The Return Of 6-Sides?

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane

So, after Slammiversary, is Destination X. So named, because it was the night to highlight the X-Division. However, as of recent weeks, as anyone who watches TNA knows, Bischoff and Hogan have made it their "duty", so to speak, to run the X-Division into the Ground. However, this is a very even-sided battle, down to the fact that the X-Division are fighting back. They are trying their very best to stop Hogan and Bischoff and keep the X-Division going strong.

Kendrick, Gen Me, Amazing Red are all confronting the guys, talking about Jay Lethal and questioning as much as they can, as to why they're not being treated like everyone else in the business. Now, this poster above, for the "Destination X" PPV, shows the 6-Sided Ring. So, what does it mean? Does it mean that A) - TNA go back to the 6-Sided Ring once again, for good and then this way, the X-Division regain their time to shine and earn their spots back in the business. Or B) - Is it a way of saying that the old will make its way back? As in the X-Div. will eventually reign supreme over Hogan & Bischoff, as they're not good enough to run the Company?

Tell me what you think.
I think it looks like the 6-sided ring may be making a comeback. If that is a fake, then its pretty damm good.

I would like to see it back ,as it was something that helped to make TNA stand out. It was something different, which they need as their show is mainly made up of ex-WWE and WCW wrestlers, and this can make TNA look like the secondary brand with former stars who are past their best. I know they ARE the secondary brand out there, by a long way but shoving this down peoples throats is not helping.

The 6 sided ring allows TNA matches to look and feel different from the WWE's output, and I think it would benefit the company to have it return
I suspect and hope this is only a one night thing. Hopefully, it is some kind of tribute to the past of TNA that leads to them going on the road more.

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