The Rock, The Character, Is A Jerk


Pre-Show Stalwart
Try to imagine if all that The Rock did this year was done by someone that wasn't a top face in the past - they would easily be one of the biggest heels right now.

In his short run this year, The Rock feuded with the top face of the company, looking like a complete heel in his ways.

  • He was coward like heels tend to be, mostly only feuding via satellite.
  • His arguments were completely hypocritical. He called John Cena childish, but he was the one that was only making jokes and childish taunts all the time, while Cena was actually talking some sense sometimes (like arguing that The Rock has been away for years, while he has been bursting his ass every single week for the company and the fans).
  • He interfered in a WWE Champion match on the main event of Wrestlemania.
  • And now after a successful tag team bout with Cena, he was the one that resorted to post-match attack.

I find it interesting how much heelish behavior The Rock can get away with and still be cheered like only he does. This does speak a lot about how much he represents.
Uhhhhh, were you around for the Attitude Era???? That's how and why he gets away with it. He comes from a time where good guys were also bad guys and were exempt from clear cut Heel/Face roles. It doesn't matter if he acts like a jerk if the fans cheer him for it and that was the whole "Attitude" in the Attitude Era. This is a guy who can step into today's WWE Universe, seemingly from the past, and the rules of that past stay with him as a result I think. It's all about "Boots to Asses" and he does it in a way that few others can match or make nearly as entertaining.
Rock is boring now, and I wish he'd go away forever again. He was WAY better in the ring than I thought he'd be last night, though.

My big problem with Rock right now isn't that he's "heelish", it's that he's lost his promo ability. What was once his only great skill, he has let it deteriorate. Continually repeating himself, trying to get over that lame "Boots to asses" catchphrase that continues to fail. He's become a shell of what he once was.
Rock is boring now, and I wish he'd go away forever again. He was WAY better in the ring than I thought he'd be last night, though.

My big problem with Rock right now isn't that he's "heelish", it's that he's lost his promo ability. What was once his only great skill, he has let it deteriorate. Continually repeating himself, trying to get over that lame "Boots to asses" catchphrase that continues to fail. He's become a shell of what he once was.
I really, really dislike the way The Rock is doing his promos now. I didn't mention that in the OP because I was reluctant to open this can of worms, but since it was already opened anyway...

The Rock (current) promos are pretty lame. Sure, they might be above average, but that's it.
It seems like the density of catchphrases per minute of promo is constantly breaking new records, while actual content is next to zero. Also, he feels very unnatural and robotic, he feels much more like an average actor than like a top wrestler.

I do must say that he surprised me last night. His in-ring work was pretty much flawless. But, I'll agree with the feeling that I'd rather just have him go away from wrestling.
First post but I have to go to say to some of you, read what you are writing please...'I'd rather just have him go away from wrestling' 'Rock is boring' :shrug: Take yourselves back to November 2010 a year ago, just imagine back then you were told the Rock would return even just for one appearance let alone wrestling again. Imagine how excited you would have been. Even if you weren't a big Rock fan, having him back after 7 years would have been amazing and it has been.

His promo before the match last night was brilliant. Sure the catchphrases were in there as usual but thats the Rock. He always has new material too, boots to asses, fruity pebbles, cena's lady parts etc...I do sometimes wonder you guys expect. His is still by far the best on the mic, no-one can touch him on it. Not even Punk who I love too. As for the Rock in the ring last night, wow. I almost would say his in ring ability is underrated.

The Rock returning has got the other guys to step up there game I reckon.
It's about not being a perfectly clean face, it's those little tweener-ish adjustments which is why he appeals to the older demographic.

The point is Cena doesn't appeal to most testosterone-fueled people because he's too clean. He's almost too nice, he doesn't put a foot wrong, he's nice to all the right people and is the purveyor of justice, a wrestling superhero if you will.

