The Reason Why I am NOT a Fan of Jeff Hardy


Pre-Show Stalwart
I had been a fan of Jeff until 2009, I always argued that Jeff is a great risk-taker but not a great technician, a performer but not a wrestler this garners some hate from some fans but I indeed support it with facts which I will today. I have two matches that are proof that Jeff Hardy isn't the best worker and the reason I dislike him now as a fan. As a person I am kind of the fence with him, a former WWE creative member on Youtube who I forget the account name of mentioned how much of a nicer person Jeff is compared to Matt. The imfamous " drugged Jeff Hardy rant on CM Punk" video kind of changed my whole perspective of Jeff until I read the comments and even got to PM the former creative team member.

Before I continue I do not intend to come as a generic smark{ although I most likely will} nor do I mean to disrespect your favorite performer as I was once a fan of his, his personal life and drug use does not affect my opinion at all, I'm 17, I go to highschool school and get along with potheads so I don't act like an elitist around them like most people in society do.

I'm sorry to waste your time with two paragraphs, those were to just cover my ass before I get verbally owned by some member, here is the vid-

Not only does Jeff get tired in less than 5 minutes when a talented Japanese wrestler is wrestling the AMERICAN style better than him he BOTCHES two spots you learn on the FIRST DAY OF WRESTLING SCHOOL.

That is why I am not a fan of Jeff Hardy, he's a horrible wrestler but from what I've heard learned and know about him he's a very mellow nice guy and he went from his backyard to a sports
entertainment icon, tag team and TLC staple.

!I do not mean to offend anyone here!
So, you don't like him because he botched a couple of spots in a match? Everyone botches! These things happen, I don't understand why that is the reason you're not a fan of his? Come on now son, what's the real story?
he is a decent wrestler but i think he was pushed way too far dont think he was a main-eventer. the only reason he was pushed i think is because he out shun matt hardy so much in the tag matches and got bigger pops then matt did.jeff is a top ic champ ha thats all enjoy jeff hardy fans
He is a decent preformer but his moves get boring after a while. He was one of the most over superstars in WWE 2 years ago but that does not excuse him from lackluster ring work. But he is jeff hardy A big name wherver he goes.
my favorite Jeff Hardy reception of all time. I have to have the video private because youtube keeps taking it down lol:


Jeff Hardy IMO was never more than a average in ring guy who did some flippy shit and sold for his opponents well. i really despised him around 2002-03 when every freakin week (no exaggeration at all) he fought for a belt or a number one contenders spot. he would lose and the next week be right back where he was! the pinnacle was when he got to fight Taker for the belt on RAW for no reason in a ladder match...good match though but too late, i didnt care. he just got handed shot after shot and #1 spot over and over for literally months. I never recovered from that over-saturation.

all that being said, Warrior was godlike to me as a kid so wtf do i know lol
I'm not a fan, because of his lifestyle, and the way he's going to hurt wrestling's image when he finally kills himself first or 2nd hand.

As far as a performer, he was much better before being pushed, watching his old school matches before he was a big name, you can tell he tried his heart out. When Matt Hardy and him had to work for their spot they put in all their hearts. It pains me to all hell that they both throw away their careers once they made it, because they loved drugs more than the business.

I hate any story that begins from heart, hardwork and talent, and ends in Beer, blood, and drugs.

Until him and his brother go through rehab/detox, I will not support or back them as performers.
The main reason I'm not a Jeff Hardy fan has nothing at all to do with the drug issues. While I do believe he should've been fired for his actions, my opinion of Jeff has never changed throughout the years. He's nothing more than a mediocre tag team wrestler who was pushed b/c he takes insane risks. If not for that, no one would care about Jeff Hardy. It certainly isn't b/c of his overwhelming mic skills or awesome 5 star matches. Ironic considering his nickname is the "Charismatic Enigma".

