The Return of Tiger Woods

Mr. TM

Throwing a tantrum
Last year, the world of golf went into panic mode, as Tiger Woods, the greatest golfer of this generation announced his plan to take a break from the PGA.

He has announced he is going to make his return, at the biggest round of the year, the Masters. This is wonderful news, as many, myself included only watch Golf to see Tiger Woods. In fact, the only reason I ever watch golf highlights is to watch Tiger Woods.

I am not sure if he wanted the biggest game of the year to be his return, or if he knows the ratings the PGA will get for the game, but he is doing it. So what do you think of Tiger's Return?
I love how he is going to have his press conference on the day of the NCAA Championship and opening day of the MLB season. I bet he figures that his press conference won't get as much attention because of the other stuff happening.

No matter how great Tiger Woods is, I just don't think he can come back with the Masters being his first tournament and win it. Even Arnold Palmer thinks so, but there's a little part of him that is disappointed that Tiger isn't playing in his event. The first two rounds Tiger plays will be a huge story to see if he will make the cut or not and if he is contention come Sunday, then it will be great for golf.
I don't see any reason why Tiger can't come back from his personal issues and win the Masters. We've seen him come back from injuries and win tournaments, and this one espically has been one of his best.

Listen I could care less what he's done in his personal life. That's between him and his family. I don't care about press confrences or interviews about what happened. I just want to see him play. Golf needs him and why not have him return at one of the biggest events? Besides usually everything is on lockdown there, so it won't be such a huge circus thdere of media or fans heckling him. This is a chance for Tiger to get back into the game. I'm glad he's back.
The Masters is the best tournament for Tiger to come back from, given his comeback strategy of taking it one step at a time. He can come back on the tour, and only have to worry about his play on the course.

Augusta is known to have one of (if not the) strictest security in the universe. They will not allow anybody to ask Tiger any questions about anything unrelated to golf, and the second someone tries to even think about maybe asking a question about his personal issues, they will be escorted off the course and not be allowed back. If someone tries to heckle him on the course, they will be escorted off just as fast. He will probably stay on the facility, and never have to deal with the non-golf media during the entire tournament.

As for his play on the course, that is unknown. He may come out firing on all cylinders, and win hands down, or he may struggle somewhat. Only Tiger knows how well he is playing right now.
It's going to be a very interesting tournament. No one really knows what condition Tiger's golf game is in so it's a surprise how he'll fair on the golf course. Personally, I think Tiger will play a good tournament simply because I don't think he would come back if he wasn't ready and also because he seems at home on the golf course and once he steps foot on it he'll forget the problems and just play. As for the fan reaction, I think he'll get cheered because everyone will just be happy to see him play again and also his personal life doesn't matter in this setting. It's about golf and only golf and it will be a good tournament. The ratings are going to be huge.
I think Tiger is coming back too soon. Let's be honest, the sex scandal involving Woods is something that won't just go away. He is THE biggest star in golf, and he's easily one of the most popular figures in the world. This scandal dominated headlines for a good while, and things are just starting to die down. I think Tiger should wait longer because he's surely going to receive some heat from just about every where when he returns. I know he's going to have to make a comeback at some point, but still, I think he should wait longer.
wow I really hate the way the media shits on celebrities personal lifes, just let him be.
Anyway, I think he can win the masters, he is a truly phenomenal golfer. If he has his mind set in the right place, he can take this out easy

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