The Resurrection of Wade Barrett

Since his marvelous promo work during the "Raw Walk Out" Wade Barrett has been on a roll.

The announcers stated that it was the Resurrection of Wade Barrett.

He's beaten Mr. Money in the Bank Danial Bryan, he recently put down a soon to be released John Morrison, and he was added to a PPV a month or so back for no real reason other than to be on the card.

It seems that Barrett could be on a role and in line for a real major push. He's feuded with the likes of CM Punk and John Cena in the past, and with the right push he could be in line to take on a big WWE star.... His promo work is incredible, his in ring work has improved greatly, and he still has major heat because the fans still hate him

Rumors spread last year that he was suppose to face Undertaker at WM27, but due to being buried in his feud with Cena, then losing control of the Nexus to Punk and being placed into another stable he was put on the back burner. He has held a singles title, only to drop it when the Corre broke apart.

The Undertaker and Chris Jericho are set to make returns soon and work Programs leading into and concluding around WM28

Almost every talent thats faced off against Taker at WM has been able to leverage the push into WM into long term success.

Jericho will return as a face although he was "punted in the skull" by Orton, there no way the fans will hate a returning Jericho. Its Chris Jericho ffs

How do you feel about Barrett returning to take on a bigger role on Smackdown and in the WWE?

What does the future hold for this star?

Do you see him facing off against his former NXT coach Chris Jericho in a program starting around Royal Rumble and ending at WM28?

Is the WWE setting him up to take on the 19-0 Undertaker at WM28?


Could Barrett be in line to take the MITB Brief Case away from Danial Bryan and ultimately pushing him into the Main Event Spotlight
How do you feel about Barrett returning to take on a bigger role on Smackdown and in the WWE?

If he really is getting his well deserved push then I can't be more happier. Barrett has really shown off his great mic work recently. I don't think anyone bothers to watch all the videos that they put up but he cut an excellent promo "showing the interviewer how it's done" and that alone shows me just how charismatic Wade Barrett is. He's pretty good in the ring with a unique finisher, good look, has great charisma, and is one of the better mic workers nowadays. Why did he get shoved down the undercard is beyond me.

What does the future hold for this star?

Right now, I'm really hoping for a feud with someone who can really put over Barrett like The Undertaker or Randy Orton. Orton has nothing to do right now and I think giving him a feud with Barrett would be great. Barrett can get the best out of Orton and actually make this entertaining while Orton can get the best out of Barrett in the ring by making him look good. After that I think he should still be pushed until after Wrestlemania where he can finally get into the main event scene after Mark Henry loses the title as expected.

Do you see him facing off against his former NXT coach Chris Jericho in a program starting around Royal Rumble and ending at WM28?

I have a feeling that program might go to CM Punk, but I think Barrett can definitely benefit more out of it considering how big Punk is right now he doesn't need it. So yeah I can see it happening. Jericho and Barrett faced off before and Jericho put him over I can't see why that can't happen again at Wrestlemania with a program between the two.

Is the WWE setting him up to take on the 19-0 Undertaker at WM28?


Could Barrett be in line to take the MITB Brief Case away from Danial Bryan and ultimately pushing him into the Main Event Spotlight

Personally, I hope neither. Like I mentioned above a program with The Undertaker would do wonders for Barrett but I definitely wouldn't want him challenging the streak in an obvious losing effort. Barrett can achieve superstardom without facing Undertaker in what would likely be his last match and without beating Bryan for his MitB briefcase which would piss a lot of people off. Just give Barrett a lot of promo time and give him someone that can put him over like Orton or Taker as long as it doesn't involve the streak. I think Wade has huge potential and the WWE definitely wouldn't want to srop the ball with him.
How do you feel about Barrett returning to take on a bigger role on Smackdown and in the WWE?

It was clear as far back as NXT season 1 that they had big plans for Barrett. They put him immdiately into feuds with Cena and Orton upon him reaching the main roster. I would fully support him taking a larger role again like he did during the Nexus angle.

