The Reigns still wins theory


Not Championship Material
So the theory now is that they will turn "Cena's heir apparent" heel at the biggest show of the year by having Heyman turn on Brock. Okay, I'll play along but just a couple of questions

1. Seriously, how does Heyman help Roman beat Brock that he couldn't do by himself?

2. The guy who beats the guy who beat the streak then becomes a transitional champion??? either losing it to Rollins right after the match or Brock the next night in a rematch or Rollins the next night via cash in. Talk about a waste of Brock putting someone over.

3. What closes the show?
It's wrestlemania the show that ends with the big face overcomes moment. I assume most would say Sting vs. Triple H but what is the payoff, there is absolutely nothing on the line for either guy.
Brock retains. He's already 75% babyface anyway, because Live Crowds suck, but I imagine that Wrestlemania is where Brock swings full babyface.

Brock is going to hold this belt until he retires, hopefully. I'm a massive Reigns guy, but since Brock is sticking around, I'd rather see Reigns in a high midcard feud for a while and Lesnar keeping the belt.
I agree with Lesnar retaining, but there are people banding the theory that Reigns still wins only now as a heel. I just see no logical way that it could work, but am not just outright dismissing it.
No, you're right. There's always a swerve just waiting to happen. Heel Reigns with Heyman fighting against Brock could be a VERY entertaining Summer program. Heyman and Reigns could run amok all over the WWE, Brock still only shows up occasionally, etc. If that scenario happens, I'm completely ok with it. It just feels like without the belt, Brock's occasional appearances feel less special.
I find it absolutely ludicrous that people are saying the ONLY way Reigns wins now is through a heel turn. I am of the opinion that the plan has always been for Reigns to walk away with the belt, whether Lesnar signed or not. I wouldn't be shocked to see Reigns walk away with the belt as technically a "face".

However, I do believe that there is something in the works for Mania. Whether that be a double-turn or a Seth Rollins cash-in, I don't think that match goes down cleanly.

To answer your questions:

1. Something small. Maybe tossing Reigns the title belt or distracting Brock... maybe slapping him?

2. I agree, but I'd rather not wait another six months to see a title defense. Where does Brock winning leave people like Rollins and Reigns? Is it worth it to hurt your two top prospect talents, just to put Lesnar over? I think with a Reigns win, everybody benefits.

3. Personally, I'd be fine with a heel Reigns standing tall over Brock Lesnar with Heyman by his side. That's what is going to make people tune into Raw the next night.
So...why does Reigns have to lose it the next night to Rollins or Lesnar? If they're going to pull a huge move like that with Reigns, it would be idiotic for them to have him lose it so quickly.
I find it absolutely ludicrous that people are saying the ONLY way Reigns wins now is through a heel turn. I am of the opinion that the plan has always been for Reigns to walk away with the belt, whether Lesnar signed or not. I wouldn't be shocked to see Reigns walk away with the belt as technically a "face".

However, I do believe that there is something in the works for Mania. Whether that be a double-turn or a Seth Rollins cash-in, I don't think that match goes down cleanly.

To answer your questions:

1. Something small. Maybe tossing Reigns the title belt or distracting Brock... maybe slapping him?

2. I agree, but I'd rather not wait another six months to see a title defense. Where does Brock winning leave people like Rollins and Reigns? Is it worth it to hurt your two top prospect talents, just to put Lesnar over? I think with a Reigns win, everybody benefits.

3. Personally, I'd be fine with a heel Reigns standing tall over Brock Lesnar with Heyman by his side. That's what is going to make people tune into Raw the next night.

As long as that 6 months is spent building the US and IC titles, it would probably be preferable in my opinion. Basically it would give them 3 top card titles, one of them to be defended more so only on special occasions like the big 4 ppvs.
So...why does Reigns have to lose it the next night to Rollins or Lesnar? If they're going to pull a huge move like that with Reigns, it would be idiotic for them to have him lose it so quickly.

