The question is: PC or not PC

HonkyDong Man

Dark Match Jobber
I'm off the wagon.

Mark Twain once said: "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt."

I can dig Uncle Tom but i rather tempt the faith.

First off all - was expecting a lot of red rep from my previous post in the Bar. To my surprise there were only one ********er who felt the need to call me an idiot. Fair enough.

I don't dwell with the crybabies.

I rather thank JGlass, who by the way has red repped me twice, for reaching out to a drunk with a kind remark and some green rep. Bottoms up JGlass!

And to Big Nick for some unexpected "support".

To the point.

I have been a lurker on this forum for years. I made my first post back in 2002. It probably was a completely different forum then, but it was the forum of Wrestlezone as I recall it.

My first post was about Brock Lesnar. As an armchair booker I entertained the idea of whether or not Brock should play the role as a neo-nazi that should beat up ******s and black people.

Now hold your horses!

The thread got a lot of wiews and comments, even by some of the moderators of the time. It never got closed.

Disclaimer: My brother-in-law is a Jew and my ex is a black girl. So don't give me the shit about being a racist. I love all people. Fact.


How long do you think a thread like that would have stayed open on todays forum? 1 minute? A day?

My point is - a lot of shit has happened during the last 10 years. One of the worst things is the political correctness. Today you can't crack a joke about anyone or anything without someone giving you a hard time.

For fucks sake. Im white, but I dont get offended when black people tell me that "I can't jump".

I consider Wrestlezone Forums to be one of, if not the best, wrestling forums out there. That has a lot to do with the regime of Slyfox and KB.

However - I feel the PC is slowly turning this forum into some ********ing Disney shit.

Rant over.

KB - time to close the thread I guess.
Aren't you the same HonkeyDong Man that got all up in a tizzie for the Stormtrooper Jesus Crusifiction pic? Or was that a different HonkeyDong Man?
Relax. There is a tight click here it seems on Wrestlezone, so just post and put your opinions out there. Whether anyone here gets red rep or green is based upon their opinions of your opinions

Yes the world is more anal today with culture values and what not. Main differences now than back then is is this social media stuff. Opinions are opinions and everyone is entitled to them. Some stuff hurts and some stuff is funny. It's just how it's handled now that is different.
Not everything should be politically correct, but not everything should be open to racism and bigotry either. If you started seeing graphic language and nudity while you were watching Sesame Street, would that be okay? Seriously.

They want people to be able to post on the boards without fearing that they could be discriminated against. There's a time and place for everything. The Bar Room is the place for your politically incorrect stuff.

Unless you're an alt and/or banned poster, no one here gives a fuck what you have to say. Being a lurker on a wrestling forum and coming out of the woodwork to make a spam thread about active posters on the site reeks of uber-loserdom. You're worse than people who comment on gossip sites for reality TV stars. No one would have paid you any mind if the Bar Room wasn't desperate for the drama of yore.

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