It's like CM Punk. He basically has called the WWE crap at times recently and people cheer him for it, not because they necessarily agree with him but because they like somebody who has a range of good and bad in one, they feel like they can relate to him. Same as The Rock, he's not good as good can be, but that is why the people that cheer him do, they feel more like they can relate to him.
I agree that The Rock has that "Attitude Era" to back up his 'heelish" ways lately. Thats how it was back in the day. I remember because I was a teenager watching every week. I just wonder what is going to happen with Cena in all of this? A heel turn would be ideal but really? Would it even do anything? People already boo him and rather than smiling he'll frown. Oh wow what a HUGE heel turn. Gimme a break.
Bottomline, the "Attitude Era" way of doing things clashes with today's PG era. While its great the have Dwayne back, it will be even better when he's gone.
Being an adult, I don't often get emotionally involved in the storylines anymore. But when The Rock called Cena back to the ring to rub it in his face (twice) that Rock was getting cheered, pompously said, "Watch, listen, then get the fuck out of here," then Rock Bottomed Cena after he turned to walk away, all I could think was, "You asshole." So yes, you're exactly right. I for one cannot wait to see Cena get the upper hand on The Rock. Usually no one can get the upper hand on Cena, but history has shown that no one EVER gets the last word in on The Rock. Hopefully that won't be the case this time. I'd rather it be an evenly matched thing instead of "I can just walk in from Hollywood after seven years, do whatever I want, and I'm still better than you." I think Cena will have to drop the humble part of his character for that to happen.

I am, however, still a fan of The Rock and always will be. I'm not sure how anyone could see anything wrong with his promos, and he might be the best ever on the mic. He always has that crowd in the palm of his hand. Not many people can do that anymore.
"So this guy who I thought was just a shitty actor shows up whenever it's convenient for him and makes gay jokes but he was in the tooth fairy and then he sings a song that I heard on glee? Then he doesn't do anything in the ring...but he's a good guy? He's a prick" -my girlfriend, didn't watch wrestling until about a year ago.

yea, Rock is a prick. Honestly, he DOES rub people the wrong way. There was a "via satellite" sign on Raw last week and kids, the most ballsy kids I've ever heard, STILL chanted for Cena a bit.

Of course Rock is going to outpop Cena overall though, it's like when your deadbeat dad finally shows up to one of your baseball games. It's a big deal and you're so happy to see him. Some of your siblings (these are the people who are annoyed) see right though the bullshit but you still love him.

Wrestling fans are dumb people for the most part. Of course they're going to cheer the old nostalgic guy over the new guy. They THRIVE on nostalgia.

The way the message boards are going is that Cena is getting more and more respected. Saw a CM Punk fan (wearing his shirt) holding a sign on Raw that said "don't boo Cena'. Now, at mania, in Miami, Cena won't get cheered over Rock, but I really do think you'll see more people swaying towards Cena. It's just really REALLY obvious that Cena actually loves wrestling and Rock just comes back because pro wrestling fans didn't nominate him for a Razzie.
It's about not being a perfectly clean face, it's those little tweener-ish adjustments which is why he appeals to the older demographic.

The point is Cena doesn't appeal to most testosterone-fueled people because he's too clean. He's almost too nice, he doesn't put a foot wrong, he's nice to all the right people and is the purveyor of justice, a wrestling superhero if you will.

It's like CM Punk. He basically has called the WWE crap at times recently and people cheer him for it, not because they necessarily agree with him but because they like somebody who has a range of good and bad in one, they feel like they can relate to him. Same as The Rock, he's not good as good can be, but that is why the people that cheer him do, they feel more like they can relate to him.

You are right about John Cena. I dont think Cena should turn heel, and all talk of this happening anytime soon is nonsense given he has new merch out with the slogan 'Rise above hate' etc...

I would like to see a meaner streak in Cena though. Tonight on Raw, lay down the gauntlet, no more mr nice guy. It would be awesome to see Zack Ryder come up to him backstage and Cena just open a can of whoop ass on him. Cena still respects his younger audience, but the mean streak appeals more to the older audience.
You are right about John Cena. I dont think Cena should turn heel, and all talk of this happening anytime soon is nonsense given he has new merch out with the slogan 'Rise above hate' etc...

I would like to see a meaner streak in Cena though. Tonight on Raw, lay down the gauntlet, no more mr nice guy. It would be awesome to see Zack Ryder come up to him backstage and Cena just open a can of whoop ass on him. Cena still respects his younger audience, but the mean streak appeals more to the older audience.

for the love of god, someone answer WHY DO YOU GUYS WANT HIM TO BE CHEERED BY ADULTS? It's not interesting. What's interesting is Cena pwning MSG by doing a far more complex series than Rock after "you can't wrestle chants" having a 5 star meltzer match, having Foley talk about how awesome he is, having had RVD, Flair, Samoa Joe, and CM Punk say he's good, STILL get you can't wrestle chants, and STILL carry on his character and work them into booing and saying stuff and then shoving it right back in their faces.