If Reigns turns heel and wins, who does he feud with? It won't be Rollins because he is their top heel after Lesnar. Would they really double up on him beating Lesnar, not a chance. Cena is out either as the new us champ or as a unworthy contender after losing to Rusev.
Bryan is the most likely winner of the IC title, and again they won't go Reigns Bryan again risking more fan backlash.

Who does that leave?

Everything is set up for the WHC to be defended only occasionally. Reigns won'won't be holding it throughout the month.
If Reigns turns heel and wins, who does he feud with? It won't be Rollins because he is their top heel after Lesnar. Would they really double up on him beating Lesnar, not a chance. Cena is out either as the new us champ or as a unworthy contender after losing to Rusev.
Bryan is the most likely winner of the IC title, and again they won't go Reigns Bryan again risking more fan backlash.

Who does that leave?

Everything is set up for the WHC to be defended only occasionally. Reigns won'won't be holding it throughout the month.

It leaves Lesnar. IF, and this is a HUGE if, Reigns goes heel, and aligns with Heyman, and Lesnar swings face, then Heyman could cut a promo that says "My new client really appreciated the schedule set forth by Brock Lesnar, and therefore, the WWEWHC title will only be defended occasionally.
It leaves Lesnar. IF, and this is a HUGE if, Reigns goes heel, and aligns with Heyman, and Lesnar swings face, then Heyman could cut a promo that says "My new client really appreciated the schedule set forth by Brock Lesnar, and therefore, the WWEWHC title will only be defended occasionally.

Thus making Reigns a transitional champion, actually less than just another guy who failed to defend his title even once.
If Reigns turns heel and wins, who does he feud with? It won't be Rollins because he is their top heel after Lesnar. Would they really double up on him beating Lesnar, not a chance. Cena is out either as the new us champ or as a unworthy contender after losing to Rusev.
Bryan is the most likely winner of the IC title, and again they won't go Reigns Bryan again risking more fan backlash.

Who does that leave?

Everything is set up for the WHC to be defended only occasionally. Reigns won'won't be holding it throughout the month.

It's impossible for him to go against DB again? What are the fans going to do? Boo? :eek2: Nooo... Not to a heel... :wtf:

As an internet guy I'm surprised you didn't mention Ziggler. He seems to be a pretty popular face, doesn't he?

Can you guarantee Sheamus is returning as a heel? Nope. If you can, would you please give me the lottery numbers?

How about a man who has history with Heyman and is a top pick to win the Andre Battle Royal: Ryback. Whoever Reigns' potential first feud is should be a filler feud anyways.
I don't care who wins the match as long as Rollins cashes in clean afterwards and leaves the champion. If Lesnar signs the contract they should decide which one out of the two Reigns or Lesnar is more over with the fans and he should be the man that will win the match and be cashed in by Rollins - my pick is Lesnar but I will be fine with Reigns in that spot..
It's impossible for him to go against DB again? What are the fans going to do? Boo? :eek2: Nooo... Not to a heel... :wtf:

As an internet guy I'm surprised you didn't mention Ziggler. He seems to be a pretty popular face, doesn't he?

Can you guarantee Sheamus is returning as a heel? Nope. If you can, would you please give me the lottery numbers?

Every report has Sheamus returning as a heel, even if he didn't he was no where near the title picture when he was injured.

Ziggler will either be IC champ or just failed to win it, how does that make him a viable contender.

Bryan again wouldn't just be about boos, it's risking fans tuning out thus costing the WWE money in the long run. Having Bryan job to Reigns again is just poking an already angered base of fans. Or Reigns loses and is nothing but a transitional champ.
Thus making Reigns a transitional champion, actually less than just another guy who failed to defend his title even once.

How is it transitional? If Reigns wins, he should keep it until Wrestlemania next year at least. Defend it at Summerslam, NoC, the Rumble, and Wrestlemania.
Every report has Sheamus returning as a heel, even if he didn't he was no where near the title picture when he was injured.

I believe everything I read on the internet too. Oh and returning faces often get immediately into high profile feuds.

Ziggler will either be IC champ or just failed to win it, how does that make him a viable contender.

And that would stop him from coming out to Heyman/Reigns' promo why? It's funny. I thought people around here wished the IC Title holder would be closer to a viable contender. Even so, I'd rather have him not be anyway.

