The Reality Era (or Punk Era)


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So.... lots of posts have been up on here about a new attitude era (or something along those lines) ever since punk lit up the wrestling world with his fantastic "shoot" promo on raw a few weeks before MITB PPV, and the weeks that followed (including last nights epic promo "contract signing" with Cena and HHH----watch it!!!!). While I don't think a new attitude era is happening (my fav era, but it wont be coming back) I do think, we have a new era starting though, courtesy of Mr. Punk/Creative/Vince and whoever else is involved with Punk being the face of it. Here are my thoughts and reasons, and keep in mind this is just an opinion and I would like feedback/thoughts on this:
1.) Punk, starting with the original "shoot" promo, has been catering to IWC fans with lots of info that is supposed to be known behind the scenes and not on TV (or in storyline for that matter). Its been happening since the original promo, with the E allowing Punk creative control to some degree. Whats nice about it, is it seems that it is just enough info that IWC fans would know, but not too much to where it will completely go over the casual fans head, or not be relevant with the storyline on tv.
2.) Not necessarily PG but not TV 14 style. With the creative freedom that Punk is getting, it seems like lately (even going back further than the punk promo with the rock) we are getting a slightly edgier product, but not so edgy to lose the TV PG rating that the E wants to keep

These two things, while only two have seemed to shift the E in a different direction, and giving it a little edge and different feel to it. For me, I havent been this excited to watch wrestling as a fan since the invasion days (yes i said it, i actually enjoyed it) and the end of the attitude era around that time. Ive watched it in between then and now, but havent been this excited to talk about it, or watch it since the punk promo. I really think this new "reality era" if it continues to be this way, is a great way to cater to the older IWC fans as well as the new young ones, a nice middle ground we all can enjoy. I think punk is the one to lead it as well. He should be the new face of the company (not replacing cena, just another face) and represent this new era. Austin recently said if he thinks very highly of Punks work, and if he has one more match, it would be with him. Thoughts on this? Is it happening or am I just blinded by the excitement of the possibility?

STAY ON TOPIC! This isn't a free-for-all, Live Discussion-style post. Take that sort of thing to the Spam Friendly sections. All off topic posts will be deleted/infracted. Thanks.
I'm not sure about the WWE nowadays. It's supposed to be PG but there's nothing PG about it anymore. It looks like they got rid of Hornswoggle. And even Cena is beginning to say some TV-14 stuff. They should just change the rating already.

Now on to Punk and Austin after seeing what went on with Rock and Cena I think there's a slim to 50/50 chance that it might happen. I've read three things on the site that tell me that match might happen. 1 - Punk is in Mr.McMahon's ears. Which means Mr.McMahon would consider any idea Punk gives him. 2 - Punk is willing to do anything to make the match happen. And 3 - Austin saying in a recent interview that he can wrestle another good wrestling match if he ever wants to because he can and as you said if he ever wants to wrestle another match he wants it to be against Punk. So I think this match has a slim to 50/50 chance of happening and I hope it does and let's face it if it happens in next year's Wrestlemania it might just steal the show from Cena Vs Rock and make a match with a year of build up seem mediocre compared to it.
I'm not sure about the WWE nowadays. It's supposed to be PG but there's nothing PG about it anymore. It looks like they got rid of Hornswoggle. And even Cena is beginning to say some TV-14 stuff. They should just change the rating already.

They won't change the rating as with the PG rating they are reaching a much larger fanbase ($$$$) as well as family friendly sponsors ($$$$$). But if they can ride the line to where it gets close to crossing the TV-14 line, but not quite like they've been doing, it will make for some great tv/promos. Lets keep this so called "Reality Era" going full swing! (which means don't have punk job to cena at summerslam!!!)
I like it better than I ever have in my adult life. As a kid I loved the Golden Ages and the Monday Night Wars (Nitro FTW!) as a late teen, but since then I haven't had much interest. And for me it started when Hogan went to TNA, I didn't watch that, I tried to switch there a time or two but Bret Hart & Shawn Micheals was far more engaging for me.