I know my opinion isn't popular, but I've honestly never seen anything special in the guy. And certainly not anything that warrants the major pushes the guy has received over the years. A trained monkey could do those spots, and probably not mess up as much. I did enjoy his roles in the tag division and mid card, but in the main events he's about as boring as a wrestler could be.
This is nice to know and all, but why did you make this a thread? What did you expect us to say? Are we supposed to argue and try to convince you to be a fan, or are we supposed to agree and say our reasons? I don't know what you want me to do but I'm going to state the fact that regardless of what we think about Jeff, he is a big draw who every wrestling promoter would want to cash in on. He may not have any mic skills, but he's more over than 99% of the wrestlers in WWE and TNA, which is a true testament to how talented he is. He was more over than Cena in 2009 with less than half the mic time Cena had that year. You people want to call him a spot monkey but he doesn't need a big spot to be over, he just brings his great storytelling and his one of a kind athletic ability. Look at his match vs. Orton at RR 08, or his title matches with Triple H later that year. No spots, yet great matches
Jeff Hardy is big time over with fans. It's something that some people just have to realise. John Cena is over, Sting is over.. can they go in the ring? Some say yes, some say no. Some say they suck, some say they are too old, some say they are drug addicts. Hell Eddie Guerrero was one of the biggest going and died from it but he is an IWC God.

I'm happy about the title of this thread why the OP isn't a fan. That's great good for you champ, but there are millions more that are. Hardy although is sloppy in the ring, isn't built like Arnie and is horrible on the mic HAS a huge following. He is over get over it.

Next topic.
Jeff Hardy is a worthless piece of garbage. Week in week out month after month E and C buried the Hardy Boys. They out performed them out mic'ed them and out classed them in every sense of the word. How Jeff Hardy got a push as a "main eventer" is beyond me. Sure he took risks but that doesnt make you a all time great and someone that should be treasured like people do today. There is a reason why he is buried in TNA hell and not holding a piece of gold in the WWE. HES GARBAGE.
The reason you probably hate Jeff Hardy is because your a bitter son of a bitch and cant stand to see a drug addict get another shot, hes a good wrestler and the guy deserves another shot, the hardy boys are one of the most memorable tag teams in history and done a lot for tag team wrestling. He knows he fucked up and has admited that so why oh why does he deserve to get constantly hated on by the IWC.

In my eyes if someone fucks up and knows they done wrong and is actually sincere in his apologies then he deserves some gratitude, it takes a real man to admit when hes wrong and try to fix it. If he screws up again then fair enough tear the guy to shit but atleast give the guy a chance to mend his mistakes. He has a following and i must say im not the biggest Hardy fan but the past is the past and he is currently looking to the future.
Jeff's last hurrah for me personally was his final WWE face run. I thought he was good there and even came somewhat alive on the talkie. But I didn't like his TNA heel run much at all. And he's a perpetual screw up and lifetime addict.

I do feel sorry for him in that sense. But from a product and fan pov, he's just not someone I care to see out there anymore. He's seemingly destined for tragedy and I'd really rather not see someone else possibly harmed as well.
Im very mixed on the Hardies in general (Im aware this thread is about Jeff I will get there I promise). Matt is a pain in the ass, everyone knows it is the case there are many many reports around of him being difficult backstage and added to that is the fact he really is no better than average in the ring. Now stood next to him is his brother, by all accounts a much nicer guy, v easy going and in ring wise a miles better performer. Out of the two of them who would you push? Its Jeff everytime. I think what happened was he got pushed too far, maybe he never has been a M.E. performer, but a large section of fans like him and the WWE for one responded to that. I dont hate Jeff Hardy Im just disappointed that a guy, who was probably heading for mid-card on ability, got the opportunity to hit the big time and messed it up in very selfish ways.
I've never been a fan of Jeff Hardy's...since the first time I watched the Hardy Boys wrestle, I never understood the appeal. Sure, they had huge bumps and spots in ladder matches, but so what? What about guys like Shawn Michaels who had 5 star matches + those huge bumps? What about Foley, who took bigger bumps than they did? What about the cruiserweights in WCW that wrestled roughly the same style, were tons more entertaining, but didn't take the big bumps? The Hardys were just second rate.