Bryan again wouldn't just be about boos, it's risking fans tuning out thus costing the WWE money in the long run. Having Bryan job to Reigns again is just poking an already angered base of fans. Or Reigns loses and is nothing but a transitional champ.

And you're way overthinking here. Not to mention, Reigns as a heel wouldn't likely beat DB clean.

How is it transitional? If Reigns wins, he should keep it until Wrestlemania next year at least. Defend it at Summerslam, NoC, the Rumble, and Wrestlemania.

Not likely. I don't see Rollins losing his cash in.
How is it transitional? If Reigns wins, he should keep it until Wrestlemania next year at least. Defend it at Summerslam, NoC, the Rumble, and Wrestlemania.

So you're suggesting doubling up on Reigns beating Lesnar, can't rule it out but seems unlikely.

This would also means that Rollins would have to fail on his cash in thus setting back the most successful character building WWE has done in quite a while.
I believe everything I read on the internet too. Oh and returning faces often get immediately into high profile feuds.

And that would stop him from coming out to Heyman/Reigns' promo why? It's funny. I thought people around here wished the IC Title holder would be closer to a viable contender. Even so, I'd rather have him not be anyway.

And you're way overthinking here. Not to mention, Reigns as a heel wouldn't likely beat DB clean.

Not likely. I don't see Rollins losing his cash in.

I didn't say I believed everything I read but when every source says the same thing there is usually something to it.

Returning faces used to get pushed into high level feuds, except for Daniel Bryan who was a stripped champion returning from injury, hard to think Sheamus jumps the list if Bryan couldn't

Ziggler would have his own title to defend. Or losing a mid card title attempt somehow propelling him to a WHC shot would be illogical and ridiculous.

Cleanly or not, Bryan lost over and over again even if it wasn't clean losses before WM 30, only to come back and be pushed back down, you think his fans are going to sit through another series of jobs to pimp up Reigns, because I don'don't.
If Reigns turns heel and wins, who does he feud with? It won't be Rollins because he is their top heel after Lesnar. Would they really double up on him beating Lesnar, not a chance. Cena is out either as the new us champ or as a unworthy contender after losing to Rusev.
Bryan is the most likely winner of the IC title, and again they won't go Reigns Bryan again risking more fan backlash.

Why would he turn heel? And why is it when things don't seem to go as planned the obvious answer is "turn him heel"? God if the iWC had it's way, the roster would be full of heels and the only two faces would be Bryan and Ziggler.

Why wouldn't he feud with Rollins, that's money in the bank right there? Fans have been waiting months for him to get his hands on Rollins. There is also the fact that they've already had some great matches together. Both of them worked together for a long time and they know each other well, so Rollins is one of the best guys on the roster to make Reigns look good in the ring.

Everything is set up for the WHC to be defended only occasionally. Reigns won'won't be holding it throughout the month.

How is it set up only to be defended occasionally? Just because Lesnar was champ? I'm assuming that as soon as another roster member gets their hands on it, it will be defended more often.

I just don't get how you build matches and feuds when the title isn't in play. No one wants to watch a tug of war, they want to see a fight. When the champ isn't defending the title you get into the situation we're in now. A major PPV, main event with barely any build towards it. For all of Paul Heyman's promo's wonderful as they were, the most interesting thing and what's built this match up the most is one line. Brock Lesnar on Sportscentre 'I've resigned with the WWE". That's why people are interested now and why it was put out there early.
Why would he turn heel? And why is it when things don't seem to go as planned the obvious answer is "turn him heel"? God if the iWC had it's way, the roster would be full of heels and the only two faces would be Bryan and Ziggler.

Why wouldn't he feud with Rollins, that's money in the bank right there? Fans have been waiting months for him to get his hands on Rollins. There is also the fact that they've already had some great matches together. Both of them worked together for a long time and they know each other well, so Rollins is one of the best guys on the roster to make Reigns look good in the ring.

How is it set up only to be defended occasionally? Just because Lesnar was champ? I'm assuming that as soon as another roster member gets their hands on it, it will be defended more often.

