The problem with current WWE superstar appellations.


Championship Contender
Remember back when guys had a full name and even an epithet to go along with it? Duke "the dumpster" Droese. "Double J" Jeff Jarret. Bob "Spark Plug" Holly.

Also, remember when WWE performers had a full name? Kurt Angle. Chris Jericho. Brock Lesnar. John Cena. Hulk Hogan. Randy Orton. Heck, there was once Randy "Macho Man" Savage, "HBK" Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker, The Rock, and Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Cesaro. Big E. Sheamus. R-truth. And now, Rusev.
Monosyllabic appellations for a WWE superstar really don't do much. What would you rather have- Ron "The Truth" Killings/Ron Killings, or R-truth? Alexander Rusev, or just Rusev? I have come to accept Cesaro as just Cesaro because in some way, it sounds perfect and workable. You can say CM Punk but not Punk, Chris Jericho but not Jericho, Chris Hero and not just HERO, but Cesaro still works because Cesaro is an exception and "Antonio Cesaro" as an appellation wasn't really as impressive as simply Cesaro. Similarly, Kane has spent nearly 2 decades being just Kane and it's worked for him.

Now imagine WWE doing the same stuff with their mania for unilateral and single-word names, back then. Here comes from Canada, "Jericho". From wherever the hell, here is "Cena". Oh there from St Louis, MO, weighing 245 lbs, "Orton". What a horrid experience it might've been.

That's what I felt when I saw Alexander Rusev's match from Extreme Rules. Why the hell is he just called Rusev now? How does it distinguish him from other single-word names such as Sheamus, Cesaro, etc. ? Alexander Rusev sounded like a powerful man. Rusev does too. But that doesn't add any dignity to a performer such as Alexander Rusev.

Even Sheamus is a pretty unilateral and unidimensional a name for a main-eventer even though I have come to accept it for what it is. But really, what does the name Sheamus say about the guy that is world champion? "Hi, I'm Seamus, I'm Irish, and I say Fella" ! ? The history of main-eventers is the history of proper names, even epithets. Imagine a world where Ric Flair's entrance isn't announced using the utterance ..."Nature Boy" Ric Flair, but just Flair !

So, I ask you- What is wrong with the WWE? What can account for their recent obsession for/mania with single-word and short names such as Cesaro, Big E, Sheamus, and now Rusev? What else are they going to do? Finally, What would you prefer- Alexander Rusev(just like every main eventer is called- John Cena, Randy Orton, Brock Lesnar), or Rusev is fine?

On a side note, I just recalled that Batista has primarly been announced as and referred to as "Batista" rather than Dave Batista and it has worked fine for him. Sheamus as well, but the only guy who never needed a last name IMO was KANE. KANE says it all.
The old man is hacking up names left and right these days.

And yes, I would prefer whole names and nicknames that match the gimmick like Duke "The Dumpster" Drosse to what they are doing now.

I guess he was thinking Cher, Madonna, Rhianna, Beyoncé...RUSEV! But it makes no sense really.
They tend to use the single-word names on the big-man, monster heel, bouncer types. Batista. Ryback. Snitsky. Vader. Yokozuna.

It's understandable why they do it and it ain't that big of a deal. It is possible that you are just an Alexander Rusev fan who was bothered by the name change, in which case a petition might be useful.

As far as single-word big-man, monster heel, bouncer-type names go, though... yeah, Rusev sucks.
Well, for some superstars it works. Sometimes the announcers just say the one name, though. You don't hear them say everytime "Here comes Chris Jericho on his way to the ring. Chris Jericho looks really mad. Chris Jericho is going to beat someone up tonight." Ok, so maybe not the best example but my point is maybe it's easier, and a lot of people just say the one name anyway. 9 times out of 10 when I'm talking wrestling with my friends I just say something along the lines of "Angle" and they know who I'm talking about. I don't have to always say "Kurt Angle". I understand it sounds kinda weird sometimes at first, but once a superstar's name is established, if they have 2 names or more, usually people will still know who they're talking about if they only use the one name.
I agree. Pro wrestling has always been about suspending disbelief. who the hell just has one name?

I don't mind it occasionally, but it is over done these days. It worked when Bill Goldberg simply went by Goldberg. It was new then. Who else used a single name? When a third of the roster has a single name it just make's them seem generic.
Does it really matter? Do you really call him chris jericho when you talk about him cause I sure as hell don't. Hey did you see jericho last week? Yep that's how humans talk. Not pardon me mademoiselle did you happen to see the young master christopher jericho last evening?
They went through a period of it: Maven, Heidenreich, Finlay, Daivari, Umaga, Carlito, Deuce, Domino. Pretty much all of the Divas had one name too. I find it incredibly annoying. It's like they don't trust us to remember two names.
Don't forgot about Big E, poor guy's been reduced to a vowel and a adjective. :p

But yeah as mentioned a few posts above it seems to be a common trend for big strong guys like Ryback, Cesaro, Rusev, Kane, and Sheamus. Maybe they found out that big guys are more marketable if they have short/1 word names? Who knows.
Currently, my opinions don't carry a whole helluva lot of weight because I don't even get to watch Raw most Monday nights anymore, but as a casual fan I can say that the names don't bug me whole bunches.

If I were in superfan mode, watching Raw, NXT and Smackdown every week, pulling my hair out wondering "why is wrestling not as good as it used to be", I could see this argument making more sense to me. Didn't it hit the main site recently that it was something to with marketing or branding or some horseshit like that? Maybe I'm making that up.
There are some names that should be cut and there are others that shouldn't. It all depends on how they sound. Sheamus sounds fine to me. Rusev doesn't. Kane is fine. Orton isn't. You get the point.

Gimmick names are fun, but not to be overdone. They are doing a good thing naming Seth Rollins "the architect of the Shield". I most probably believe that he will be called Seth "the Architect" Rollins, a la Bret " the Hitman" Hart and it suits him really well, as he is indeed an architect in the ring. Reigns is called "the Juggernaut". Also suits him well, and also should adopt the nickname. I could go on...

It mostly depends on how a name sounds. Y2J at first sight seems stupid, but it worked well for promos and for chants. CM Punk seems stupid at first. What's CM? But it worked well for promos and chants. Also, the fact that you like certain names isn't because they sound good but because the character they portray are great and thus you accept the name as great. Kane sounds stupid, but you embraced it, because of how iconic Kane was, at least back in the day. The Rock is stupid? What do you mean The Rock? But because of what he did, you accepted it and consider it great.

Perception is reality, people said that Ziggler was a weak name for a main eventer, but the arena blew off when he cashed in MitB. Brock Lesnar was made fun in high school for his name, because it reminded people for broccoli or whatever, yet look at where he is. Perception is reality, you like the sound of something, then it is good for you. Others might not like it. Same the other way around. Vince apparently likes it or he thinks it is a smart marketing technique. Well, he lost 340$ in one day and he seemingly is going down the drain...

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