The Porn Thread **Beware**

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Taken from PM's between D.C. and Jake


Jake: I've just got to see this picture son.

D.C.: If you are talking about the foulest pic.... then here it is, LMAO enjoy


Jake: Nice. I've seen worse though.

D.C.:If your talking about like death pics and stuff like that, then thats not for me... but you gotta admit, thats pretty nasty, LOL

Jake: It's pretty nasty. But I've got a porn site. And you get dick's posting child porn on it. That shit make's me feel ill.

D.C.: I don't know how anyone can even get their rocks of on shit like that. Whats worse though is I have a friend thats almost like that, he is 22 one year older then me, and he is dating a 14 year old girl... WITH parental consent mind you!

Jake: I get people coming into my shop and actually asking for it. They get shopped to the cop's straight away.

D.C.: lol, good, I can't believe people would actually think that there would be any kind of main stream market for that... or am I wrong... I imagine there is probably a snuff company that does something along the lines.

Jake: I'v never actually met anyone who's come across a snuff site. And I deal with some really nesty people. I'm not sure if they actually excist. Although I saw this vidEo on somebody phone once that looked realistic.

D.C.: I can't even imagine someone bothering trying to make a fake one... if you've ever heard of that Faces Of Death movies that come out... I don't know if they make their way to England or not... but here in the US, all it basically is... is... well, people dying... real life footage of people being killed... and kids go to the theater and watch this shit... you actually get a plaque for sitting through it. The reason I say that is because a friend of a friend of mine went, but he left after there was footage of a woman, being raped, full XXX view of everything, and then she was shot in the head, on camera... its disgusting, snuff has made its way to the big screen in America

Jake: Faces Of Death is all staged. Even the rape in it. You can get rape porn film's. But there staged as well. There banned in England though. Rob Black who owned XPW specialised in them

A snuff film isnt a snuff film until you try to sell it. I'm sure there's a website somewhere where there is people being killed. But unless you charge people to see it, it's not classified as snuff.

Before I got a porn distribution liscence I had to have all sort's of test's and had to read load's of booklet's on pretty much every type of porn imaginable.
Even if Faces of Death is staged... its still nasty, lol. I can look at pictures of nasty porn stuff, like tubgirl, and I can watch movies that are just sick in the head. I just can't get over the fact that people do enjoy watching people die... Movies are art, and Faces of Death isn't art, thats my book though, FoD is just mindless "killing" to see what it would take to get people sick.

D.C.: And I don't mean to pick on you or anything, but I don't know if I could keep a straight face during those tests to get a porn license.

I just thought of something else sick though, I don't have a URL for it... and I don't know where to look, frankly I don't want to... but, it was described to me, and its in a porno somewhere, its called ***** Cock... I'll tell ya what it is if you want... but, *shudders*

Jake: Go on then.

D.C.: All right, it was described as such:

Starts out like a regular old porn, guy and a girl. And there is this ***** thing laying beside the guy, and this girls going down on him ya, typical. But then she starts using her spit and grabs some lube and coats this guys johnson in it. She pulls this ***** out, and it kind has a funnel type of thing on the end of it. Well, she takes the smaller end of the funnel/***** and slides it in the dudes peehole... and doesn't even, gradually push. she just hauls off and fucks this dudes dick... with a *****, and my friend Steve said the poor guy was just screaming his ass off. Steve almost puked because I mean... it stretched and everything, lol, I have no desire to see this.

Yeah I've seen it. I had it on my phone and I believe I might have a few DVD's with it on.
Interesting read....

How am I meant to reply to this? T_T
Talk about porn. Or ask the porn baron anything porn related. Not that I know much. I dont watch it I just sell it.
Why don't you just create a Fetish topic, that probably would be easier? Considering you guys already had a topic on phobias, just do the opposite.
Okay, I shouldn't have read but I guess I did. That should be censored young men! I don't see the appeal of this thread but I'm sure there will be people to discuss lewd pornography. DC, you are gross, and I can't say I'm surprised with Jake.
Holy Crap! That was very very informative in i dont think a good way. you might need to put a restriction as only users 18+ can acces this thread as we could have Jake corrupting the youth of this site lol
I dont think it's that bad. It's not a comedy topic. It's informative. I think getting peoples opinions on stuff like this is really intresting. Maybe because I'm relitivley normal and I have no desire to see stuff like snuff.

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