I just don't get how you build matches and feuds when the title isn't in play. No one wants to watch a tug of war, they want to see a fight. When the champ isn't defending the title you get into the situation we're in now. A major PPV, main event with barely any build towards it. For all of Paul Heyman's promo's wonderful as they were, the most interesting thing and what's built this match up the most is one line. Brock Lesnar on Sportscentre 'I've resigned with the WWE". That's why people are interested now and why it was put out there early.

Did you read the first post where I stated this was about the theory that Heyman would be jumping to Reigns? I am in no way suggesting a heel turn for Reigns because it has no where to go. As a face, he can feud with Rollins, Rusev or Wyatt.

The roster right now is perfect for the title to be defended on limited appearances because the top contender list right now is very short, most of the established guys being part timers or putting over young talent at WM. With all of the top names fighting over the IC and US titles, it elevates both titles and the WHC by Proxy because it is harder to get a shot at it.
Did you read the first post where I stated this was about the theory that Heyman would be jumping to Reigns? I am in no way suggesting a heel turn for Reigns because it has no where to go. As a face, he can feud with Rollins, Rusev or Wyatt.

The roster right now is perfect for the title to be defended on limited appearances because the top contender list right now is very short, most of the established guys being part timers or putting over young talent at WM. With all of the top names fighting over the IC and US titles, it elevates both titles and the WHC by Proxy because it is harder to get a shot at it.

I did read it and the only way Heyman should be jumping ship is if Lesnar was leaving. He isn't and he needs Heyman to do his talking for him. I don't see Heyman going over to Reigns side.

And isn't the only reason the top contender's list is short is because of the Lesnar run. Now that someone else like Reigns or Rollins could or should be holding the belt, that free's up a lot of other wrestlers for them to feud with. Let's face it we have most of the upper mid card in one match for the IC title, because what else was there for them to do. When you take a title belt out of the equation, you leave nothing for an entire group to feud for.
I did read it and the only way Heyman should be jumping ship is if Lesnar was leaving. He isn't and he needs Heyman to do his talking for him. I don't see Heyman going over to Reigns side.

And isn't the only reason the top contender's list is short is because of the Lesnar run. Now that someone else like Reigns or Rollins could or should be holding the belt, that free's up a lot of other wrestlers for them to feud with. Let's face it we have most of the upper mid card in one match for the IC title, because what else was there for them to do. When you take a title belt out of the equation, you leave nothing for an entire group to feud for.

There is the IC and US title. 2 belts to headlines ppvs just like when there was a WWE and World heavyweight title.

