The OVW class of '02

Head of the OVW class of '02?

  • Brock Lesner

  • Randy Orton

  • John Cena

  • Batista

  • Shelton Benjamin

  • Doug Basham

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CM Steel

A REAL American
In 2002 right after the first ever WWE draft. The E called up from OVW the "Class of '02".

1. Brock Lesner: Debut on the first RAW after Wrestlemania 18.

2. Randy Orton: Debut on Smackdown of April of '02 with a win over Hardcore Holly.

3. John Cena: Debut on Smackdown of June '02 with a loss against Kurt Angle.

4. Shelton Benjamin: Debut on Sunday Night Heat (RAW brand) in '02 working his way up with the "It's all about the Benjamin" gimmick.

5. Doug Basham: Was in OVW at the 2002 point. But didn't debut in the WWE on the Smackdown brand with tag team partner Danny Holiday/Basham.

6. (Dave) Batista: Debut the same month as future Evolution member Randy Orton on Smackdown. Adding "Rev." D-Von Dudley as "Deacan Batista".

CM Punk didn't debut from OVW to the WWE unti'l later on at the 2006 era of the WWE on the ECW brand.

But out of the class of 2002. Who was the "head of the class" from OVW? And who had the most succes in the WWE?
It's hardly a competition when John Cena is on that list. Since graduating from OVW, John Cena has been at the top of the WWE for over 6 years which is a very impressive feat. John Cena went from a GI Joe look-a-like to main eventing PPVs and Wrestlemanias. He's the single most recognizable Superstar in the WWE. John was absolute shit in OVW and wrestled so stiffly. He had a shitty gimmick and an even shittier character. Not only did he overcome and grow out of that, but Cena has become the center of the wrestling world.

Much like John Cena, I saw nothing in anyone from 2002 with the exception of Batista and Doug Basham. Brock Lesnar showed me no charisma in OVW, Shelton Benjamin stayed in Lesnar's shaddow, John Cena was incredibly stiff and needed improvement and Randy Orton was an ass. But damn was I wrong. The class of 2002 supplied us with an entire generation of top wrestlers which included Cena, Orton and Batista. I don't know what it was OVW was putting in their water but 2002 was a phenomenal year for producing future stars.
A few of these guys went on to become big name but the biggest success and the leader of this class is easily John Cena. Why? He's the face of the company, he's a 12 time World Champion(10 WWE and 2 World Heavyweight) and and one of the best wrestlers in WWE history. Nobody has done what Cena has, aside from his record number of WWE title reigns he is the superstar of this generation and has dominated WWE with his charisma and ability as a wrestler.

Lesnar did extremely well for the amount of time he was in the company and had he stayed longer he might have recieved my vote. Randy Orton is ultra talented and one fo the best in ring performers in wrestling history but he can't touch Cena's accolades or charisma. Batista is another one of the names that deserves some attention and he did alot but next to these three he doesn't deserve to be called number one. Had these boys been in seperate classes there is no doubt that each of them would be considered top of their perspective group but with all these guys coming in the same year, Cena takes #1.
The initial statement and the ultimate question are two different things. One asks who WWE would draft first and the other question asks who would have the biggest impact in WWE. My responses are Brock and Cena respectively.
Well the answer to who has had the most success is obviously John Cena when you look at the accolades that the wrestlers on the list have received and the number of titles won. He is the WWE's number one guy and has been for a long time now. Cena will likely go down as the most decorated champion of all time when its all said and done.

However Lesnar achieved a great amount during his short WWE stint. Had Brock remained with the WWE, I have no doubt that HE would be the most successful put of the OVW class of '02. Lesnar was set to be THE guy in WWE and I really believe he would be at least a 10x world champion by now. At such a young age he did not one look out of place in the main event, had world class matches with several guys (he was far better in the ring than Orton and Cena), and was improving on the mic all the time. He was definitely the GOLDEN BOY from the class of 02, which was evident in the way he was booked and how quickly he was pushed to the main event and world title picture. It took Orton and Cena a while to get there, but Lesnar was there almost immediately.

Looking at that class, to have 3 guys the calibre of Lesnar, Cena and Orton coming up to the main roster within a few months is astonishing. Not to mention Shelton Benjamin who was criminally underused and has yet to fulfil his undoubted talent. WWE can only dream of a class this good right now, but not TNA has signed a deal with OVW, maybe we will see a TNA class of this standard within a few years. It's possible, but I am not holding my breath.
Well in terms of short term success you got to go with Brock Lesnar. He was the quickest star of the bunch and was pushed to the moon before any of the other guys even won a mid-card title! So if you asked if who headed the group right away I would say Brock Lesnar, but I know you mean long term achievements.

There really isn't any other choice but John Cena because when you take a look at his accolades you see the stuff of legends. Cena is the only one of these guys that at the moment is a guarantee future Hall of Famer. Sure Brock, Dave, Randy, and Shelton (never mind on that one) where the faces of the company at one point but ALL of them lost the crown to Cena who has and will hold the his position at the top until he is the equivalent of Ric Flair today! Shelton and Doug aren't even comparable with the other 4 so they are eliminated. Batista and Lesnar had great success but ended it prematurely, and Cena and Orton have achieved prosperity in WWE to the point where they will stay there for a long time! When you are comparing golden boys such as those 2 than when you pick one you opt the one that has been there longer and heads the flagship show (in this case Raw). Cena fits those description thus his adulation (praise and status) is more relevant than Orton's thus winning him the right to be called the best man to come out of Ohio valley wrestling in 2002.

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