Then I caught The Miz get the US title and do his promo when he got the cover of WWE magazine, and that really resonated well with me, because I was one of those guys that thought of him as just a reality star joke. The more I watched him the more I liked him because he reminded me a lot of the stars from the early 90's. And to be honest, even today The Miz is the guy that "put my ass in this seat."

Even though I'm getting so I like R-Truth even better. R-Truth too is very much another throwback character. His taglines he's using are just great, and he's a good wrestler too.

Then the guy that got me completely hooked was the guy that ruined my valentines day, one of the few nights I know I'm going to get some, I ended up watching Monday Night Raw -alone- and not even caring. :p Finally, The Rock has come back to the WWE.

Then CM Punk does his thing. It's not really my thing, but I'm certainly not blind or deaf. I know greatness when I see it, and he is definitely in the same vein as Stone Cold Steve Austin.

And most recently, HHH fires Vince. I'm not stupid, I knew it was "fake" but even I am wondering, "is Vince planning on stepping down and retiring soon? And this was just to help facilitate that?"

Whatever it is that has changed lately, it's all been for the best, and I can't wait until Monday Night every week now, in a way I haven't looked forward to a TV show of any type (except maybe the Seinfeld, Friends & Lost finales) in my entire adult life.

The IWC can complain all they/we want, but in the end, what we have RIGHT NOW, is VERY good, and we should be thankful and sit back and enjoy.

As for Austin vs Punk, I think there's a good possibility of it. Austin wants to wrestle again, he says he feels good too. Goldberg also wants to wrestle again... I would kill to see Austin vs Punk & Austin vs Goldberg.
An era cannot be defined until after it's over, except maybe when you're referring to something like a presidential term, i.e. the Obama era. However, I am feeling that we've entered a new era and that era is the Reality Era.

Last night, for example, Cena was stomping on toes, especially those of us in the IWC. (I actually thought Cena's promo was better than Punks.) I mean they're talking about wrestling and each other from the fans' view. Punk mentions the recent releases. Cena mentions speculation of a Cena heel turn. That stuff's awesome--and smart.

It's smart because we fans are wired: twitter, facebook, wrestlezone. We know what's going on. They can't pull the proverbial whool over our heads anymore so why not embrace the IWC: an if you can't beat them, join them type thing. Plus, you guys can hate Cena all you want, but how can you deny the chemistry between him and Punk. It's awesome.
I don't think we have a new era coming in. We're still in the PG era, but I think that it's a new version of the PG era. Before, we had all the comedy characters, like Hornswoggle, that were there to help get the child fan base. They still have them, but they're used less. Is this the sole reason? no, I have to say that what's happening right now with Punk is helping a lot. With Punk's shoot promo basically destroying what the PG era meant, we are still in it.
New eras don't just pop up over a couple weeks time. It happens over months and months of progression and change. Austin signaled the start of the attitude era with his Austin 3:16 speech but we weren't in the full blown Attitude era until about a year or so after that. Did Punk start the ushering in of a new era? Possibly. We won't know until we look back in hindsight really.
New eras don't just pop up over a couple weeks time. It happens over months and months of progression and change. Austin signaled the start of the attitude era with his Austin 3:16 speech but we weren't in the full blown Attitude era until about a year or so after that. Did Punk start the ushering in of a new era? Possibly. We won't know until we look back in hindsight really.

The attitude era was kicked off with Vince McMahon's commericials of good vs evil is insulting to your intelligence. That made it official.

In much the same way, while CM Punk's shoot was a good starting point, Vince McMahon being "fired" is pretty much the official end to the PG-era, and HHH taking his place the start to the new.

That's my opinion at least.
i think its basically a dead pg era already cena isnt making his lame little kid jokes anymore,punk has freedom on the mic now and theres even talk of having blood soon on raw (as long as usa network approves of it) so i think it has become the "reality" era aka the era of cm punk

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