The rest of what you said just proves the point that someone else holding the belt right now devalues it.
IMO, This will be a interesting Summer. I would actually still have Reigns win at WrestleMania. But this is what I would do at WrestleMania. I would have Roman put Brock down with 2 spears (one knocking the ref down by "accident") and get a kickout at two and then hits one more and Brock kicks out again. So I would have Reigns look pissed at the crowd who will more than likely began booing and then say "screw it...i'm in." Heyman and Reigns both then smirks and Heyman throws Reigns the belt and he hits Lesnar with it and beats him with a chair and spears him one last time. Heyman drags the ref over and 1- 2 -3...Reigns wins to reigning boo's. I would then have Reigns beat him with the chair again and kick him "out of his ring" before spearing him through the barricade and celebrating with Heyman. I would then the next night on Raw I would have Mark Henry confront him and tell him he wanted him to win, but not that way. Roman tells him "old man get out my damn face or else." Henry say's "Or else what." Those two battle at Extreme Rules with Reigns taking out Henry in the process. Reigns while still a heel begins a heel vs. heel feud with Rollins who cashes in at Extreme Rules. At Payback, Reigns get's DQ'ed by continuing to beat Rollins down until ref and superstars pull him off. At MITB, Roman Reigns wins by forfeit but doesn't win the title after Rollins is "unable to compete" resulting from the "injuries" from Payback. At Battleground, Reigns wins the title back and Rollins is left leaving on a stretcher. While that is happening Lesnar returns and beats him up and we get Reigns vs Lesnar II at Summerslam. Reigns beats Lesnar clean at Summerslam and then again at Survivor Series. I would have Heyman start to show remorse for his former beast and get taken out afterwards.Meanwhile at Night Of Champions, and Hell In A Cell Reigns def. Randy Orton to retain. At TLC, Roman Reigns runs into, Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins in a Shield Triple Threat. Dean wins a #1 contenders match against Daniel Bryan and after that match Seth Rollins returns and declares his title rematch. Reigns loses the title but wasn't the one pinned. The Monday after Reigns speaks and say's he wants his title rematch at RR. John Cena then interrupts and say's he has sat back for the past year and watch Reigns turn into a bully. He say's why because of a little boos...welcome to my world. I have been getting booed for my whole career, but I am who I say I am and I love these fans and won't give up on them...even if they give up on me. Reigns goes to walk away, but Cena snatches him back and say's I wasn't finished talking yet. Cena say's whether or not you win the world title back, which I hope like hell you do. I'm taking the World title at WrestleMania, because I am entering the 2016 RR match. Reigns begins to walk away but spears Cena and kicks him out of the ring before spearing him through the barricade. At Royal Rumble, Reigns loses the world title match after taking a minute to look at the kids in the audience booing (if they are) and looking like with a what have I've done look on his face. The champ then rolls him up. Cena makes it to the final 4 in the RR match and is attacked and thrown out by Roman Reigns. Reigns then points to the WrestleMania sign as Cena has a what was that about look on his face. Cena then points at the WrestleMania 32 sign. WrestleMania 32 confirmed as Cena vs. Reigns. Meanwhile Bryan wins the RR match and goes on to face the champ who will be Rollins or Ambrose. We also get Rock vs. Brock... Brock as face, Rock as heel or face vs face, Sting vs. Taker, Wyatt vs. Orton, Triple H vs. either Rollins or Ambrose (depending on who is not champ and they will be a heel.) Anyways, back to the topic. Roman Reigns defeats John Cena at WrestleMania 32 and then post match turns face helping him up and shaking his hand. Cena would then raise his hand up passing the torch. Reigns would then go to hug some fans and celebrate to end the show. Problem solved...have Reigns turn heel and have a dominate year before turning face against Cena at WrestleMania next year.
I did read it and the only way Heyman should be jumping ship is if Lesnar was leaving. He isn't and he needs Heyman to do his talking for him. I don't see Heyman going over to Reigns side.

And isn't the only reason the top contender's list is short is because of the Lesnar run. Now that someone else like Reigns or Rollins could or should be holding the belt, that free's up a lot of other wrestlers for them to feud with. Let's face it we have most of the upper mid card in one match for the IC title, because what else was there for them to do. When you take a title belt out of the equation, you leave nothing for an entire group to feud for.