Jeff has always been a sloppy, lethargic, uninteresting wrestler in my opinion. It always drove me nuts that (the same as Konnan) they wore the baggy pants to the ring. Now, I know it's supposed to be his "gimmick" and whatnot, but it just made him all the more sloppy. As with Konnan, it just seemed that they were doing stuff in slow motion because they couldn't keep their wardrobe up. Have you ever seen Konnan get eliminated in a battle royal? It's embarrassing...he goes over the top rope, sits on the apron, and then hops down. I remember seeing Hardy do it too...and yes, I just put someone fans love in the same category as Konnan from WCW...not a good thing.

Last, his drug issues make me sick. How can anyone who allegedly "loves the business" and is a "big name" show up for a match intoxicated? You not only screwed yourself, but you screwed the fans, and I think you insulted one of the greatest legends in the business in Sting. It's's pathetic, and what's worse is that TNA didn't fire him, but they did Matt. Why? Because Jeff has so much "star power?" Honestly, it made me lose respect for TNA and I think, just from reading other fan's posts on this forum, it did for a lot of other people. I'm all for giving guys a second chance, but c'mon...did he really learn anything? I doubt it.
I've never been a fan of Jeff Hardy's...since the first time I watched the Hardy Boys wrestle, I never understood the appeal. Sure, they had huge bumps and spots in ladder matches, but so what? What about guys like Shawn Michaels who had 5 star matches + those huge bumps? What about Foley, who took bigger bumps than they did? What about the cruiserweights in WCW that wrestled roughly the same style, were tons more entertaining, but didn't take the big bumps? The Hardys were just second rate.

Jeff has always been a sloppy, lethargic, uninteresting wrestler in my opinion. It always drove me nuts that (the same as Konnan) they wore the baggy pants to the ring. Now, I know it's supposed to be his "gimmick" and whatnot, but it just made him all the more sloppy. As with Konnan, it just seemed that they were doing stuff in slow motion because they couldn't keep their wardrobe up. Have you ever seen Konnan get eliminated in a battle royal? It's embarrassing...he goes over the top rope, sits on the apron, and then hops down. I remember seeing Hardy do it too...and yes, I just put someone fans love in the same category as Konnan from WCW...not a good thing.

Last, his drug issues make me sick. How can anyone who allegedly "loves the business" and is a "big name" show up for a match intoxicated? You not only screwed yourself, but you screwed the fans, and I think you insulted one of the greatest legends in the business in Sting. It's's pathetic, and what's worse is that TNA didn't fire him, but they did Matt. Why? Because Jeff has so much "star power?" Honestly, it made me lose respect for TNA and I think, just from reading other fan's posts on this forum, it did for a lot of other people. I'm all for giving guys a second chance, but c'mon...did he really learn anything? I doubt it.


I constantly find the hypocrisy of the IWC amazing!

You blast Jeff for his drug use. Guess what, heaps of wrestlers have drug issues. Why do you think there are so many wrestlers over the years, under the age of 50, who have dropped dead? Also, you say that Jeff showed up to an event intoxicated. Well, do you know why Eddie Guerrero didn't appear for WWE between mid-2001 and mid-2002? Because he was in rehab, after showing up to a WWE event "in no condition to perform". Do you hate on Eddie, though, or is he different , because he can talk on the mike.

I will make a bet with the IWC. If Jeff Hardy ever dies from drug use (and I hope he doesn't), I bet that a lot of people hating on him now, will be the same hypocrites who will say that they always loved him, and thought that he was a great wrestler.

Also, do you hate on your favourite rock band, because, more likely than not, they use drugs. In fact, the rock industry disgustingly brag about using drugs, but they get a free pass, because people enjoy the music they produce in their drug-addled haze.

