The Perfect Wrestler - which parts?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Lets say you could build the perfect wrestler, which parts would you clone together from wrestlers gone by???

Look - Brock Lesnar
Big, strong, the hair - he just looked mean. A phenominal specimen. This is pre cock tatoo though!!!

Gimmick - Hulk Hogan
The biggest name ever in Wrestling. Carried WWF in the early days for a good 6 years. He was MASSIVE. His gimmick the american hero was just so marketable.

Technical Ability - Bret Hart
They didnt call him the excellence of execution for nothing. Could have a decent match with a bag of spanners. Never injured an opponent.

Professionalism - Undertaker
Stays in character at all times. Been a great servant to WWE and Wrestling as a hole. Takes his work VERY seriously. Proper old skool. He thinks Wrestling is real.

Brutality - Steve Austin
When he entered the ring you knew he meant business. Anyone ever us brutal as as vicious as The Rattlesnake?

Ariel Ability - Jeff Hardy
Got more high flying moves in his arsenal than most. Maybe not Rey but I prefer Jeffs movesets!

Charisma - The Rock
Nobody has ever come close to the charisma of this man. Face, Heel, he do do either with ease.

Promos - Edge
I guess this is similar to charisma, but I'm thinking not how it is said, but what is said. For me, Edge ALWAYS hits the nail on the head with his wording. Funny aswell.
OK mine is basically already alive... Teddy Hart. He can do just about anything. High-flying, technical wrestling, power moves. But If I had to make my perfect wrestler.

Look: AJ Styles. He's in great shape, he doesn't look to big or too small.

Technical Ability: Teddy Hart. He's great in the ring. His Mat skill in legitamit without being boring. Also Alex SHelly because he is so inventive and crazy.

Professionalism - Undertaker. Just like you said, he's always staying in "Taker Mode". Plus he always puts on an A1 show.

Brutality: Mick Foley: He's hardcore and for the fact he can't move very well, he can don so painful looking stuff. He is plain brutal.

Ariel Ability: Pac and Teddy Hart. Pac can do any move that anyone eles can do. He is like a Spot-Fan's dream come true. But teddy pulls his moves off with a certain perfection and swagger.

Charisma: Teddy Hart. If you listen to a promo or observe him in the ring, you'll see he has a more entertaining and real charisma about him.

Promos: John Cena and Teddy Hart: Both can cut great promos, but Teddy isn't all that funny. John Cena on the other hand is really creative.

Gimmick: Teddy Hart. A wrestler who's about putting the fans first everytime. And putting on a great show.
Great Idea... I'm just going to think off the top of my head, but I do like most of your picks

Look - Dave Batista - To me, he just looks meaner than Brock, similar physique.

Gimmick - Steve Austin - His badass character took him to "Tweener" level

Technical ability - Dean Malenko - He's the man of 1, 000 holds, always enjoyed his matches especially against high flyers like Mysterio

Professionalism - Sting - Tough to argue Taker, so I just chose the only other wrestler who I can think of who always remained loyal to the company no matter what

Brutality - Kane - The guy is a machine, and destroys everybody in his path

Arial Ability - Rey Mysterio Jr. - Not as good as he ages, but man the WCW cruiserweight matches and ECW matches were stuff of legend

Charisma - The Rock - Can't be argued

Promos - Ric Flair - I really wanted to give props to Jericho , but Flair is the reason why we have promos in wrestling and at 60+ he is still one of the best
Look - Brock Lesnar
Big, strong, the hair - he just looked mean. A phenominal specimen. This is pre cock tatoo though!!!

Yeah, he actually scared me when I was younger, he's definetly not my favourite, but he's got the mean look. But for baby face, I think you would need more of a smaller, less muscled guy.

Gimmick - Hulk Hogan
The biggest name ever in Wrestling. Carried WWF in the early days for a good 6 years. He was MASSIVE. His gimmick the american hero was just so marketable.

