The Rock Goes Country


According to, The Rock is tapped to star in a biopick of country music legend Charley Pride.

Charley Pride is something of a standout as he's really the only African American superstar in country music. Pride's career started taking off in the mid 60s and he continued to be a force on the country charts into the late 80s scorind 29 #1 songs on the Billboard country charts and selling some 70 million records.

I can practically see the title of the movie now:

Kiss An Angel Good Mornin' (Or I'll Lay The Smack Down On Your Candy Ass!)
I think this is really strong casting... Rocky can certainly play guitar, he proved that a few times on RAW and his singing voice is strong enough to carry live scenes... If he's ever gonna have a crack at the Oscar it'll be with this kind of flick, and niche artist movies always do well... give it another 6 years and I swear he will be playing Obama...
Rocky can certainly play guitar, he proved that a few times on RAW and his singing voice is strong enough to carry live scenes
The Rock will never come close to matching Charley Pride's singing.

I think this movie would be interesting, regardless of whether the Rock was in it or not. I can't imagine seeing The Rock as Charley Pride, given the fact The Rock would have to lose 80 pounds just to come close to having the same body type. I sure do hope this is a good movie. I really don't care about the Rock, I just like Charley Pride.
It sounds like an Oscar-bait movie, and I'm not sure how strong Rocky's acting is for something of this nature. But it certainly sounds like an interesting choice.
Yeah this is just a really odd choice. It has the feel of Sidney Lumet picking Vin Diesel to star in his next to last picture, like something that the critics might like had they not picked such a light weight to take the lead role.

I like Rocky so I hope he does it well and surprises me, I just don't necessarily get it.
I think this movie will be an instant failure. No offense but the Rock is not the person who I would want to see in this type of role. I know that it is certainly possible however I don't think that it is necessarily suited for him at all. Do I hope that I get a suprise from it? Yes, however I just don't see it being that good. Definetly not blockbuster worthy but then again who knows? I look forward to seeing how this progresses.

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