It's starting to be cool to like Cena on the boards. If you hate on Cena, you're now seen as behind. Shit in like 2008 Bryan Alvarez said that if you don't think Cena can go, you lose credibility.

Cena, as the all american good guy, who gets cheered by kids and booed by adults, is iconic. That's what he's known for. Why ruin that? Just so it'd be cool to cheer him? The adults already care about him, that's why they are smiling when they boo him. It's fun, why would you ruin such an awesome character? So you can cheer him without some 25 yr old dork saying "you obviously don't know anything about workrate"?

O, and rock isn't over today because of anything in particular he's doing, it's because he's a legend no one thought would come back. "Boots to asses" is a shit catchphrase that if anyone else said it, wouldn't get over. His promos are continuous metaphors and catchphrases and he never retorts to Cena calling him out on never being there with anything other than more catchphrases. Rock is over because he's the Rock, not because "his tweener (stupidest word ever, sounds like a guy who likes twinks or something) actions are more relateable". I don't know about you, but saying you love something and then never being there doesn't relate to me at all. I show up to work on time, work 40 hours a week, go to school full time, and workout 5 days a week. When I say I'm committed to soemthing, I actually am. I don't relate to Rock's character at all.
Personally last night was the 1st time in a long time that I actuall purchased a WWE PPV and as for the Rock and Cena match it was ok but if you ask me the only match that deserves real credit was CM Punk vs Alberto Del Rio. Every other match had so much interference it was almost as if the WWE no longer cares about their ratings. Look at the traditional SS match it came down two 2 on 1 and they couldn't even do that right then Dolf and Morrison like why bother with Morrison clearly the WWE wants Dolf as US champ and I agreed with the crown I wanted Ryder too then the Heavyweight championship come on the supposed strongest man in the world had to stoop to a low blow the final match with the Rock was so predictable so in the end the 50$ it cost for the PPV was not worth it however like I said the only match that I think was the greatest last night was the WWE Championship but even at that 1 match is not worth 50$ so as they said for SurvivorSeries never before never again I say the same about paying for another WWE PPV and untill the WWE stops trying to run the company into the ground I'll watch everything for free on the internet!
Try to imagine if all that The Rock did this year was done by someone that wasn't a top face in the past - they would easily be one of the biggest heels right now.

In his short run this year, The Rock feuded with the top face of the company, looking like a complete heel in his ways.

  • He was coward like heels tend to be, mostly only feuding via satellite.
  • His arguments were completely hypocritical. He called John Cena childish, but he was the one that was only making jokes and childish taunts all the time, while Cena was actually talking some sense sometimes (like arguing that The Rock has been away for years, while he has been bursting his ass every single week for the company and the fans).
  • He interfered in a WWE Champion match on the main event of Wrestlemania.
  • And now after a successful tag team bout with Cena, he was the one that resorted to post-match attack.

You're arguments for Rock are lame.

I find it interesting how much heelish behavior The Rock can get away with and still be cheered like only he does. This does speak a lot about how much he represents.

When the Rock wrestled full time...even as a heel he was getting cheers. To be fair...the top babyface attacked Rock first in real life. Rock's comments and jokes reflected how some fans view John Cena.

Yes Rock has been away for seven years, but he paid his dues and helped carry this company before Cena even stepped into a ring to train. Rock was smart, he went out on top. He wasn't going to be like Hogan or flair and stay in the game well past his prime.

He "interfered" in the title match at WM to help setup this years match and the year long feud.

He resorted to post-match attacks because its what needed to be done. Rock is viewed as the stronger of the 2. Had Cena attacked him, he would've goten booed out of the building. Rock attacking Cena makes Rock get cheered while also making Cena look like HE was the victim.

Rock vs Cena is a generation vs generation rub. Its kinda like a...passing of the torch. Rock had it done with Hogan and now Cena is doing it with Rock.

Even if they were to turn rock full blown heel for their WM match, he would STILL get bigger cheers than Cena.
"So this guy who I thought was just a shitty actor shows up whenever it's convenient for him and makes gay jokes but he was in the tooth fairy and then he sings a song that I heard on glee? Then he doesn't do anything in the ring...but he's a good guy? He's a prick" -my girlfriend, didn't watch wrestling until about a year ago.

Tell your girlfriend to "Know her role and shut her mouth!"

