The Review before the Release: Thor


One of two of the highly anticipated prequels to next summers The Avengers, Thor is bound to do outstanding in the Box Office. With all the Superhero movies that have come and gone to those we are still waiting on, do we need another Good guy bad guy superhuman battle for the sake of humanity. My answer is..... why the hell not.

Directed by Kenneth Branah(best known from his role as Professor Gilderoy Lockhart in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets). Im interested to see how he handles an expected Blockbuster with little experience as a major movie director.

Thor(played by virtually unknown Chris Hemsworth(Kirks dad in star Trek)) is a God among Gods who's arrogance eventually forces his father Odin(Academy award winning Sir Anthony Hopkins) to send him to the realm of Earth for a reality check. Upon landing on Earth he is hit by a car occupied by Jane Foster(yet another Academy Award winner Natalie Portman). From there it seems this movie takes the usual role as a good vs evil superhero movie with the occasional witty one liners for some laughs. Without his powers Thor learns respect and love for the human race which humbles him. With the Hammer of Thor buried in the desert and found (As seen in the after credits of Ironman 2) Thor retrieves the Hammer, regains his powers and saves humanity which leads to eventual recruitment into the Avengers for next years expected release.

Expect some more avengers making their debut in this film as Hawkeye is being credited in the cast and i believe i have heard Scarlett Johansson may be making an uncredited appearance as the Black Widow reprising her role from Ironman 2.

The special effects appear to be well done and thought out, and with the supporting roles of 2 Academy Award winners with multiple nominations (Renee Russo has 2 nominations and is in this)the acting is as solid as I have seen for a superhero movie, proving that this genre is not just for kids anymore.

Im giving this movie a 8.5 and more Reviews before the Release to come.
Heard nothing but good things about it so far and from the trailer the 3D actually looks impressive. Should be seeing it on Friday.

Hopefully it flops and flops hard. Can't imagine there was a massive demand for a Thor film, other than from hardcore fans. It looks massively expensive and as entertaining as it looks just don't see the point. They've been building towards The Avengers movie for a while now, but with a cast that large I just don't see how it'll work. Why take a genuine money making franchise like Iron Man and dilute him by diminishing his screen time in an ensemble piece?
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I cant say it will flop, just because everyone knows its a precursor to the Avengers. As far as diluting Ironman in the Avengers, im sure they will but im pretty sure the Avengers wasn't thought of seriously until Ironman was in production, which is why they did the after credit intro of Fury(Sam Jackson). They wanted to try a comic ploy with the unification of heroes, like so many comics have done in the past, just to see how it works, and with the money Ironman made, they adjusted budgets accordingly and this is what we have to look forward to.

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