The Raven's Epitaph's House of Creation

The Raven's Epitaph

Getting Noticed By Management
Just thought I'd start this thread as I have been working on my graphics skills alot recently.

This thread is basically just going to be everything I come up with and I'll try to keep it as spam-free as possible.

So, here's what I've been doing lately.

Vampire Transformation
I've wanted to learn how to do this for ages. It's a cool trick, and it really isn't that hard to do once you've gotten past the 5 minute tutorial. Just a few layers consisting of saturation, colour and overlay to create the skin, lips, eyes and hair of your vampire.

You can use any old picture, but I find it most easy to use the HQ cutouts from as using lower quality photos really makes your final product look shite in comparison.

After seeing the tutorial, I found myself a picture of Emma Watson. First actor that came into my mind after seeing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows a few nights ago with my Dad. Here's how she came out in the end.

Before and After

Her hair decided to turn a greeny-olivey colour. I normally use a black fuzzy brush to go over the hair and make it darker, but being that Emma already has a pretty solid blonde (and that the picture I used was already editted) it came out abit skewiff (Author's Note: British slang for weird.)

So, I tried somebody else. Somebody alot hotter. I watched a movie on the TV. Jennifer's Body. The film wasn't that great. Megan Fox featured as a mutant serial killer or something that seduces people and then eats them? It's alot hotter than it sounds. She came across as more of a Vampire in the film, so I got a cutout of her and turned her into one.

Here she is:

Before and After

Decided to make this a sig-looking picture, just for professionalism. It isn't supposed to be a sig because it's pointless, had no meaning, and wayyy too big to be a sig. (Author's Note, sucking up to the forum Mods: Speaking of which..I'm sorry if these pictures are abnormally large in this thread. I'll resize them if they are.)

It's quite simple really. Get yourself a picture in GiMP (I'm assuming Photoshop is the same layout and mechanics) and create a new transparent layer with a saturation mode and get yourself a fuzzy brush and make the colour white. Colour in the skin and once you're done, lower the opacity.

If you want the rest of the tutorial either look it up on YouTube or just ask me, cba to type it all out if nobody is interested.

That's about it for my first major creations though. I've got more stuff in store, so y'know; view mah shit.

Thanks for looking.

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