The Rock's character was originated as a prick, so whats the surprise here? He calls himself The Great One, used to wear sunglasses indoors and expensive flamboyant clothes and refers to himself in 3rd person. Those thinks are trademark characteristics of a prick character. keyword here is CHARACTER people.

Typical jerk characters just annoy the crowd in general and get booed(Alberto Del Rio). But an exceptional one (Ric Flair, Hollywood Hogan, The Rock) connect with the crowd so well that they become that guy that you know you shouldn't like but you do anyway cause the act the way you secretly want too.

The Rock no matter face/heel/tweener/legend has an insane ability to keep the crowd in the palm of his hand either in the ring(he was great last night btw) or on the mic. So whether he's the jerk you love to hate or the jerk you secretly want to be, enjoy it. Or I'll take this post, shine it up real nice, turn this sonofabitch sideways and stick it straight up your lady parts!!!
O, and rock isn't over today because of anything in particular he's doing, it's because he's a legend no one thought would come back. "Boots to asses" is a shit catchphrase that if anyone else said it, wouldn't get over. His promos are continuous metaphors and catchphrases and he never retorts to Cena calling him out on never being there with anything other than more catchphrases. Rock is over because he's the Rock, not because "his tweener (stupidest word ever, sounds like a guy who likes twinks or something) actions are more relateable". I don't know about you, but saying you love something and then never being there doesn't relate to me at all. I show up to work on time, work 40 hours a week, go to school full time, and workout 5 days a week. When I say I'm committed to soemthing, I actually am. I don't relate to Rock's character at all.

First off, Im tired of seeing everyone attack the Rock for walking away. Austin retired but no one says shit about him walking away.

Again, like I just said, Rock paid his dues. He helped carry this company for years. He walked away before something serious like Edge's injury took him out for good. When Owen dropped Austin on his head, Austin was almost paralyzed. Rock "escaped" the business so he could go do other things. Imagine if Rock had gotten hurt and his career ended. Would he still be able to make movies? Would he even be alive? Would he have to be on pain killers the rest of his life?

Just because you love what you do, doesn't mean you need to do it the rest of your life. He walked away at the top of his game. He wasn't going to be Hogan or Flair and still be doing this in his 60s.

I respect F that...I respect Dwayne for walking away healthy. He loves this business but knew when to walk away. This business played a part in him getting a divorce. He found financial security in doing something else. Just because he came back for awhile to help pass the torch, everyone wants to chastise him.

If it wasn't for him, this company might not be as strong as it is today. Talk about the AE...whose name comes up? Who is known for their edgy promos? Who was one of the best on the mic at the time? Who was involved in some of the best feuds from the AE? Who is better known as the leader of the NOD? (ok so thats not really fair)
First off, Im tired of seeing everyone attack the Rock for walking away. Austin retired but no one says shit about him walking away.

Again, like I just said, Rock paid his dues. He helped carry this company for years. He walked away before something serious like Edge's injury took him out for good. When Owen dropped Austin on his head, Austin was almost paralyzed. Rock "escaped" the business so he could go do other things. Imagine if Rock had gotten hurt and his career ended. Would he still be able to make movies? Would he even be alive? Would he have to be on pain killers the rest of his life?

Just because you love what you do, doesn't mean you need to do it the rest of your life. He walked away at the top of his game. He wasn't going to be Hogan or Flair and still be doing this in his 60s.

I respect F that...I respect Dwayne for walking away healthy. He loves this business but knew when to walk away. This business played a part in him getting a divorce. He found financial security in doing something else. Just because he came back for awhile to help pass the torch, everyone wants to chastise him.

If it wasn't for him, this company might not be as strong as it is today. Talk about the AE...whose name comes up? Who is known for their edgy promos? Who was one of the best on the mic at the time? Who was involved in some of the best feuds from the AE? Who is better known as the leader of the NOD? (ok so thats not really fair)
Here's the difference, Rock tried really REALLY hard to become a pro football player first. His passion isn't wrestling, anyone with a passion, a true passion (and it almost killed me) can see that.

Austin retired because of his health. He wrestled until he couldn't anymore. I don't mind the Rock walking away, but basically what Cena says "via satellite" doesn't cut it for me. I've been watchin wrestling since 1995 and have gone back and watched stuff from way before then.

My girlfriend sees the character as a jerk. I'm not going to tell her to "know her role" because unlike attitude era marks, I'm not white trash.

