The Pets Thread


Lord And Master
Staff member
Basically, what do you have? What furry creature do you own and raise?


My pet dog, 3 years old and not too bright even for dog standards. This little feller is mixed breed.


A couple of horses. We have 3 right now with the baby in the picture grown up. Their quite the hassle to take care of. But nothing is as bad as cleaning the crap out of their corals.


The iguana seen in the distance. I jumped and channeled my inner Steve Irwin to catch it. I don't really want to keep it, but it can sell well at that age. 80 bucks is the standard price for these at local pet shops. They don't do much other than stand still and eat grass.

I used to own a couple of chickens, but sadly, it doesn't always pan out well.

This was my dog. I say was because he died last summer. The funny thing about it is that when my parents first told me he was really sick the vet gave him less than a week to live, so I rushed home that weekend to see my dog one last time. But when I got home he was running around like a nut, jumping on me, eating his dinner in seconds like he used to (seriously, he was small but he scarfed food down like a Japanese speed eater), and being himself. He died about a month later, but he was one tough little bastard. He was 13 or 14 when I died, so he had a nice long life.

My favorite story about him is one time when I came home from school he was really happy to see me (he was still very young then), and he started running around all over the place. At that time my living room had the furniture arranged in an open square type of thing, and he ran around the set-up about 12 times non-stop. It was hilarious, it had me in stitches.

That would be a my cat, he loves to jump up and my lap and then sink under my laptop whne ever I jump online, he's very playful, and has recently learned how to flush the toilet, he loves sitting in window sills and watching birds, sometimes he evens tries to talk to them when they chirp, he'll never let you eat a meal in peace, he's loves sleeping between my legs, and sometimes on my stomach, he also has figured out where the power button is on the TV, and if he doesn't like what you're watching he'll take matters in his own hands, he can spend hours amusing himself with a twist tie, and is basically the coolest cat ever, he has also recently learned how to do kitty kung-fu, I was holding him yesterday and he decided to kick me in the chin and lip...blood was dripping from my face, my GF still gave him treats:disappointed:, he loves when you put on his leash, and take him outside, that is like heaven to him

I love that cat as if it where my child, I remember when the house got hit by lightening and started on fire, he was the only thing I grabbed before running outside, he did not like the fire truck however....

Meet Tom. Yes it's a girl cat but her name is Tom. Out of my three cats this one is the most like a Dog...and she's only about a year old, if that. Everytime I come home, do I get a welcome from my dog, no, instead this bastard jumps in the car and climbs to my shoulders. I spent a good couple of weeks trying to train her while she's young. The only two I can teach her is "up" and "down" but whatever. Still a good cat. I tell you where the name came from in a sec.


Yeah, that's two more cats. What's wrong with a man owning three cats, nothing right? This is Jerry and Brooke. Jerry is the male (the one sucking the tit) and Brooke is the female (the one gettiong her tit sucked). Brooke was dropped off from my Brother's ex one day and the cat became friendly so I couldn't give her up. Jerry and Tom are both from Brooke. Both Jerry and Tom got their names from the show, you know "Tom and Jerry". Tom will always chase Jerry always to come up short. So that's how they both got their names.


Lil' Bit, she's a pussy. You see how she turns her head when I tried taking this picture, she was scared of the flash that's on my phone. Well there's actually a good reason. We got her when she was about a year and six months old. Her former owner beat the living shit out of her. So we got her and she's afraid of everything. Even the two kittens above...yeah. she's grown abit to where she isn't afraid to bark or where she is more accepting to other people but she's still an annoying little cunt sometimes.
My girlfriend and I do not have any pets yet, as in the apartment we live in you are not allowed to keep pets, but when we get a house we will do.

We both want a cat each, she wants one called Tilly and I want one called Diego.

My parents still have 2 cats- Snoop and Pips and we have always had cats while I have been growing up. They also have loads of goldfish and carp in the pond in the back garden and I had quite a few goldfish myself growing up.
I have two dogs, one Labrador cross Shar Pei called Milly and an Alsation cross border Collie. these are my kids, They get spoiled more then any dog I know and Milly has to sleep on our bed every night otherwise it feels weird without the heffa laying on the blankets. These dog's are incredibly friendly (Which is a bad thing as it's why our last dog got stolen) Milly will bark but won't go anywhere near the person unless my partner or I are in trouble. Marley will not leave the yard even if the front gate is open and we are not home.

