The Road to RyderMania


Occasional Pre-Show
Hey guys I am going to need everyone's help on this. Like many of you I am a big Zack Ryder fan, his gimmick is awesome, he can wrestle and he is constantly busting his butt to market himself. It is such a shame that since ECW ended Long Island IZ has been forgotten and placed on superstars. Well to all the Ryder fans I say let's take a stand and like CM Punk did this last week, let us tell the WWE how we feel about Zack Ryder.

I advice for us the fans to make a petition, it seemed to work with Bryan Danielson, so who knows if we get enough votes it could work for Ryder. The one problem is I don't know how to make a petition or how to send it to the WWE, if someone could help it would be greatly appreciated. With Snooki guest hosting next week's RAW we have a week to let the WWE know how much we would like to see Long Island IZ as a permanent part of RAW. Help me out, let's get The Original Long Island Loud Mouth back on the flagship show.


#Twitition @WWEUniverse Wants More @ZackRyder On Monday Night Raw #IWantWrestling
What we really think about Zack Ryder? OK. He is the stupidest character WWE's come up with since Hornswoggle. Yeah, he's a peg above the Boogeyman, The Soaring Eagle and a pirate Paul Burchill. His catch is absolutely dumb and annoying and the way he dresses is the icing on the cake of a dumb gimmick that people actually endorse to be pushed?

My opinion? Either keep him where he is, or get rid of him.

Meeting adjourned.
Well while we are at it lets also petition to bring the following to raw:
Grand Master Sexay
Blue Meany
Norman Smiley
Spirit Squad
Evil Funaki

This is exactly what Raw needs!

But serioiusly, not to be mean, but the WWE isn't going to push him because of a petition. He got no reaction last night during a dark match. All I heard was people asking who he was!
Zack Ryder is just a New Jersey stereotype.
Well not sure he's a stereotype since people from Jersey are actually like that....
Back on topic. Terrible idea. I can't stand the guy.
Alberto Del Burrito that is a horrible stereotype, considering a few things.

1. Ryder is billed from LONG ISLAND, NY.
2. The only people from New Jersey who are like that are tourists from other places.
3. Zack Ryder has a great character, and can talk. If R-Truth can be US Champion, I think Ryder deserves some TV time (Superstars doesnt count since 99 percent of fans don't even have WGN)
Why does everyone love this guy so much? His gimmick is ridiculous, his mic skills aren't good, and I won't say he can't wrestle, but Sheamus would destroy him(oh wait...). I say trim the fat and cut him.
For those of you making jokes about Ryder I highly recommend checking out his twitter account and his youtube page. There is a reason that his fans are loyal. He tries hard to entertain us and goes out of his way to make himself accessible. The only reason he gets so little response is a lack of tv time. He is model employee willing to do jobs and try to come up with other ways to get himself out there. He is definitely worthy of a mid-card run.
Alberto Del Burrito that is a horrible stereotype, considering a few things.

1. Ryder is billed from LONG ISLAND, NY.
2. The only people from New Jersey who are like that are tourists from other places.
3. Zack Ryder has a great character, and can talk. If R-Truth can be US Champion, I think Ryder deserves some TV time (Superstars doesnt count since 99 percent of fans don't even have WGN)

1. Alright you got me there. I'm not really geographical anyways.
2. Jersey Shore. And those people really do act like that off of tv. Which makes us normal americans look bad. :banghead:
3. While his gimmick may be fresh and new, he still gets no reaction.
And as for WGN, even I get WGN and I have basic cable. :icon_neutral:
Well while we are at it lets also petition to bring the following to raw:
Grand Master Sexay
Blue Meany
Norman Smiley
Spirit Squad
Evil Funaki

This is exactly what Raw needs!

But serioiusly, not to be mean, but the WWE isn't going to push him because of a petition. He got no reaction last night during a dark match. All I heard was people asking who he was!