I like what the Rock is doing. He gets me pissed off. He does to me what Cena does to smarks. He's doing a good job.
Tell your girlfriend to "Know her role and shut her mouth!"

The Rock's character was originated as a prick, so whats the surprise here? He calls himself The Great One, used to wear sunglasses indoors and expensive flamboyant clothes and refers to himself in 3rd person. Those thinks are trademark characteristics of a prick character. keyword here is CHARACTER people.

Typical jerk characters just annoy the crowd in general and get booed(Alberto Del Rio). But an exceptional one (Ric Flair, Hollywood Hogan, The Rock) connect with the crowd so well that they become that guy that you know you shouldn't like but you do anyway cause the act the way you secretly want too.

The Rock no matter face/heel/tweener/legend has an insane ability to keep the crowd in the palm of his hand either in the ring(he was great last night btw) or on the mic. So whether he's the jerk you love to hate or the jerk you secretly want to be, enjoy it. Or I'll take this post, shine it up real nice, turn this sonofabitch sideways and stick it straight up your lady parts!!!
I don't ever want to act like Rock's character. Rock connected with the fans because he was 100% always in character, had a "sing along" style of promos (almost nonstop catchphrases interwoven with metaphors), and had a lot of energy in his matches.

for the love of god too, stop fucking using Rock's catchphrases. Are you that much of a mark? Rock is to me what Cena is to a lot of people. He's good at what he's doing, I'm not dumb enough to be worked.
Not sure why there's so much criticism about his promos, considering his silly insults toward Cena has gotten over extremely well with the crowd. Like when the crowd was chanting "lady parts" at the PPV last night and "boots to assess" and "fruity pebbles" earlier in the feud buildup. Regardless how much you all may dislike his promo skills it has gotten over well, many can say he needs new catchphrases but they still get over with the crowd - so "if its not broke why fix it?". His skills as an in-ring performer are a lot better than I imagined. Outside of CM Punk who else is there left for Cena to compete against? We have seen Cena/Orton numerous times.
I for one am glad he is back, I hate seeing Cena with the title/or face of the company every 5 f***ing minutes. CM Punk has the title now, make him the face. Chris Benoit killed his family over 5 years ago(I believe) and Vince's wife got destroyed running for office, there is no reason they can't go back to the Attitude era. I stopped watching wrestling BECAUSE of Cena, Cm Punk and the Rock gave me a renewed interest. And to the guy that called him a coward for doing things via Satellite, HE IS MAKING A MOVIE, he can't be there every week so he HAS to be there, I love the Rock and Im glad to see him feuding with cena DOWN WITH CENA. Cena is getting washed up with the same act over and over, go back to your Heel "Thuganomics" gig that was when he wasn't so annoying.
There is no arguing here...You're kid and JC fan and you hate The Rock...Just say that you hate him and love JC...You don't need to put facts to make people hate The Rock...Cuz they still love him and alleways will and that's the bottom line...Disscusion end!
I for one am glad he is back, I hate seeing Cena with the title/or face of the company every 5 f***ing minutes. CM Punk has the title now, make him the face. Chris Benoit killed his family over 5 years ago(I believe) and Vince's wife got destroyed running for office, there is no reason they can't go back to the Attitude era. I stopped watching wrestling BECAUSE of Cena, Cm Punk and the Rock gave me a renewed interest. And to the guy that called him a coward for doing things via Satellite, HE IS MAKING A MOVIE, he can't be there every week so he HAS to be there, I love the Rock and Im glad to see him feuding with cena DOWN WITH CENA. Cena is getting washed up with the same act over and over, go back to your Heel "Thuganomics" gig that was when he wasn't so annoying.
If you want to watch the tude era, watch Jersey shore. It's a bunch of muscular guys drinking and fighting and some titties too. Trash TV isnt' hard to find.

Vince is PG because it's a better long term model. For most of the WWE's history, they have been family friendly, do you not know this?

Yes, Rock is making a movie, Cena makes movies too, only Cena puts wrestling first.

"go back to being a heel Cena" aaaaannd there it is. The ultimate "I'm a smark by the book" phrase.
"So this guy who I thought was just a shitty actor shows up whenever it's convenient for him and makes gay jokes but he was in the tooth fairy and then he sings a song that I heard on glee? Then he doesn't do anything in the ring...but he's a good guy? He's a prick" -my girlfriend, didn't watch wrestling until about a year ago.

yea, Rock is a prick. Honestly, he DOES rub people the wrong way. There was a "via satellite" sign on Raw last week and kids, the most ballsy kids I've ever heard, STILL chanted for Cena a bit.