Do you see him facing off against his former NXT coach Chris Jericho in a program starting around Royal Rumble and ending at WM28?

That would be pretty awesome. Jericho would put Barrett over and make him look like gold in this feud. I like both guys and it would lead to a memorable Wrestlemania match.

Is the WWE setting him up to take on the 19-0 Undertaker at WM28?

That's possible. I am surprised they did not go that route last year and I would support Barrett being the 20th streak victim.

Could Barrett be in line to take the MITB Brief Case away from Danial Bryan and ultimately pushing him into the Main Event Spotlight

This I'm not so sure about. Bryan needs to hold onto the blue briefcase until Wrestlemania because it is something different, everyone else always just cashed in on a weak champion who was not at 100%. Barrett would likely be quick to cash it in like Alberto and the others. All he needs is higher profile feuds like the Orton or Cena ones. Give him an angle with Christian or Sheamus and he will break back into the main event tier because he doesn't need MITB to get there. Bryan does.
How do you feel about Barrett returning to take on a bigger role on Smackdown and in the WWE?
I'm not sure if it is actually going to happen just based on how dumb WWE can be handling talent sometimes but assuming it does happen I would be almost overjoyed. I consider him to be the 2nd best on the mic in the entire WWE. 2nd to only CM Punk. His in ring skills and work has greatly improved as well. I never got why they dropped him in the ranks in the first place either.

What does the future hold for this star?
I'd love for him to be pushed to the main event again in a more permanent spot but a bigger part of me expects WWE to drop the ball on him like so many others.

Do you see him facing off against his former NXT coach Chris Jericho in a program starting around Royal Rumble and ending at WM28?
They would put on a series of really good matches together but I don't see it happening mainly due to them both being heels.

Could Barrett be in line to take the MITB Brief Case away from Danial Bryan and ultimately pushing him into the Main Event Spotlight?
Possibly. Considering they haven't been doing anything with Daniel Bryan at all since he won the briefcase except get beat by both versions of Sin Cara and Wade Barrett himself so it may be more likely then other things.
How do you feel about Barrett returning to take on a bigger role on Smackdown and in the WWE?
I love the idea, in the past I really didn't see anything in Barrett and thought it was a joke having him in the main event with Cena. However since his time leading The Nexus to where he is today I have gained alot of respect for him and he's one of my favorite young superstars. He's had some great matches with Bryan lately and tonight on SD! he picked up a win over Sheamus who does not drop matches very often these days. I would love to see Barrett get a push and be competing at a higher level on friday nights, his superb mic skills were displayed well during the walk out and like I just mentioned his matches have been very good, so lets see him regain that main event spot.

What does the future hold for this star?
I have a feeling that Barrett will be molded into a future World Champion and and in a few short years perhaps a continuous upper carder. Nobody can argue against the fact that his mic skills are absolutely excellent, that's part of what makes him so appealing whether he's leading a group of superstars or out on his own competing in singles competition. Also his ring skills have improved dramatically since his time with Nexus and he really seems to get better every time we see him. He's really become a total package as a wrestler and I definitely see a bright future for this guy.

Do you see him facing off against his former NXT coach Chris Jericho in a program starting around Royal Rumble and ending at WM28?
Is the WWE setting him up to take on the 19-0 Undertaker at WM28? Or
Could Barrett be in line to take the MITB Brief Case away from Danial Bryan and ultimately pushing him into the Main Event Spotlight

I could see him facing off against Jericho but I think that will come at a later time, Jericho is probably going to face Undertaker at Wrestlemania.

So obviously my answer to Barrett vs Taker is no, I know it would be cool to have Barrett face him and have it help build his legacy but I don't think he's ready for something of that magnitude. Undertaker's streak is never going to be beat and right now what it needs is more prestige, and in order to do that the best thing to do is continue to have him face legends, that is why I see Jericho and not Barrett facing Undertaker for the streak.

