The Ref Putting On Gloves Tonight?


Championship Contender
The opening match tonight between Jericho and Kane caught my eye for something odd, the ref was putting gloves on? I usually don't pay attention to the ref but I was startled as to why he was. Don't refs usually not wear gloves? And they were like latex gloves?

So why was he? Is it just this referee? Or is this protocol in some situation like the X?

Mods feel free to move it if it needs to be moved
Probably is protocol for referees to now put on gloves when they see a wrestler bleeding. Somewhere in the middle of the match you could see that Jericho was cut somewhere. As a safety precaution in the WWE I believe, whenever they see blood, they put on gloves to protect themselves.
Probably is protocol for referees to now put on gloves when they see a wrestler bleeding. Somewhere in the middle of the match you could see that Jericho was cut somewhere. As a safety precaution in the WWE I believe, whenever they see blood, they put on gloves to protect themselves.

Thank you, I didn't see anyone bleed I just saw the ref putting on gloves randomly :) rep for you for the answer
As was said, it's probably protocol in case a wrestler is bleeding or is suspected of bleeding. Chris Jericho was cut open during his match against Kane last night underneath his chin and needed 5 stitches. As you would imagine, the doctor who stitched him up was almost certainly wearing gloves, so the refs having gloves to help a wrestler legitimately injured via being cut open is natural.

Wrestlers in WWE don't blade anymore and it has more to do with safety rather than being PG. As we all learned in health class during freshman year in high school, blood is an excellent means of transmitting diseases and infections. Devon Nicholson catching Hepatitis from Abdullah the Butcher, who didn't reveal his status as having Hepatitis, after bleeding all over him. Pro wrestlers can be some of the biggest man ****es on the planet, some of 'em will sleep with anything that remotely looks female, so it's a precaution that's really not unreasonable when you think about it.
Refs have been putting gloves on at the sight of blood since the PG era started, basically. The first time I really noticed it was during the CM Punk/Jerry Lawler match. Punk got cut after a spot where he's thrown into the steel cage, and Charles Robinson instantly threw the gloves on. Apparently he was fined for not stopping the match to get Punk cleaned up.

There is a bit of a line drawn though. If it's a minor cut, the refs usually leave it alone or use a spot in the match to pull the doc in and towel him off quickly (Like the Punk match or, in a couple instances, matches with Roman Reigns).

It also partially depends on the superstar involved. Brock Lesnar was cut badly during his brawl with Triple H early this year, but the refs/docs didn't even try to approach him until he was backstage. He probably would have ripped their heads off if they tried to interrupt his segment.

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