The perfect storm.


Undertaker, If that is ur real name
Remember a few months back when everyone was begging for The Shield triple threat match at Wrestlemania? The WWE has the perfect storm to set that up if they decide to pull the trigger. All they would need is to align two more pieces. As long as Rollins is cleared by then and to have Ambrose win the Royal Rumble. Roman is the Champ. Rollins is entitled a rematch. And Ambrose gets a guarenteed shot at Wrestlemania. As for who should win? No clue. As far as what HHH, Lesnar, Sheamus will be doing. No idea. But if they wanted the triple threat match. It could happen.
No it couldnt . Rollins will be nowere near cleared until at least late spring.

Let's try late Summer, do you have any idea the heal time and extensive rehab when dealing with an ACL tear? I can tell you from experience it's takes damn near a year to heal from. I don't expect him to come back until SS at the earliest.
It's a little different when it's a worked sport, not a legit sport. Also, a year is a little dramatic. This isn't 1978.

But yea, May at the absolute earliest with a massive brace was my thought anyways. 6 - 9 months was his original projected return, and the injury occurred in early Nov.

Either way, ain't no triple threat at Mania going down :lmao:
That would of been the perfect scenario with the injuries WWE have at the moment. However Seth will no where near be ready. Usually a year for ACLs. Given it isn't a real sport it will probably be 8-10 months. Not enough time for him to be back by Mania. If there is any chance, which there isn't but if there was, I would rather have Rollins win the Rumble. I don't know what it is but I just can't view Dean Ambrose as that person who should win the Rumble. Good wrestler but to me he is just not in the upper tier of main eventers.

Would have definitely been the perfect opportunity to have it though given WWE's current status of the roster.
That would of been the perfect scenario with the injuries WWE have at the moment. However Seth will no where near be ready. Usually a year for ACLs. Given it isn't a real sport it will probably be 8-10 months. Not enough time for him to be back by Mania. If there is any chance, which there isn't but if there was, I would rather have Rollins win the Rumble. I don't know what it is but I just can't view Dean Ambrose as that person who should win the Rumble. Good wrestler but to me he is just not in the upper tier of main eventers.

Would have definitely been the perfect opportunity to have it though given WWE's current status of the roster.

Okay, I'm sorry but that isn't a real sport stuff is BS. He tore his knee doing a routine move. It's just as dangerous if not more dangerous. Because if he comes back for Mania he will be wrestling full time.

If anything I think they should rest and recover more. Why? Because you are putting hell on your body. I know a few indy guys around here and they are messed up from "little" 6-8 minute matches 3-4x a month. I can't imagine what those 10-15 minute matches 4x a week do to you.
The danger element is not the point in mentioning real sport vs worked sport.

The point is that unlike in a real sport, you can cooperatively work around someone's injury so as to protect it, thus letting them come back a little earlier than they would in a sport were dynamic stop/start and impact is the name of the game.

Rollins can work a more conservative style and his opponents can help work around his limitations if they want him back earlier than the long prognosis
You actually believe you can come back in that short of time?? Seriously? Lol? I tore my ACL in a high school basketball game in 1995 as starting guard. I had surgery at University of Kentucky Sports Medicine. You don't come back in 6 months no matter how hard you train. Rollins won't be back till SS.
Perhaps that should've been one of the Wrestlemania Main event plans until Seth Rollins got injured. Considering the time which takes him to get back to the ring, this is just a dream match for all of us. This match would need at least 2 or 3 PPV buildup leading to the Wrestlemania main event. In that context, I would rather wait till Wrestlemania 33 than rushing things up for the Summer Slam of 2016.
Yeah if he comes back in time it would be great but if not this is definitely what they should do for WM33.

It might even be better to wait a year because ideally, all three guys will have solidified themselves as big time main event players.

I don't know if they are really trying to make "The Family" a stable or if that's just something they threw together to go against League of Nations, but you could definitely tie that into it.

But if Rollins is ready by Wrestlemania, I don't know if Ambrose is really a big enough draw to main event Wrestlemania as opposed to Reigns vs. Lesnar or HHH.
Remember a few months back when everyone was begging for The Shield triple threat match at Wrestlemania? The WWE has the perfect storm to set that up if they decide to pull the trigger. All they would need is to align two more pieces. As long as Rollins is cleared by then and to have Ambrose win the Royal Rumble. Roman is the Champ. Rollins is entitled a rematch. And Ambrose gets a guarenteed shot at Wrestlemania. As for who should win? No clue. As far as what HHH, Lesnar, Sheamus will be doing. No idea. But if they wanted the triple threat match. It could happen.

It would be really a perfect storm..... :rolleyes: But there is no chance of it happening at Wrestlemania 32 because Seth Rollins cant return so soon.... As much as i remember, He broke his ACL, MCL & Meniscus too.... So he may return before Summerslam although i am not sure about it too but Wrestlemania nopes! Ortho matters require long time to heal.... I tore my ACL last year and i am still healing although without surgery! I hope it happens at Wrestlemania 33 or Summerslam with Reigns being heel, Rollins being face and Ambrose being face too :rolleyes:
By the way, I dont see WWE giving Ambrose a place in main event of Wrestlemania because He is considered just a sidekick and not a main eventer by WWE but i see main event potential in him... :shrug:
Okay, I'm sorry but that isn't a real sport stuff is BS. He tore his knee doing a routine move. It's just as dangerous if not more dangerous. Because if he comes back for Mania he will be wrestling full time.

If anything I think they should rest and recover more. Why? Because you are putting hell on your body. I know a few indy guys around here and they are messed up from "little" 6-8 minute matches 3-4x a month. I can't imagine what those 10-15 minute matches 4x a week do to you.

Yeah I worded it a bit wrong. NorCal cleared up what I was meant to say. Rollins doesn't have to do the phoenix splash or all these such dangerous moves. He isn't running Kilometres/miles in couple hour spans, or tennis were they continuely have to run side to side back to back, basketball were you run up and down a court and jump at all times and rugby where you do exactly what you do in wrestling pretty much but you have people trying to hurt you on the ground. Now I know wrestling has all those elements in some form but they are not required. You can't just decide not to run up and down the court in basketball. You also have guys, if doing there job properly are doing the best they can to not seriously hurt you.
I think when the eventual Shield triple threat match at Mania happens, it's going to be the biggest thing in a long time. That being said, I don't see it happening for years. People will continuously, every single year predict the Shield triple threat for Mania, and every single year WWE won't give it to them... until they do, which I think is smart.

As for OP, even if Rollins could make the comeback, there's no shot of Dean winning the Rumble at this point. He just won the IC title and he's not positioned near well enough to main event Mania. This would be the perfect storm if the perfect storm were a light drizzle.

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