The reason i haven't been here...

Basically, i'm pretty sure i have clinical depression because around february/april i became really really depressed and started loosing interest in a lot of the things i usually love, such as: comic books, video games, and, yes, even wrestling. So i stopped posting on here and i actually stopped watching wrestling all together, although i was still a big fan of it.

But as of recently i've been trying this new thing of not taking shit from anybody :D and its made me a much happier person. So happy that i've gone back to my favorite routine of watching wrestling every week, every time it comes on.

But i wont lie, i really wasn't planning on comming back here. But i started thinking of all the cool people here like JGlass, DirtyJose, Coco, KB, Norcal, etc. and i couldn't stay away.
So anyway...
HOLY SHIT HHHHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII TDIGLE!!!!!!! i'm sorry i didnt mention you :( theres a lot of people i forgot to mention....
If you don't mind me asking what have you been doing while in your gone from WZ.

Anyone is allowed to ask me anything :D

anyway, i haven't been doing much. i was still depressed during the summer so i just layed on my bed watching TV(except the weeks i went to girls camp and when my aunts, cousins, and uncles came for a visit) and i started my junior year of school September 1st.
Hi, Wicked Valentine. I'm Notorious718. I remember seeing you around here months ago but I don't think we interacted. So you're from NorCal, eh? And the Bay Area no less? Noice.
Depression is awful. It just sucks the life out of you and it's so frustrating because usually there is no good reason to even feel depressed. It sucks. Hopefully you're finding, or have found, a way to get through it.
Yes! thats how i've felt for the past couple years. just sad and mentally fatigued for no real reason and it showed in my grades in middle school.

And when i stopped posting on here i was going through shit with my so called "best friend" and that just made me feel a whole lot worse.

I've had extremely low self-esteem for a long time but now i'm living with 2 women who are incredible strong and stubborn and independent. At first i felt pitiful because i wasn't like that but now its just inspiring me to not take shit from anyone and be just as strong,stubborn, and independent as them.

Thank you for your sympathy, not just from Bearded One but from everyone. It really means alot to me.
Hey hey! this may be the cage or the bar room or whatever the fuck but there will be no violence in this thread or so help me god i will run you both over with a tank set on fire and stab you guys in the ass with rusty jack knifes
Sheesh, all I did was tell a guy I wasn't talking to him. You'd think I just killed Franz Ferdinand. Not the band... people would thank me for that.

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