The People's Ballin'?


Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
Yes, you read that right. And no, at first glance, it doesn't make sense. But let me explain.

I say "The People's Ballin" because MVP's "Ballin" drop seems to be catching some steam. MVP has won some good matches, and the Ballin spot seems to be a consistent and popular one.

Eerilly similar to one People's Elbow.

The strong thing about the elbow was that it was rarely used to finish a match. It's an elbow, not even from the top. The Rock Bottom was the actual finisher.

That is the important peice here. When MVP goes "Ballin" it shouldn't be the end of a match. But similar to the elbow, it should be a popular spot, like the 619.

Otherwise, it runs the risk of becoming The Worm, part 2, and nobody wants that.
If somebody could tell me what ''Ballin''' means I'd be grateful. With WWE being PG I'm guessing it doesn't mean what came into my head initially.

It'll never be the same as The People's Elbow. Both are silly. But there's one thing that separates them, The Rock didn't do a silly little dance every time it hit it. Sometimes he did, special occasions and that. But I think that's one thing that'll stop that Ballin' thing becoming as popular. I really do think it has more in common with The Worm.

Somebody ban Irish for that title.
It's just a silly move. It gets the crowd more into it. As a babyface that's what you want.
If somebody could tell me what ''Ballin''' means I'd be grateful. With WWE being PG I'm guessing it doesn't mean what came into my head initially.

Means to be wealthy and such, like "Yo, I'm ballin now since I got that raise." Or it means, pretty much, basketball. "Ay yo, wanna go ballin at the court later?" *Note* This wasn't meant to be sarcastic in any way.

Anyway, The People's Elbow was more elaborate than Ballin' I feel. I mean, he tore off the elbow pad, did the arm wave, bounced back and forth off the ropes and did the little leg shimmy before dropping the elbow. I DO see where Irish is coming from as it is a signature move that is more theatric than a legitimate move.

I like MVP even though his Playmaker finisher is friggin awkward and lame. It is along the lines of the 619 in terms of setting up and actually being able to do at random. The RKO works, a DDT can even work, but the Playmaker takes too much time and cooperation from the other guy. That is for another thread though.
Thank god. I thought I was gonna have to come in and school someone saying how"it dosnet eben lok like it hgrts what a stpid move." I didn't realize it was IC that started it. I like the comparision to the People's Elbow, it's similar in execution. It's also doin a good job of getting him over. I love the crowd participation, makes it interesting to see where he can go with crowd.
Ehhhhhhh, I see how it's a parallel with the People's Elbow in that it gets the pop from the crowd. And it's getting a bigger and bigger pop as MVP picks up steam.

But I'm getting caught on that weird wiggle thing he does before hand. Sorta like Cena's 5 Knuckle Shuffle, only way more white. It looks I'm out there trying to dance to a Shakira record or something.

If he simply ran the ropes, stopped at the opponent, did his hand movement, and landed it, then the move would be fine. Almost completely like the People's Elbow, actually. And Cena's 5 Knuckle Shuffle. But the wiggle thing takes too much time, and makes it seem, as you suggested, more like the Worm than the People's Elbow.
Eerilly similar to one People's Elbow.

Woah!! Did you just say the ballin elbow is like the people's elbow?! You cant even compare the two. The ballin elbow is used for a pop from the crowd and that's it. The People's elbow is arguably the best finisher ever. The Rock made dropping an elbow must see tv, he had the whole crowd on it's feet and people loved that move.

The strong thing about the elbow was that it was rarely used to finish a match. It's an elbow, not even from the top. The Rock Bottom was the actual finisher.

Not really. The Peoples elbow was the finisher, it finished tons of matches. After the rock left the nation both moves became part of the rocks arsenal. He would use either one to finish a match.
Woah!! Did you just say the ballin elbow is like the people's elbow?! You cant even compare the two. The ballin elbow is used for a pop from the crowd and that's it. The People's elbow is arguably the best finisher ever. The Rock made dropping an elbow must see tv, he had the whole crowd on it's feet and people loved that move.

Not really. The Peoples elbow was the finisher, it finished tons of matches. After the rock left the nation both moves became part of the rocks arsenal. He would use either one to finish a match.

Um no its very arguable the People's Elbow sucked and it was a joke. Just like what MVP does and its a good way to get the crowd into it. The ENTIRE crowd chants it now. He's getting the fans behind that move big time. Good for him.
The People's elbow is arguably the best finisher ever.

Yet it was hardly ever used to finish the match, as pointed out in this thread. So I don't feel right personally to call it a finisher.

I do believe that the Ballin' elbow is the closest thing to a People's elbow you're gonna see in the WWE. I mean how many variations on elbow drops with catchy crowd-hooks can the WWE really throw out into that ring? I'm glad it's getting MVP over.
If somebody could tell me what ''Ballin''' means I'd be grateful. With WWE being PG I'm guessing it doesn't mean what came into my head initially.

The term "ballin" was made popular in '06-'07 by rapper Jim Jones. It just means you've got a lot of money so your a baller....It actually played out about a year ago and wish MVP would stop using it...but its starting to catch on in the wrestling world so it'll be around awhile.
Yet it was hardly ever used to finish the match, as pointed out in this thread. So I don't feel right personally to call it a finisher.

I do believe that the Ballin' elbow is the closest thing to a People's elbow you're gonna see in the WWE. I mean how many variations on elbow drops with catchy crowd-hooks can the WWE really throw out into that ring? I'm glad it's getting MVP over.