Of course Rock is going to outpop Cena overall though, it's like when your deadbeat dad finally shows up to one of your baseball games. It's a big deal and you're so happy to see him. Some of your siblings (these are the people who are annoyed) see right though the bullshit but you still love him.

Wrestling fans are dumb people for the most part. Of course they're going to cheer the old nostalgic guy over the new guy. They THRIVE on nostalgia.

The way the message boards are going is that Cena is getting more and more respected. Saw a CM Punk fan (wearing his shirt) holding a sign on Raw that said "don't boo Cena'. Now, at mania, in Miami, Cena won't get cheered over Rock, but I really do think you'll see more people swaying towards Cena. It's just really REALLY obvious that Cena actually loves wrestling and Rock just comes back because pro wrestling fans didn't nominate him for a Razzie.

SERIOUSLY. I fucking love you.

Anywho, I 100% agree with OP. I'm sick of nostalgic fanboys acting like The Rock is the greatest thing in the world. Is he good on the mic? Yes. But good for what he is. Constantly, catchphrase after catchphrase over and over again.
Last night, The Rock, a man who walked away for 7 years, won a match with barely ANY input into it whatsoever. Three men who worked their asses off every single week for years, just got buried by one man who doesn't hold a candle to their passion. One man who is in it for money made three hard workers walk to the back with their tails between their asses. Just to please the nostalgic fanboys who cream their pants over the sight of Dwayne. It makes me sick to my stomach.
And if he had any of the passion Cena, Miz, Truth had, he would show up week in and week out. But no, he doesn't.
But according to almost everyone on here, it doesn't matter. As long as he has his satellite promos and spits the same catchphrases over and over again, he can bury anyone. He got a show dedicated to him and a long-ass celebration FOR HIS BIRTHDAY. The least he could do is show up more often.
Tl;dr, he doesn't deserve half as much as he's currently getting.
Lol at this one cares! What I mean by that is you ask any wrestling stan off the net, they'll tell you The Rock is the man, he's a bad ass. No one cares if you felt offended that he hurt John Cena's feelings and reputation lmao.

The Rock doesn't cut great promos anymore? Last night was legendary. The promos he cut during an after the show were amazing. Being there, witnessing that, I felt like I was 9 10 years old again. The Rock turned the hardest guys in the arena mark out like little girls. Nothing but Rock shirts, signs everywhere. Even little kids who never saw this man wrestle, were like oh I love The Rock.

That is legendary. John Cena can't even hang with The Rock let alone Dwayne Johnson. Like others said that's Rock's character to be an ass. When he developed that character he was much more of an ass and we love it. No one likes the good guy. We were tired of Cena. Period. And then walking away because no one cheered for you? Back in 03 when people were cheering Hogan over him he didn't walk away. And Cena suppose to get respect for that? Lol please.

And the whole satellite thing...really? Really? Really? Lol Dwayne is too busy making double what Cena is making a night putting on his jorts. He's an actor he has a job to do. The fact that he even graced his presence is enough. The man did everything Cena and the other WWE superstars are trying to do for 8 years. And he didn't do it on just Raw or Smackdown. He did it on BOTH on top of house shows and ppv. So he doesn't have to justify anything. If he wants to be there live or via satellite then by all means please feel free to. He's earned it.
for the love of god, someone answer WHY DO YOU GUYS WANT HIM TO BE CHEERED BY ADULTS? It's not interesting. What's interesting is Cena pwning MSG by doing a far more complex series than Rock after "you can't wrestle chants" having a 5 star meltzer match, having Foley talk about how awesome he is, having had RVD, Flair, Samoa Joe, and CM Punk say he's good, STILL get you can't wrestle chants, and STILL carry on his character and work them into booing and saying stuff and then shoving it right back in their faces.

It's starting to be cool to like Cena on the boards. If you hate on Cena, you're now seen as behind. Shit in like 2008 Bryan Alvarez said that if you don't think Cena can go, you lose credibility.

Cena, as the all american good guy, who gets cheered by kids and booed by adults, is iconic. That's what he's known for. Why ruin that? Just so it'd be cool to cheer him? The adults already care about him, that's why they are smiling when they boo him. It's fun, why would you ruin such an awesome character? So you can cheer him without some 25 yr old dork saying "you obviously don't know anything about workrate"?