Yeah, but Lesnar does not need Heyman that much. As seen before when he picks up the mic he can handle his self. He isn't no Rock or CM Punk, but he can sell a story with his mic work. Lesnar doesn't really need to talk much anyways. If he is going face then Heyman needs to work with a heel to get them ready. I say put Heyman with Reigns but slowly make Reigns turn on Heyman but as a heel (not turning face.) Look at my post you will see what I mean
IMO, This will be a interesting Summer. I would actually still have Reigns win at WrestleMania. But this is what I would do at WrestleMania. I would have Roman put Brock down with 2 spears (one knocking the ref down by "accident") and get a kickout at two and then hits one more and Brock kicks out again. So I would have Reigns look pissed at the crowd who will more than likely began booing and then say "screw it...i'm in." Heyman and Reigns both then smirks and Heyman throws Reigns the belt and he hits Lesnar with it and beats him with a chair and spears him one last time. Heyman drags the ref over and 1- 2 -3...Reigns wins to reigning boo's. I would then have Reigns beat him with the chair again and kick him "out of his ring" before spearing him through the barricade and celebrating with Heyman. I would then the next night on Raw I would have Mark Henry confront him and tell him he wanted him to win, but not that way. Roman tells him "old man get out my damn face or else." Henry say's "Or else what." Those two battle at Extreme Rules with Reigns taking out Henry in the process. Reigns while still a heel begins a heel vs. heel feud with Rollins who cashes in at Extreme Rules. At Payback, Reigns get's DQ'ed by continuing to beat Rollins down until ref and superstars pull him off. At MITB, Roman Reigns wins by forfeit but doesn't win the title after Rollins is "unable to compete" resulting from the "injuries" from Payback. At Battleground, Reigns wins the title back and Rollins is left leaving on a stretcher. While that is happening Lesnar returns and beats him up and we get Reigns vs Lesnar II at Summerslam. Reigns beats Lesnar clean at Summerslam and then again at Survivor Series. Meanwhile at Night Of Champions, and Hell In A Cell Reigns def. Randy Orton to retain. At TLC, Roman Reigns runs into, Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins in a Shield Triple Threat. Dean wins a #1 contenders match against Daniel Bryan and after that match Seth Rollins returns and declares his title rematch. Reigns loses the title but wasn't the one pinned. The Monday after Reigns speaks and say's he wants his title rematch at RR. John Cena then interrupts and say's he has sat back for the past year and watch Reigns turn into a bully. He say's why because of a little boos...welcome to my world. I have been getting booed for my whole career, but I am who I say I am and I love these fans and won't give up on them...even if they give up on me. Reigns goes to walk away, but Cena snatches him back and say's I wasn't finished talking yet. Cena say's whether or not you win the world title back, which I hope like hell you do. I'm taking the World title at WrestleMania, because I am entering the 2016 RR match. Reigns begins to walk away but spears Cena and kicks him out of the ring before spearing him through the barricade. At Royal Rumble, Reigns loses the world title match after taking a minute to look at the kids in the audience booing (if they are) and looking like with a what have I've done look on his face. The champ then rolls him up. Cena makes it to the final 4 in the RR match and is attacked and thrown out by Roman Reigns. Reigns then points to the WrestleMania sign as Cena has a what was that about look on his face. Cena then points at the WrestleMania 32 sign. WrestleMania 32 confirmed as Cena vs. Reigns. Meanwhile Bryan wins the RR match and goes on to face the champ who will be Rollins or Ambrose. We also get Rock vs. Brock... Brock as face, Rock as heel or face vs face, Sting vs. Taker, Wyatt vs. Orton, Triple H vs. either Rollins or Ambrose (depending on who is not champ and they will be a heel.) Anyways, back to the topic. Roman Reigns defeats John Cena at WrestleMania 32 and then post match turns face helping him up and shaking his hand. Cena would then raise his hand up passing the torch. Reigns would then go to hug some fans and celebrate to end the show. Problem solved...have Reigns turn heel and have a dominate year before turning face against Cena at WrestleMania next year.

Holy unreadable block of text, Batman.

I can say Henry is the first suggestion of an opponent for heel Reigns that makes some sense based on their recent history, but a year's worth of fantasy booking is more than I can even consider right now especially how quickly things change due to fan reaction and injuries.

Of course I don't think the WWE should have anything set in stone a year out either, but should plan quarterly with overall arcing reviewed biannual, assuming no major injuries derail their current arc.
Seriously, how does Heyman help Roman beat Brock that he couldn't do by himself?

The same way Lana helped Rusev go over John Cena......create a distraction. For that matter, they could use the same Heyman-fueled tactic to help Brock go over Roman.....not that he needs it.

The guy who beats the guy who beat the streak then becomes a transitional champion???

Could be, yes. So much depends on what the WWE braintrust truly thinks of Roman Reigns. Even if they've decided he isn't ready to represent the company as world champion, Roman can still win the title and drop it 45 seconds later, heaven help us.

Either way, since ol' Brockie is sticking around, I'll all for him dropping the belt, either to Reigns or to an MITB cash-in. Let Brock chase the title for awhile; WWE now has this option since a new contract has been signed. Personally, my preference is to see Roman Reigns win the belt, Seth Rollins try to cash-in and fail.......and Brock turn face and make more appearances than he did in the past couple years.

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