Um, I guess so. Hulk had a good gimmick, but what about Canadians? I think they would prefer Bret Hart or something. But I'm Canadian and I never really liked Bret Hart... :p Weird right?

Technical Ability - Bret Hart
They didnt call him the excellence of execution for nothing. Could have a decent match with a bag of spanners. Never injured an opponent.

Yeah, he deffinetly had the technical ability. Really good mat technition, I like watching his matches, but I preferred the highflyer-technical wrestling matches that he had.

Professionalism - Undertaker
Stays in character at all times. Been a great servant to WWE and Wrestling as a hole. Takes his work VERY seriously. Proper old skool. He thinks Wrestling is real.

I actually used to think this guy didn't have a life. Like, he was 'Taker all the time...I'm kidding, I didn't, but it's hard to believe that he does have a life outside of wrestling. One thing I don't like is if WWE ever finds him outside of character, then "it ruins the gimmick" or whatever. Like that picture of Michelle Mcool and Taker getting married? Yeah WWE kinda freaked out over that.:icon_neutral:

Brutality - Steve Austin
When he entered the ring you knew he meant business. Anyone ever us brutal as as vicious as The Rattlesnake?

Lemme, name a newer version of Stone Cold, Randy Orton. This guy is pretty brutal, escpecially with the whole RKO-ing Steph McMahon and DDT-ing her and then gave her a kiss while HHH was watching...pretty brutal.

Ariel Ability - Jeff Hardy
Got more high flying moves in his arsenal than most. Maybe not Rey but I prefer Jeffs movesets!

I actually like Jeff Hardy. I thought he was pretty good in the ring, and he's a great "risk taker". Rey is good too though, I like watching him wrestle. It's just entertaining.

Charisma - The Rock
Nobody has ever come close to the charisma of this man. Face, Heel, he do do either with ease.

I'm gonna say he had a lot of charisma in his promos. Where did he come up with that? He's pretty creative. (I'm only saying this cause most people remember him by his promos.)

Promos - Edge
I guess this is similar to charisma, but I'm thinking not how it is said, but what is said. For me, Edge ALWAYS hits the nail on the head with his wording. Funny aswell.

Like I said, for me, The Rock wins the promos. But, Edge is good too. Except for the past couple months. He's been absolutely brutal. It's not the Edge I remember, but his past ones are great.
look-orton...hes not to big and he is one of the tops in wwe today

gimmick-the miz...his attitude is perfect and he is the future of the business

techincal-angle/swagger...the are mat wrestlers and probly the best in there companies

brutality-umaga/heel kane...they r monsters and just destroyed the wwe

ariel ability-styles/mcmg....springboard 450 degree splash!!!! and they have some sick ass moves they pull off of the cage or ulitmate x or just off the ropes

charisma-rock/cena....both r great on the mic funny as hell too

promos-edge...hes the best at promos when he talks i dont get bored i get into it...thats why hes my favorite
Look-Flair...Stylin' and profilin'

Gimmick-Flair...The Nature Boy

Techical-Flair...The Original 60 Minute Man

Brutality-Flair...The Dirtiest Player in the Game

Aerial Ability-Flair...Nothing flies higher than Space Mountain


Promos-Flair...To be the Man, you gotta beat the Man, and whether you like it
or don't like it, learn to love it! Because it's the best thing going
Look- Ultimate Warrior- best physique in hisotry of the sport hands down. And the colorful costumes and logo were a marketing genius

gimmick- Shawn michaels back in 1997 when DX was just getting started and he seemed to be legitamatly pushing limits

technical- Mr. Perfect

Brutality - Goldberg- pretty fun streak

Ariel- i dont think this is too important overall. its usually a gimmick itself. I think Shawn Michaels used the perfect amount of it.

Charisma- the Rock

Promos- Austin- easily the best promo.
Look - Brock Lesnar
Big, powerful, athletic. This guy is a beast and can tear you up.

Gimmick - Randy Orton
The silent and deadly viper. Orton has about the best gimmick in the WWE today, tied with the Undertaker.