I am not defending drug-use, but just saying that you need to be consistent. Either you damn ALL users of drugs, even your favourite wrestlers if need be, or shut your judgemental mouth. You choice!
A lot of you call Jeff Hardy, John Morrison or RVD "spot monkeys", in a dirisive way. Well, then , how come you don't also damn wrestlers from ROH or All-Japan, when they have heaps of wrestlers who flip off ropes all the time.

You bag Hardy, yet praise someone like an A.J. Styles, who does high-flying stunts, especially in their earlier days.

Also, you never minded RVD when he was in ECW. But are only pissed off now with him, because he "sold out" to WWE and TNA.

I constantly find the hypocrisy of the IWC amazing!

You blast Jeff for his drug use. Guess what, heaps of wrestlers have drug issues. Why do you think there are so many wrestlers over the years, under the age of 50, who have dropped dead? Also, you say that Jeff showed up to an event intoxicated. Well, do you know why Eddie Guerrero didn't appear for WWE between mid-2001 and mid-2002? Because he was in rehab, after showing up to a WWE event "in no condition to perform". Do you hate on Eddie, though, or is he different , because he can talk on the mike.

I will make a bet with the IWC. If Jeff Hardy ever dies from drug use (and I hope he doesn't), I bet that a lot of people hating on him now, will be the same hypocrites who will say that they always loved him, and thought that he was a great wrestler.

Also, do you hate on your favourite rock band, because, more likely than not, they use drugs. In fact, the rock industry disgustingly brag about using drugs, but they get a free pass, because people enjoy the music they produce in their drug-addled haze.

I am not defending drug-use, but just saying that you need to be consistent. Either you damn ALL users of drugs, even your favourite wrestlers if need be, or shut your judgemental mouth. You choice!

Where in the world did you bring Eddie Guerrero into it? And actually, I don't like Eddie Guerrero. He was like Rey Mysterio and Benoit in my book...great in-ring talent, but just shoved down my throat. I hated it. By the way, the topic is about Jeff Hardy, not Eddie Guerrero.

I don't listen to rock music and I don't do drugs. Judgmental? I don't think so. I referenced Shawn Michaels. I think if you've watched "Heartbreak and Triumph" you'll know that he was once a drug addict, but he reformed himself. Sting is the same way. I was saying it's part of why I can't stand Jeff Hardy...well both Hardys really. How many times has Jeff been in trouble for drug use? He was arguably at his peak at one point and took time off for "burn out" and drug use. Failed two more drug tests in WWE and then his stunt in TNA? It's disgusting. If Jeff were to clean up his act, I still would not care to watch his matches. So, I fail to see how that's hypocritical. His drug use only fuels why I can't stand him. (The body paint doesn't help either)
I freakin' love these arguments that don't actually identify anyone and what they actually said. My assault on your post doesn't mean that I support the make-believe position you are espousing, it is merely a multi-pronged assault on the poor logic of your post.
A lot of you call Jeff Hardy, John Morrison or RVD "spot monkeys", in a dirisive way. Well, then , how come you don't also damn wrestlers from ROH or All-Japan, when they have heaps of wrestlers who flip off ropes all the time.
I haven't heard Hardy or RVD called that in quite a while, because they've lost the speed and agility that would qualify them as "spot monkeys". Can we identify the "lot of you", or is this a position pinned to a nameless majority which cannot defend itself by virtue of its nonexistence?

