The Rebirth of ECW

The Other Hardy Brother

Occasional Pre-Show

Vince McMahon was watching some old Raw footage one evening in his home and heard a loud ECW chant in the background of the broadcast. It brought forth an idea. Maybe he should give Paul Heyman a call. After speaking with Heyman on the phone for a little over an hour they agreed to give ECW one final chance. The fan interest was still there the people still chanted ECW's name at WWE and TNA shows all over the world. Vince and Paul were convinced ECW could live forever with Vince's funding and Paul's creative genius. Vince was concerned ECW wouldn't be as successful without the former stars that made it what it was so Paul suggested to him to call some of the former men who made ECW successful including the ones in TNA and see if they could get out of their contracts. He did and he was successful. Talents like RVD, Tommy Dreamer, Rhyno, and the Dudley Boyz jumped ship after asking for their releases. Dixie Carter was reluctant to give it to them at first but Hogan suggested to her to let them go instead of risking a low morale in the locker room. So everything was set for the new ECW to be successful. Paul Heyman came out to a huge ovation on Raw and announced the return of ECW on Thursday nights at 8 pm taking Superstars place. Superstars would now air at 9 on after ECW. Paul told the fans ECW would be a mix of the stars that made it successful as well as the stars of the future. The Rebirth of ECW was set to return.

ECW Episode 1 8 P.M WGN Network The ECW Arena in South Philly.

The show began with Paul Heyman in the ring with the ECW Championship in hand. He asked for Rhyno to come down to the ring.


Paul Heyman: I believe this belongs to you.

Paul hands the ECW title belt to Rhyno and the crowd cheers wildly for the last original ECW Champion.

Paul Heyman: However, I do expect you to defend this title tonight. The good news is I'm gonna let you pick your opponent.


Chris Jericho comes out to a huge ovation. He slaps a few fans hands on the way down the ramp and takes a microphone.

Chris Jericho: Ya know Rhyno I was the first ever Undisputed Champion, I'm a former WCW Champion, a former WWE Champion, a former World Heavyweight Champion, and I've been Intercontinental Champion more times than anyone. But the one title that has eluded me is the ECW Championship. Let me face you tonight.

Rhyno: Ok Chris your on!

Rhyno sticks his hand out for Chris to shake it and he does but when Chris goes to walk away Rhyno pulls him in and hits him with a Gore! Rhyno then holds the ECW title up high as we go to commercial.

When we come back Joel Gertner is in the ring with the introductions.

Joel Gertner: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is a Three Way Tag Team Dance for the ECW Tag Team Championships, and it is of course contested under Extreme Rules.


Joel Gertner: Making their way to the ring from Dudleyville, Bubba Ray and D-Von the Dudley Boyz!


Joel Gertner: and their opponents first, being accompanied by Bill Alfonso Rob Van Dam, and the Suicidal, Homicidal, Genocidal, Death Defying Sabu!


Joel Gertner: Finally being accompanied by Beulah, Tommy Dreamer and the Sandman!

ECW World Tag Team Championships
The Dudley Boyz vs RVD & Sabu vs Tommy Dreamer & Sandman

Everyone starts brawling in the ring and soon out of it. Bubba is fighting with Rob Van Dam. Devon is fighting with Tommy and Sabu is fighting with Sandman. Sandman cracked Sabu over the head with his cane and busted him open. Bubba took a chair from a fan and cracked it over RVD's head. Tommy drags Devon over to the guard rail and dropped him crotch first onto the rail then he took a beer from a fan, took a big drink and spit it in Devon's face. Bubba slid RVD into the ring and went for a cover but RVD kicked out at two. Bubba went to irish whip RVD into the ropes but RVD countered. He then ducked down for a backdrop but Bubba stopped and hit him with a DDT. He went for another cover but Sabu broke it up with a springboard leg drop. Sandman and Dreamer are both in the ring now and both have canes in hand. They start caning everyone in the match then Sandman hits the White Russian Leg Sweep on Sabu and Tommy places the cane under Bubba's crotch and hits him with a Pumphandle Slam. Devon is back in the ring now and he and RVD take down both Sandman and Dreamer before going after each other. RVD scoop slams Devon then hits him with Rolling Thunder and covers him for two. RVD goes under the ring and grabs a trash can and throws it in the ring. He also throws in a chair, a stop sign, and sets up a table on the outside. When he comes in the ring Bubba hits him with the stop sign. Bubba and Devon then 3D Sabu on the trash can. Bubba covers him but Sandman breaks it up. Dreamer clotheslines Bubba over the top rope then hits the Dreamer DDT on Devon. Sabu throws the chair at Tommy's head taking him out. RVD is on the outside and sets Bubba up on the table. He then climbs the turnbuckles and hits the Five Star Frog Splash on Bubba through the table!!! The crowd chants Holy Shit followed by ECW. Sabu grabs the chair and heads up top and hits the Arabian Facebuster on Sandman for the three count.

