The rivalry that never(But should have)happend,,, JBL/HHH


Dark Match Winner
I dunno if someone has done this already ... But if not then I guess there is a first for everything. I am sitting here watching Wrestlemania 21 as I type this. and I just gotta know...Why the hell did the WWE Not capitlize on the JBL/HHH "run-ins"? The first one was at The 2004 Survivor Series, Then HHH framed JBL to make Batista think that it was JBL that tried to run him down with a "look-a-like" limo. and then the very last one was at wrestlemania. From what I seen, I think all of the Run-ins between the two were great (Maybe because I am a huge fan of both.)

But my questions to you are,,,,

1) Do you think that this could be a rivalry that could draw?

2) Do you think that this rivalry could have longevity?

3 Do you think that this rivalry could Main event one of the "Big 4"
This was a feud I wanted to see but the timing was never right. Both guys were hated in 2004/2005 so a feud between the two wouldn't have worked then. Heel vs. heel rarely works and these two were the top two heels. The fans wouldn't have anyone to cheer for. By the time Triple H turned face in 2006 JBL was just about to retire. He spent a year and a half out of action and by the time he returned in 2008 their earlier confrontations were ancient history. I still think a feud could have worked between the two during the summer of 2008. I wasn't into the JBL vs. Punk feud and Triple H vs. Khali didn't feel like anything special so maybe a match between HHH and JBL would have been good for SummerSlam 2008.
I really wish this feud or at least a mini feud could have happened between these two. HHH was basically making fun of JBL (The Wrestling God) Try to frame JBL for running down Batista and that famous little promo between the Two at WM21. I guess the timing or whatever was never right between the two. Its a shame too i would have rather enjoyed the feud had it taken place..
No HHH & JBL never had a feud with one another. It would have been real cool. But I think that the feud between the two really came off with a side bet. Whomever left Wrestlemania 21 with their respective WWE world title's would be the true champion in the WWE at that time while they both were world champions. But both men lost that night in L.A. at WM 21. JBL lost his WWE championship to John Cena on the Smackdown brand. While Triple H lost the WWE World Heavyweight championship to Dave Batista on the RAW brand side. So there was no winner in the side bet.

Since then these two guys wrestled like two times with a DQ finish at the end of each match-up. I saw these two wrestle in the second one live at a WWE RAW taping in my hometown Oakland in June of 2008. But true be told, who would come out the winner if these two superstars had feuded without losing heel cred? Both Triple H as we know has played a babyface character. So it just could have been him.
It could have been a great feud like many have said. It would have been cool to see a FACE version of Evolution take on JBL's heel cabinet. WWE missed the boat on this one. The promos alone between the 2 would have been epic.
This was a feud I wanted to see but the timing was never right. Both guys were hated in 2004/2005 so a feud between the two wouldn't have worked then. Heel vs. heel rarely works and these two were the top two heels.

It rarely works but when you have the perfect story and stars to carry it (like JBL and Triple H at the time) it can do great business. As I recall Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart were heels headlining Survivor Series 1997 and that PPV had the highest buy rates than any other PPV in 1997 (including WM13).
This feud absolutely should have happened but I feel part of the desire to see it is in hindsight. When I think JBL I think power, money, some sort of capitalism mentality, etc. Its almost the real life position HHH is in right now and the position he was setting up for back when these 2 were running as red hot heels at the same time. That similarity between both characters alone could have driven the feud. When I think of it now, with the evolution of HHH to what he is in the company now, the feud with JBL seems more logical and more desirable then it did back when these 2 were hot. Contrary to what some others have said, I think the only way for them to have really done this to its maximum potential is to have these 2 collide as heels and let everything fly. Since HHH was turning face again not too long afterward, this could have helped set up his turn. If HHH were to lose it would keep JBL strong and hot and it wouldnt hurt HHH as his face turn and reunion with DX would have wiped out the memory of this loss at the time and kept him hot
I think that this could be a rivalry that could draw.
I think that this rivalry could have longevity.
I think that this rivalry could main event one of the "Big 4".

Here's the thing. Heel vs. Heel would work if there was a Face vs. Face match up to even things out. If HHH vs. JBL took place at the time when they were both the top Heels, we would have had to have Cena vs. Batista at the same time. It did seem like we were headed in that direction, but oh well

I would have loved to have seen Triple H vs. John Bradshaw Layfield, Randy Orton vs. Orlando Jordan, Ric Flair and Batista vs. The Bashams Brothers, and Evolution vs. the Cabinet. It would have been great for Bragging Rights.
The funny thing about this business is sometimes two halfs don't make a whole know what I mean? or timing is off, or someone screws it up. Regal was in line to have a main event shot against Triple H, one violation right afterward and people hardly remember he became King of the Ring on Raw one night and was one step closer to a main event spot. People expected a Kane vs. Kane feud but that never got off the ground either after just a few promos and one tiny event on Raw the idea was scrapped.JBL and Triple H could have happened yes, but it wouldn't have been a feud based on what happened, a good match? maybe, but a feud no not going to happen...
I could totally see a feud between the two if Triple H were a babyface.
In some parallel universe Triple H's babyface run came a couple of years earlier and he locked horns with JBL, having great chemistry in the build up and carrying JBL to some of the best matches of his career.

Alas, in our universe they were both heels at the time and that is (almost) never a good idea. Usually the crowds are dead in those. The starts never aligned. The time and place and circumstances for this feud were never right. Too bad.

People expected a Kane vs. Kane feud but that never got off the ground either after just a few promos and one tiny event on Raw the idea was scrapped.
Nitpicking here, but Kane and Kane did have a PPV match and it totally bombed. That was why the whole deal got ended and scrapped the very next RAW. The impostor Kane won, by the way.
I believe JBL feuding with Latino Heat primarily put him in the main event and he won the belt. JBL wasn't the popular choice but he won people over after time. I still believe when Cena took the belt off of him, JBL could have even held it longer it was believable. But JBL feuding with Triple H would have only benefited one person and that's Triple H. Triple H would have never put over JBL.
This could´ve been a great feud, even if both superstars were heel at the time, Triple H as a heel has allways bragged about being the best, and JBL was allways saying that he was the wrestling god, and that run in at wrestlemania culd have been a start, and let´s not forget that both of them were top heels for their respective brand, even if this would have been a short feud, it would have been great, in a who´s who kind of feud......
This is a feud that I always wanted to see and the timing never seemed to be right. I would have liked to see HHH feud with JBL when JBL was the champ. HHH would have been the perfect opponent to make JBL's reign even more legitimate. Imagine that feud and how intense it would have been. They seem like two guys that would have had great chemistry together, and it is a feud that I always thought would have happened, ,but they just seemed to miss each other along the way.

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