People aren't calling All-Japan or ROH wrestlers spotmonkeys because hardly anyone watches the two promotions. You have to be something worth talking about before people start talking about you. Seriously, what percentage of this board could identify Rhett Titus without being told who he is? 10%, 20% maybe?
d_henderson1810 said:
You bag Hardy, yet praise someone like an A.J. Styles, who does high-flying stunts, especially in their earlier days.
This, again, is assuming people are attacking Hardy based solely on the expression of his professional wrestling offense, when people here who are attacking Jeff Hardy are doing it on the basis of his very public drug problems which caused damage to a promotion which has a cult-like following amongst some of its fanbase. If AJ Styles ever stumbles into an arena for the main event of a pay-per-view unable to compete, months after police raid his house and find a small pharmacy, we might start hearing some heat on him too.
d_henderson1810 said:
Also, you never minded RVD when he was in ECW. But are only pissed off now with him, because he "sold out" to WWE and TNA.
ECW was a regional promotion with about one year of glory, in the early days of the internet before video on demand. People didn't "never mind" RVD during ECW, they only knew who he was by reading him name in the results of professional wrestling newsletters. If you weren't living in the northeast at the time, and didn't see ECW on TNN (like the rest of the world), you wouldn't have had even the chance to see him. Should we be talking about how people "never minded" Phil Shatter when he was the NWA champion? ECW is remembered fondly, which is why years later people have blown it up to be far larger than it was.

Want a comparison? ROH today is a bigger company than ECW was throughout the '90's. Did everyone "never mind" Austin Aries and Nigel McGuinness?
The reason you probably hate Jeff Hardy is because your a bitter son of a bitch and cant stand to see a drug addict get another shot, hes a good wrestler and the guy deserves another shot, the hardy boys are one of the most memorable tag teams in history and done a lot for tag team wrestling. He knows he fucked up and has admited that so why oh why does he deserve to get constantly hated on by the IWC.

I don't think it has anything at all to do with Jeff's drug use. It has more to do with him making bad choices and NOT being punished for it. Any other wrestler in TNA would've been fired for screwing up a live PPV on the spot. Everyone deserves second chances, especially in wrestling, but they have to answer for their actions. If TNA doesn't hold Jeff Hardy accountable for his bad choices. then what message does that send to other screwups in WWE? Or how about morale among TNA originals and guys who helped establish TNA? Just b/c the Hardy Boyz were a memorable tag team and done alot for wrestling doesn't excuse their unprofessional behavior. It's comparable IMO to any other job, if you mess up, then you are punished. Does that mean you should never get a second chance? No, but punishing individuals sometimes gives them a wake up call and forces them to re-examine their decisions. Matt Hardy was fired from TNA for a DWI, so why wasn't Jeff fired for being impaired live on a PPV? To me, screwing up in front of the camera is far worse than behind the scenes. Why? B/c doing so live effects PPV buyrates and tickets sales to events. No matter how you justify it, he should've been fired, plain and simple. Getting a second chance is one thing, but being allowed to do whatever he wants with no recourse isn't sending out a positive message at all.

In my eyes if someone fucks up and knows they done wrong and is actually sincere in his apologies then he deserves some gratitude, it takes a real man to admit when hes wrong and try to fix it. If he screws up again then fair enough tear the guy to shit but atleast give the guy a chance to mend his mistakes. He has a following and i must say im not the biggest Hardy fan but the past is the past and he is currently looking to the future.

Again, not getting second chances and being held accountable for your actions are two seperate issues. I do agree everyone should get a second chance, but not allowed to reek havoc on the moral of TNA or affect other ppl's livelyhood. By doing what he did, it affected everyone who made TNA the company it is, as well as the investment TNA has in him and shit on the position they put him in. Having a 1:30 minute match doesn't strike me as adding prestige to either the TNA World Title or making TNA as a whole look like a credible wrestling company.

I realize being a fan of someone means you place them on a certain pedestal, but you can't ignore the obvious. If you make a mistake, you gotta answer for it and accept the consequences. No consequences equals no incentive to stay out of trouble. So, I think he'll screw up again, it's only a matter of time. With no Wellness Policy and not setting rules fairly for Jeff means he'll never take what he does seriously. I hope I'm wrong on the issue, but with his pattern of behavior, I have no reason to believe otherwise.
These anti-Jeff Hardy posts are about as useless and pointless as the anti-Cena or anti-Orton threads. All three are standout personalities who are good at being what they are. If people don't like them, don't watch them. That simple. I think I posted my entire opinion of Jeff Hardy in the "Humbling Jeff Hardy" topic and don't want to keep doing so. There's nothing more left to say.
he is a decent wrestler but i think he was pushed way too far dont think he was a main-eventer. the only reason he was pushed i think is because he out shun matt hardy so much in the tag matches and got bigger pops then matt did.jeff is a top ic champ ha thats all enjoy jeff hardy fans