Winners and new ECW Tag Team Champions RVD & Sabu!


Joel Gertner: It is now time for the main event of the evening. The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the ECW Championship. Making his way to the ring from Winnipeg Manitoba Canada, weighing in at 226 pounds, Chris Jericho!


Joel Gertner: and his opponent, from Detroit Michigan, weighing in at 270 pounds, the ECW Champion, The War Machine, the Man Beast Rhyno!

The crowd gives a mixed reaction for Rhyno after the cheap shot on Jericho earlier tonight.

ECW World Heavyweight Championship
Chris Jericho vs Rhyno (c)

Rhyno and Jericho start the match off with right hands. Jericho has the upper hand at first till Rhyno kicks him in the midsection. Jericho's ribs are taped from the Gore he took earlier and Joey Styles put over that Jericho was told he had broken ribs in the locker room and was advised not to compete tonight but did so anyway. Rhyno has the advantage now and is working on the ribs of Jericho. He has him in an abdominal stretch. Jericho counters with a hip toss and drops to his knees holding his ribs. He slides under the bottom rope and grabs a steel chair. He throws it into the ring and climbs back in but Rhyno grabbed the chair and is now using it on the ribs of Jericho. Jericho is in sever pain now and Rhyno is in the corner setting up for a Gore. He charges Jericho but Jericho counters with the Codebreaker! He covers him and Rhyno kicks out at two. Jericho gets to his feet and rolls Rhyno onto his stomach and into the Walls of Jericho. Rhyno gets to the ropes though. Jericho pulls Rhyno to his feet and attempts a bulldog but Rhyno counters with a suplex. He goes under the ring and grabs a table. Rhyno sets it up in the ring and lifts Jericho up into the air for a powerbomb. He is gonna power bomb him though the table. Jericho counters though and rolls Rhyno up with a sunset flip, which transitions into the Walls of Jericho. Rhyno uses his leg strength to power out. Jericho gets to his feet and charges Rhyno who catches him and hits him with a spinebuster through the table! He then goes to the corner and Gores Jericho breaking him in half! He goes for the cover and gets the three count!

Winner and still ECW Champion: Rhyno!

Rhyno celebrates with the title and Jericho holds his ribs in pain. Rhyno looks on with a sinister look and gores Jericho again! He holds up his title as we go off the air...
Another thread by you, after not doing a show in the other one. Allow me to say this, making thread after thread isn't going to be a good thing. Soon nobody will want to read, and you'll be writing for with no views. Sticking with one thread is a key, building storyline, and what not. Stay with this thread, don't make anymore. Then the show had two matches, I understand it is ECW, but they had more than two. Do three, maybe four matches not two. In the end having two matches will only hurt this Book This. Also, you had little to no backstage promo time, why? ECW had it, they had some really well done backstage stuff. You need to have promos by the wrestlers to make this work. Finally, where is the roster, so I know who is on the show? It's a very simple thing, why did you leave it off?
Another thread by you, after not doing a show in the other one. Allow me to say this, making thread after thread isn't going to be a good thing. Soon nobody will want to read, and you'll be writing for with no views. Sticking with one thread is a key, building storyline, and what not. Stay with this thread, don't make anymore. Then the show had two matches, I understand it is ECW, but they had more than two. Do three, maybe four matches not two. In the end having two matches will only hurt this Book This. Also, you had little to no backstage promo time, why? ECW had it, they had some really well done backstage stuff. You need to have promos by the wrestlers to make this work. Finally, where is the roster, so I know who is on the show? It's a very simple thing, why did you leave it off?

I had no interest in doing that one once I got the idea for this one. I wouldn't have been motivated to continue that one thus I wouldn't have put the effort in. Who would wanna read that? I put two matches on this show because its only supposed to be an hour long show and I wanted both title matches to be long. Thus if you factor in commercials and other things the opening promo ect it would have ended up an hour. Finally, I plan on putting an official roster page up in the BT lounge once I've introduced everyone on my roster so just be patient.

BTW the reason I didn't post in threads in the past is because until now my internet has been up and down. Now that I have internet back I wanted to start a thread and at first went with the original one about Benoit but after realizing that would be hard as hell as well as way too controversial considering the circumstances. Coupled with this ECW revival idea this was the way to go. Be patient this is gonna be around awhile unless I lose my internet again which hopefully won't happen.

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