The Revolution is... a Videogame (Supposedly)

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
Courtesy of PWInsider:

In speaking to a few people today, I was able to confirm that the WWE online "Revolution" campaign that has been promoted on their website via articles and videos is not leading to the debut of a new character in the company.

The campaign is actually part of the reveal for the new WWE videogame next week in advance of the annual E3 videogame convention, which is being held the first week in June.

If it looks like an actual departure from the slew of shitty SmackDown games, colour me excited. If not, colour me disappointed. I'm personally of the opinion that THQ San Diego - behind WWE All-Stars and, when they were known as Midway Los Angeles, TNA iMPACT! - should be put in charge of rebooting the series. Both All-Stars and iMPACT! captured that old school arcade feel of, say, WCW/nWo Revenge or WrestleMania 2000. Oh, and they weren't clunky pieces of shit, even if iMPACT! was somewhat under-furnished.

However, THQ is in dire financial straits and most believe it to be circling the drain. I wonder, even if this does produce a genuine change, how long-lived the revolution will be.
Well, I'm not really sad it's not a new wrestler debut seeing as I haven't seen any of the promos but if they are moving away completely from the terrible Smackdown vs Raw games I'm totally up for it. WWE All Stars was a great game, a huge step up from TNA Impact one. I'm excited, hopefully it will bring Wrestling games back to old days of just button mashing fun.
You must have missed WWE '12, where they moved away from the Smackdown vs. RAW branding.

I smell an attempt to throw the scent. In what way does the latest video which includes someone near the end tease a video game and why would it be revealed on an episode of Monday Night RAW?
You must have missed WWE '12, where they moved away from the Smackdown vs. RAW branding.

I hope your tongue is firmly in your cheek, young man. The only thing different about WWE '12 was its name. The file name on the disc was even "SvR2012". An actual departure would be something to look forward to.

I smell an attempt to throw the scent. In what way does the latest video which includes someone near the end tease a video game and why would it be revealed on an episode of Monday Night RAW?

Dunno - a larger audience? They dedicated an entire three hour Raw to promoting All-Stars.
I hope your tongue is firmly in your cheek, young man. The only thing different about WWE '12 was its name. The file name on the disc was even "SvR2012". An actual departure would be something to look forward to.

But the brand itself is what they moved away from. When people walked into a gaming store they saw WWE '12 on the shelves and not a Smackdown vs. RAW video game.

Dunno - a larger audience? They dedicated an entire three hour Raw to promoting All-Stars.

This I did not ponder. I'll be a bit disappointed if it's just a video game.
I wouldn't be surprised if it was just a video game. It seems like the WWE is quite full at the moment with recent debuts (Ryback, Tensai, Clay, etc.), let alone guys returning from injuries (Sin Cara, Christian, Mysterio will be back soon), so with that mind, I wouldn't be surprised at all if it were something not related to the actual show. Sure, it's a bit underwhelming, but judging on the landscape of the WWE right now, I wouldn't be surprised if it were just a video game, as it seems likely. With so much going on right now, I'd be surprised if it were a big development. Anything more than a new video game (or anything similar on that level unrelated to the show) would actually be surprising. A new video game makes the most sense, and it'd be a nice development if it truly is "revolutionary". I haven't liked the SvR series, especially after they removed GM mode. It'd be nice to have a fresh series, maybe similar to the N64 incarnations & the Day of Reckoning Series on Gamecube.
It is indeed a videogame. WWE 13 to be precise. Developed by Yuke's. With the same engine. And a new hat!


It's as much a revolution as, I dunno, me not watching the royal wedding. Fight the power.

Nothing I was hoping for has been revealed. Nothing fundamentally new. No new dev team. No new direction.

Instead, we have new outfits (maybe an Attitude Era focus) and new arenas, basically - the same as every year. It would be more honest to just release perpetual DLC; not that they can figure out how to make the internet side of things, um, work.

Meanwhile, elsewhere on the internet:

-Ring collapse
-They went into the crowd



And lol at Yukes for still using that 15 year old engine.

And THQ might just go under before the game even launches.

Is that a revolution? NO, NO, NO, NO

That's a mighty fine looking PS2 game they got there.

For once, I'm on board with the torrent of cynicism.
I'm a big fan of WWE games specifically the Universe mode I could really care less about the single player story seems like it's going to be attitude era oriented tho. Speaking about the universe mode I wish they would add more to it. I would love to have the ability to be a GM in it which you kind of are all ready but I want to make title matches on shows now in the current WWE 12 the wreslter has to be number 1 contender before they can get a title shot so it's really still in the hands of the computer.

I would also like to see belt customization, kinda like a belt redisine mode where you could change the color of the title or the whole title itself I know one of the past WWE games had that and I wish they would bring it back. Also you could pick which titles would be defended and which ones wouldn't

I would also like to change the outfits of the WWE stars I think you can change the color of them now but it's kind of hard to keep of with all the shirt changes Cena goes thru.

Pretty much I just want more control over the universe that's what i wish they would spend there time doing.
IGN received the first in depth exclusive on WWE 13 with an article posted on their website. Here is an excerpt from the article.

The Return of Attitude

The Attitude Era symbolizes all that can be rebellious, shocking and brazen about wrestling. In many ways it embodies the best of the industry, and was responsible for some of the greatest personalities and storylines of all time. During the late '90s, the WWE lived on the edge, and sometimes crossed the lines of decency, to beat its competition. The result was a period of unprecedented success.

As much as the modern era of the WWE is forging its own path, it owes much to the stars that emerged some 15 years ago. The Attitude Era created a new world for the WWE. It rewrote the rules. It’s unlikely the company, or the sport, will ever see such radical thinking again. Born mostly out of necessity, those in charge seemed to literally do anything and everything that came to mind, at first in hopes that something would work, and eventually to keep that momentum going.

The ‘Road to Wrestlemania’ experience for WWE ’12 attempted to tell an original storyline focusing primarily on three wrestlers - Sheamus, Triple H and a created wrestler of the player’s choosing. In an effort to dictate the overall narrative, many matches ended through scripted cutscenes that took control away from the player. Whether because of the limited character selection, or the fact that the storyline removed match control from the player, many were averse to the entire concept. It turns out THQ has been listening. ‘Road to Wrestlemania’ is dead. That's where Attitude Era Mode comes in.

Despite the fact that the Attitude Era is a well-documented part of history, THQ’s goal here is not to reinvent the past, to change things just for the sake of doing so. This single-player mode is an abridged recreation of a memorable time in sports entertainment, allowing players to journey through various storylines as eight of the most popular superstars of that time, including “Stone Cold” Steve Austin.

The chapter-based saga moves through WWE’s struggle and eventual triumph during the so-called “Monday Night Wars,” which saw the company on the brink of defeat at the hands of a powerful rival, WCW. Told from the perspective of the WWE during that period, matches and in-game cutscenes are supplemented by superb video packages assembled by WWE’s own editors. These short vignettes put matches, feuds and larger industry developments into perspective, not only keeping the overall story going, but giving a bit of a history lesson in the process.

Read more here - Link


I can't wait for this game... I'll be pre-ordering it next week.

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