"The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero Teasing TNA Return?

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Could be nothing, could be something, but in a little back-and-forth on Twitter yesterday, D'Angelo Dinero teased a possible return to TNA as the company heads into their May TV tapings taking place in Orlando this weekend.

It looked like this:



Personally I'd welcome the guy back with open arms. I always found him to be a really entertaining performer, even if it means having to listen to JJ Yanks drone on again about how he's a poor public speaker because of a handful of verbal faux pas' he relies on. At worst it gives TNA another solid working hand for the mid-card to aid in helping the talent they are building get over. He's essentially a more charismatic Matt Hardy in terms of what he can offer.

I would love to see him back, but as a face. And I REALLY hope they don't flip-flop him like they did last time. He is a face/heel/face/heel/face/heel/ ad infinitum.

I felt like he was incredibly over as a face, and his promos were better. As a heel, I just don't care, and in my humble opinion; they seem forced. Even if he acts like a tweener a la Mr. Anderson is cool. I just do not want to see Heel Pope.

I also hope he has a new finisher. The double knees never really looked lethal. If a face Pope is back, I will be VERY, VERY happy. If it is a heel Pope, I'll still give him a shot. He is a solid worker. I will just think of it as a wasted opportunity.

I hope he isn't a new member of the Beat Down Clan. Unless, he ends up turning on them down the road.
Could be nothing, could be something, but in a little back-and-forth on Twitter yesterday, D'Angelo Dinero teased a possible return to TNA as the company heads into their May TV tapings taking place in Orlando this weekend.

It looked like this:



Personally I'd welcome the guy back with open arms. I always found him to be a really entertaining performer, even if it means having to listen to JJ Yanks drone on again about how he's a poor public speaker because of a handful of verbal faux pas' he relies on. At worst it gives TNA another solid working hand for the mid-card to aid in helping the talent they are building get over. He's essentially a more charismatic Matt Hardy in terms of what he can offer.


Should I feel honored that I've been mentioned here? Ok, I never liked the guy. Probably part of that is the overhype that used to surround him. He's an average hand with a gimmick that makes no sense. That's fine if you need a steady hand on the roster. If TNA is to bring him back, let's hope it's to put over EC3 and others that are far more talented and useful. That role would be fine by me.
I like this. And I agree with EC Pirate that Pope is best suited as a face. The guy had talent and charisma, and will/could maybe be another challenger for the X division title. While is very possible he could be put in the BDC, they already have a young gun in Kenny King. I just hope the rumors are true.
Would be cool, always thought dude was underrated. For awhile there I thought he was main event but then they sandbagged him.
I always thought the Pope character had legs, but nothing of note got done with him in TNA, as is often the case. Considering their current status, and the state of the remaining roster, he may be a decent addition and add some character to the roster.
I always liked The Pope. I always felt he was someone who could've made the TV title cool when they had it. As of now he'd certainly be a good hand to have, he's decent in the ring and on the mic so he'd fit the midcard like a glove I guess it depends if he actually comes back or not
The pope ws always a fun character. Things were really looking bright for him at first in TNA, then the Hogan/Bischoff Regime arrived and brought in their own big stars and started messing with crap and POOF, the guy lost his legs and was put in some really awful stuff. His feud with Samoa Joe comes to mind. That whole program was just bad. The two of them tried to make it work, but the storyline was WCW 2000 bad. It made no sense and really kind of killed Pope's momentum. I hope he's back and I hope that they do something good with him. At this point, he'd be a solid worker on the roster and TNA needs that right now more than anything else.

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