I agree with you that he was pushed way too far but I also think he could be a main eventer. My opinion (or however you spell it) is that Jeff Hardy should have been pushed to be a great X-Division champion first which would help him get more in shape because you have to be to wrestle in the X-Division. So I think he could be a great X-Division champion for a while to help him get his speed and stamina back and then while he is wrestling the X-Division let him also start training on being a main eventer since he could be a great X-Division champ easy as long as he gets in shape. Then his trainer (That Impact Wrestling CHOOSES) says he is ready to be a main eventer have a story line where he gradually starts going into the World Title Picture by having him beat a top World Title contender. This is my opinion so don't get all mad at me for it.
I've been a fan of the Hardy's ever since the WWF days of TLC and Tag Team ladder matches, I think i've seen the first tag team ladder match between E&C and the Hardys like 500 times, I've always like Edge and Christian too, but there was just something about Matt and Jeff that got me riled up, even though I was like 10 or 11 years old at the time, I still have a lot of respect for what the Hardys and E&C did to revolutionize the ladder match, people say the Ladder match between HBK and Razor Ramon made the ladder match, but those late 90's early 2000's including E&C and the Hardys are some of the greatest gimmick wrestling matches of all time.

As people though, the Hardys need to get a grasp of their drug and alcohol problems, because Jeff could be bigger than Cena, and Matt could be in the main event (maybe not winning) but he would be there, just because of how over they are.
ok bash me, but heres the truth. tna sucks. its has beens and nobodies, really, i love how ppl say "oh so and so would be main event in wwe in a couple months", really, every one of tna "superstars" suck. really. old wwe guys go there for a buck and easier travel. thats it. not one, not one, could do shit in wwe. bfg matches? who cares? like really, they cant talk, they can suplex, wow, well done. everything tna has is nothing, nothing compared to wwe, not one of them could mic it with...lets say the bellas, theres a reason they are on raw and not impact, i love how ppl say samoa joe on wwe would matter, really? hes superstars tops, fat guy, fuck him, i wont buy the rise and fall of tna, just watch it on here streamed free
ok bash me, but heres the truth. tna sucks. its has beens and nobodies, really, i love how ppl say "oh so and so would be main event in wwe in a couple months", really, every one of tna "superstars" suck. really. old wwe guys go there for a buck and easier travel. thats it. not one, not one, could do shit in wwe. bfg matches? who cares? like really, they cant talk, they can suplex, wow, well done. everything tna has is nothing, nothing compared to wwe, not one of them could mic it with...lets say the bellas, theres a reason they are on raw and not impact, i love how ppl say samoa joe on wwe would matter, really? hes superstars tops, fat guy, fuck him, i wont buy the rise and fall of tna, just watch it on here streamed free

Topic is on Jeff Hardy, moron. Learn to read.

I used to love Hardy. Man, he was an icon in my eyes. But as I grew up, I realised more what he was, and that is a troubled man with many problems.

He has made huge mistakes, he hasn't learnt and has made them again. And again. Does that mean he shouldn't be allowed this one last chance? No. It means that he has to work his ass off double time for it, and if he slips once, goodbye. I'm happy for him to have one more chance, because in all honesty I don't see it going anywhere. I'm waiting (and hoping) to be proved wrong.
I pretty much don't care what wrestlers do outside of wrestling. Just make sure it doesn't influence the wrestling work and in his match with Sting that crossed that line.

Of course i'm always for giving someone a second chance, but I just never liked Hardy's style. So I would be happy to not see him at IW anymore.

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