As for Barrett taking away Daniel Bryan's MITB breifcase, I don't really see this one happening either. It's always possible but if that did happen then all this time that DB has been holding onto the case would have been a major waste of time. What I see happening and what I think the best path for Barrett to find success is the Royal Rumble. I know that it's risky but I honestly think that this push that he's getting would have him perfectly set up to win the Rumble by January. From there he could go to Mania and hopefully win, cementing his legacy and set him on the right track to be a real main eventer.
How do you feel about Barrett returning to take on a bigger role on Smackdown and in the WWE?
I sure don't see why not. I was a fan of the guy during the first season of NXT and I'm still a fan now. The guy has a tremendous look and is very capable on the mic. Not only do I want him to be a centerpiece to the Smackdown brand, I'd be surprised if he wasn't.

What does the future hold for this star?
I want to say a world title reign within the next year. I thought he did a tremendous job during the Nexus angle but felt that his momentum had cooled off following the Corre's disbandment. It looks like he's getting back on track now and I expect him to permanently transition into the main event scene very soon.

Do you see him facing off against his former NXT coach Chris Jericho in a program starting around Royal Rumble and ending at WM28?
Oh absolutely. Any feud with Jericho will get me instantly invested. Add Barrett with his history with Jericho, and you have planted the seeds for what could be a very good feud and it could easily start with Jericho's surprise return at the Rumble which can be followed up by him eliminating Barrett. Sure it's been done before but it'll work just the same.

Is the WWE setting him up to take on the 19-0 Undertaker at WM28?
This I feel is less likely to happen. Casual wrestling fans have bad memories and I doubt a lot of people outside of the IWC really remember Nexus assaulting Undertaker. Not saying it's impossible though as Punk's feud with Orton was based on an incident that took place years beforehand. But factor in the fact that Undertaker is injured and may be retiring sooner rather than later, I feel that Barrett/Undertaker is just less likely to happen than *Barrett/Jericho. However, I would like to see it. Like you said, most of those who are involved in high profile angles with Undertaker usually find long term success and Barrett sure could use the rub regardless of whether he wins or not.


Could Barrett be in line to take the MITB Brief Case away from Danial Bryan and ultimately pushing him into the Main Event Spotlight
This is probably the most likely scenario out of the ones you have given especially given their history together. I'm not exactly sure how I'd feel about this as I think Barrett can get to the main event scene without the briefcase and I'm really wanting to see Daniel Bryan cash in MITB. Quite frankly, he needs MITB more than Barrett does. Personally, I wouldn't be surprised if this is the route that Barrett ultimately ends up taking but I'd much prefer either of the other two because I feel they would benefit him more.
I'm thrilled that WWE looks to be getting back on track with Wade Barrett. I honestly don't know why or how they got off track with him in the first place. Barrett is a guy that has the potential to be a long term star in WWE. Like Dagger Dias said, you can tell that WWE has had their eye on Barrett since the first season of NXT.

He's good in the ring, he can deliver on the mic, he's been over as a heel since the days of Nexus, he does have a good physical presence going on, etc. He just has a lot to bring to the table in my view. In some ways, he reminds me of an English Sheamus in terms of his style inside the ring. He looks to have a nice physical, hard hitting, stiff looking style that works for him. After all, WWE has made a point of constantly reminding fans about Barrett's days as a bare knuckle fighter, so that kind of style works with him. Plus, just look at the guy's nose. He has a face that tells you he's a pretty tough guy and that he's been in more than his share of scrapes.

It's a shame that they dropped the ball with him but at least they seem to be getting Barrett back into the swing of things. I was surprised to see him beat Sheamus last night, almost 100% clean at that. It didn't hurt Sheamus to lose in that sense and I wish it's something they'd do more often with Orton & Cena.
How do you feel about Barrett returning to take on a bigger role on Smackdown and in the WWE?

