The Return of OG1


Pre-Show Stalwart
I'm not sure who here is an MLG fan or not but I want to gather the thoughts of those that are. So those of you who don't know OG1 is Ogre 1. He was a pro in Halo: CE and Halo 2 with his twin brother Ogre 2. They formed a teamed which has gone by various names Team StK (shoot to kill) Team 3D and then team Final Boss. Throughout these teams they have become the most winningst duo in Professional Gaming. Placing no less than 2nd in a Halo 2 and I believe Halo: CE (not sure about the CE part) in any tournament. However, Ogre 1 retired when Halo 3 came out and has been living in Austrialia. Then to our suprise it was announced that he would be a scout at the D.C. Combine where he was to scout Halo: Reach.

So, while watching National Gaming League's first tourney which happened to be a Reach tourney in Atlanta Ogre 1 made a suprise return with StrongSide, DeTach, and Nistic. I was wondering what your thoughts are.

Specifically, Who will OG1 team up with if he does return to MLG, will he return to MLG or was this just a one time thing?

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