O, and rock isn't over today because of anything in particular he's doing, it's because he's a legend no one thought would come back. "Boots to asses" is a shit catchphrase that if anyone else said it, wouldn't get over. His promos are continuous metaphors and catchphrases and he never retorts to Cena calling him out on never being there with anything other than more catchphrases. Rock is over because he's the Rock, not because "his tweener (stupidest word ever, sounds like a guy who likes twinks or something) actions are more relateable". I don't know about you, but saying you love something and then never being there doesn't relate to me at all. I show up to work on time, work 40 hours a week, go to school full time, and workout 5 days a week. When I say I'm committed to soemthing, I actually am. I don't relate to Rock's character at all.

I can't relate to the Rock because he's a jerk. Only a jerk (in character or out of) would piss on someones accomplishments because he thinks its the cool thing to do because everyone hates Cena for no real mature reason at all so he jumps on the bandwagon and uses metaphors that are best reserved for high school kids. Come on Lady Parts yeah that was a real mature way to get your point across but the smarky smarks complain about Cena and poop jokes which haven't been heard from him in a long time but we've heard nothing but nonsence from the Rock. Rock doesn't relate to me Cena and Punk do, two guys who bust they're asses and never forgot where they came from or the people who made them (wrestling business and the fans) and works with the younger guys. I could never relate to the Rock never never never because his character is a hypocritical jerk and so are his fans but I had a better connection with SCSA. I've been fired over the phone by some pencil necked geek while sick, I've had to fight the corporate structure (though not physically) I had walked out and told them to shove it. I can't relate to a guy who harbors bad feelings for some thing that was said 7 years ago. Like get over it you jerk.

Wasn't this the same guy years ago who said "John Cena you don't know yet how it feels to have 10,000 people scream You Suck" but before he uttered those words Cena as the face of the company was already getting booed out of arenas. That just shows how out of touch he was with WWE. That's not a complete knock on him it's on the smarks who continually eat it up.
The IWC is a pathetic-ass joke. For 7 years you guys BLAST John Cena for doing his job, WISHED that the attitude era would come back and kick ass again, and FINALLY when the biggest start to walk out of the Attitude Era comes back and does EXACTLY what youve been begging for, you bitch and moan some more. There is absolutely NO PLEASING you guys. The Rock is STILL better than most the guys in the ring, he's STILL better than EVERYONE on the mic (Yes even CM Punk, hes good but not THAT good), he's STILL selling out arenas, STILL headlining Wrestlemania(s), STILL is the topic of discussion, STILL making everyone look like they are 7yrs old, STILL GOT IT and when hes on tv, people watch and pay money to see him. God-forbid he has a life outside wrestling at damn near 40yrs old. He makes shows n does promos when his schedule allows him to. So what he cant be there all the time, so what we see him wunce in a blue moon. WHO CARES?? Shouldnt you admire someone with the ability to barely be there and STILL steal the show and perform circles around everyone? Nobody can do what hes doing right now as well as hes doing it, and make as big an impact as he is right now. Not Austin, not Hogan, not Flair, Not Taker, Not HBK. Instead of having your feelings hurt that he "left you for hollywood" why dont you open your eyes to whats going on. You guys have been begging for this to happen but now that it is hes a jerk? REALLY??.

People talk about the difference in promos between the two. Heres whats really going on if your not catching on. The basis of the storyline is Cena talking about Rock while he was gone, not thinking he would ever show up again. Rock comes back and confronts Cena about it, and just completely tears him open. Cenas fan base has not been the same ever since Rock came back. Yea he got boo'd before but nowhere near as much..i credit CM Punk for some of this too..But this is what happens in real life. If you talk about someone enough, eventually your gonna have to answer to them. Cenas held his own ill give him that, but The Rock is on a completely different level of greatness. Cena will NEVER be able to control the crowd like the Rock does or be as big as the Rock. bout 65% of the fans dont even like him, not because hes a heel and there not suppose to like him, but because hes corny..not very far off from Barney actually. Rock is the same guy hes always been. But i gotta keep in mind that there are always gonna be haters. All the greats have their haters so i guess this is no different. Im just putting it out there that this is what youve been dying for, for years and its finally happening..AND yes...HE STILL GOT IT

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