Milly even though she was my partners dog, has become mine, if I go for a walk when my partner and I are arguing, She will escape and come follow me. if I'm not home for some reason she will sook non stop until I get back.

I've been thinking about getting a small rodent pet. Like a hamster, gerbil or guinea pig. Or even just a rabbit. But I don't know which to go for. Hell, I can barely tell the difference between most. Reason is, I've been wanting a pet I can have in the room for a while. Normally, I'd just get a chick, but with me working really late and it being a chick, it can disrupt my sleep. What I'm asking is which would be best? Which is easier to take care of? Which would be the overall best choice?
If you want it for in your room, I strongly advise you to not get a rabbit. unless you have no floorboards in your bedroom and your idea of vacuuming is to mow the lawn. even though you can toilet train them so they will use a litter tray, a room's not the best option. a Hamster or a rat would be the best bet. Rat's don't eat much, they can be really friendly and they're easy to clean after.

But be a man, get a snake and about 6 rats. that way if you forget to feed them, one will still be alive after a week.
Justinsayne, did you steal my cat? Scary resemblance to my own. lol

Anyway, I have two dogs now. My third and most loved one ran away in January, and unfortunately we haven’t got him back. It kills me to think he was seen so many times, but we could never be at the right place at the right time, at times, we were minutes late to a scene where he was scene. So I have a bitch and a male. The bitch is around 8/9, and the young fellow is her own pup, around 7 months now. These two also ran away, but thankfully, we got these back. The girl called Trixie is a small terrier/Russell mix, black and brown, while the pup is called Sheamy, and is a bearded collie, black, brown and shades of blonde. The girl had her first litter of pups last July, she had seven. This coincided with my deceased cat having a litter of 4 kittens, one of which I have now, which is identical to Justinsayne's cat. Our luck with animals has been pretty shoddy recently. Our hamster died, one of our dogs never came back, and the last two cats before my current one we couldn't even keep for a year before they died. Have always wanted a horse, lovely animals.
If you want it for in your room, I strongly advise you to not get a rabbit. unless you have no floorboards in your bedroom and your idea of vacuuming is to mow the lawn. even though you can toilet train them so they will use a litter tray, a room's not the best option. a Hamster or a rat would be the best bet. Rat's don't eat much, they can be really friendly and they're easy to clean after.

But be a man, get a snake and about 6 rats. that way if you forget to feed them, one will still be alive after a week.

They don't sell snakes here. Not much of a typical animal. Plus it has to be family friendly. The folks suggested getting a fish, but they are just boring as hell. No sense in getting one in my book. I might look into getting a hamster. If not a rabbit. Rabbit stuff is a lot easier to come over here than hamsters.



This is Sheeba :) And it's a guy pup :\ My Mum badly wanted to name him after the German Shepherd her family had when she was young ^.^ He's an Alaskan Malamute and Labrador mix. We brought him home last year in October or November.. I don't remember exactly. He's 4 months old. I LOVE HIM! ♥ :blush:
I've had a dog in my family since I was 7 years old. He has been my constant companion for the last 11, almost 12, years. He's a Labrador Retriever named Buddy. I got him as a little puppy, only a few weeks old. Instantly, there was a bond forged. When I moved out in July for college he was really sad, I used to go back to my house daily just to see him, now I go back a few times a week, it's only a 20 minute drive, but I never have the time. He goes crazy when he sees me, I'm still his favorite. From what my mom tells me, he sleeps in my old room because he's used to it. I mean, he did do it for his entire life. Except now, he sleeps on my bed by himself. He's a smart dog, too, loves to play. I used to play catch with him, I'd throw him a football from 30 yards away and that sucker would snag it. Love that dog.
I have a cat named Ripley which I found in January 2001.

I was out walking and heard meowing, eventually I noticed a cat that was frozen in a snowbank with only its head sticking out. I imagine that a snowplow drove by and accidently buried the cat.

I ended up digging her out and carried her back to my house where she has been by my side since. I'm pretty confinced that she's with me more than my shadow as she constantly follows me around or waits for me if I'm behind a closed door.
I grew up having Hovawarts. They are a rare German breed of guard dog, that many people have not heard of. Right now we have Flurry, she is a 7 year old Hovawart, and Barollo, who is a Rottweiler-Chow mix. We adopted him as a stray in 2008, so we do not know how old he is.


This is what Hovawarts look like. Flurry looks like that one. They also come in two other colors: solid black, and gold. I have a soft spot for dogs because of raising several dogs. I will always be a dog person, although I love animals and am open to almost any pet in the future.

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