Uh I feel indifferent. I do not like Wade Barrett and I never will, but I admit he is good. He is over with the crowd as a heel, and that signifies that he is a future superstars. Again I don't find him very entertaining (I think Sheamus is a more entertaining version of him) at all, but regardless of that what everyone has been saying since day one is true, he is a future star.

What does the future hold for this star?

Most likely mid-card to upper card matches until Mark Henry looses the title. Then Wade can move up and become a main event player. However not before Daniel Bryan which leads me too....

Could Barrett be in line to take the MITB Brief Case away from Danial Bryan and ultimately pushing him into the Main Event Spotlight

NOOOO! no no no! Never on earth would I enjoy seeing a superstar with such potential loose his chance at the big time to someone who ranks below him. Is it likely to happen? Not really since they have spent the entire last year building Daniel Bryan up and this will lead to something good for Bryan.

Do you see him facing off against his former NXT coach Chris Jericho in a program starting around Royal Rumble and ending at WM28?

To be honest I would rather see him in the pre show Battle royal! However logically I could see it happen. It has been reported for the past year that Chris Jericho has no desire to return to WWE. I really do no know what Barrett would do but it's not the following...

Is the WWE setting him up to take on the 19-0 Undertaker at WM28?

The undertaker's last match WILL be with a high profile face. Years ago I wanted his last match to be with an upcoming heel so he can get a rub off of it, but that has changed. Wade Barrett vs The Undertaker would bore me out of my mind! Undertaker would have to carry it and I do not think he can do it at this stage in his career. With that said I think it s less likely due Undertaker's career duration and how much of it remains. A huge name will fave Taker at the show and I doubt it will be Wade Barrett.

Anyway that's my 2 cents on Barrett.
How do you feel about Barrett returning to take on a bigger role on Smackdown and in the WWE?

Love it. Since his debut on Raw, he stood out from the rest of the Nexus. (Note: I never watched NXT) And I'm not saying that just because he was the leader. If you remember, they all talked during promos and fought singles matches as well as tag matches. In my eyes, he was head and shoulders above his "classmates." I hope WWE continues to push him instead of burying him like they did at the end of the program with Cena.

What does the future hold for this star?

I would be surprised if he doesn't win the WHC by the end of 2012. I could also see him as the most hated heel of the next few years, if not the decade. If he sticks around that long.

Do you see him facing off against his former NXT coach Chris Jericho in a program starting around Royal Rumble and ending at WM28?

I can see that happening, but not yet. I think Jericho will feud with Miz and/or Punk first when he returns.

Is the WWE setting him up to take on the 19-0 Undertaker at WM28?

This I can see happening. As stated, this was supposed to happen last year (according to reports), but never did. Even if he loses, if he looks strong in defeat, I see no reason for him not to be a perennial main eventer.

Could Barrett be in line to take the MITB Brief Case away from Danial Bryan and ultimately pushing him into the Main Event Spotlight

This all depends on what happens between now and Royal Rumble, IMO. If he hasn't begun his feud with the Undertaker by then, and if Bryan isn't being built up as a true threat, then yes. To me, it's almost like one of these guys will go into WM with the briefcase. It all depends on how the two are pushed.
As always, it's hard to tell whether Wade did something special to get his renewed push, or if it's just his turn. You'll notice the time has also come for Ted DiBiase and Alicia Fox, after a long stretch of acting as "filler" for performers who were being pushed. In both their cases, seemingly out of nowhere, they underwent attitude changes, with both becoming faces....... leading to pushes.