Technical Ability - Chris Benoit
Chris Benoit is my favorite technical wrestler. Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar, and Chris Benoit come close.

Professionalism - Undertaker
Takes his job seriously and never once let the company down.

Brutality - The Viper
Methodically takes you apart in the ring and springs a RKO out of no where at any moment.

Ariel Ability -Eddie Guerrero
The guy could mat wrestle and jump across the ring if he had to.

Charisma - John Cena
The current face of the WWE and works hard to keep everyone happy, especially the kids.

Promos - Jericho
Jericho has the best mic skills, the Miz is a close second.
A lot of the bloggers here seem to be of a younger crowd, which explains your choices for the post.

Look - Scott Steiner
Sound body/stature. The perfect breed. Steiner was a great wrestler before beefing up, but he....somehow, pulled off that look.

Gimmick - Hulk Hogan
The biggest gimmick ever. He had 0 in ring ability, but knew how to sell the crowd. So much so, that he's still in the game today, with even less talent than he had 15 years ago. That is the definition of the word gimmick.

Technical Ability - Kurt Angle
Simply the best "wrestler" in the game right now. Carries a match, and has the resume and "big game" mantra to prove it. This guy ALWAYS steps up in the big match.

Professionalism - Undertaker
Stays in character at all times. Been a great servant to WWE and Wrestling as a hole. Takes his work VERY seriously. Proper old skool. He thinks Wrestling is real.

Brutality - Steve Austin
When he entered the ring you knew he meant business. Anyone ever us brutal as as vicious as The Rattlesnake?

Ariel Ability - Jeff Hardy
Got more high flying moves in his arsenal than most. Maybe not Rey but I prefer Jeffs movesets!

Charisma - Shawn Michaels
-Best heel of the 90s. He single-handedly ended Bret's reign in the 90s. He was vilified for it, and thus led into DX/Attitude era. Were it not for his injury, he could've headlined 3 or 4 more Wrestlemanias.
-Now, as a face. WOW. The man literally re-invented himself in the 2000s. Please recall that HBK was a natural heel. His best Promos/matches were mid 90s, as a heel. But when he came back from the injury, the man found Christ and wrestled as such. He became the face for the company, regardless of being champ or not. He didn't need the belt to secure his place. Quite possibly, the greatest WWE wrestler of all time. Loyal to the absolute end. *Remember that Taker was a WCW guy first.

Promos - Ric Flair.
This is an absolute no brainer. He invented the promo. He ain't too bad at it 30 years later either. What gets lost in a promo is the fact that the announcers need to have charisma and chemistry with the talent base. Too bad Flair doesn't stick to the promo tho. He'd be an excellent heel GM. Too bad Vince is a grandpa now and has lost his eye for pop culture. It's sad actually.
P.S. If you're under 25, you cannot fairly answer this poll, as your knowledge is fairly limited. No offense.
Look - Mr. Anderson/Kennedy: He has a great look, not too big, not too small, can easily look like a face or a heel.

Gimmick - Daniel Bryan: "The Greatest Wrestler in the World".

Technical Ability - Jack Swagger: He's quick, agile, creative, and precise.

Professionalism - John Cena: Whether you love or hate the guy, you never hear anybody bad mouth him. He's always kind and respectful to his fans, and he's all about the business.

Brutality - Tommy Dreamer: This guy lives for the word Hardcore, always willing to put his body on the line.

Ariel Ability - Billy Kidman: Slightly bigger than most cruiserweights, but still a great flyer. His matches during his younger days in WCW were insane!

Charisma - Christian: Captain Charisma himself. He may not be able to showcase it as much in WWE, but he was oozing charisma in TNA.

Promo's - Mr. Anderson/Kennedy: He may be slipping a bit at the moment in TNA, (mainly because they gave him free reign in the use of the word "asshole") but the guy is just hilarious. He knows how to keep an audience captivated.
If this isn't a loaded question, I don't know what is. You'd have to take a LOT into consideration, and you'd still miss something somewhere.

