.. this is also my saddest moment cuz I loved Hulk and he was my childhood hero and I cried when he lost and i knew he wasn't gonna be around after that... So sad! Also, When Hulk lost to Warrior at WM 6 was real sad cuz thats the first time i ever seen Hogan lose clean, then they hugged after the match which was really touching for me as well.. lol
the saddest day for me would have to be when john cena beat HBK at mania 23, i was so mad cuz i wanted HBK to have another title reign and i wanted him to win that match soo bad, i swear for months i just hated cena for winning that match!
for me it was when wcw tried to recreate the nwo with nash, jarrrett, hart, and stiener i believe, it was just too sad. for them to try to recreate something like that, i would also have to say when andre the giant tore the shirt off hogan in piper's pit. leading up to wrestlemania 3, and of course when the original ecw came to an end
For me it was the whole sticking mess with Road Warrior Hawks drug problem, Droz replacing him, his "attempted suicide" off the TitonTron...

To me I think Vince & Co. was trying to do all they could to destroy the Road Warrior legecy....

I know the WWE is weel known for incorperating real life issues into story lines, but growing up a Road Warrior fan it literally had me seeing red...

Rest In Peace Hawk we all loved ya then and love ya now
I agree that Triple H deserves a lot of credit - whether it should be as much as The Rock and Austin is up for debate.

Faces are always going to get more credit than heels, Austin and Rocky are two of the three biggest faces and wrestlers of all time (Hogan is the other one in case you peeps were wondering).

The top five for the attitude era IMO were 1) The Rock, 2) Stone Cold, 3) Triple H, 4) The Undertaker, 5) Mankind.

Triple H feuded with The Rock from the DX/Nation days over the Intercontinental title to them main-eventing multiple PPV's for the WWF Title (god I wish the belt could be called that again.......). Triple H also had very personal and intense fueds with Austin and Mic Foley.

IMO Triple H was awesome during the attitude era, I remember thinking Survivor Series 1999 was going tot be the best main event ever. You had Triple H, the WWF Champion on top of his game, had put Austin out at Summerslam by attacking him after the match, had blasted The Rock with a sledgehammer at No Mercy and had feuded with him for over a year. Then the challengers were both equalled popular, the fans were split on who they wanted to see win the WWF title. Thats what made Triple H so good, you wanted to see a Stone Cold or a Rocky or a Foley beat him for the title. Back then he drew heat and made The Rock, Foley and Austin more popular.

Watch Unforgiven 1999, The Rock was about to win then the British Bulldog whacked the Rock with a chair, Pedigree, over. The whole audience went silent cuz Triple H had beat The Rock, their idol. 30 seconds ago they had been going wild when The Rock hit the peoples elbow and then HHH broke their hearts. Backlash 2000, the pops for Austin returning and The Rock winning were huge! This is because they are both popualr but also because it meant Triple H lost the title, IMO Triple H made The Rock and Austin even better because he was such a good enemy to them and that is why he does deserve a lot of praise, more than he gets ATM.

He wont get the same level of praise as The Rock or Austin though because he was a heel, heels don't really garner as much praise as the babyfaces, or certainly didn't back then (maybe changing a bit now with Orton, Edge and Jericho, but that could be due to the lack of a mega face like Rocky or Austin, Cena is not as popualr as these two unfortunately).
For me as a fan the saddest day was that horrible horrible match between Hogan and The Warrior at Halloween Havoc 98 i believe. To see 2 former Invincible Titans shuffle and spot botch through that match, including that OMG pathetic fireball attempt. WCW thought they'd be recapturing the magic of Warrior/Hogan from the 80s, instead we got a preview of the Death of WCW (Dumb storylines + crap matches + Egos bigger than Andre = Decline)
saddest day in wrestlin' for me was when john cena quit rhymin' during his entrances... i wanted him to be like ice cube... rebel, make more noise than heavy metal, best heel ever... now hes just a nursey rhyme

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