The Rock vs John Cena

Bring Back the Great One

Dark Match Jobber
so i was thinking today about the how would The Rock come back and face John Cena and this is what i came up with

The Rock comes back as a guest host for Raw sometime in december or late november and as opens the show Cena comes out and starts to talk trash about The Rock about how he left Wrestling and blah blah, and how Cena is better than The Rock could ever be and The Rock goes and makes a match between Cena and Triple H for the next ppv at Armaggedon and the match is a ironman match because the Rock couldnt beat Triple H at their ironman match and Triple H has to already be the the #1 contender and Cena the Champion and at the ppv as the match is close to ending and its a tie The Rocks musc hits distracting Cena and Triple H does something to Cena and then hits the pedigree and gets the win without having The Rock come out at all.
Now i want to jump ahead to the Royal rumble where Cena is already in and there is only one person left to enter and when the timer countsdown to zero the Rocks music hits again for a few seconds alowing Cena to get elimanted, and just like as i said before the Rock doesnt come out. lets say for 3-4 weeks Cena goes on talking shit about the Rock and one of the nights when they are showing the next inductee into the Hall of Fame which will be The Rock, Cena comes out after the video finishes playing and starts running his mouth again but as he is talking shit The Rock comes and challenges Cena to a Match and WrestleMania 26! This will probably be The Rocks last match which he will win and say his goodbye to wrestling again.

This seems like a great build up to a match at Wrestlemania and will be one heck of a match, one the if not the greatest superstar during the Attitude era and one of the best all-time against the greatest superstar today. Cena will have to a be a heel in my opinion one because he needs a new look he has been a face ever since i cant even remember but it is at least a good 6 or7 years and even though raw would be losing a top face they can bring kofi or mvp up into the main event scene or make a edge a face when he comes back cause he too and use a change, and lets face it The Rock as a Heel the Fans still like it when he goes off and talks trash about other wrestlers and it is his last match and this can also give the fans a reason to hate Cena.

So this is my idea tell me what you think and What else you will change about it.
wow you must of read my thoughts on how to start edge vs jericho cause its the same way. no way in hell vince will let cena is go heel. but the way you put i think that would be the absolute BEST way to turn cena heel cause aint no one going to take cena's side if talks crap maybe the kiddies but i still think they will cheer for the rock. he would get such good heat. and maybe we will see the iwc finally like cena cause how stupid we all can be when it comes to who to like and who to hate. i would laugh my ass off if cena turned heel then he get praised by the iwc i could see it happening though
I got the chills reading this, my friend. But the only thing I would have to change here would be The Rock going over. John Cena is the WWE's top draw and it would make more sense to put the present over than putting the past over. What exactly would be the point in The Rock winning? That's like saying Hogan should've gone over The Rock at WM-18.
I got the chills reading this, my friend. But the only thing I would have to change here would be The Rock going over. John Cena is the WWE's top draw and it would make more sense to put the present over than putting the past over. What exactly would be the point in The Rock winning? That's like saying Hogan should've gone over The Rock at WM-18.
paperbagman i disagree and agree with you .
1. cena will not turn heel unless wwe finds new creative workers.
2. rock did come back at Wm but it was an awful match.
3. the rock is not in the hall of fame yet maybe around wm 26.
Hands off the rock would win,dont get me wrong I love cena but the rocks got more of an attude in his wrestling and he doesn't give up he comes right back with more.Now if it was The Rock vs. Cena in a verbal match cena would win.:)

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