The Rock: Better Pro Wrestler or Actor?


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens
I can't believe I didn't think of this one before now.

All I ask is you not complain and bitch about The Rock not caring about wrestling anymore. I will blow a gasket if anyone does that. No joke, just ask the last person who did something I asked them not to. Now on to business

Pro Wrestling Career
HE feuded with the Likes of Triple H and DX when he was leader of The Nation. He had a 5 star match with Hogan at WM X8. He was the figure head of Vince McMahon's Corporation. He has won countless titles in his career and is the winner of the 2000 Royal Rumble Match. There's really not much I can say that you guys don't already know.

Acting Career
He's started out acting in TV shows such as Star Trek: Voyager and That 70s Show. He moved onto movies in 2002 starting with The Mummy Returns and The Scorpion King where he plays 'Mathayus The Scorpion King'. He was also in Walking Tall and had a cameo appearance in Reno 911: Miami.

So do you think he was a better Actor or Pro Wrestler?
The Rock is easily among the all time greats of wrestling. He was great on the mic, he was in some great matches, and he drew. I'll say that he was a better wrestler.

Now that I've said that, I'll say that I like The Rock, now Dwayne Johnson, more as an actor than as a wrestler. There are a few reasons for this. First of all, as a new fan, I haven't seen any of his career live and have seen only a few good parts on youtube. I don't have the same connection to him that many other fans are bound to have; however, I have seen the majority of his film work. He's no James Stewart, but he plays his role well. He's as charasmatic as ever and has a very successful career going. Of course the main reason why I like him is for his role in Southland Tales(which should be included in his movie bio). That is one of my favorite movies and The Rock is part of the glue that keeps the movie from falling apart.
Well this can easily be abit biased as Wrestling Fans especially the WWF Attitude Fans and beyond we obviosuly will say he is better as a Wrestler.

But saying that I love The Rock as a Wrestler and I do feel he is much better as a Wrestler but he is a very succesful actor.

He is easily A B/A Lister. Especially when he eat with the likes of Bradd Pitt, George Clooney, Matt Damon, Angelina Jolie, You get my drift. So no doubt hes not a good actor but It's a very hard one to call.

Wrestling And Movies is kind of similiar its scripted and its acted. So I cant really give you a posistive answer but obviously hes going to be a better Wrestler cause im a Rock Fan so there you go.
The Rock was arguably the most entertaining wrestler ever, the most charismatic on the mic, and was on his way to being one of the greatest, if not the greatest, wrestler ever.

As an actor, he's no where near that level.

So, I'll go wrestler.
I'll go with wrestler as well, he's seriously right up there with Hogan and Austin IMO, and is criminally underrated by the IWC. In terms of mainstream appeal I think he far exceeded Austin, and was the natural sucessor to Hogan. People claim it should have been Austin vs Hogan at WM 18, but I'm happy it was The Rock - although The Rock was "edgy" compared to face Hogan, he was the mroe loveable, traditional babyface compared to Austin's newer breed of badass babyface that has proliferated with characters such as HHH now and even Batista. Hogan, Hart, The Rock, Cena etc are in my mind more traditional face's, and The Rock is such a standard bearer for that type of role, whereas as an actor he's merely good.
He was a great performer in wrestling which has carried over into his acting career.The guy is multi-talented.Some of his movies were just great.Walking Tall was good.The Run Down with Sean William Scott(Stifler-American Pie)was a riot and tho i hate to admit it even his work with Disney was entertaining.Game Plan had some really funny moments.Hell even as bad as Doom was(wasn't nearly as good as people hoped it would become)his role was still kinda kick ass in it as the evil Serg turned monster.

Id say without wrestling his acting career wouldn't be anywhere near where it is today but i have to say he was as good an actor as he was a wrestler.He can take on some of the craziest roles and some how make them look funny or work.Just look at his gay bodyguard role in Be Cool.His remake of a female country song was funny as hell and watching the bonus features made it that much better listening to everyone on the set crack up at him.

Id say and people may not agree with me on it that as much as i miss The Rock in the WWE hes an equally funny and entertaining actor capable of pulling off some of the more serious roles(Walking Tall) or just being in there to entertain the hell out of everyone(Be Cool)
The Rock is simply a great entertainer, whether it's as a wrestler or a movie star !!!! The man truly is talented beyond all belief and may be one of the most underated talents of our generation when all is said and done. Now before anyone says, "dude", think about it.

He arguably carried the WWF / WWE during a period when it was cool to watch wrestling. For those who don't know, there actually was a point in time when 18-25 year old men gathered around a tv on Monday Nights and watched wrestling. What's more amazing is it was cool to talk about it at bars, restaurants, in class, etc... the other six days of the week.

He may not have been the best "wrestler", but he was damn sure the best entertainer and that's what wrestling is all about these days - entertainment.

Then, he walked away from a job that would have paid him millions over the next 15-20 years in order to take a shot in Hollywood. Not only has he become an A/B+ star, he's made millions... still. His movies always do incredibly well at the box office (often times opening at number one) and he's become a headline act for numerous top awards shows (which celebrities use to further their careers).

Deciphering between which one he's better at is kind of like choosing which kid you love more. The Rock may have decided he likes acting more than wrestling, but it's hard for me to decide which Rock I like better.
I think he was a bette pro wrestler, no question. He was among the top, if not the best top wrestler in the biggest wrestling company in the world at one time. He headliine WM, feuded with the top guys in the company, and was one of the biggest fan favorites.

As an actor, he's had some decent movies, but he hasn't been the top actor in the world. His last two movies were both Disney movies that were meant for the kiddies.

Overall, Rock was a great wrestler and only a decent actor.
I personally believe The Rock is a very, very talented actor. However, his body of work makes you think otherwise, and that's a big problem. His choices thus far in his film career haven't been good ones, in my opinion, outside of The Rundown.

Anyway, as a pro wrestler, his body of work matches ANYONE in the history of the business, as far as being down right entertaining is concerned. He has the matches and promos to prove it, which in turn, makes him a better professional wrestler, because he doesn't have the movies to prove how talented he is as an actor. But hopefully that'll change in the future. But for now, he still stands as a much better professional wrestler.
On the whole, The Rock is a great entertainer whether it's the film industry or the the wrestling industry. If I had to choose, I would say he was much better in the WWE because he was able to use both his traits (athleticism and mic work) at the same time, and you really got to see the best of The Rock.

Like someone said, some of his movies have been Disney flicks and have been overall on the cheesy side, and nobody really talks about his performance in the Doom movie. lol

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