The ppl's elbow finished off plenty of matches, he would always set it up with a spinebuster, do the elbow, and get the win.

Um no its very arguable the People's Elbow sucked and it was a joke. Just like what MVP does and its a good way to get the crowd into it. The ENTIRE crowd chants it now. He's getting the fans behind that move big time. Good for him.

the peoples elbow sucked? your talking privileges has been revoked.
Ballin' as a term is outdated. I'm surprised that it works for him, but I guess it fits the MVP character. Does he end the match with that move though? I don't recall. If he does then I would find it a weak finisher, but then again, these days pretty much everyones finisher is weak.

As for it as a move...I'm pretty tired of that particular style of move. Yes it's the same type of move as The Peoples Elbow, which is the same type of move as Austin middle finger knee drop, which is the same as Cenas "dirt of the should" face punch. It simply a move that incorporates something related to the wrestlers gimmick/style and adds it to a simple match. I don't find it all that interested though.
I understand the point of a move like this, but frankly, I don't like it. How many Peoples Elbow ripoffs do we really need?

Ingredients of the Peoples Elbow:

1. Opponent on floor, laying flat.
2. Rock does something to signify the Peoples Elbow coming up, wasting time.
3. Rock goes to the ropes and comes back.
4. Rock does a quick flashy thing.
5. Elbow drop.

Ingredients of the Boom Boom thing Kofi does:

1. Opponent on floor, laying flat.
2. Kofi runs around in a circle to signify the upcoming move, wasting time.
3. Kofi goes to the ropes and comes back.
4. Kofi does a quick flashy thing, the "boom boom"
5. Legs to the gut.

Ingredients of the Five Knuckle Shuffle:
1. Opponent on floor, laying flat.
2. Cena wastes time by looking around confused, then puts his hand up, and says "you can't see me" to signify that the move is coming up.
3. Cena goes to the ropes and comes back.
4. Cena does some gay little shoulder rub.
5. Weak looking hand to the face.

Ingredients of the Ballin' elbow drop:

1. Opponent on floor, laying flat.
2. MVP flips out and says something indistinguishable like "come on and please cheer for me", wasting time and signifying that he move is coming up.
3. MVP goes to the ropes and comes back.
4. MVP does the weird little dance and the basketball thing.
5. Elbow drop.

So personally, I'm a little tired of seeing the same thing over and over again. But it does in fact - for some reason - get the crowd involved, and the business rule is always product over personal, so just because I don't like it doesn't mean they should get rid of it if it works. But what they have to be careful about is that The Rock isn't someone they can just copy and reap the benefits from. The Rock was The Rock, and nobody else can be The Rock. If they try to make MVP "The Rock 2.0", it will fail. And another thing that helped The Rock out over the years was that he had multiple things to rely on. "If you smell what the Rock is cooking", "Finally the Rock has come back to..", blah blah blah. If MVP just says "Ballin" 20 times in the same segment, people will get tired of it very fast and it will tank.
God you'd think that World Wrestling Entertainment were meant to be entertaining folk wouldn't you...

The whole point of these moves is go get the crowd going, they're not meant to be the canadian destroyer or a 450 spash, jsut something to get the crowd into the match, enjoy the experience and come back again.

whenever I go to see the WWE live, I eerily, find myself on my feet mimicking the taunts used before these moves (Kofi's shimmy and Tundaclap, MVP's Three Throw, Cena's hand waving) and Batista's entrance, mostly without my own consent.

The term "ballin" certainly isn't out of date, not in the hip hop community anyway and for Jake, is used to describe anyone with money as in US black culture, the rich flashy guys in the club will be sportsmen or ballers (basketball, football, soccer, baseball) players. So for MVP, Ballin will be a reminder of the kinda lifestyle he is portraying.

Anyhoo... I watched raw or something with some guys who dont watch wrestling anymore (attitude era types) who are very critical of everyone bar Triple H, Taker and Cena who were like "so does this guy think he's The Rock now" when they saw the elbow drop, so maybe the original poster ahs a point.
I think they're trying to get it over to the point it can be a finisher as MVP has never had a finisher that has caught on. At the moment it is the only think MVP does that gets a pop, not even his entrance gets anything.

With The People's Elbow, it has been said it was a bit of fun aimed at getting a laugh. It just happened to be more over than 90% of the entire roster at the time. It went from a little move that would be lucky to get a two count and ended up pinning Hulk Hogan at WrestleMania.

However, you had to be a special superstar to get a move like that over. MVP is nowhere near that level at the moment. He seemed to be on the way towards the end of the losing streak but they have tweaked his character too much. If they gave his character that as a finisher now it would either start giving him a pop or he would end up as the next Scotty 2 Hotty.
The People's Elbow was made for laughs, as Pebble said it just got more over than arguably any other finishing move at the time, it wasnt long and it very soon became Rocky's genuine finishing move. At points The Rock Bottom was used as a set up for the People's Elbow, it was his main finishing move.

I dont think that will ever be repeated, I mean the only person who could come close to making a rediculous move like that popular again is John Cena, and while I am a fan he doesnt have a hope in hell. The Ballin' Elbow drop is good for what it is, a crowd popper, I dont think it'll ever have people believing it to finish off guy's like Hogan and Austin which is what Rock did for the Elbow.

Also The Worm was awesome.

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