I have to disagree people didn't know who he was because he's rarely on raw.
Let's face it people Noone watches superstars, so wwe just ruined another great talent once again! I mean check out his youtube videos! I will continue to be a zach rhyder fan and hope he gets a push. He's deserves better then the garbage they're giving him.
i cant see wwe doing anything big with him he needs new gimmick but he may just may get some raw tv time this coming week with snooki being on raw maybe they do something with him coming out and doing something with her
Personally I see zack as a mid carder. He does deserve more time on raw then r-truth but I see him as tag division that's all
I can see where you get your nickname
As to the worst character...Really...REALLY
No Kahli, The Usos, Zeke, Tyler Reks, Otunga and R-Truth have worse than him.
The Way he dress well other than him raiding Miz old wardrobe with one lef pants it sells the look. He is Jersey Shore but WWE didnt know what that was

I though would rather see him then another Dance off
What we really think about Zack Ryder? OK. He is the stupidest character WWE's come up with since Hornswoggle. Yeah, he's a peg above the Boogeyman, The Soaring Eagle and a pirate Paul Burchill. His catch is absolutely dumb and annoying and the way he dresses is the icing on the cake of a dumb gimmick that people actually endorse to be pushed?

My opinion? Either keep him where he is, or get rid of him.

Meeting adjourned.
I still dont get how some people love Zack Ryder yet hate on Robbie E, THERE THE SAME CHARACTER AND BOTH OF THEM SUCK!
TNA and WWE should release both of them so they can go and team up in ROH and win belts that dont mean shit.
A Zack Ryder push are you kidding me? He was at his best when he was a Major Bro way back when but that times past let it go.
Personally I find R Truth, Mr. Jennifer Hudson and Mark Henry lot more entertaining then Zack Ryder... the dude is garbage. I mean him and the other dude from TNA that's with the girl Cookie have the same gimmick. He's not entertaining on the mic or wrestling. I pray he get's his release papers after WM... Better yet, let him be a rookie on NXT, that might help... I don't understand why NERDS a try to save dumbness.
I always thought they should send him to SmackDown and let him feud with the likes of Kofi Kingston in good long matches.
Don't look my way for any help... Ever since he robbed Jimmy Jacobs of his look, I've been against Zack Ryder. The guy's got absolutely no talent and is barely even in the WWE. Curt Hawkins is proving just what the Miz proved... he was the Shawn Michaels while Ryder was the Jennetty.
For those of you making jokes about Ryder I highly recommend checking out his twitter account and his youtube page. There is a reason that his fans are loyal. He tries hard to entertain us and goes out of his way to make himself accessible. The only reason he gets so little response is a lack of tv time. He is model employee willing to do jobs and try to come up with other ways to get himself out there. He is definitely worthy of a mid-card run.
Ah. Of course. Youtube and Twitter. The way of the future. Make it big there, you can make it anywhere. Hey, Matt was an awesome heel on Youtube. Screw the fact that he's in TNA. Bring him back. Because he just drew such awesome heat via Youtube. And hire Fred and have him be John Cena's new manager. Fred is popular with kids. Take advantage. He's a Youtube gawd!

I can see where you get your nickname
As to the worst character...Really...REALLY
No Kahli, The Usos, Zeke, Tyler Reks, Otunga and R-Truth have worse than him.
The Way he dress well other than him raiding Miz old wardrobe with one lef pants it sells the look. He is Jersey Shore but WWE didnt know what that was

I though would rather see him then another Dance off
Imitating a wrestler via the internet. Swell. Yeah, he really is worse than Khali. He may have been an atrocious wrestler but at least he was a legit contender and not a comedy act gone wrong. Same with Zeke. Otunga and Truth may be pretty crappy, but they get their jobs done. Truth gets huge pops and Otunga is... well Otunga. Some smug heel. Ryder? He's literally the kind of goof you'd just punch out for fun. Why should we take him seriously? Santino looks like a more believable wrestler than him.

