The Prime Time Players vs The New Day

Wrestling Mind 300

Dark Match Winner
This week's episode of Smackdown the Prime Time Players were shown on the titentron unexpectedly taking shots at the new day and basically crapping on the gimmick in what was a pretty entertaining promo. Now we await The New Days response which could see them potentially attack the ptp turning them heel as they probably get the most boos out of all the tag teams already.

Where do you see this feud heading?
In my most optimistic mind it will catapult them both into relevancy in the tag team division. I live both groups and I hope they can do something together that is memorable. In reality, even if they do put some steam behind this, I doubt the fans will buy into it unless something bad happens to the New Day. A heel turn is imminent for sure, but you got 2 out of the 3 guys of the New Day that have never been heel and you wouldn't believe it if they were. in summation, nobody really cares one way or the other, except me and about 10 other fans...sad face.
the entire tag team division is useless... the biggest waste of time on every show every week... whatever these 2 teams do from here on out won't matter one bit... me and most other fans will fast forward right through it or switch the channel...
Is that the deal? I felt somebody ought to be crapping on the New Day and their "mission" to get them focused on something concrete....... yet, was the specter of political correctness raising its head, causing WWE to use caution........ with someone in Creative finally deciding it would be okay if another African-American team did the taunting?

Well, I'll say this; in an ideal world, this program might lift both teams to prominence......and that would be fine.
People would not believe if Kofi turned heel but they would if Xavier was remember his Heel promo, it was the best !
I'm for it if the wrestlers have chemistry and the writing is good. Maybe have Xavier and Big E adopt the more heel-ish tactics, while Kofi is torn between choosing the side of his comrades or what is right. Or maybe it can not really be a 'face vs heel' match and blur the lines. PTP took the first shot for no real reason, so in some ways they're responsible for what happens. But we'll have to see.
As of tonight, I don't think there is a specific fued between the tag teams other than whomever challenges Kidd & Cesaro. Which by the looks of things might be The Lucha Dragons.

PTP mocked The Ascension in a segment that didn't seem to go over as well as when they mocked The New Day. So it seems like until they are placed into a feud they will continue to mock the other tag teams.

As far as The New Day is concerned, it seems as if they are going to drag out any sort of heel turn that might be planned. They will keep sounding positive, while using more and more heel tactics in the ring. This will happen alongside a losing streak for The New Day until they finally "snap". Once they officially turn heel, it will be interesting to see what direction they will go and what feud they could be involved in.
First thought, New Day was a lot better when playing the heels tonight. They just seemed a lot more comfortable, and hell, even Big. E got a laugh out of me. It's not as awkward now that New Day is actually playing to the booing instead of trying to mask it... I especially liked how Xavier Woods showed some anger. I'm hoping we can see him really up his promo game.

All in all, it was only one appearance so far but their gimmick worked loads better as a heel gimmick.

As for PTP, these guys have charisma and a good chemistry together. It really all comes down to their connection with the fans and how well they can get themselves over in the next few weeks.
I like where this New Day vs PTP feud's going..The PTP's promo on the New Day had me laughing pretty good..Their Ascension promo, while wasn't as good as their New Day promo, was better than any promo I've seen The Ascension cut. New Day's rebuttal promo to the PTP they cut on Raw came off as being really shitty and awkward.

It's about time that the PTP are entertaining and actually being put in an interesting program again.
I think this is a good move, I've wanted to see a change in attitude for Kofi Kingston for years, and The New Day NEED to make some changes, as this whole gimmick is going absolutely nowhere- the fans do not give 1 shiny shite about them at the moment.

I'm glad the Prime Time Players are back together too, they are a good team and O'Neil/Young were just drifting as singles guys- there was no need to break them up in the first place. I'm all for this feud, it puts a bit of focus on both teams who can hopefully contribute to the tag-team division which desperately needs some attention.

I like the idea of an earlier poster who suggested Big E and Xavier Woods resorting to more heelish tactics while Kofi is conflicted, before eventually snapping and joining his partners is delivering a heel beat down.

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