The PWI is Pro-Cena

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So went to my local Redners today, stroled by the magazine section and found their July 2011 issue (kinda early isnt it?). Anyway this issue is a "report card" of the top 50 superstars in WWE, ROH, and TNA and of all people Cena is on the cover (oh boy -__-). So not surprisingly Cena is their top superstar with a A+ for this past year. Now I have no problem with that, I kind of saw it coming. Based on these 4 grading rquirements is what gave him the A+:

Goal Achievement- B- (he wants the WWE title.....he chased it for like 2 months, C in my book)
Marketability- A+ (cant lie there)
Repertoire- C+ (means move set, eh....I think hes a D to be honest)
Career Growth- A (yeah because 1 title reign from last Wrestlemania and a 15 minute tag title reign warrents an A?)
Overall Value- A+

ok so to PWI those made up an A+. Again I have no problem with this, so I figured "Wow, that grading was really pro cena, but if he got an A+ with a B- and a C+, does that mean everyone else is gonna fare much worse?

Yeah......PWI can blow themselves BIG time! Next man, Mr. Anderson. Graded in the same fashion, same order he recieved an A+ and 3 As, yet only got an A? Next Beer Money Inc, B+, 3 As, got an A, Alberto Del Rio, A+, B+, 2 As, got an A, Edge, A, B+, A-, A got an A and so on this list goes. What bullshit is this? Seriously PWI wtf?

This is an excerpt explaining his A+ grade: "Individually the grades don't add up. How can a wrestler who earned a B- and C+ end up with an A+ overall value? Easy. John Cena isn't a perfect wrestler and he hasn't had a terrific year, but he is a ratings and merchandising juggernaut. He is WWE's mainstream ambassador and the most popular wrestler of the past decade. Despite his technical shortcomings, Cena is still WWEs MVP. WWE is fartunate to have him.....and so is wrestling as a whole."

Flipping back 2 pages I re-read their grading system, well apparently "Overall Value" makes the other grades irrelevant which is why Cena got an the words of The Miz "Really. Really PWI......really." -___-

What do you guys think? Do you agree with this at all? Is this BS? Should Cena be MUCH lower like I think he does, if anyone deserves the number one spot its Anderson, and I barely watch TNA to even agree with that (but I dont doubt it).
I think it's fine. Cena's the biggest star and has had some of the biggest and best storylines over the past year with with Nexus, Punk, Rock, & Miz. Also, I don't think he's higher because of his lack of title matches and focusing more on normal fueds before getting into it with The Miz. His offense is good too as I tend to ignore that "5 moves of doom" bullshit.

Also, under no circumstance does Anderson deserve #1. He's been so freaking annoying lately and his matches haven't been nearly as good. He won the World Title, but lost it a month later and hasn't stopped complaining about it since.
Cena's great, it's no surprise he's one of the top rated guys. He's the biggest face in teh biggest company and isn't too shabby of a worker either. In fact, some guys should take tips from him on how to use a 'limited' moveset effectively. You don't need 1000 flips to make a match great. You can get a lot more out of 5 moves if they're used effectively to the story of the match. To be surprised Cena is highly rated is quite ignorant.

Plus, isn't PWI mainly kayfabe anyways? Why bust your balls over a magazine that, for the most part, stays in the world of kayfabe, even if it's dead?
You cannot take PWI's rankings and lists seriously. They use some bastardized, bizarre formula that's half-kayfabe half-not and they usually make terrible lists to go along with their shitty, outdated magazine. You shouldn't get so worked up over these lists. The only award or list they do that's worth looking at is their Match of the Year award, but even then it's usually totally ignorant of anything outside of the WWE.
John Cena should be number one I dont see the problem he's been the #1 guy in the WWE for years now and has been carrying them. Im not the biggest cena fan but I really dont understand the general hate for this guy most people show him, I mean come on he gives the WWE everything he has it's his life and I know his moveset can be limited at times but that's the way the matches are booked and the Rock and Austin had a very limited move set as well when they were the top guys in the company and no one complained about them. He deserves more respect than he gets because without John Cena the WWE would not be in good shape right now.
Let's take a look just at their four areas and I'll explain to you why Cena deserves the A+ he's given.

Goal Achievement
Career Growth

He wanted to be WWE Champion and won that. He wanted to break up Nexus and he did that. He wanted to be in the main event of Wrestlemania and he did that. Not a bad year.

Marketability is clearly as good as anyone.

Repertoire - He's added a dropkick and that sitout powerslam. Based on the common theory of he only knows five moves, that means he's upped his move range 40%. That's pretty good for a guy that's been around over 8 years.

Career Growth - He went from feuding with Nexus to feuding with the Rock and is going to be in the main event of Wrestlemania two years running. If that's not growth I'd love to know what is.