In Wade's case, no face change was apparently needed. As before, he's a refreshingly obnoxious uber-heel with a smooth ring repertoire and a consistently good approach to working a match. He's a guy we love to hate and there's probably a mid-level championship in his near future.
ive posted this on another thread, but i think the barrett barrage was always building up to a rivalry with daniel bryan, possibly at royal rumble or sooner where barrett will win his MITB briefcase off him. this could be a nice way to turn daniel bryan heel after he loses it. personally, ever since wade barrett was on the scene, i loved him. his mic skills are unrivalled. i dont think he will be built up to WM28 to face undertaker, not that soon. i would love wade barrett to be a main eventer on smackdown, even becoming the main heel as the WHC. always thought he was main event material.
Since his marvelous promo work during the "Raw Walk Out" Wade Barrett has been on a roll.

The announcers stated that it was the Resurrection of Wade Barrett.

He's beaten Mr. Money in the Bank Danial Bryan, he recently put down a soon to be released John Morrison, and he was added to a PPV a month or so back for no real reason other than to be on the card.

It seems that Barrett could be on a role and in line for a real major push. He's feuded with the likes of CM Punk and John Cena in the past, and with the right push he could be in line to take on a big WWE star.... His promo work is incredible, his in ring work has improved greatly, and he still has major heat because the fans still hate him

Rumors spread last year that he was suppose to face Undertaker at WM27, but due to being buried in his feud with Cena, then losing control of the Nexus to Punk and being placed into another stable he was put on the back burner. He has held a singles title, only to drop it when the Corre broke apart.

The Undertaker and Chris Jericho are set to make returns soon and work Programs leading into and concluding around WM28

Almost every talent thats faced off against Taker at WM has been able to leverage the push into WM into long term success.

Jericho will return as a face although he was "punted in the skull" by Orton, there no way the fans will hate a returning Jericho. Its Chris Jericho ffs

How do you feel about Barrett returning to take on a bigger role on Smackdown and in the WWE?

What does the future hold for this star?

Do you see him facing off against his former NXT coach Chris Jericho in a program starting around Royal Rumble and ending at WM28?

Is the WWE setting him up to take on the 19-0 Undertaker at WM28?


Could Barrett be in line to take the MITB Brief Case away from Danial Bryan and ultimately pushing him into the Main Event Spotlight
Of course he's going to get a bigger role. He's talented and gets over.

the future is bright, they'll push him, if he gets more over, he gets pushed even more, if he gets more over, he gets pushed more, it's how it works.

I would love to see him get the rub from either Jericho or Taker.

I don't think he'll take the briefcase, but who knows. I don't know what their plans are. Barrett doesn't need the briefcase to get over.
The WWE has done a good job of building Wade back up. This is "Superstar-building 101" right here. Started off with some nice,clean W's over midcarders, then eventually led to wins(Heelish wins of course) over big stars like Sheamus and Orton. Even got him and IWC's new golden boy, Cody Rhodes, a terrific Survivor Series win.

Obviously, I have to give Wade huge credits because he's making this push work. He's legitimately talented on the mic, good performer in the ring, and has that "it" factor as well. No matter how much you push a certain superstar if he doesn't make it work, in the end there's gonna be a specific limit unlike when you give pushes to naturally charismatic superstars, you can potentially turn them into megastars.

-I see Wade being involved in a program with Daniel Bryan for the WHC at Wrestlemania. Have him win the Royal Rumble, then Bryan has the briefcase which could potentially lead to a Triple Threat World Title match(And possibly a showstealer as well)

-Wade vs Undertaker at this year's Wrestlemania is also a nice possibility. A seed was already planted in the past to set this bad boy up but didn't come into fruition back at WM27.

Being involved in a high-profile program with one of the best performers of all-time can do nothing but good and elevate one's career further specially for the guy who's on the right track like Wade.

Same applies for him possibly working with Jericho instead.

An Orton-Barret feud seems to be coming up based on what I've read from the results @RAW, and again that would wonders for his career(Just hopes he doesn't screw up because that can led to him getting de-pushed)

All in all, I like what I've seen from Wade and I'm legitimately glad that he's being built up again. The Barret Barrage continues.

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