Mic Skills: Rock/Austin/and yes MIZ

Ring Skills: Jericho/Shelton Benjamin/Kurt Angle

Showmanship: Hogan/Rock/Sting/Flair/Ultimate Warrior/etc/etc/etc/etc.....

It's hard to dissect pieces of stars and make the ultimate wrestler. There's just so much that each man brought to the table, it's impossible to pick just a few traits from a few performers and make the perfect wrestler.

In fact, I think it'd be easier to say who's your perfect stable of wrestlers if you could combine traits.

Jeff Hardy's Spots, John Cena's Appeal, Shelton Benjamin's technical ability, Austin's Microphone skills

Hogan's Appeal, Warrior's intensity (misguided as it may be), Rock's Mic Skills and Flair's Ring presence....

Can you truly and honestly pick just a few pieces to make one wrestler? No one and I mean No One can have it all. Some can have most of it, but nobody can have it all.

Put Evan Bourne's ability on Hulk Hogan and you have nearly the perfect wrestler.

Take Ric Flair's legend and slather it on a guy like Charlie Haas, and you have a perfect wrestler.

It's an impossible question to answer decisively.
A lot of the bloggers here seem to be of a younger crowd, which explains your choices for the post.
P.S. If you're under 25, you cannot fairly answer this poll, as your knowledge is fairly limited. No offense.

just because im younger doesnt mean i dont know my wrestling, same goes for everyone else here under 25, i bet theres some here that probably know a shitload more about wrestling then you do...douche

Look: Batista - Awesome build, and looks like he could tear up any opponent

Gimmick: Kevin Thorne - i thought the vampire thing was awesome, too bad he never went anywhere with wwe

Technical ability: Kurt Angle - He won a freaking gold medal with a freaking broken neck!

Professionalism: Undertaker - no arguments there, i love how someone said that undertaker thinks wrestling is real

Brutality: Edge, the two hardcore matchs he did with foley:lol: (single and tag team) are my two all time favourites

Ariel Ability: Jeff Hardy - awesome risk taker, pulled off some of the best stunts ive ever seen including the whisper in the wind from the top of a steel cage on umaga

Charisma: The Rock - was one of the best in both roles of heel or face, always had the fans right behind him

Mic Skills: Jericho - The stuff he comes up with is gold, the man of 1004 holds, both his raw debuts, conspiracy theory, he is the best in the world at what he does
Look - AJ Styles. The perfect non-steroid physique IMO

Gimmick - The ECW Raven....I loved this gimmick, so cool

Technical Ability - Kurt Angle. Best in the world today

Professionalism - Undertaker. It is well known how respected this man is

Brutality - Goldberg. The man was an animal in the ring. A wrecking machine

Ariel Ability -AJ Styles. The best high-flyer in the business

Charisma - The Rock. The most charismatic wrestler I have ever seen

Promos - Raven. He isnt there for comedy, but can cut the most compelling promos
Fucking awesome thread man:worship:

Look: I like kaval's look (no homo). He's smaller but looks like he could kick anyones ass. His gear is pretty cool too.

Gimmick: randy orton's viper gimmick. To me is one of the greatest gimmicks ever.

Technical: dean malenko, man of 1000 holds, the ice man. One of the best technical wrestlers ever. Also had great stamina. He was emotion-less hence the name ice man.

Professionalism: I guess undertaker or john cena. Undertake and cena are both loyal to the company. Cena is always the first one there and the last one to leave. He's the face of the company.

Brutality: grrr as much as I hate to say it...chris benoit. :disappointed: The man even tagged his partner in hard. His fuckin chops were heard throughout the stadium. Just mean as hell in (and out) of the ring. Goldberg's brutality was good too.

Airiel: hmmm... shelton benjamin. I know he wasn't really an airiel specialist but he had hops. His leaps were amazing and when he did fly, he left out jaws on the ground.

Charisma: eddie guererro. Could get major heatas a heel or major major pops as a face. Rip eddie

Promos: the rock...there's no need to explain this one.

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