Cena had a great year and he's going to be the focal point again while looking like an underdog all over again because the Rock would always be a favorite in that match no matter what. It's by far the biggest match of Cena's career and it's going to be a huge challenge. Definitely a good year for Cena and many steps forward for him. I fail to see any bias at all from the magazine.
Except for fear, you guys sorta missed the point, my point was its bs that they gave it to him JUST cuz it was Cena. Yeah, Ive known PWI is half-kayfabe for awhile now, and their decisions are known to be bs, but youd kinda hope they could be a bit better with their decisions. Clearly, picking Cena as number one with the grades they gave him, they havent matured at all.

edit: kb I guess thats all true in a sense, but i mean at least they could have given him all As to make it seem what he all did actually gave him a deserving spot, IDK kayfabe or not, a grade is a grade to me lol
Cena was pretty 70% of WWE between WM26 and WM 27, so I don't see the problem with A+.

He started with orange, turned purple and ended red, and all of them sold like a motherfucker. There goes marketability.

Goal Achievement: made stars out of bunch of nobodies named Nexus for the while he was feuding with them. Dominated Batista and kicked him out of WWE. Got Fired and rehired. Fans voted him superstar of the year. Helped Miz and made the dream match for next year. Helped lots of younger talents. Won EC, Mainevented Manias and SS. I hope that's enough.

Repertoire : Has a better move set than WWE Champ Miz, and has added more aggression and couple of new moves, so definitely he deserves a C. He introduced duct tape to LMS matches too.

Career Growth: Finally after 7 years of main eventing WM as the face of Company, he's already booked himself in an Icon vs. Icon match, at the age of 34. He Is an Icon right now, so there goes Career growth.

I really Can't find anyone who had done more than him in past year, maybe the Miz, but he is inferior to Cena in 2 of the categories. If They've given Cena A+, then they should give Miz A. but that doen't change the fact that Cena deserves A+.
Well I guess this PWI thing, whatever the hell it is, actually has a clue what they're talking about. Seriously, how anyone can even make an argument that says that Cena isn't the best Professional Wrestler in the world right now fucking baffles me. Anderson should have taken it over Cena? Seriously, the guy at the forefront of some of the lowest rated (critically) feuds off the year should have won? Yeah, give me a break.

I've already seen everyone pick you apart and show why Cena has all of those categories covered, but I want to focus on one, Repertoire.

Now this is something I've learned from Sly, so I'm not going to pretend that it's original, but let me give you the basic concept of why the IWC is always so off base when it comes to what makes a good in ring wrestler. Everyone puts way too much emphasis on offense. You'll see Daniel Bryan do 23 moves in a 5 minute span and think it's the greatest thing ever. Now I'll admit, those kind of matches can be pretty entertaining, but to say that those qualities make matches better than say, Cena vs Batista at Wrestlemania 26 are wrong in my opinion.

You see, as a face, 60-70% of what Cena does in a match is selling. Now I know a lot of people label this as being carried but that notion is just absurd. When someone does a hip toss, who is doing the work? The guy that extends and rotates his arm or the guy that has to jump, flip, take a bump, and sell all in one fluid motion? Or when someone has him in a Submission, is the guy that is just holding onto his head doing more work, or the guy who has to fight toward the rope and sell a Submission like it is the worst pain he's ever felt while it is really having no effect on him?

You see, there's a reason why companies like ROH have a much smaller fan base than the WWE. The style of wrestling is exciting to us hardcore wrestling fans. But when it comes to the kids and the casual fan, who make up a much larger portion of the WWE audience, they aren't really interested in that aspect. People like Cena draw them because they become emotionally invested in the match due to his selling and psychology. It's the same thing that made Hogan such an unstoppable force in the 80's, and no one is doing it better than Cena right now. When you couple that with all of the other obvious high marks he gets in all of the other categories, it's pretty much a landslide in Cena's favor.
I dont think anyone here is denying that Cena should be number one. People are just dumbfounded, myself included how you can get the top mark, yet have a C and a B.
It works for me. From my understanding, the Overall Value isn't a GPA. Instead, it refers to a wrestler's overall value to his respective company. And he is worth a lot to WWE, despite his character's personal limitations.
i believe cena earned that A like posters said before me he feuded with nexus then fired only to be rehire hired feud with miz main event mania feud with rock has an icon vs icon match is an icon at such a young age added a few new moves here and there even with cena sucks chants still played a perfect face i mean yea he deserves the A
Dave Meltzer said that during this past week was the very 1st time after WWE Raw that he spoke up against the writers. In the past Cena was a "Yes Man" to WWE writers, bookers, Vince McMahon, and management no matter how stupid or dumb it makes him look.

Meltzer also said that Cena has the power not be a Yes Man to WWE, but he doesn't want to. Until this past week was the first time where he spoke up.
Dave Meltzer said that during this past week was the very 1st time after WWE Raw that he spoke up against the writers. In the past Cena was a "Yes Man" to WWE writers, bookers, Vince McMahon, and management no matter how stupid or dumb it makes him look.

Meltzer also said that Cena has the power not be a Yes Man to WWE, but he doesn't want to. Until this past week was the first time where he spoke up.

Yeah, ok.

And my name is Jim-Bob and I live on Saturn.

Emphais: Dave Meltzer is known to talk shit, so that's why everything that come's out of his mouth I don't take seriously until I see it confirmed elsewhere or it really happen's.
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