I don't give a damn about his Youtube shit, his goofy catchphrases or how good he can wrestle. His gimmick is a wrestling fan repellent.
As a heel isn't it Zack Ryder's JOB to draw heat, now a lot of you don't like him because of his gimmick a gimmick he plays flawlessly, it is SUPPOSE to be annoying.

To anyone that says he has no talent have you actually ever seen one of his matches?? He is one of the better wrestlers in the WWE and I love his mic work.

I'm not saying Zack Ryder needs to be the main event. Hell i'm not saying he should even have a title. I'm not even saying he should be PUSHED. He just needs to get out of superstars hell because with his abilities I firmly belive that he is able to do his job of well jobbing a lot better, he's still young.

I have no doubt within a year or 2 MAX he will get the push he will have atleast a mid card title. Hell look at the Miz...he could be a WWE Champion..apparently.
I can see where you get your nickname
As to the worst character...Really...REALLY
No Kahli, The Usos, Zeke, Tyler Reks, Otunga and R-Truth have worse than him.
The Way he dress well other than him raiding Miz old wardrobe with one lef pants it sells the look. He is Jersey Shore but WWE didnt know what that was

I though would rather see him then another Dance off

I would be lying, if I said I didn't think your list was racist. You really had to single out David Otunga and Ezekial Jackson from their respective stables? Really? Tyler Reks is white, by the way.

Now, on to Ryder. I think he has all the tools, to be a star. Internet presence, solid in the ring and enough charisma to get buy. The one thing, he needs to work on, is coming off a bit more serious in his promos and he needs to cut the WWWYKI stuff and find a new catchphrase. For now, there is no room for him in the Midcard division, so he's going to have to work his way up, much like The Miz did. This team, he's planning on starting with Primo, isn't going to work with me. I would pair him up with a big strong Diesel like enforcer, so fans will take him seriously and than go from there, but I am a fan of Ryders and I wish him much success in the E.
His gimmick is stupid, and his half-half attire is kinda lame, not totally though. But he is good, and I like his theme song. Personally I think he should be pushed a little more like a lot of the superstars on the show. But WWE is to focused on there tops to pay any attention to the underrated wrestlers we all love.
His gimmick is awful. Almost every single wrestler tires hard to entertain us.

He can say WOO WOO WOO and uuhhh? How in the hell does he have mic skills?
Oh he can do a fucking flip or jump a lot, never mind the fact that he isn't entertaining, but he can do a moonsault so he must be world champ NOW. He can wrestler and.... Yeah that's about it. Bryan got re-hired because the WWE didn't want to fire him (mattel) in the first place, not the petition.

He is like Robbie E but at least the WWE didn't make it so obvious.
Back in ECW Ryder got a massive push, his championship match with Christian showed that he can work a long match, I even thought he'd win the title! The only reason id watch ECW was to see this guy!

And then WWE does a backflip on him and now hes jobbing in superstars

People think his gimmick is lame and his wrestling average because of what WWE is doing with him. They're using his gimmick to make him look like a doofus and hes not getting any air time on Raw to show case his talent.

Which is why when the next draft comes around I hope he moves to Smackdown. Here he could keep his gimmick, but use it to make him a credible heel and draw major heat. Id love to see him in the IC title picture and starting feuds with midcard faces on smackdown

Infact, this was what should have happened once ECW finished... I hope he can be saved because I am a massive fan!
I like the guy. He has the talent and the mic skills. Did you hear the pop he got at the RR?

Tweak his gimmick a little more and then throw him in the mid-card chase. This is a rough time of year to build a character, so the WWE would have to wait about a month or so. People are just shitting on him because the WWE was shitting on him. This guy was main eventing ECW, the brand that was being used to raise up-and-comers. He was even the #1 contendership for the WWE championship back in August (in a joke match, but if the Khali WHC reign counts, so does this).
I can't believe that Snooki was actually there on RAW- you know, representative of the kind of people Ryder's character satirizes- and all he got was a three second back-stage cameo appearance. He should have been paling around with her throughout the night, not Morrison.

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